Money saving boating ideas

Saving money! Build your own dock line shock absorbers for a fraction of the cost. Cover your bumpers with T shirts for a tenth of the cost of bumper covers! Follow us on Facebook at Puffin is a 19 meter steel hulled ketch, currently slipped in Charleston, SC. My wife and I are living the dream while living aboard.

Money saving boating ideas sentiment_very_dissatisfied 16

Boat 7 years ago 27,857 views

Saving money! Build your own dock line shock absorbers for a fraction of the cost. Cover your bumpers with T shirts for a tenth of the cost of bumper covers! Follow us on Facebook at Puffin is a 19 meter steel hulled ketch, currently slipped in Charleston, SC. My wife and I are living the dream while living aboard.

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Most popular comments
for Money saving boating ideas

The Dank Knight
The Dank Knight - 6 years ago
Car tires...
They don't look pretty but I've weathered many storms with them
billyrubin75 - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video. About UV degradation: what about UV protecting SLEEVES to put over the rubber (Tyvek or athletic = 3 pairs for $10)?
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 6 years ago
billyrubin75, Thanks for watching! Great idea!
Mikefule - 6 years ago
Nice. You could have avoided wasting a cable tie (more plastic to end up in the ocean) by using a short length of line and a constrictor knot.
captain lee
captain lee - 6 years ago
You are the main man for tips and tricks no but jokes intended.
arik x
arik x - 6 years ago
very well explained . thank you
Robin Katsu
Robin Katsu - 6 years ago
I will copy the idea of covering the fenders but i would get old t shirts from red cross - sallys - st vincent de pauls places like that for $1 or maybe out of the free box
Sailing DD Circumnavigation
Sailing DD Circumnavigation - 6 years ago
Buddy you are as red as tge wall behind you. Lol
Ted thesailor
Ted thesailor - 6 years ago
Good man. Simple, slick ideas. Keep them coming.
Kevin Eidsmore
Kevin Eidsmore - 6 years ago
Brad, I want to ask you about being a merchant in your own personal sailboat around the world. I want to do this to make profit/money using my own home built catamaran designed for cargo hauling. Not yet wanting to ask you more about the design of my boat, but first I'm more focused on knowing about trading goods around the world and what I can expect around places like Canada, India, Australia, NZ, Hawaii, USA, & the U.K. Are goods such as power tools, Canadian ice cream, canned food, bicycles, jewelry, & other legal items to 'traffic' or transport profitable? Can I expect not just the U.S. Coast Guard, but other countries government bullies to hound me on the seas!? I know my boat is not going to be made 100% legal such as maybe no running lights or CB radio.. will that be something a coast guard bully would notice? I feel I don't have to maximize my cargo space and can have a lot of live aboard area for myself and 3 other people in a 45 foot long catamaran sailboat (electric motor power as well for backup propulsion method). When emailing me, mention 'Sailing Puffin YouTube' in the subject line so I know it's you Brad. I'm Kevin Eidsmore. @Eidsmore on Twitter (white guy with sunglasses on & lightning background) or Email me:

10. comment for Money saving boating ideas

Bradley B
Bradley B - 6 years ago
Nice boat. Great ideas! Thx.
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
Love the bare bottoms outtake. Thanks for the laugh.
Rodney Reynolds
Rodney Reynolds - 6 years ago
only problem is that those bungee cords do not last long at all in the sun... used to have a gas tank strapped down with one on my pontoon boat and had it degrade in just one summer and lost my tank while towing the boat home... hope you have better luck than I did.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 6 years ago
Rodney, Thanks for watching! Yes, you have to keep an eye on them, or perhaps cover with a fabric sleeve. The WestMarine ones degrade fast, too.. the big difference is the cost.
Peter Gerkens
Peter Gerkens - 6 years ago
Really smart!! Thx,Brad!
John o'neal
John o'neal - 6 years ago
What material was that shirt for the fender? Some kind of meshy quick drying polyester type athletic shirt right?
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 6 years ago
John, Thanks for watching. I used regular cotton. In Charleston harbor, it lasted about 2 months. Longer elsewhere. Point was the cost. I could buy about 20 t-shirts for the price of one of the WestMarine covers. The t-shirt lasts about half the time as the expensive one, but I have six of the big bumpers. Saved hundreds of dollars every year.
Serveck - 6 years ago
the bloopers made this video :)
A seagypsy's Adventures
A seagypsy's Adventures - 6 years ago
Great tips man !
G King
G King - 6 years ago
Snubbers were a good idea but they only last a few months before the UV in Florida eats them up.
David Smith
David Smith - 6 years ago
Buy some Sunbrella material for $25 a yard and cover them. It would improve the looks also.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 6 years ago
G King, this may sound odd, but you can always put a spray sunscreen on the UV sensitive parts.... Yes, it does work, but it has the downside of making your equipment feel greasy, and it does tend to eat stuff on its own; mainly some plastics I have found (watch crystals, etc). We have a UV problem in Colorado, too.
S/V Roys Joy
S/V Roys Joy - 6 years ago
Or just us a fender you already have on board cost nothing
Torsten Behrendt
Torsten Behrendt - 6 years ago
You can also just coil some rope arround a piece of rubber hose. Works just fine ..

