NOOB!! Mistakes were Made!! Newbie Bass Boat Fails!
Boat 7 years ago 276,556 views
Compilation of my bass boat fails as a new boat owner. I'm not perfect by any means. This is my very first boat and I've made some interesting mistakes. nothing major yet! 2017 Skeeter ZX250 Hobie Pro Angler 12 Nativewatercraft slayer propel 13 ############### Hey guys please subscribe to my channel if you are looking for: bass fishing tips and techniques how to catch bass on lakes how to catch bass on ponds how to catch bass in rivers Kayak bass tournaments Kayaking for beginners Fishing challenges Fishing videos Kayak Camping Videos Plastic Worm Fishing Techniques Kayak Fishing Setup kayaking gone wrong kayaking fails funny kayaking ################################# Facebook:
A friend driving by my house saw it and called me, "I see you took the boat out... took a right toward Black Creek ramp." haha
On my way home I saw it, it was about 12" wide and white as snow leading all the way home.
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MY POINT IS no one is immune to mistakes....just hope no one is watching to laugh at you.
50. comment for NOOB!! Mistakes were Made!! Newbie Bass Boat Fails!
Also for new waters and even ones your familiar with I like IBOATS app (no affiliation) to see what the obstructions and mean water depths are. I understand it can interface with other electronics. This can be especially handy around some boats ramps like one around here where it's really really shallow getting out and tricky long sharp curves and a lot of boaters get grounded not knowing it's lay out. It also has tracking and playback for those on strange waters and up creeks with forks ect. It's a paid app I paid $14. Good luck and have a great safe 2018 boating season.
Did i mention the MASSIVE storm coming?? Blowing up to like 40mph..... nasty thunder boomers right overhead..... NOT raining YET.... Was in such a hurry to beat that storm..... FORGOT TO RAISE THE DRIVE!! Drug a nice flat spot into my brand new SS prop.....
Yeah, it'll ALL happen at some point!!
Ive done the ole "no plug" drill too.
Oh - and the pin in the trailer tongue latch was a good one he brought up. I actually had a near - miss with that one. I failed to pin the latch and traveled bumpy roads to the lake. When I got to the ramp the trailer was unlatched!
I live in Delaware, what's the best fishing in Maryland, don't know if your from their but saw the Maryland flag in your pick. If you had to recommend one pond, Lake , River where would it be?
100. comment for NOOB!! Mistakes were Made!! Newbie Bass Boat Fails!
Pucker factor 9 out of ten on that ride.
Needless to say, we drop it in the water and I run the truck and trailer back the parking lot. I get back to the boat to find it partially filled and my buddy in a panic. He realized it was sinking and dove in and shoved his shirt in the hole for the drain plug to slow the process down. Luckily we got it out and went and got a drain plug and life was fine, but it wasn't how one should send a boat out for the first time.
I been there brother
3rd time out, tried beaching the boat with the trolling motor down, only minor scratches.1st 2nd and 3rd time out forgot to close the air valve on the gas tank for the boat.. nothing spilled out. 4th time out forgot the center strap for the boat and trailer.
4th time out, way back forgot the locking pin on the ball connection, lucky that lake is close on a somewhat smooth highway.. I think jats about it for now lol
4th time out
Other annoying fails in my first year of owning a bass boat...forgetting to remove the motor toter, forgetting to turn the master power switch on (realize this as I am floating off the trailer), can't get the boat to start and then realize the kill switch is not engaged, trying to take off with the engine fully trimmed (bow goes straight up in the air). I am pretty good now, haven't had these fails for quite a while but I do forget the plug about 1 of every 10 trips, but I had a remote plug installed, now I just go to the back deck and close it.
My hitch had something like a 1 1/2 or whatever next size down is. Long story short some good samaritans helped me and got me squared away
Great info, never look at it as a fail it's only a mistake. Hopefully we will never make the same mistake more than once and we learn from them. The most important thing is not making mistake that ham someone or ourself all other we can laugh about and keep it moving, be safe Bro.
Trip 1, Couldn't get motor to start, then realized after a half hour of WTF's, I didn't have the kill switch lanyard plugged in.
Trip 2, had a great day, went to load up the boat, but had trailer backed in too deep. Didn't know, and was frustrated why I couldn't get the nose up on the post.
Trip 3, Forgot to trim the motor up pulling out of the water and away from the launch ramp at the end of the day. A guy chased me down and pointed out how my skeg was dragging.
Can't wait for some pre-spawn action!
"Just add YET to the end on anything you say you haven't done.."
And. "Those that HAVE, those that Will, and those that LIE."
Plugs out.. First time using a buddy's boat at a busy deep creek ramp..alone. Second time... Same boat, but HE did it.. I was parking the truck and I hear him yelling to bring it back.. About 44 degree water and he's in to his waist trying to hold the thing up and get the plug in and I run in to my man parts to hook up the strap.... That was a LONG day.. It's amazing how fast they go down with those small holes ;)
I am very particular on how I pre-check for launch and also when we get back to the fish camp. I start inside the boat first making sure everything is turned on and stored. Then work the outside. The load up! Maybe takes a few more minutes...but it’s worth it.
Wreck Em Tech!
I've also driven away with the electrical cord still attached. Twice!
Have you pulled the boat out of the water before turning the motor off? I've done that a few times. =(
It's dishwasher safe too !..or when you wash your boat,have your fishing buddy,wife hold it out and give it a good high pressure blasting...!
Mine came off the hitch at 70 on the expressway. Yep, we ASSumed the Bass Pro "technician" was right when he hitched it on the "2 inch" ball that wasn't quite 2 inches.