Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

► Send us your video ideas! Whales are magnificent and beautiful creatures, but they can be dangerous if they get too close! Here's our list of the top five whale vs boat videos. Several segments are licensed under Creative Commons (CC) Ole K (CC), David Bonds (CC), Shawn Backer (CC) The Top Fives channel brings you informational and entertaining top five videos from around the world. Join us and subscribe for more. Follow us on Facebook! Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.

Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1512

Boat 7 years ago 2,425,095 views

► Send us your video ideas! Whales are magnificent and beautiful creatures, but they can be dangerous if they get too close! Here's our list of the top five whale vs boat videos. Several segments are licensed under Creative Commons (CC) Ole K (CC), David Bonds (CC), Shawn Backer (CC) The Top Fives channel brings you informational and entertaining top five videos from around the world. Join us and subscribe for more. Follow us on Facebook! Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.

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Most popular comments
for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

Baildagch G
Baildagch G - 5 years ago
Do not cross front of the whale.
Kyle Eastman
Kyle Eastman - 5 years ago
Whale used body slam... it’s super effective!!!!!
Obsidian628 VA
Obsidian628 VA - 5 years ago
0:40 Whale: "...Did I just hit a boat...?"
Oscar ARD
Oscar ARD - 5 years ago
WTF descrption, if whales get too close? is people who is getting too damn close
Jared Smith
Jared Smith - 5 years ago
2:43 did he get smashed!?
Slipshank D
Slipshank D - 5 years ago
sad that they shoot in front of the whales caring not they hurt the whale, for a laugh.
MrTUCKERborr - 5 years ago
4:19 thats the top five over... now to stretch this video all the way to ten minutes
Janeth Galvan
Janeth Galvan - 5 years ago
Background music?
Blitzer Tanker
Blitzer Tanker - 5 years ago
2:41 Straight out of WWE

10. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

SafeRemainor - 6 years ago
"Boat passes whale"

Humans: A whale woo!

Whale: Try me b**
Sabinus Re350
Sabinus Re350 - 6 years ago
Whats the background music
joanna freedom
joanna freedom - 6 years ago
Whales are fighting back against the Japanese! Save the dolphins! Save the whales! Hunt Japanese!
Mohammad Saqib
Mohammad Saqib - 6 years ago
Very nice
SuperFnafLogan !
SuperFnafLogan ! - 6 years ago
I call this Payback from everyone whale hunting. Whales Like," You Mess with us, we will mess with you".
The Regressive Progressive
The Regressive Progressive - 6 years ago
LOL @ the virtue signaling soy-filled hippies in the comments complaining about some people whale watching.
Edz Guia
Edz Guia - 6 years ago
SPEC REC 10 - 6 years ago
Killer whales are actually dolphins
Francisldrake Zurdo
Francisldrake Zurdo - 6 years ago
#2 fake fake really bad fake
James Nielsen
James Nielsen - 6 years ago
Didn't see the thumbnail in the video, but got carnage of equal or greater value. I'm not sure how I feel about this bro. I need to sit down and think about my life or something.

20. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

Gab Rodrigs
Gab Rodrigs - 6 years ago
Minut 8 it is a shark whale! Love it
Woodsman22 - 6 years ago
Wow loved number 2
Leo 8817
Leo 8817 - 6 years ago
5:39 best clip
RE-REE MOORE - 6 years ago
well look like the whales woke up in beast mode
Josef Mengele
Josef Mengele - 6 years ago
amazing :)
amit ydv
amit ydv - 6 years ago
It’s so dangerous taking kids in there , you never know, why risk it . Unbelievable
Stephanie Bennett
Stephanie Bennett - 6 years ago
I cant even comprehend how these people wanna stick around to watch. I have a massive fear of whales and I'd be screaming and freaking the hell out wanting to leave as soon as I seen them in the distance
el presa canario
el presa canario - 6 years ago
kennedy072 - 6 years ago
If whales fought like this then Country like Japan should think twice.
William Saroyan
William Saroyan - 6 years ago
Hahaha the whale was catching and releasing them

30. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

William Saroyan
William Saroyan - 6 years ago
I’ll bet they’re sinking Japanese boats
Per Oskarsson
Per Oskarsson - 6 years ago
1:40 into the video a goofy skipper decides to collide with a whale to the amusemant of his ignorant passangers. Not that great to say the least.
Driven home
Driven home - 6 years ago
8:03 looks like a Basking Shark.. wow
Driven home
Driven home - 6 years ago
I always feel whales have a message we cannot make out and they get frustrated. They come in close so we can hear, but spout off and flip their tails, as if to say... Idiots... argggg
Mr. Charlie
Mr. Charlie - 6 years ago
Oh my god oh my god oh my god...stai a casa e non ti succede un cazzo idiota di donna...!
Dino Lord
Dino Lord - 6 years ago
Imma be a jerk and say sorry but killer whales are dolphins not whales they are nick named killer whales because their favorite snack are grey whales that they for one like to drown
Protoss. - 6 years ago
Battlefield Easter eggs getting better and better
pravin kumar
pravin kumar - 6 years ago
Blue whales won't attack unless attacked
Robbie Hess
Robbie Hess - 6 years ago
Wtf this is my worst fear. Everyone seems too chill to me. Idk but like if a whale breached next to me I’d be screaming and crying, maybe even call 911 idk
Kevin Ruiz
Kevin Ruiz - 6 years ago
I think something hit our boat. Let's stand here until we see it again smdh
These people aren't hunting whales, and there's a very real possibility that they could be killed. You bleeding hearts are insane. If it happened to whalers? Fair game. These are people out sightseeing or fishing. Families could literally have been crushed, drowned, or eaten(In the case of orcas anyway) including the children who didn't plan the trip. You people are disgusting and should expunge yourself from human society. Go live with the whales you love so much.
WARLORD op - 6 years ago
Humans actually ruin everything. Lol
Oriel Ben Levi
Oriel Ben Levi - 6 years ago
Anyone knows the name of the soundtrack for this video?
Pyrozeus - 6 years ago
they jump on boats to scratch off their barnacles.
Lyric World
Lyric World - 6 years ago
Must be terrifying
hellrzr1966 - 6 years ago
They don't call them killer whales because of the paint job..
BrickyYellow Roblox
BrickyYellow Roblox - 6 years ago
I would freak oit
GoGo CoCo
GoGo CoCo - 6 years ago
am i the only one who saw the golden fish ? 0:52
saud ul hassan
saud ul hassan - 6 years ago
Sooo scary
Fahjah Fajitas
Fahjah Fajitas - 6 years ago
I haven't had whale in so long! Sucks to have one in the boat and the boat can't handle them.

50. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

Muhammad Salman
Muhammad Salman - 6 years ago
1st background music name plzz.
Adam Shirk
Adam Shirk - 6 years ago
Every time I see whales breaching I go, "My brothers!"
Jazz Star
Jazz Star - 6 years ago
You must keep distance from the whales since they are sensitive and they get hurt pretty easily.
Zac Wallin
Zac Wallin - 6 years ago
babe let's move! yea start the propeller up right on them lady sounds smart.
Patricia Díaz
Patricia Díaz - 6 years ago
La música es maravillosa. ¿alguien sabe cuál es?
Jerrilyn Zufelt
Jerrilyn Zufelt - 6 years ago
From so rad to let's get out of here ! Too funny !
SteveF1967 - 6 years ago
3:00 kayaker took that hit, stayed in the boat while it was dragged under and resurfaced, then eskimo rolled it back upright. That dude is THE BOSS!
Korie Creson
Korie Creson - 6 years ago
It would be funny if a diver ended up getting swallowed up
Korie Creson
Korie Creson - 6 years ago
I'm glad to see the idiots get flipped over, whales know those are hunters
debbiemacd - 6 years ago
And why are people out on the ocean with no life jackets? Especially considering they have kids!
debbiemacd - 6 years ago
Too close! Too close! Too close! And clip one should have waited before firing up his motor and the people that recorded the humpback that hit the sailboat just kept going. And dude you’re so rad?
Nicole Francis
Nicole Francis - 6 years ago
That first boat was like naaaahboo
Ho Chi Minh was a mass-murderer
Ho Chi Minh was a mass-murderer - 6 years ago
Coleene Razon
Coleene Razon - 6 years ago hehehhe
東大生アカネヤのゲーム実況 - 6 years ago
great video!
Rikki Hurt
Rikki Hurt - 6 years ago
I don't understand... Number 1, they laughed and didn't even help the people in the boat.