20. comment for Money saving boating ideas

Aaron Wilde
Aaron Wilde - 7 years ago
Wow love puffin, love the ideas
jÜRGEN Z'PPdN MrK'ez - 7 years ago
The moon is bright and shining, hahaha. Great video!!
Sailing S/V Slipstream
Sailing S/V Slipstream - 7 years ago
Just found your channel man ur one handy guy thanks for sharing ,,,,cheers
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Slipstream, Thanks for watching!
cobar1954 - 7 years ago
Im sure the word boat means ( bring on another thousand) i was always spending heaps , great video
Kas - 7 years ago
great video :D i subbed!!! keep it up.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Elite Chiller, Thanks for watching!
Ignacio Segarra
Ignacio Segarra - 7 years ago
Shock absorber bumper you are a smart Cookie, old timer. I think that I better subscribe. Thank you.
Ignacio Segarra
Ignacio Segarra - 7 years ago
No, I thank you for the entertainment. It's too bad that I don't have the smack nor the lack of years to take Puffin of your capable hands. But, I did enjoyed the tour very much. I worked on ship, a good many years, so the first thing that I look at is the engine and the set up in the engine room. I always liked the chiller a/c system and your bilge routing is great. Again, thanks for the entertainment.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Ignacio, Thanks for watching!
victor cronce
victor cronce - 7 years ago
This was done so well. All your videos are informational. Thanks so much!
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Great plan! I just moved from my boat to Colorado (Springs area). I thought about doing the air B&B with the boat, but Puffin is a little complex for the average occupant, although the size is optimal for that purpose. The marina I was at also did not allow air B&B.... I toyed with the idea of hiring a full time captain and chartering the boat (out of Bahamas, Belize, etc...), but have not done it (yet?).
victor cronce
victor cronce - 7 years ago
Thanks I will check it out. Currently my wife and I live in Colorado and we love the waters of San diego. So are thoughts are to find a boat and air b and B it except when we need to use it for vacation. Then retire there.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
victor, Thanks for watching. If you have not already tumbled to it, there is a great website out there with 'Sailing Britican'. Kim does a great job in figuring out cost saving tips.
Mike Scala
Mike Scala - 7 years ago
brilliant idea! Thanks Brad
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago

Thanks again!   Have fun with yours!
notanxiousanxiety - 7 years ago
This guy is fucking smart! Why couldn't you be my grandfather!
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Notanxiousanxiety,   Ha!  I am definitely in Grandfather training mode!
Leuff - 7 years ago
Cool! Lovely neighbors you have there as well.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Leuff,   I am truly blessed to have the Browns as neighbors!   Aside from good advice on everything from repairs to sailing tips, they also are raising Sienna.... who gives us a run for our money at putt putt golf, bowling, and any other game she can get us to take part in :)!

30. comment for Money saving boating ideas

Building Wharrams
Building Wharrams - 7 years ago
Thanks for the advice Brad.
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
SV Satoshi,   Thanks!
SailingBritican - 7 years ago
Awesome video as always Captain Brad :)
SailingBritican - 7 years ago
Me too!
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
My ratings cannot help but boost because of the antics of my neighbors.  Love It!
Sailing Solitude
Sailing Solitude - 7 years ago
Nice video! Helpful!
Also, would appreciate a video of your experience of importing a boat into the US.. Saw you mentioning it on the Britican video, and as someone that plans to do the same, I'd appreciate understanding the hoops one must jump through...
Thank you..
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Sailing Solitude, Did you import? How did it go?
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Sailing Solitude,  Thanks for watching!   Yes, the process was like hitting my head on a brick wall.   It would make a good video.
PelenTan - 7 years ago
You should have taken it one step further with the bumpers. Go with the long sleeves and fill the sleeves with small long-style fenders! Great for Halloween! Especially if you tie another small round one on top!
Leuff - 7 years ago
I am sad to hear that and I hope next owner will be as cool as you and share some of the joys of owning such a beautiful boat with us. Thanks for responding!
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Leuff,   Yes, Puffin is up for sale.   Will anounce same in a video.... perhaps there is a buyer out there who wants a lot of boat for the $.    My wife and I are headed to Colorado, and it is a wee bit hard to sail there from here.  Boat goes on the hard in mid June.
Leuff - 7 years ago
Wait, is Puffin for sale?
Sailing Puffin
Sailing Puffin - 7 years ago
Pelen Tan,   I (with a heavy heart) have hung a for-sale sign on her.   What I really need is a bunch of kids to come help me :).
PelenTan - 7 years ago
Oh, and put a "Help Wanted" sign on your boat!

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