Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

If you are looking at buying a small fishing boat, then this video is full of small boat fishing tips. The UK boat fishing scene is very popular, many people enjoy heading out sea fishing in their boat. Graeme heads to Newhaven to talk to one of the fishing club members there who runs through his small boat setup. TAFISHING MERCHANDISE: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW US ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • INSTAGRAM → • FACEBOOK → • TWITTER → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - DSLR Camera - Laptop Editing Computer - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Drone - Mike's Camera Microphone - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors: Music: #fishing #tafishing #pikefishing

Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this... sentiment_very_dissatisfied 64

Boat 6 years ago 86,367 views

If you are looking at buying a small fishing boat, then this video is full of small boat fishing tips. The UK boat fishing scene is very popular, many people enjoy heading out sea fishing in their boat. Graeme heads to Newhaven to talk to one of the fishing club members there who runs through his small boat setup. TAFISHING MERCHANDISE: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FOLLOW US ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ • INSTAGRAM → • FACEBOOK → • TWITTER → ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FISHING PLAYLISTS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ SEA FISHING: BEACH FISHING: CARP FISHING: FLY FISHING: PIKE, PERCH & ZANDER: RIVER FISHING: SHARKS & BIG GAME: "HOW TO" TIPS: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ FILMING GEAR WE USE ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Main Camera - Sony Secondary Camera - DSLR Camera - Laptop Editing Computer - GoPro Chest Mount - GoPro Head Mount - Drone - Mike's Camera Microphone - These are Amazon associate links ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ TAOUTDOORS ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Subscribe to our other YouTube Channel TAOutdoors: Music: #fishing #tafishing #pikefishing

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Most popular comments
for Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

Dave Evans
Dave Evans - 5 years ago
Very knowledgeable guy,thank you
robert jones
robert jones - 5 years ago
VERY interesting , wish I lived near  !
Joe Allen
Joe Allen - 5 years ago
Please make another video like this but involving slightly bigger boats, like the Starfish 8 or Starfish 10, but also talk about what licences are needed for owners, Captain/ Skipper. plus requirements for taking and charging day anglers.

there are so many Videos for the US or Aus but nothing good for the UK . thanks
Airsofting Action group
Airsofting Action group - 5 years ago
Great video buddy! Lots of top information here.
Bernie Clark
Bernie Clark - 5 years ago
I am thinking of selling my boat anyone interested? fishing 16 foot with 15 mercury.
phil fish
phil fish - 5 years ago
fist thing to look for with alot of boats water ingress and spongy floors. thanks for the video great stuff
Lynn West
Lynn West - 6 years ago
Reggieboy - 6 years ago
Loving the channel been watching for quite some time now. Newhaven! Great place to fish (sometimes) Let me know if you are around the area again I will hook you up with some fishing gear not that you probably need it lol. Happy fishing people
Service NJ
Service NJ - 6 years ago
we call it an anchor trolley!

10. comment for Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

Mike will
Mike will - 6 years ago
Very good video, Well done!
George Duff
George Duff - 6 years ago
Great informative vid
mark1138 - 6 years ago
i remember one time i went fishing at Neskonlith lake..BC Canada..where bear creek runs into the lake..i used a bobber and worm, let out line for over 100 yards..looking at my reel i realized i better start bringing it back and BANG ! got a 2 pound lake trout..later on i was having lunch off a tiny fire..and it was really good..this was 1981...just a memory i had.. and an idea i had that actually worked ! lol
The Tinker
The Tinker - 6 years ago
inside of the tank for the outlet put a wire cage over it and it will keep from being plugged up
Feldwebel Wolfenstool
Feldwebel Wolfenstool - 6 years ago
...Canadian definition of the word B-O-A-T. "Break Out Another Thousand"....
jeff vw
jeff vw - 6 years ago
One thing you see with the rollers on the trailers is people unhook the boat and only have a loose line, then they back down and sometimes the boat comes off while still on the pavement.
Leo Waisanen
Leo Waisanen - 6 years ago
I'm reminded of how humorist Pat McManus described the perfect hunting vehicle... any vehicle owned by a friend.
Northern Ireland Fishing Reports
Northern Ireland Fishing Reports - 6 years ago
Has a Shetland and a YouTube channel. Love it. Tight lines
Koray Erten
Koray Erten - 6 years ago
Do a video on an arvor 230/250as...
Koray Erten
Koray Erten - 6 years ago
See quite a few lads out over Lyme bay wrecks on em! Look really nice tbf
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 6 years ago
Small boats are hassle,but when it all goes right and you do it all on your own it really is the ultimate satisfaction. Its the towing/launching/retrieve etc that takes the edge off it. Last year I stayed out overnight in the boat then went sharking at dawn.It was worth the effort just to have done that,plus I got sharks as well.Just got to pick the right weather slot. I've had 3 different species over 100lbs in my 17-footer,I'd like to get a 4th .