Some of these whales were being quite aggressive.
Selvin Duque
Selvin Duque - 5 years ago
Rikki Hurt the Whales live in the ocean if anything the people being there is just bothering them.
+ 1000000 !
Dylan Douthit
Dylan Douthit - 6 years ago
At 3:43 that guys probably died
CR Stunts
CR Stunts - 6 years ago
In the fishing video at 7:48 that was a whale shark not a whale, you could tell by the leopard like pattern
commentaire 1
commentaire 1 - 6 years ago
Wow those friken Indian people just left the sinking ship. Wow.
Basic Video Gaming
Basic Video Gaming - 5 years ago
+ChinCheckGod ... creepy.
ChinCheckGod - 6 years ago
Ur cute kate
ornella david
ornella david - 6 years ago
I know the feeling. A few weeks ago I went on a speedboat to swim with dolphins and we encountered a humpback whale. It was amazing!!!!
peteon4 wheels
peteon4 wheels - 6 years ago
Why do people in boats think that its OK to stay in front of whales when they come towards them, get the fuck out of their way ffs, they feel pain too you know.
Cbjxfgh Vfgjj
Cbjxfgh Vfgjj - 6 years ago
If you say top five then keep it like that.
MzLilly baby
MzLilly baby - 6 years ago
7:15 shit got real. You can hear how scared she was. I was scared watching!!!!
Wyndham Crest
Wyndham Crest - 6 years ago
I believe some of these attacks are out of anger, that they have for humans. It's very possible they've lost members of their pods, to horrible acts from humans.
Jack Frost
Jack Frost - 6 years ago
Am I the only one that hates it when they show video of somebody shaking the camera as if they were going into fits. Very very aggravating to watch.
Jack Frost
Jack Frost - 6 years ago
If you get this close you deserve whatever happens wether good or bad.
Karma Anims
Karma Anims - 6 years ago
Those whales were small
Patrick Curran
Patrick Curran - 6 years ago
In the latter portion of the video I wish these people would stfu and just observe the whales instead of making stupid comments and noises.
Lps Taylor
Lps Taylor - 6 years ago
This should be Whales VS Dumb Hill Billys.
KOHL GUY - 6 years ago
Bravo !!
Mark Blackburn
Mark Blackburn - 6 years ago
Should be called dickheads getting to close to whales
onefineday111 - 6 years ago
The one with the 3 guys fishing wasn't a whale
Typical lama
Typical lama - 6 years ago
That’s the best pirate I’ve ever seen...

Veer Mandhata
Veer Mandhata - 6 years ago
Fake video
Yogita Naidu
Yogita Naidu - 6 years ago
Thanks for video .
parkpunk2 - 6 years ago
That's gotta be about the biggest killer whale I've ever seen!
Rick wallace
Rick wallace - 6 years ago
Why are people getting so upset.they are only observing whales in a natural habitat.there is no cruelty or is a beautiful thing(a little bit scary too sometimes).
Nicky Narbin
Nicky Narbin - 6 years ago
I hope the whales weren’t hurt.
D S - 6 years ago
Poor whale
Michael Lawson
Michael Lawson - 6 years ago
They have total devotion to the motion of the ocean.
EHE IV - 6 years ago
"wow,they're coming right towards us, we should sit here with the motor off an not move. Only thing that can happen is we die" people with too much money,I've learned have close to no common sense
rtothemutha - 6 years ago
All these whales are auditioning for the next Pacific Life logo.
jean philippe briot
jean philippe briot - 6 years ago
C'est bien fait pour ces enculés ! Faites pas chier la nature !!!! Une baleine est un animal inoffensif à la base !
Shayne Verma
Shayne Verma - 6 years ago
@ 3:13 that guys neck probably broke
Paulo Del Lago
Paulo Del Lago - 6 years ago
click bait
Kommervenkki 1
Kommervenkki 1 - 6 years ago
I feel sad for the people in that sailing boat.
Ryan McGauley
Ryan McGauley - 6 years ago
Last of the Mohicans, anyone? (Obviously they changed it for copyright but still.... one of the baddest movies ever. They don’t make em like that anymore!)

100. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos

Highbaby9 - 6 years ago
The third couple deserved what they got from the whales. Idiots. The ppl laughing in number one should have got what the sail boat got. Idiots. I’m confused why the film showed the sail boat one second then it disappeared. Makes me wonder if it was fake.
MJ - 6 years ago
@5:00 I swear I would smash her mouth if she didnt stop saying oh oh oh oh oh
Ryan McGauley
Ryan McGauley - 6 years ago
Viktor Vincent I’ve done some diving with whale sharks and it’s pretty amazing. You always forget to breath for a moment, then you hesitate with a bit of fear only to realize that you’re safe and it’s not going to do anything to you. I thought standing next to LeBron James and Chris Webber made me feel small these things are from another planet.
Kim Styles
Kim Styles - 6 years ago
Consistently no life jackets.
howardOKC - 6 years ago
Same people fighting for whale right are fishing lovers. They use a sharp hook to rip the fish's mouth, and throw it back, just for fun.
NAZISH VIQAR - 6 years ago
Max Axelsson
Max Axelsson - 6 years ago
The whales were like RKO
Bjørn Danielsen
Bjørn Danielsen - 6 years ago
Music ?
jeannine grant
jeannine grant - 6 years ago
where are the life jackets?
Remarkable SeiF
Remarkable SeiF - 6 years ago
2:43 ''Hey human, watch this cannon ball''
Sylvian !
Sylvian ! - 6 years ago
2:43 Omfg.
Rania Karoumpa
Rania Karoumpa - 6 years ago
υπαρχουν πολλων ειδον ανεγκεφαλοι....
To Leyik
To Leyik - 6 years ago
3:47 they are laughing? Stupid morons, but typically "humans".
Todd Hanson
Todd Hanson - 6 years ago
Thanks for not explaining the video before it happens
sangah zengerz
sangah zengerz - 6 years ago
do a top 5 on biggest lies sold to humanity!

like the globe earth lie
space hoax lie
iss bullshit with virtual reality tech and green screens
hitlers 7 different ears including one looking like good old walt disneys scarred ear
global warming/overpopulation

