Tips and Tricks for bottom painting your boat
Boat 11 years ago 372,404 views
Learn some more cool tips and tricks for bottom painting your boat from shipwright Louis Sauzedde. Brought to you by our friends at Jamestown Distributors - TotalBoat - More at -
10. comment for Tips and Tricks for bottom painting your boat
Oh, and you're right, it IS fun putting on what you call 'bottom paint'.
20. comment for Tips and Tricks for bottom painting your boat
30. comment for Tips and Tricks for bottom painting your boat
1. Old paint must sanded completely off, the new paint will not adhere to the chalk like surface. The surface is not even, got ridges of old paint.
2. The first two coats should be done with 15% thinned paint so it will go deep into the porous surface. Than two coats of full paint should be applied.
3. Close cell 1/4 foam roller should be used to ensure nice bubbles, flat finish. This finish is just pathetic.
4. No clean, sharp edge of painted area due to lousy taping, see the bow and topsides.
This paint cold maybe pass on old barn, it will slow the boat a few knots.
I have seen airless spraying used to put bottom paint on and it worked fairly well.
50. comment for Tips and Tricks for bottom painting your boat
I'll love for you to take me on as an apprentice.
Also, if you still have a 1/2 gallon left, why not give it a third coat...
It was a two part Poly marine paint put on over the original gel coat. It lasted 15 years but now thanks to a small water seepage through the lowest point on the front of the keel moisture has made the brittle paint come loose from the gel coat.
I plan on fixing that small leak both inside and out first, building the keel back up by about an inch, then repainting it.
I'm just not sure how I'm going to lift the boat up off the trailer and get the trailer out from under it without a hoist?
Cheapest way to raise your boat would be stout lines and a set of sky hooks.