20. comment for Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

geffthebricky - 6 years ago
Hi Graeme. Excellent advice, if anyone out there is thinking of taking the plunge and buying a boat watch this video until you understand every point that is mentioned. I have made every mistake pointed out here and a few more to boot.
Down and out in Paradise Panama living.
Down and out in Paradise Panama living. - 6 years ago
Same here.
The Fish Chasers
The Fish Chasers - 6 years ago
I have a Raider 18 love mine.
peteon4 wheels
peteon4 wheels - 6 years ago
Very good info as always mate thanks.
O'shea's Shed Stuff
O'shea's Shed Stuff - 6 years ago
Where are the baseball caps on ta official?
Andy Rose
Andy Rose - 6 years ago
Hey Graeme/Mike. I’ve watched your videos for a number of months now and am somewhat ‘hooked’ if you’ll pardon the pun! My question is, would you guys be willing to either reply to me personally or do a video with what I would need to start out? I’m not looking to spend hundreds. I’m just keen to get out there and get started and don’t have anything except an EA Licence application and would really value your advice as I love the show and you have such a wealth of experience Graeme. I’d really appreciate it if you could get back to me would welcome anything you could advise me on. Love the show!
lostnfound21 - 6 years ago
i wonder how those raiders are on the drift? looks a bit high and light to me
SEA-FISHING with CJ - 6 years ago
Jt drifts really well. Havent had any probs yet
Vincent Mckenna
Vincent Mckenna - 6 years ago
I would love one.but suffer from sea sickness , even on a canal boat .Any body out there got any remedies to prevent it
Vincent Mckenna
Vincent Mckenna - 6 years ago
@Koray Erten I will try some .I've never been has I'll in my life, I was curled up in wheel house being sick lol
Koray Erten
Koray Erten - 6 years ago
Vincent Mckenna I get it as well when I’m out on the wrecks! I find that once you get it out of you, everything is fine after that! Other alternative is to get motion sickness tablets from your pharmacy or Boots if you’re in the UK
vast active
vast active - 6 years ago
Surprised you didn’t do a spot in seafood used to be the place the be a few years ago
Tina Gallagher
Tina Gallagher - 6 years ago
Great video! Thank you!
lundyjack - 6 years ago
Lots of very useful ideas and tips there. One of your most useful and interesting videos.