etc etc; so much to pick haha
George Mappin
George Mappin - 6 years ago
Stupid people doing stupid things. Ya get what you get.
sandy9669hq - 6 years ago
MORE BEST - 6 years ago
O my god
Виктория Евгеннна
Виктория Евгеннна - 6 years ago
А чего смешного ? Когда кит на яхту прыгнул
grandroy slam
grandroy slam - 6 years ago
people are so far out IdIOTS .
Sarah 28
Sarah 28 - 6 years ago
Whales can be aggressive and territorial during mating season. This was the explanation behind the true stories on which "Moby Dick" was based. There were a number of incidents of whales ramming boats. But whales are quite smart and some of them must equate boats with harm. In general they seem like nice and docile creature though.
Crafty Crafter’s Place
Crafty Crafter’s Place - 6 years ago
It’s all fun and games till a boat gets smashed
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 6 years ago
Some of these are fake.
Hans Lauterbach
Hans Lauterbach - 6 years ago
Whales increasingly attack boats and yachts. They have started to fight because humans, without respect for nature and without respect for these wonderful animals, are moving further and further into their habitat. There are wild natures - areas where humans have absolutely nothing to look for. But people are not ready to accept that in great arrogance. Whales and dolphins are highly intelligent. Anyone who still believes that man is the crown of creation is definitely wrong. Because humans and whales - tourists ruin everything.
I am an Ironman
I am an Ironman - 6 years ago
Why tf is everyone crying about "poor whales" they werent hunting them and the people in this video did nothing to hurt them. stop crying
Kaiser Frost
Kaiser Frost - 6 years ago
In #3 you can clearly see some Japanese people hitting pipes together to herd the whales into the cove. Now why do you suppose they'd be doing that?
Jose Alvarez
Jose Alvarez - 6 years ago
+Agar ŦRIKΣR lol what about a blue whale that boat would sink instantly
Raptor - 6 years ago
+boy of the south cats>dogs. Fight me
boy of the south
boy of the south - 6 years ago
+Raptor cats are gay
Hey ITZ CK - 6 years ago
The people didn't hurt them, but the boat did. That's why they are saying poor whales, because they collided into the boat. Or dived onto it. There must of been some sort of impact and pain from the boat.
Eggie Stop
Eggie Stop - 6 years ago
I am an Ironman toe
pravin kumar
pravin kumar - 6 years ago
So don't disturb them in their habitat
Unknown - 6 years ago
Agar ŦRIKΣR u said boat, not ship. They’re not the same thing.
lovelygeminibren - 6 years ago
Cause some of them need to move dafuq outta the way, if the whale is hitting your boat trying to move about their way, move! it’s not hard to do, the ocean is their territory not ours so stfu okay, jerk
MangaArt123 - 6 years ago
I am an Ironman pretty sure the whales and other marine creatures are being harmed by noise pollution caused by the motor of the boats or smth
vScarceELITE - 6 years ago
Orlando Orca god said let us thrive and take over Plano earth and the all the beast that live here
Agar ŦRIKΣR - 6 years ago
+fMuIcNkD And why do I give a crap about your middle sized boat? Braindead. I was talking about boats and you wanted to play it cool, u brought an answer which has nothing to do with my statement. U lost, get over it
fMuIcNkD - 6 years ago
+Agar ŦRIKΣR That's why I said medium sized... talk about braindead
Agar ŦRIKΣR - 6 years ago
+fMuIcNkD Lol. U must be brain dead to think that a 3T Whale would damage a 150 T Steel metal cargo boat.
It may stop the boat from working, but then it won't damage the boat itself, only the navigating engine.
fMuIcNkD - 6 years ago
+Agar ŦRIKΣR any whale has just to connect to damage almost any medium sized boat, possibly even sinking them, so.. guess you were wrong
Orlando Orca
Orlando Orca - 6 years ago
We're the ones ruining and taking over these animals' habitat
Raptor - 6 years ago
Agar HA! You must be one of those people who never go outside and think that the world has nothing on you and that you could take anything on when really your cat knows more about survival than you.
Agar ŦRIKΣR - 6 years ago
Shinnok 5 No, a boat would wreck even a 100 Ton whale (which do not exist)
Shinnok 5
Shinnok 5 - 6 years ago
Its not "poor whales" at least from this video but you shouldnt get close to a whale it can wreck your boat in an instant....and then what you gonna do ?
Juan Solo
Juan Solo - 6 years ago
Lone Wolf
Lone Wolf - 6 years ago
3.05 3.06.. i would've shit myslef
s p
s p - 6 years ago
delete the lousy resolution segments
Justin Zaff
Justin Zaff - 6 years ago
Im sure every whale to boat collison was not purposeful or malicious on the whales part but every harpoon we fire into them IS and i feel so sorry for them .
Lelouch Strife
Lelouch Strife - 6 years ago
i got a name for these people... DUMBASSES!
Kibe Paris
Kibe Paris - 6 years ago
I'm glad for number 3 they were probably hunting them
Billy Grady
Billy Grady - 6 years ago
I don't feel the slightest bit of sympathy for any of these people. They go out on the ocean and knowingly put themselves in danger, that's called stupidity. How can you feel sorry for a person who does this?!?!
CyxerrexyC - 6 years ago
Whale vs Japanese Whale-Eater 4:0
tommygun - 6 years ago
That is music from the last of the mohicans
THE KANGSTER - 6 years ago
Nice that they went by other boat to see if they were ok.. but no they just keep filming and laughing
RobB. - 6 years ago
The three guys in the fishing boat look like the beginning of a jaws scene. Lol.
RobB. - 6 years ago
I love these animals. But do whales attack people to eat?
Jiri Jura Holec Holec
Jiri Jura Holec Holec - 6 years ago
I red somewhere , the accident with the kayak is fake.
Rem - 6 years ago
Just to inform you, killer whales are closer to the dolphin family then to the whale family
Thomas Edwards
Thomas Edwards - 6 years ago
One of these is a shark
TheHue's SciTech
TheHue's SciTech - 6 years ago
4:50 Am I watching a real-life spinoff of Rick & Morty?
junior - 6 years ago
2:00 The whale was mad at the japaneses
Crystal M
Crystal M - 6 years ago
#3 Jackasses banging sticks deserved to get dumped
#2 OMG that orca was straight up being a sh!t, I hope the guy was ok.
#1 Wth the boat filming just keeps on motoring away like it was a free show - go help!
Gustavo XD
Gustavo XD - 6 years ago
Orcas are ASSHOLES. Second only to humans.
BuckBack - 6 years ago
Number 3 was worst
steeleyes - 6 years ago
More dummies....hard at it....
D D - 6 years ago
How was your day.....
Oh it was ok just had a big ass killer wale bellyflop on top of me!
venkatesh venkat1906
venkatesh venkat1906 - 6 years ago
Number 2 is the sudden attack and number 3 is really aggressive
clout chaser
clout chaser - 6 years ago
4:52 the woman sounds like she being fucked ooooow ooooh they hit the boat
clout chaser
clout chaser - 6 years ago
they keep laffing its not funny
thomas - 6 years ago
Wish the 2 th guys ate it they didn’t stop for the crossing whales in front. But when over him and laugh as if they had power over him. Whale didn’t take a deep dive as the tail would show the deeper angle of dive. They were lucky that wasn’t a revengeful whale. But they will pay soon.
Bianca Neve
Bianca Neve - 6 years ago
This fucking people are laughing when that orca destroyed tgat boat and they left without helping to those people over there
ExoticED - 6 years ago
#2 shouldn’t be on here orcas are a type of dolphin they are not whales they are called killer whales because they kill whales
pepa0998 - 6 years ago
At 5:10 if it's me and my kid, this lady was bout to get some
crazyglue345 678
crazyglue345 678 - 6 years ago
o wow I wonder why :l
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Wait that pacific right whale there hits that sailboat so I see it from Billschannel
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
The pacific right whale splash very huge
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Humpback whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Bowhead whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Blue whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Sperm whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Beluga whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Orca or killer whale
Jed Aldrich Navarro
Jed Aldrich Navarro - 6 years ago
Pacific right whale
Mikasa Ackerman Ackerman
Mikasa Ackerman Ackerman - 6 years ago
poor peoples who jumped at them
Christine Hanna
Christine Hanna - 6 years ago
What I find so disturbing in the number 1 video is that the idiots filming the whale jumping on the sailboat are laughing and heading away instead of shutting off their camera and going to see if anyone was hurt. We truly live in a world lacking compassion for others...more important to film something that will go viral!
Rafael Del Villar
Rafael Del Villar - 6 years ago
You totally missed my wife breaching the ferry
Michael Sayer
Michael Sayer - 6 years ago
These were all whales avenging their family members
Tasli Shaw
Tasli Shaw - 6 years ago
The killer whale landing on kayaker is fake.
Jordan Jakeway
Jordan Jakeway - 6 years ago
#1 boat snaps in half, guy filming laughs and speeds away.
luisadolfoforo19761 - 6 years ago
Fantastic vids, people. Just amazing.
Footbohollic Nation
Footbohollic Nation - 6 years ago
White people are crazy.
Dundermannen 1000
Dundermannen 1000 - 6 years ago
Whats the name of the song?
Phil Sooty
Phil Sooty - 6 years ago
Idiots spooking these wonderful mammals and they had children in the boat,what message is this giving them?they would be crying if they capsized and I for one have no sympathy for tragedy's that happen to such ignorant human beings.
Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln - 6 years ago
Krzysztof Pacior
Krzysztof Pacior - 6 years ago
To są dzikie zwierzęta a nie zabawki dla ..."LUDZI"!
1492tomato - 6 years ago
Does anyone know if that guy on the kayak survived the orca breach?
Joshua Taylor
Joshua Taylor - 6 years ago
I think that was fake.
L H - 6 years ago
Duh...ya think!! Yeah maybe you should MOVE. You're out there on a tiny little raft. You might want to give the largest mammals on earth some distance so they don't accidentally or intentionally knock you overboard. Why test fate?? Smdh
Peter Harris
Peter Harris - 6 years ago
Stupid people in boats, the vlog should be called that.
angel fiery petals
angel fiery petals - 6 years ago
You guys messed with the WRONG fish
Paa Hawkins
Paa Hawkins - 6 years ago
No sympathy for these morons. Keep getting in deep water with the smallest boats imaginable, as if there isn't a Greyhound bus swimming beneath you. SMH Then you see three whales coming right at you, with children on the boat, and you sit there? Humans are complete idiots.
DragonflyArtz1 - 6 years ago
I love that you didn't do an annoying voice over!!! TY for that.
nicolae cutzarida
nicolae cutzarida - 6 years ago
2:44 lol did he die?
RuBiK MaN - 6 years ago
When you realise how is the human pimitive..
David 78
David 78 - 6 years ago
Orca is not a whale is a dolphin
Jason Nosaj
Jason Nosaj - 6 years ago
Could I please get the names of the soundtrack titles used in this video? The backround music is really epic in my ears ;)
K It
K It - 6 years ago
You're in their territory.
Kayla Jackson
Kayla Jackson - 6 years ago
I can’t believe their laughing! Humans are evil
TrixZonia - 6 years ago
Yeah human are evil for laughing at whales who are living in their natural habitat what are you vegan?
Pedro Gordinho
Pedro Gordinho - 6 years ago
At 7:49, I believe it´s a shark whale.
The one with the orca was scary. The guy was lucky, he / she could have died.
lee gibson
lee gibson - 6 years ago
Damn, makes me wanna have a whale steak!
Joachim Sudergat
Joachim Sudergat - 6 years ago
A big fat like to the whales.
The moment with the divers is awesome.
sponge head
sponge head - 6 years ago
If the fishermen could have seen that huge whale shark that hit their boat they would have freaked! I think none of them could see it because of the dark sunglasses they had on.
Ridogg81 - 6 years ago
#1 sucked
Pepe Frog
Pepe Frog - 6 years ago
I’m pretty positive the third video was footage of some whale hunters.
Umesh Sharma
Umesh Sharma - 6 years ago
those Japanese looking guys, right? even I felt there intentions were not good toward whales. i didn't feel sorry for them though.
Dream Kinetics
Dream Kinetics - 6 years ago
SO AMAZING! Can't Wait to go to Alaska tomorrow and get some epic footage! Subscribe to check it out in a week!
James Mezza
James Mezza - 6 years ago
3:48 my favourite one
misanthrop1958 - 6 years ago
What an idiot, laughing when his boat is under attack from a whale. I bet when the boat is damaged and sinking he is not laughing anymore. Morons....
Md. Zafar Ilias Bhuiyan
Md. Zafar Ilias Bhuiyan - 6 years ago
So nice
PlanetJigobotTV - 6 years ago
So they laugh as a 50 ton whale crushes a boat?
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Stop intruding in their homes.
Raine Riny 7
Raine Riny 7 - 6 years ago
Warren Lightning unfortunately many people don't have financial means of designing a house like yours.
I considered on being vegetarian but due to Various reasons I did not become one.
2. What about the microorganisms I kill every day (washing, breathing)
3. What about the plants, they are living beings too. Scientists have found dopamine and serotonin and are finding more facts.
4. What about the pests and weeds that are killed during the process of making food.
5. What about the carnivores? Should we eliminate them?
6. Only plants(some microbes, algae) can make food using sunlight and water. Not the rest.

