Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !

“Knowledge is King”, an old saying that definitely does “hold water”. Often the simple things can make life easier or put you in with the chance of a fish. Graeme heads out to sea aboard “Hi Sea Drifter” and passes on a few more awesome fishing tips…. ► Download our Free Digital Fishing Magazine: ► Become a Patron for monthly Q&A and Behind the Scenes: ► Check out the Salt Life YouTube Channel: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW US ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Instagram → • Facebook → • Snapchat → tafishing • Twitter → • Our website & DVDS → • Google+ → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - DSLR Camera - Main Editing Computer - Laptop Editing Computer - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Camera Light - Studio Lighting - Drone - Mike's Camera Microphone - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAF CLOTHING & MERCH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ UK Clothing Store → Europe Clothing → US Clothing Store → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors: Music: Moon by LEMMiNO Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 #fishing

Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips ! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 8

Boat 8 years ago 28,607 views

“Knowledge is King”, an old saying that definitely does “hold water”. Often the simple things can make life easier or put you in with the chance of a fish. Graeme heads out to sea aboard “Hi Sea Drifter” and passes on a few more awesome fishing tips…. ► Download our Free Digital Fishing Magazine: ► Become a Patron for monthly Q&A and Behind the Scenes: ► Check out the Salt Life YouTube Channel: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW US ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • Instagram → • Facebook → • Snapchat → tafishing • Twitter → • Our website & DVDS → • Google+ → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - DSLR Camera - Main Editing Computer - Laptop Editing Computer - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Camera Light - Studio Lighting - Drone - Mike's Camera Microphone - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAF CLOTHING & MERCH ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ UK Clothing Store → Europe Clothing → US Clothing Store → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors: Music: Moon by LEMMiNO Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0 #fishing

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Most popular comments
for Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !

T Green
T Green - 7 years ago
The Digger Derrington phylosophy, of using the double interest bait on the Wessex Rig.
Onelastcast - 7 years ago
Was that the classic coat hanger boom! Just shows you don’t need expensive tackle
Ehsan Shekoory
Ehsan Shekoory - 7 years ago
Hi Graham thanks for the reply, but according to Simon what was saying it has a V hull with dory type aft which makes it more staples as he mentioned about the 3 well build fishermen leaning over the side with no problem will that be the case. Appreciate a reply .thanks
Ehsan Shekoory
Ehsan Shekoory - 7 years ago
Hi Graham thank you for the info. Graham I know you and Mike are very busy trying to make us these top class videos, but I had asked question before regarding the boat (Covefisher 570 pilot boat) in which you had an interview with the builder Simon Meers in the Southampton boat show I believe in 2012, my question was if could remember pleas do think that boat is a good boat to have, I know the company how builds this boat no longer operating, appreciated mate
TAFishing - 7 years ago
As I recall it would be more of a leisure boat than a fishing boat ? I did look at several makes myself and opted for the Wilson Flyer 17 foot .I had thought of the 14 foot but several people told me the extra 3 feet in size really does makes a difference at sea. Of course you can catch fish from any boat,but some are just more practical with fishing space,does it roll at anchor etc.There is no such thing as the perfect boat.Most are just a compromise and you have to find the balance that most suits what you want it to do. I was prepared to take a bit of a battering with the Wilson hull to get to a mark,but then have a nice stable platform to fish from for the 6/8 hours of fishing. A V-hull might give you a better ride out but then roll and pitch at anchor all day. I went for the stable at anchor option.
Ehsan Shekoory
Ehsan Shekoory - 7 years ago
Hi Graham do I need a leader on every reel fixed or multiplier if fishing from a boat, thanks
TAFishing - 7 years ago
No.But you need a shock leader for shore casting.Make sure it is heavier than the breaking strain of your reel line.Also depends on the weight size you are casting.
Tidnab - 7 years ago
thank you so much for all these great videos. they have inspired me so much im about to buy my own Wilson flyer here in northern Ireland. tight lines. :)
Freddie Fox
Freddie Fox - 7 years ago
Always the joker, but a Seriously great fisherman ;)
peter236uk1 - 7 years ago
Graham thinking of buying my own boat do you have yours on a mooring or trailer the boat ?
TAFishing - 7 years ago
Trailer the boat so I can move around.Cheaper than mooring in a marina....until the clutch on your car goes !
Stu Ellis
Stu Ellis - 8 years ago
another Totally Awesome session.Really want to get my own little boat but dont know where to start.Slowly getting brilliant tips from your channel though.many thanks,keep em coming......