30. comment for Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

david haynes
david haynes - 6 years ago
i do not own a boat but i found this very interesting ( Thanks)
Progressive Demagogue
Progressive Demagogue - 6 years ago
Get a speed boat and some hookers.
Bethany Donkin
Bethany Donkin - 6 years ago
He wanted to but Mike won't pay for it . Mike didn't want to be any part of Graham and Smith's pleasure
pat6715 - 6 years ago
great video graeme, that bit at 12:50 about mackerel dying if you handle them with your hands is just a fishermans tail. i bass fish on the east coast and use live macks n never bother useing a cloth im to busy catching fish lol and they can stay alive for hrs if the bass are'nt feeding n not once have i pulled one up with a hand print on it or ever seen it... supriseing how many people believe it tho but its just a case of people repeating what they hear
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 6 years ago
Yeah,I don't believe it either.I have used loads of mackerel for marlin fishing and sometimes they put them back in the main livebait storage tanks and get them out again the next day.If the marlin are on the bite though they certainly don't survive well !!
Scot Graham
Scot Graham - 6 years ago
Graeme, i have a question i would love your input on,, i currently have a speed boad in bad shape with a oldish johnson 90hp on it. well i want rid of the boat but wanted to know, do you think your wilson would take the weight of a johnson 90?? i love your boat and is ideal for me, but to save money it would be handy to use the johnson?? responce would be greatly recieved. love your stuff.
please like so Graeme can see.
all the best
Scot Graham
Scot Graham - 6 years ago
Thanks Graeme yea was thinking maybe a bit big, but it is a lovely outboard that i spent a lot of time doing up so think will do a bit more research for a boat that will take it if the wilson flyer cant, do like the flyer tho
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 6 years ago
A 90 would be a big old lump on a 17-Foot Wilson for sure. I was told by Brian Wilson (the maker) that he advised that 50 to 70 would be fine,which is why I went halfway and got a 60 4-stroke Yam. Maybe someone out there has a 90 on a Wilson and can tell you how it fares.
Southern Wanderer
Southern Wanderer - 6 years ago
Very good interview.
GES - 6 years ago
What an amazingly eloquent and interesting bloke, Great video
Swadesh Shitt
Swadesh Shitt - 6 years ago
Very nice video and nice knowledgeable.Thank's.Would You Like to tell me about cost of boat.
madcat105 - 6 years ago
needs a bit of mesh to stop fish getting stuck in his outlet of the livewell
Brent Weigelt
Brent Weigelt - 6 years ago
Picked up a number of excellent Info/tips!!! Thanks Graeme!!!
grant mcmillan
grant mcmillan - 6 years ago
I don't watch TA to listen to someone else
Matt Parry
Matt Parry - 6 years ago
Only twice you will be glad of owning a boat, when you buy it & when you sell it ! Saying that I miss my boat.
general general
general general - 6 years ago
Good info, thanks.
gerard taylor
gerard taylor - 6 years ago
Course Fishing Challenge
Course Fishing Challenge - 6 years ago
Ok great video but I have a question I have been unable to find an answer to. I have just purchased a 16ft console boat. I need to get an anchor setup. I am good with anchor weight, chain length and gauge and I understand the 2 or 3 times depth for rope length to give the correct scope BUT I don’t know what kind of depths I will anchor at. I guess not too far from shore but I would rather have too much than not enough especially if it needed in an emergency. What length would suit??
Course Fishing Challenge
Course Fishing Challenge - 6 years ago
Understood but it’s a trailered but and I wanted the flexibility to hitch it up and drive. For example I was curious what length of rode Graham had on high sea drifter as some kind of benchmark. I am actually based in Plymouth so mostly I will be anywhere from say Torbay down to Falmouth.
mark aldridge
mark aldridge - 6 years ago
look at the sea charts for the areas you wish to fish that will give the mean lowest tide then add the highest spring tide to give an idear of lenght of rode or chain
as400techman - 6 years ago
That bought back memories of fishing out of Newhaven with my Dad in the 1960s from a catamaran called Lisa-James and Silver Mist before that. Happy days. Rhubarb & Custard? Dad made pirks out of stainless pipe filled with lead. I still have some and his conger club badge.
bryn mitchell
bryn mitchell - 6 years ago
great vid , food for thought , cheers boys .
Oliver Bradburn
Oliver Bradburn - 6 years ago
Very informative thanks greame
David Hall
David Hall - 6 years ago
So Mr P have you now sorted your anchor warp out, so yo can retreive from the cockpit, I did mention this before on one of your trips. Great video, keep up the good work.
Almazing - 6 years ago
YESSS mid-week upload!! Can't beat it ;)
Haneix - 6 years ago
And I thought my kayak was work haha, Graham you are a true commando, keep up the great fishing videos!

50. comment for Thinking of Getting a Fishing Boat? Watch this...