I think you are a very compassionate person that's why you care about animals but vegetarianism doesn't make sense to me.

Maybe regulating the laws on proper way of killing animals will help.
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Raine Riny - For your information, I share my house and acreage with many domestic and wild life animals and plants. I don't kill (not even an insect), I've been a vegetarian since 1972, I've designed my property and house to be nature friendly.
Raine Riny 7
Raine Riny 7 - 6 years ago
The very place where you are typing this comment is not your house. It's the house of plants and animals.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
You cant educate anyone. You are barely literate and don't appear to know anything about anything. Thanks for saying a bunch of wrong things and liking your own comments though, super cool.
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Flacid House - Not going to spend time trying to educate someone of lower than low spiritual frequency.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
People do all those things on the ocean too.

It's no more a vacation spot for people. It isn't a spot. It's the ocean. What you are saying is even more ridiculous than saying people should stay out of north America because that's bears homes. At least bears have homes. Whales don't. They are nomadic.

Humans also live and need oceans, sea, rivers, etc. to survive.

You should seriously consider that you haven't though any of this through and are just leaping at the opportunity at being preachy, oblivious of what a fool you are making of yourself.
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Flacid House - Well, it is where whales live, swim ,eat, defecate, play, mate and give birth. It definitely isn't a vacation spot for whales, dolphins and all other marine life that live and need oceans, sea, rivers, etc. to survive.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
It's not a home at all numb nuts. It's the fucking ocean.
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Flacid House - it certainly isn't yours.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
Not their homes.
Angelo - 6 years ago
Japan and Denmark: STOP WHALING!
Richard w. Ogden
Richard w. Ogden - 6 years ago
My wife said that is why you have to keep away from the them.
Allan Urpina
Allan Urpina - 6 years ago
great video fantastic
SweetCherries - 6 years ago
Hopefully no anim got injured
jeff deathrage
jeff deathrage - 6 years ago
Dude wasn't so impressed w/his little fish anymore. Never, EVER underestimate the stupidity of an uneducated american.
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
Dude why are you in tiny boats near whales? The sailboat was just bad luck but FUCK those tiny whale watching boats.
Mike Lowry
Mike Lowry - 6 years ago
There's a giant shark under the boat everybody stand up ?
Stephen Roby
Stephen Roby - 6 years ago
Best part of the video is the whales getting some much needed revenge. But it sets up the animal lover wanting to watch whales when his boat suddenly becomes target practice. I like that the kayak dude survived. Some like to attach human emotion onto these creatures. They are not humans and need to be respected by given a wide distance between our species. They are not having the same experience as the humans and will show this rather violently.
Maxx Lindley
Maxx Lindley - 6 years ago
people are stupid creatures
shawanda mccray
shawanda mccray - 6 years ago
An orca is a large dolphin, not a whale genius!
MafeHax - 6 years ago
shawanda mccray killer whales smart ass
Asfak Saiyed
Asfak Saiyed - 6 years ago
Zak Vujovic
Zak Vujovic - 6 years ago
2;45 Killer whale actually tried to kill that guy. That was no accident. They are known to do this to trainers in those horrible water places.
Ali Shan
Ali Shan - 6 years ago
Nice look
Sejohh _
Sejohh _ - 6 years ago
Of course the number 1 most impressive video capture of a whale vs boat is some dude with Parkinson’s and his coconut flip phone.
MuRaT _34_69
MuRaT _34_69 - 6 years ago
polished x gamer gta 5
polished x gamer gta 5 - 6 years ago
killer whales are not whales there dolphans
Rainy Sunday
Rainy Sunday - 6 years ago
Idiots, leave them alone . .
340 VI
340 VI - 6 years ago
The second to last clip was Not a whale. One of those guys farted is all that happened. Camera was on so no one wanted to take the blame.
Adammartini - 6 years ago
Why was that one whale soo pissed?
Vicki Taylor
Vicki Taylor - 6 years ago
I don’t think I’d be laughing in some of those...killer whales are dangerous.
Ind Pol Com
Ind Pol Com - 6 years ago
Why are they laughing like idiots.
SumKunt Lee
SumKunt Lee - 6 years ago
I agree with some of the comments. There are far too many whales in the ocean. We need to keep the population right down. We eat lots of whale meat. Its very tasty in sushi or in the grill.
We always hunt them and make lots of money from them
DrSharkBoy - 6 years ago
SumKunt Lee actually, there should be more whales, because as it turns out, more whales means more fish, as their waste acts like fertilizer for the phytoplankton. This can even have a positive effect on slowing climate change. So, we need more whales, as they have been hunted too much. Besides, just because they are big and can accidentally capsize a boat doesn’t mean we should kill them. They aren’t the monsters, we are. We tend to think of ourselves as the supreme life form because we can build crazy tools and cities, but this is only backing up the fact that we only do this to separate ourselves from nature because most of us are really nothing more than some bipedal blowhards and cowards. Think about that.
Simone Rossi
Simone Rossi - 6 years ago
I hate musicaly
MrNoodle1664 - 6 years ago
7:55 "OHHHHHHHH MAAAAAAAA GGGGOOOOOOWWWWWWWWDDDDDDD!!!!!!" I think that was a basking shark, but never the less, they still should of got a bigger boat.
MrNoodle1664 - 6 years ago
OH ok its a what shark!
DrSharkBoy - 6 years ago
MrNoodle1664 it was a whale shark
Extraterrestrial Horse
Extraterrestrial Horse - 6 years ago
That was scary af holy shit.
Sherrie Adair
Sherrie Adair - 6 years ago
Pretty sure the whale at 7:07 is trying to mate with the boat since it's rolling on its back and slowly approaching the boat. lol
Hugh van dere Kuil
Hugh van dere Kuil - 6 years ago
Daniel herbi
Daniel herbi - 6 years ago
Moby Dick hehehe
Michelle Fletcher
Michelle Fletcher - 6 years ago
Sorry to go off topic of whales, but I'm Loving the music. It sounds very much like '"LAST OF THE MOHICANS". WAY COOL VIDEO!!!
faizal gefferie
faizal gefferie - 6 years ago
Even if one of them get killed they won’t learn #these people are idiots
fastfeh1 - 6 years ago
The video of jumping Killer Whale is FAKE! size comparison whale to boat, whale is 40' +
TheAndrealee01 - 6 years ago
I love the guy who's trying to throw the fish back after the whale bumps the boat... like, "here, take it, take it... I wasn't going to keep it!"
Tobias Flynn
Tobias Flynn - 6 years ago
That's not a whale!! It's a whale shark!!!! Such an amazing and gentle creature. You can see the spots all over :)
lechita77 - 6 years ago
What's the title of the song starting from 1:50?
rowmagnon - 6 years ago
The guys hitting the poles that are in the water are, I think, Japanese fisherman who do that to confuse dolphin sonar and lure them into a cove where they kill them. Fucked up.
Werner van der Merwe
Werner van der Merwe - 6 years ago
Idiots getting too close not respecting these beautiful giants
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
Whales getting too close not respecting these boats.
Glenn - 6 years ago
You can‘t see them, idiot.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
They are one up on you.
Steve - 6 years ago
should be top 5 whale vs IDIOT videos
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
+Takumeme People like Steve are the biggest idiots ever. He deserves to have a whale kill him.
EXO and TWICE is UGLY - 6 years ago
Yeah steve
Takumeme - 6 years ago
How are they idiots this is unavoidable
Jay Kinch
Jay Kinch - 6 years ago
Brainless idiots
Johan Wauters
Johan Wauters - 6 years ago
7:28 that looks like a whale shark, not a whale.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Poor whales. Some of those collisions were so hard I felt them.
Squid Gaming
Squid Gaming - 6 years ago
The Regressive Progressive
The Regressive Progressive - 6 years ago
Pull up your skirt, Nancy
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
+Obi-Wan Kenobi Then maybe idiot whales shouldn't collide with boats. Stop blaming humans.
johnny iron lung
johnny iron lung - 6 years ago
+Deftones Dsm a simple googling "whale life span" will get you your answer. the only whale that is considered to be close to 200 years old is a bowhead whale.
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
+johnny iron lung do some research buddy. Artic bowline whales have been killed in modern times with 200 year old spear heads in their back. Being likely an adult when speared that 2-300years old. We really dont know how long they can live. But your statement is false because we have zero proof they cant
johnny iron lung
johnny iron lung - 6 years ago
+Deftones Dsm no whale can live 300 years
Roberto - 6 years ago
They shouldn't jump into fucking boats then if it hurts...
Obi-Wan Kenobi we all know you cheated vs Anakin. He would have force ripped you to shreds punk
James O'Brien
James O'Brien - 6 years ago
Moby Dick is passed at those Asians. Swamping their boats and all.
ᏦINᎶ ᎶEᎾRᎶE ᏆᏆᏆ - 6 years ago
Wait duplicates
Rick wallace
Rick wallace - 6 years ago
+Obi-Wan Kenobi I think they are talking about large commercial shipping vessels not tiny pleasure boats that are just bobbing on the surface.i understand your point tho.
Daniyal Tahir
Daniyal Tahir - 6 years ago
Brian O'Donnell
Brian O'Donnell - 6 years ago
Olowa Segun well there are way more people than whales so can stand to lose a few. I’m more concerned about the whales. Plus the people shouldn’t have been so close. They provoked them.
Olowa Segun
Olowa Segun - 6 years ago
What about the people
Brian O'Donnell
Brian O'Donnell - 6 years ago
They knew what they were doing!
Koalas - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm The hell with your stories, i work with facts and tapes, not with stuff some retarded said.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
"Those whales are not colliding with gigantic metal objects that could kill them on purpose.""