10. comment for Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !

buddy smith
buddy smith - 8 years ago
Emily Smither
Emily Smither - 8 years ago
Brilliant fishing tips once again! Do you have any tips for fishing in Newhaven and the species there is likely to be caught because it will really help me because we own a 23 foot Tamar 2000 boat and we have a mooring at Newhaven . Thanks for another greatly video!
smileyman821 - 8 years ago
good videos graeme lots of tips thanks
kreature844 - 8 years ago
Brilliant video Graeme, thanks.
What's your boat?
kreature844 - 8 years ago
TAFishing very nice boat ... hope I can get my hands on something similar one day :)
TAFishing - 8 years ago
17 foot Wilson Flyer with a 60 Yam .
Jimbob Stuart
Jimbob Stuart - 8 years ago
Thanks for posting Graeme , brilliant as usual
David Storton
David Storton - 8 years ago
Don't know if you've ever tried them Graeme but I use extended long nose plies for the same thing as you do and for £3.50 on Ebay they are brilliant and get in smaller fishes mouths easier
Dyan Schaefer
Dyan Schaefer - 8 years ago
We have a similar thing in Canada when we are trolling for pike if you put on music lots of no music no fish
Denis Rosenov
Denis Rosenov - 8 years ago
I think it's going to be great if you make a video of catching some pike on live bait
Tom Winter Fishing
Tom Winter Fishing - 8 years ago
You're truly a rum old boy! :D
matt gosling
matt gosling - 8 years ago
yeah this guy and his son make great vids,both are very good at explaining everything,they are both very likeable fellas.As for Matt Hayes ive never met him but I know a couple of lads that met him,both said he was very arrogant and rude towards them when they tried to speak to him.I was quite surprised and disapointed when they told me.

20. comment for Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !

Mk1 aquatic
Mk1 aquatic - 8 years ago
Good point about the barbs on some hooks, especially on the bigger sizes the barbs are far too big and make it much harder to hook a fish properly.
MrLogicsys - 8 years ago
Awesome video again. I have a question about anker. How you mounth it on bout? On front? Maybe you made some video about this? ;)

ps sorry for my english ;)
David Harvey
David Harvey - 8 years ago
oh yes! another classic Graeme Pullen video. What's all the uptiding rod down tiding rod thing about ? I'm lost on all that. Clever stuff I'm sure though.
y Zijlstra
y Zijlstra - 8 years ago
awesome video guys! you keep me motivated all week by making these videos. thanks
Avi Soncino
Avi Soncino - 8 years ago
i went deep sea fishing a couple of weeks ago and caught a pretty small amount of fish, even though i live in california, sea-fishing is the same, but we usually catch scaly non-cartilaginous fish, like sea-bass and rockfish, these tips helped me alot for the next deep sea trip
Steven Quigley
Steven Quigley - 8 years ago

I use predominantly circle hooks.

I notice you almost never mention them.

What are your thoughts on them?

Phil_Insane - 8 years ago
"if i catch a fish and want to slash my wrists" love the sense of humour Graham hahaha
Simon  Hopkins
Simon Hopkins - 8 years ago
great video GP. aww pore you no one wants to go fishing with you. Lol
E Hdz
E Hdz - 8 years ago
Good video man. I like your channel because your simpleness and old schoolness reminds me of my dad. Don't mean to offend keep posting I watch all the way from Texas!
llywelyn ross
llywelyn ross - 8 years ago
another great video

30. comment for Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !

Fglasspool 28
Fglasspool 28 - 8 years ago
Thnx this Video has really helped me with my fishing
Wild Atlantic Fishing
Wild Atlantic Fishing - 8 years ago
Great as usual
Ivon Coles
Ivon Coles - 8 years ago
Hahahahahahahahahah funny man.
jayswin2 - 8 years ago
Another brilliant video. Its about time you had a TV show. Get rid of some of them other wallys off the tv.
Mark Fahey
Mark Fahey - 7 years ago
start with getting rid of Simon Cowell and Britains got no talent etc!
Adam Billings
Adam Billings - 8 years ago
Hi Graeme, great video do you think you'll be back in cornwall again this season sharking?
Floyd Gilmour
Floyd Gilmour - 8 years ago
Another great video Greame, love your sense of humour "Catch a fish and wanna slash me wrist" made me laugh out aloud :)
Irish shore angling
Irish shore angling - 8 years ago
another brilliant video keep the good work up love your vids
Liam Brown
Liam Brown - 8 years ago
Another good video, Do you think you will do a video at Calshot at any point?
jo jo
jo jo - 8 years ago
TAFishing love your video massive fan caught my first carp of the year last week only a pound but its a start thank for your advice watched all your video been subbed for over a year now
Liam Brown
Liam Brown - 8 years ago
Some very deep water reachable from shore, can be very productive on a good day. Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to us all
TAFishing - 8 years ago
nothing planned there at present
Fishing Bites
Fishing Bites - 8 years ago
unhooking that doggy had me cracking up! thumbs up :)
Jaak - 8 years ago
Paul, I am sure it hit him for turning off the radio.
Cameron Churcher
Cameron Churcher - 8 years ago
Really good video can you pleas get back to me
Jaak - 8 years ago
proof that fish love beetles
Jaak - 8 years ago
't was my idea of pun.
Callum Moss
Callum Moss - 8 years ago
Jaak no, I knew it was the Beatles let it be. You spelt it beetles though, wasn't sure if you meant something else.
Jaak - 8 years ago
Callum. Well, of course.  He turns off the radio, fish slaps him..
° I had seen preview of the episode (as patron) so I knew it played the Beatles.

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The "Some AWESOME Boat Fishing Tips !" video is part of the boating, sailing tipps category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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