Silverfoxgotya73 G
Silverfoxgotya73 G - 6 years ago
As I'm limited on mobility I was wondering , what would you suggest would be a good boat to start with graham ? Thankyou in advance for reply
STAR OF DAVID67 - 6 years ago
A gravy boat
TA Fishing
TA Fishing - 6 years ago
I wouldn't like to say,there is no such thing as the perfect fishing boat. Might be better to get in touch with a large sea fishing club who has a boat section,more experience from a wide pool of people.
Tea72 - 6 years ago
Moz - 6 years ago
Very interesting.
Storm - 6 years ago
I would but im broke
Jamie Mathews
Jamie Mathews - 6 years ago
I just sold a boat. old wilson flyer like yours wish I could of kept it but hey ho lol great vid keep it up man.
Joe Daniels
Joe Daniels - 6 years ago
You didn't quite get my boat in shot
Chris Davison
Chris Davison - 6 years ago
How about a part 2? Buying (pitfalls, what to look for etc), maintaining and the running costs of a boat?
Billy Gunning
Billy Gunning - 6 years ago
Yes plz do that
Phil Horton
Phil Horton - 6 years ago
Price for boat I mean
Phil Horton
Phil Horton - 6 years ago
What about setting a budget of £5k or £10k whatever and working from there?
SEA-FISHING with CJ - 6 years ago
More than happy to work with Graeme on that,
Phil Horton
Phil Horton - 6 years ago
Can I third that
woden20 - 6 years ago
Nobody would be buying one then. lol A Rolls Royce is cheaper to run, but i'd never be without one, it's a passion you can't buy.
mike oxmall
mike oxmall - 6 years ago
This would be awesome
Colin Mitchell
Colin Mitchell - 6 years ago
That would be a good video to do Greame.
Alec - 6 years ago
Stuart Austin
Stuart Austin - 6 years ago
Graeme, could you and would you travel across the channel to France in your Wilson flyer, or to Jersey? Is this possible in good weather.
24282488david - 6 years ago
People have sailed round the world in tiny boats , getting to jersey would be easy in good weather
Kitty Landrover
Kitty Landrover - 6 years ago
That was a very informative video ,excellent thank you
Martin Ebbatson
Martin Ebbatson - 6 years ago
Really enjoyed this video Graeme :)
Amatuer Enthusiast
Amatuer Enthusiast - 6 years ago
Great video! I actually live in Newhaven and used to work on Denton Island next to the Sea Angling club.
Craig Nash
Craig Nash - 6 years ago
Hey Gramne. Very very good video ,never owned a boat and that was so informative,could have listened to him for hours....thanks so much !! Craig. Pa. Guy
Henry Flanery
Henry Flanery - 6 years ago
Good seeing you sir have a grate year to you and as well as Mike.
John Hanson
John Hanson - 6 years ago
Very informative and interesting video
chris sydenham
chris sydenham - 6 years ago
Smith!! ......Have you put the bung in ?.......
Mat Outdoors With Roxy
Mat Outdoors With Roxy - 6 years ago
handling mackerel does kill them, not always right away but upto 2 says later
YxuChat - 6 years ago
U can especially cover much more water to catch those whopping fish, Good luck
iMeeky_ - 6 years ago
Boat fishing is great once you’re out but be prepared for everything else that comes with it, launching retrieving list goes on
southieal - 6 years ago
Or just get a mooring at the yacht club
Lachlan O'Neil
Lachlan O'Neil - 6 years ago
It's pretty simple depending on where you live, just buy a smaller aluminium boat like 4.5-5.5 meter
JAke Collins
JAke Collins - 6 years ago
Hello mate I’m 12 and I just got a boat for Xmas and I have been abased with your vids thanks very much there very helpful for me keep doing your amazing.
jprolls rolls
jprolls rolls - 6 years ago
(Hand raised) Smith here Sir from the back of the class. Your latest video has inspired me to upgrade my dinghy 'Seaweed' so named because that's mainly what I catch. How much do you want for your boat and how much will you take from my pocket money to swab down the deck?
Harvey Cottrill
Harvey Cottrill - 6 years ago
Please can you go to weymouth on your boat and go out to sea there? With Macy??
Boris S
Boris S - 6 years ago
Thought i had lost my mind. It's not a bloody Friday!!

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