There is a statement with no basis in reality.
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm - The Whales are tired of being harassed, molested and slaughtered.
gojewla - 6 years ago
Obi-Wan Kenobi Collisions with boats at high speeds only occurs when the boat is traveling at a high speed and collides with a whale. These boats are pretty much stationary. What these whales are doing is probably not very harmful.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Those whales are not colliding with gigantic metal objects that could kill them on purpose.
gojewla - 6 years ago
They knew what they were doing. Whales are smart.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Glad I could help with making that one wish come true! ;-)
May the Force always be with you as well.
jeff deathrage
jeff deathrage - 6 years ago
Obi-Wan Kenobi yup, me too. May the Force be with you. (always wanted to say that to old ben)
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6 years ago
Many whales die from collisions with boats. They are colliding with a metal or woden vessels at high speeds, often unintentionally.
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
Dude they are fine. You know whales live a long time. Some whales may actually recognize sailboats as a threat from 300 years ago. Yep theres stories of sperm and bow whlaes striking boats intentionally .
Bynk333 - 6 years ago
they have tuk, so dont worry
jeffery wade
jeffery wade - 6 years ago
9:30, Nearly swallowed that guy up, LoL
FellHard2day - 6 years ago
I never understood why people put life jackets in the kjds but not themselves. Can you imagine how that kid would feel if they watched you drown and then had to save themselves.
PressA2Die - 6 years ago
You surf the kid to shore, dur
fox ali nije megan
fox ali nije megan - 6 years ago
it is like a gas masks on airplane. first save yourself and then you can help others. you're right!
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
No. I wouldn't.
babalou 3719
babalou 3719 - 6 years ago
T. J. well said, t.j.
babalou 3719
babalou 3719 - 6 years ago
Flacid House You'd be surprised at the number of drownings even when someone can swim. Many factors come in to play.
rtothemutha - 6 years ago
Stop it
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
It's enough pansy.
T. J.
T. J. - 6 years ago
"The adult can swim". Sometimes that is just NOT enough, otherwise we would not have any orphans trying to cope further in life. A parent's duty is to stay alive without any excuses, so wear those life jackets, helmets and other safety equipment in what they were developed for.

Besides, the adult should be a role model and teach the kids to be responsible as well on the water as on the land. By watching adults to ignore their own safety, the kids learn to copy. It is then too late to regret it, when you lie in vegetative state in a hospital or burry your own child. Use your brain, that's what it is given for.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
Not before I swam ashore, or just found the life jacket floating around and put it on. They float whether you are in them or not.
Bauke - 6 years ago
Flacid House you will get tired at some point
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
The adult can swim.
sunitha OMG that is so amazing saji
sunitha OMG that is so amazing saji - 6 years ago
Nuts Mc Flurry
Nuts Mc Flurry - 6 years ago
Like, we need to save the whales and everything, but really, does your rad self need to go harass them instead? I hope Miss Rad doesn't have the ability to breed.
Harvey Zykowski
Harvey Zykowski - 6 years ago
Sooo tough! I hope the same science is applied to you.
Wiki - 6 years ago
People are so stupid ...
Carl Amadon
Carl Amadon - 6 years ago
bowheads and pilots fight . they know that people eat them
Carl Amadon
Carl Amadon - 6 years ago
pilot whales @ 5:20
Air Strike Technologies
Air Strike Technologies - 6 years ago
2:01 had it coming, they were charging teh water to stun the whales, The whale decided today was not the day to get dicked with.
William - 6 years ago
Killer whale means business
Lily Distler
Lily Distler - 6 years ago
ouch, i feel bad for these whales
MentalRaptors - 6 years ago
7:47 Skillfully trolled by a whale... I'm impressed!
Christina Warrington
Christina Warrington - 6 years ago
This is sad, people who see whales should stay away from them. It's illegal to be too close, and detrimental to the whale. Then to laugh at those who have been capsized, what jerks
Magnum4orce - 6 years ago
fucking. screaming at 1:27 it has never EVER helped a fucking situation to scream when someone is not right, ESPECIALLY in the middle of the ocean
Kay Duckett
Kay Duckett - 6 years ago
Why are they fucking with them
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome - 6 years ago
Wailord used "Body Slam" against Tiny Kayak, and it's super Holburterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr effective!
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome - 6 years ago
At 6:09, You're gonna be killed by a killer Willy!
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome - 6 years ago
I am fishing, and what the hell is an orca doing here?!
David Vokurka
David Vokurka - 6 years ago
Karishma Kishor
Karishma Kishor - 6 years ago
What an amazing video.. really wanna experience this
Игорь Трубников
Игорь Трубников - 6 years ago
Lithuanian GLOCK31_NH420
Lithuanian GLOCK31_NH420 - 6 years ago
As shoes that leave after whale sinks boat.
alldn666 - 6 years ago
All white people I see
Hays Clark
Hays Clark - 6 years ago
A lot of people don't realize that only toothed whales have sonar.
ACE Internet Fighter Pilot
ACE Internet Fighter Pilot - 6 years ago
how u gunna mess with a whale bigger then ur boat 1:59
Milan Stefanovic
Milan Stefanovic - 6 years ago
People should respect other species. They are not put on this Earth for our entertainment. They share this planet with us. (or better yet, we share this planet with them) WE should RESPECT that.
Guy Ethridge
Guy Ethridge - 5 years ago
No one was disrespecting them, they were having fun and exploring... People can't do anything without someone getting butt hurt
Bold - 6 years ago
J Cooper7 yeah no. Darwinian evolution is proven and a fact. Your god shit on the other hand makes zero sense and is statistically impossible. Pleas learn to question and think about the shit you were feed at your local church.
puppy lover
puppy lover - 6 years ago
You make a really great point
J Cooper7
J Cooper7 - 6 years ago
SonOfMars you still believe that Darwinian Evolution is plausible? Lol ! It’s statistically and physically impossible learn to question what you are taught.
daddyofour - 6 years ago
sm1le - CS:GO have you heard of the term E V O L U T I O N
Korie Creson
Korie Creson - 6 years ago
+Roberto thanks, lol
Roberto - 6 years ago
+Korie Creson Yeah, you tell 'em! You got 'em good!
Gli occhiali
Gli occhiali - 6 years ago
You eat them tho right? Hahaha.
Denver Denver
Denver Denver - 6 years ago
turn them into soup !
Korie Creson
Korie Creson - 6 years ago
+David Janeiro wet back shut up
Korie Creson
Korie Creson - 6 years ago
Hogwarts - 6 years ago
You have such a way with words
piyush Baranwal
piyush Baranwal - 6 years ago
+Ivan C .
Ivan C
Ivan C - 6 years ago
Flacid House suck my 1 inch c*ck motherf*cker
MajesticDuckz Z
MajesticDuckz Z - 6 years ago
Milan Stefanovic Yes, we do share this Earth with them, but what’s so wrong with admiring their beauty? The ones in SeaWorld and in zoos aren’t good, keeping them locked up and all, but going in a boat to look seems totally fine.
Bjay _jw
Bjay _jw - 6 years ago
I agree x99999999999999999
artie lusk
artie lusk - 6 years ago
Milan Stefanovic tell that to the Japanese
Trenton goddard
Trenton goddard - 6 years ago
Do u belive in therepy dogs? Or adopting a suffering amimal?
SonOfMars - 6 years ago
+sm1le - CS:GO they didnt come here asshat they evolved here
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning - 6 years ago
Milan Stefanovic - Absolutely!
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
Bullshit. Animals weren't put on this Earth at all and your estimations about what their purpose is have about as much value as a handful of shit.
David Janeiro
David Janeiro - 6 years ago
no one was "disrespecting" the whales except for the third one. in every other case i would say people did nothing wrong.
John Sikes
John Sikes - 6 years ago
Smart, the guy at 8:50 backing out of the area so he can see that gorgeous animal before the prop would hit it and hit neutral or stop it, I'm assuming...not sure. Also not sure I would have thought of that on the sperm of the moment. Sorry, it was actually a whale shark, but I coudn't resist.
S. D. S.
S. D. S. - 6 years ago
The one with the 3 guys in the aluminum fishing boat was a whale shark
Ken Desjarlais
Ken Desjarlais - 6 years ago
pretty sure it was a goldfish
Rod Royal
Rod Royal - 6 years ago
Here's a clue, don't fuck with whales
kev lar
kev lar - 6 years ago
Now I want to see an boat vs whale video.
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
Illegal aliens are tresspassers.
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
Funny how you don't say that about illegal aliens.
Thalia Kalli
Thalia Kalli - 6 years ago
Meister Madrid you’ve been warned
Randy Reynolds
Randy Reynolds - 6 years ago
Wow! Some amazingly dumb ass people. Whales are are great to see in all but should be appreciated from a distance. I wouldn't feel bad for anyone if they came up "missing"... and besides why would anyone want to have whale snot blown over themselves?
bsjunior - 6 years ago
8.00min is whale shark not a whale.
Juan Solo
Juan Solo - 6 years ago
Wholly shyt who invited the Nazi?? Who cares enjoy the video.
antoine debarge
antoine debarge - 6 years ago
Strange to me they are laughing when this could be catastrophic.
Jason Dassen
Jason Dassen - 5 years ago
bob de bouwer kk bek houde tering kut gvd h
grandroy slam
grandroy slam - 6 years ago
Nanna Maria Vinterberg
Nanna Maria Vinterberg - 6 years ago
great video, thanks!
cesar alves ribeiro
cesar alves ribeiro - 6 years ago
eles não sabem que as baleias e golfinhos detestam o barulho de motor de polpa.
mike jones
mike jones - 6 years ago
Dang I would’ve loved to see them snack on one of you then and only then will you learn to leave them alone
MCE092290 - 6 years ago
The one black lady on the boat said I hope they don't kill us lol
Sam Solo
Sam Solo - 6 years ago
That is the funniest comment I've read...
ExoL BTS Gfriend
ExoL BTS Gfriend - 6 years ago
Chris Williams they really are smh
Make Nitro Great Again
Make Nitro Great Again - 6 years ago
There was a black dude on one of the boats. So I must say with all due respect, blacks are crazier
decebal 55–60 106 dacia 85-106
decebal 55–60 106 dacia 85-106 - 6 years ago
you have very beautiful voice
yuliafromsiberia - 6 years ago
Regarding why they jump over boats, it seems to me as if the whales think like "OMG, there's one of us stuck up there above the water unable to plunge down, just wait, a sec, I'LL help you bro!"
A DP - 6 years ago
2:43 I could not resist with the well known viral meme caption " suprise mothrfuckr !"
Bailee McLachlan
Bailee McLachlan - 6 years ago
I thought people knew to keep their boats away from protected species? Stupid fucking humans, buy hey, maybe someone died!!
Michael Davis
Michael Davis - 6 years ago
I believe #3 are Japanese whalers. I don't wish death upon them but if the whale did kill them they were the only ones asking for it.
Paco pacome
Paco pacome - 6 years ago
Humair Malik
Humair Malik - 6 years ago
Bruce MacKinnon
Bruce MacKinnon - 6 years ago
Blue boat get away from there, idiot!
Lila Reynolds
Lila Reynolds - 6 years ago
lucky people so beautifur
Mr. potato
Mr. potato - 6 years ago
Whales are cool
Wayne Robinson
Wayne Robinson - 6 years ago
In kern county there was a beloved black man owner of great Bar B que joint . He loved fishing out of Moro Bay . He had a very nice boat and always took guest out . One terrible day a large whale breeched and came down n boat destroying it . The only one hurt was owner and he died so sad . Talk about bad luck !
My Alluring Beauty
My Alluring Beauty - 6 years ago
"killer whale" ain't no whales. They are dolphins
daddyofour - 6 years ago
they are both Cetaceans
Craig owen Lindvall jr
Craig owen Lindvall jr - 6 years ago
Orcas. If you are going to be technical at least use the real name. Orca.
Orlando Orca
Orlando Orca - 6 years ago
Sort of. A killer whale is a dolphin but is also a whale. Point is, a dolphin can be a whale but a whale can't be a dolphin
Juan Solo
Juan Solo - 6 years ago
They are not called killer whales cuz they are whales they are called killer whales cuz they are killers of whales. Do research before you try and show off smarty pants.
Richard Woods
Richard Woods - 6 years ago
Naf Vol Dolphins and killer whales are Dolphins.
Richard Woods
Richard Woods - 6 years ago
Harvey Zykowski we are primates actually.
Naf Vol
Naf Vol - 6 years ago
dolphins and killer whales are whales
Harvey Zykowski
Harvey Zykowski - 6 years ago
My alluring Beauty And you're a monkey. What's your point?
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
Not mutually exclusive.
Cryptonite - 6 years ago
Loved the clip where the whales got even!
drunkrudetat2d - 6 years ago
Izayoi Higurashi
Izayoi Higurashi - 6 years ago
7:08 extremely dangerous .. what the fuck do they have in their minds ???
DEPY K - 6 years ago
Once more humans violating nature! 3:46 How stupid could they possibly be to laugh,go away and don't help the people on the crashed boat?
Leslie Mccall
Leslie Mccall - 6 years ago
I can't, for the life of me, understand why these idiots always seem to laugh??!!
Steph Jeavons
Steph Jeavons - 6 years ago
You have clearly never been in a situation where you feel lucky to be alive then! Laughing is often a first reaction.
Massimo Avalle
Massimo Avalle - 6 years ago
Band of idiots
Tharon Hoffman
Tharon Hoffman - 6 years ago
Where are these peoples life jackets if you are on a small vessel on the ocean you must have a jacket on or die if you have a accident.
last first
last first - 6 years ago
We need a bigger boat ,what a wonder of a world we should share ,k
Knut HENSEL - 6 years ago
M.J. Leger
M.J. Leger - 6 years ago
Whales are very curious creatures, they just wanted to see who was up there! Other times they're just fishing and you happen to be there when they come up (breach), UNLESS, it is a mother with a calf -- one time I saw one intentionally attack a boat, probably because she was fearful for her calf. It isn't very smart to try to go swimming with them like some do! They are wild animals, and it IS their territory!
Pestañas & Pecas
Pestañas & Pecas - 6 years ago
Esas personas pudieron haber muerto....
Harry Singh
Harry Singh - 6 years ago
The music at the start is Nice. Anybody knows the name?
Free Ze
Free Ze - 6 years ago
What's wrong with these people, give the whales some room, idiots !
Patchouli von Darnassus
Patchouli von Darnassus - 6 years ago
the last of the mohicans music??
NICU 1234
NICU 1234 - 6 years ago
3:36 that is fake it's an edited boat the real footage it's just the whale jumping
James O'Connor
James O'Connor - 6 years ago
"Dude, you're so rad". If you're over 16 someone should slug you.
[]D [] []V[] []D [] []\[] U 0UT
[]D [] []V[] []D [] []\[] U 0UT - 6 years ago
Hahaha 3:20 wale body slamming those guys was the best part!
Jette Jensen
Jette Jensen - 6 years ago
F c
Paul Flores
Paul Flores - 6 years ago
Dont find that shit one bit funny! I'd jump out that vessel and swim to shore faster then it would. leaving a trail of shit behind me!
The Former Nihilist
The Former Nihilist - 6 years ago
At least you're not one of these weirdos that say "Don't find that shit one bit funny. Humans were on a boat, shame on them."
Anderson Cooper
Anderson Cooper - 6 years ago
Paul Flores loooooool
Jason Blaha Fitness
Jason Blaha Fitness - 6 years ago
Paul Flores lmao
Tina Johnson
Tina Johnson - 6 years ago
Lol....the Russain from Rocky
Squidward Tentacles
Squidward Tentacles - 6 years ago
That's not deep sea
Ken Desjarlais
Ken Desjarlais - 6 years ago
if he dies --he dies
Richard Woods
Richard Woods - 6 years ago
It looks like a whale shark that hit them, those spots on its back are s dead give away. That boat is quite small though, but regardless of how big or small the boat was, those guys most certainly should've had life vests on...!
Roblox Gamer
Roblox Gamer - 6 years ago
number 3 was saving the entire world by killing every human because humans are the biggest threat of earth
Nana Ann
Nana Ann - 6 years ago
7:14 Whale comes in for a sideways peek on what appears to be a Zodiac style boat. I also didn't feel sorry for those who appeared to be Japanese in the boats, as I doubt they had good intentions for the whales.
Umesh Sharma
Umesh Sharma - 6 years ago
@ Nana. even I felt the same. japenese kill significant numbers of whales including endangered species like blue whales.
Efeee Pika?Blob
Efeee Pika?Blob - 6 years ago
Whats the music?
TheAndrealee01 - 6 years ago
It's from the movie "Last of the Mohicans"
Lucy Davis
Lucy Davis - 6 years ago
The propellers on their bpats were the only things worrying me (they could hurt the whale)
RachelG1979 - 6 years ago
What's the beautiful background music??
RMC Shakes
RMC Shakes - 6 years ago
RachelG1979 Its called Promentory, its in the movie Last of the Mohicans
Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative - 6 years ago
This is a video about how feminists ruthlessly attack tourists and beach-goers.
stojance jovanovv
stojance jovanovv - 6 years ago
can some please call me the song with violin on the start ??
dumbo7429 - 6 years ago
Obama caused that.
Alyn Reduban
Alyn Reduban - 6 years ago
Oh my God.
Brian Elling
Brian Elling - 6 years ago
6:53 I would reach out and touch it.
EVNL576 - 6 years ago
2:10 what happened? Did the whale eat them?
H P - 6 years ago
:40 of the video...lmao
"Should we go???" UMM yes you should
Or at least get back. Wayy back...
gator 8
gator 8 - 6 years ago
Hard to fathom at on time there were sharks even bigger than most whales.A girlfriend of mine has a tooth over a foot wide at the base and got me into collecting all things aquatic.
The ocean is magical.
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
That time is now. Whale Sharks are bigger than most whales.
gator 8
gator 8 - 6 years ago
Frank Walk Frank,you have every right to be skeptical as they say the largest ever found is something like 6 to almost 8 inches according to the university prof. who has some of her items and while living in the keys we found what we thought were biological objects only to turn out to be rocks or petrified wood.There aren't rocks found naturally in the keys so most are ballast rocks which most I've found are an off white light type.
Anywho,suffice it to say I shot my mouth off saying this was a megs tooth and do beleive it organic but to what exactly????If and when she finds out for sure either way I'll try to post as an 11+ or 12 in.+ tooth they say is out of the question.
Seeing as they think it's not a rock(prolly) what animal could it be from to fit in with her other teeth. Thanks Frank you prolly have more knowledge than me but as big as the Meg is it didn't seem off just so much bigger.Excited to see what it really could be.Have heard even squid or octopus have a tooth but even those found in the Sea of Cortez aren't that big I'm sure.
See you.

Frank Walk
Frank Walk - 6 years ago
gator 8- I'm skeptical about any tooth, from any animal ever, being a foot wide.
offplanetevent - 6 years ago
gator 8~ Hard to
addie sam
addie sam - 6 years ago
@7:10 the most irritating comments should we move oh my God......I mean Wtf the whales jus coming to hit the boat and Ya askin should v move?????
Barbara Dyson
Barbara Dyson - 6 years ago
have you not noticed all the idiots who are laughing and thinking it is funny to upset whales are all young, only when something serious happens to them do they then change their minds.
Puff Puff
Puff Puff - 6 years ago
Whats the name of intro music??
Tim V.
Tim V. - 6 years ago
Puff Puff

The kiss by trevor jones
Kev Mac
Kev Mac - 6 years ago
My first thought is,stay the fuck away from those whales. Those people are interfering with there life's. Stay away from them!!
G Gg
G Gg - 6 years ago
That Indian seem like a nice chap at 4 minutes laughing at the people hahaha it's a disaster he says
Takumeme - 6 years ago
Ronald Coates thats what people do they were in disbelief do they laughed
Sodium Hypochlorite
Sodium Hypochlorite - 6 years ago
Good thing 3:30 was fake.
Tristan Field
Tristan Field - 6 years ago
My eyes must be failing because I clearly see a whale land on that boat
Zhongshan Shi
Zhongshan Shi - 6 years ago
know fear and be wise.
Earl Vandereb
Earl Vandereb - 6 years ago
Lucky the killer whale didn't eat them.
Maine NOVI
Maine NOVI - 6 years ago
255 fake as shit that's shamo from sea world so fake click bait why do they keep twitching the cam de cause they don't want you too see .o o there hit the boat o o o
Dave S
Dave S - 6 years ago
Clearly the whales causing damage should be euthanized.
Anne Arteaga
Anne Arteaga - 6 years ago
Dave S why should the whales euthanized?
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 6 years ago
I don’t know why but I’m terrified of whales...
Cathartic Canuck
Cathartic Canuck - 6 years ago
3:36 we meet worlds most evil, disgusting human beings.... laughing, mocking, then driving away .....without any worry
R S - 6 years ago
Cathartic Canuck
My thoughts when seeing it
Cathartic Canuck
Cathartic Canuck - 6 years ago
Evil Bastard ah, makes a sense now. Though full blown femmies would have circles back to finish off any survivors
Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative - 6 years ago
This is a video about how feminists ruthlessly attack tourists and beach-goers
Cathartic Canuck
Cathartic Canuck - 6 years ago
Lucy, haven’t you heard? Our god elon musk said so. We are all just cgi within a simulation.
Lucy Davis
Lucy Davis - 6 years ago
I&A Gaming how can THAT be fake?
xd Wumbus
xd Wumbus - 6 years ago
That Video was found out just to be fake it was CGI
Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative - 6 years ago
The film was too short. They could have circled back around to help after the camera cut off.
Scythegenram - 6 years ago
2:44 That was the biggest killer whale i ever see
Casper Boekel
Casper Boekel - 6 years ago
Scythegenram iT is probably fake iT cant be that big haha
san 64
san 64 - 6 years ago
Stupid people disturbing animal kingdom.
Patriot One
Patriot One - 6 years ago
Justice for human morons. Humans can be sooooo stupid
daddyofour - 6 years ago
Humans are more intelligent than whales
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
For instance they go onto YouTube and express themselves in the manner of borderline illiterates when they are trying to look superior.
Ariadalf - 6 years ago
there s a paradox here, on one hand, your comment is stupid, on the other hand, you re showing yourself a good exemple for that statement you made making your comment accurate.
ItsGlenn83 - 6 years ago
You're a human.
william smith
william smith - 6 years ago
9:48..."you're going to do more to clean that wet suit" LOL
Peter Donohue
Peter Donohue - 6 years ago
The orca breaching on a kayak is not real. It was footage made for a Korean power drink commercial.
chris60810 - 6 years ago
Ilike when those whales attack those china,japan boats,sinkem whales
cheryl higgins
cheryl higgins - 7 years ago
Idiots. Every single one of them.
Basic Video Gaming
Basic Video Gaming - 5 years ago
Everyone? Why are the whales idiots?
daddyofour - 6 years ago
they didn’t have any control of the situation
Kommervenkki 1
Kommervenkki 1 - 6 years ago
What about those people in the sailing boat?
OMrChrisO - 6 years ago
says the sloth who's probably never been in the ocean
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 6 years ago
cheryl higgins some didn’t even know
John Sikes
John Sikes - 7 years ago
Wow, some amazing footage. That last guy in the water, I wonder what would happen if he did fall into that gaping maw? It was nice to see the guys "pestering" the whales get their comeuppance in the little whalers.
Kevin S.
Kevin S. - 6 years ago
One of the divers at the end almost became "Jonah".
Jeffrey Stark
Jeffrey Stark - 6 years ago
John Sikes MAN, talk about getting up close and personal... I think I would've really shit myself if I was the guy at the end!
Koalas - 6 years ago
He would be crushed by the plates in the whale's mouth, and then the whale would pull his body out. But, as whales are not idiots, they avoided him.
Mike Greives
Mike Greives - 6 years ago
Looked like Japanese whalers to me
meatliquor - 6 years ago
they were trying to scare away a sperm whale in that bay area so it wouldn't get hurt or hurt anyone else, but it ended up killing them instead
Captain Srithar
Captain Srithar - 6 years ago
John Sikes
Michelle Fletcher
Michelle Fletcher - 6 years ago
John Sikes my thoughts Exactly!
John Sikes
John Sikes - 6 years ago
Ich verstehe das nicht. My wife provided the German, so answer in English if easily done, or I'll have to hit the translator. ;-)
Tawfiq Khoja
Tawfiq Khoja - 6 years ago
John Sikes M,man
Leopold Eder
Leopold Eder - 6 years ago
John Sikes @…. S. Ich 6
Phuoc hung Chau
Phuoc hung Chau - 6 years ago
John Sikes f
lil10 - 7 years ago
2:44 wailord used splash
Its super effective!
The opposing boat fainted
Daniel Mitchell
Daniel Mitchell - 6 years ago
+Adi Rahadi body slam deffo... hilarious though
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome
The Awakening Of Johnny Newsome - 6 years ago
Lol Hahahahahahah!
Adi Rahadi
Adi Rahadi - 6 years ago
I is not splash..
it is definitely BODY SLAM, definitely.
Kevin Barrios
Kevin Barrios - 6 years ago
Nick Pappas
Nick Pappas - 6 years ago
Stefan adama
Noe Klenk
Noe Klenk - 7 years ago
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 7 years ago
The LAW: Stay 100 yards away from whales. Dolphins, porpoises, seals and sea turtles etc is 50 yards. Penalties: $100,000 & one yr in jail ($200,000 for companies).
Common sense: They can kill you or strand you i the sea and you still die.
The Lesson: You can end up in the water in one second on a calm sunny day so ALWAYS wear a lifejacket and ALWAYS have a waterproof marine handheld radio on your body. If possible, have a fanny pack with things like pen flares, strobe light, knife, line, large thick trash bag, space blanket, minor medical gear, small flashlight, signaling mirror , spare charged radio battery, etc...

I feel sorry for the sailboat on a nice calm sunny day minding their own business and the whale seems to deliberately attack them. On my first cruise on the first day (calm and sunny too) a whale hit our 8 ft fin keel. It backed up, surfaced and looked at us and then went under us. It could have gotten angry and just as easily have slammed our boat.
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Nova, Whatever makes you happy and whatever you think is a good idea for your level of ? comfort, respect for creatures and the law etc ... Most often things go well and when they do not, well we do not hear about them (eaten or in jail). Sometimes they come to you and it does not turn out well. Plenty of videos about that here on YT...
Envy Nova
Envy Nova - 6 years ago
Law for which waters? From which country. Just curious as i dive all the time and know you dont choose the distance between the creatures. They do
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Evil, VERY good points!
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Leo, I am happy to know you are OK.
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Tee, What was I thinking? Here ya go via NOAA:
Observing wild dolphins, porpoises, and seals from safe distances of at least 50 yards (150 feet) by land or sea
Observing large whales from a safe distance of at least 100 yards (300 feet) by land or sea
Observing whales, dolphins, porpoises, and seals from a safe distance of at least 333 yards (1,000) feet by air
Use binoculars or telephoto lenses for a better view of the animals
Limit overall viewing time to no more than 30 minutes
Avoid circling or entrapping marine mammals between watercraft, or watercraft and shore
Avoid abrupt movements or loud noises around marine mammals
Avoid separating mother/calf pairs
Move away cautiously if behaviors are observed that indicate the animal is stressed
Avoid touching or swimming with wild marine mammals, even if they approach you
It is illegal to feed or attempt to feed any species of marine mammal
It is illegal to approach humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska within 100 yards (300 feet) by land or sea
It is illegal to approach humpback whales in Hawaii within 333 yards (1,000 feet) by air
It is illegal to approach killer whales in inland waters of Washington State within 200 yards (600 feet) by land or sea
It is illegal to approach North Atlantic right whales within 500 yards (1,500 feet) by land, sea, or air
Captain Mark Gray
Captain Mark Gray - 6 years ago
Will, It is prohibited by regulations enacted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Enforced by the USA Government.
Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative - 6 years ago
Will Johnson - the law of a ship in international waters is the law of whatever flag they are flying, or their home port. You are still legally bound by all local, federal, and maritime laws once you are in international waters.
YEETUS DELETUS - 6 years ago
Captain Mark Gray it hapened to me too, a whale and some dolfins were "surfing" with us (I have a 30ft comar comet 1050) and suddenly the whale hit our keel and completely broke it, the boat turned out to be fine tho.
Tee Jay
Tee Jay - 6 years ago
Sorry but the law is 100 yards away from whales dolphins and porpoises is 50 yards same with seals and sea turtles
Will Johnson
Will Johnson - 6 years ago
Captain Mark Gray "The LAW..." What LAW? Enforced by whom?
Alf Mil
Alf Mil - 7 years ago
Humans stupids
Ariadalf - 6 years ago
Humans smart enough to go on the sea which is not their natural play"ground",
so humans not stupids.
misssammy b
misssammy b - 7 years ago
omg those guys in canoe :@
Squid Master
Squid Master - 6 years ago
It's fake.
Reed C
Reed C - 7 years ago
Let’s go play with some whales, they won’t hurt us!!
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 7 years ago
All Idiots
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 6 years ago
explains a lot :-)
Steven Chavez
Steven Chavez - 6 years ago
Ruudy L
Ruudy L - 6 years ago
Daniel did we go to school together ??
echt deutsch
echt deutsch - 6 years ago
Ruudy L
You are one too
Logical Conservative
Logical Conservative - 6 years ago
Ruudy L - Why? State your reasons.
Alf Mil
Alf Mil - 7 years ago
Yeah! I agree totally Ruudy L!
John Ogo
John Ogo - 7 years ago
Little boat big ocean!
noman shafique
noman shafique - 7 years ago
What is the name of the background tone plz
Im That Guy
Im That Guy - 7 years ago
2:40 does anybody know what this song is called ?
Dmeingo Johnson
Dmeingo Johnson - 7 years ago
Im That Guy yes look up the last of the mohicanan sound track
Ron Lee
Ron Lee - 7 years ago
Keep calling the whales until they kill one of you.Them maybe you will LEARN
SumKunt Lee
SumKunt Lee - 6 years ago
+mastmaula Thank you. You are very sweet
mastmaula - 6 years ago
+SumKunt Lee nice name though...somecunt, in line with your thinking!
Max Vorherr
Max Vorherr - 6 years ago
Ron Lee with this comment I will learn to say then not them just playing
MyRectumSphincterCouldChopYourDickOff Bitch
MyRectumSphincterCouldChopYourDickOff Bitch - 6 years ago
Moon Pilot no it would not at all, you gotta be stupid to believe that, millions of species have gotten extinct and look.. the biosphere is still as before, full of life.
Artemis420 - 6 years ago
SumKunt Lee they are not fish. They are mammals. Like us.
Moon Pilot
Moon Pilot - 6 years ago
SumKunt Lee
If you would kill all whales then the ecosystem would collapse, way to go..
Besides, whales aren't fish, they are mammals
Mel MeMe
Mel MeMe - 6 years ago
SumKunt Lee sweety this world is in this shit because of people that think the same as you.
SumKunt Lee
SumKunt Lee - 6 years ago
Mel MeMe Yes they are very big.. They have lumps on them. Did you ever eat them.. You swound very nice and helpful
Mel MeMe
Mel MeMe - 6 years ago
SumKunt Lee whales are not fish... Basic education sweety....
naive sometimes
naive sometimes - 6 years ago
Mario Girardi true, I have worked in the zoo last summer, now I know the power of these animals by taking a close observation: it's something human can't bear, a friendly light punch from a gorilla could just kill u. No kidding.
SumKunt Lee
SumKunt Lee - 6 years ago
Mario Girardi Your comment is very stupid. These whales are hoirrible fish. We need to kill lots of them for us to enjoy eating them. There are too many of these ugly fish
Byron Callahan
Byron Callahan - 6 years ago
asd24327976 butt munchers
Wayne Morphett
Wayne Morphett - 6 years ago
Ron Lee is that what they do? what pricks..
Mario Girardi
Mario Girardi - 6 years ago
Ron Lee Finally someone with a brain. A whale or an orca can kill even without intention and without any attack, just by swimming near. How te hell people think that such enormous beasts are unoffensive?
Sure, they are not aggressive with humans, but that doesn't mean unoffensive
Becca - 7 years ago
freak out with me on board ill make you face your fears and youll be swimming!
Saty5sMadnizz - 7 years ago
Poor whales, they must have been hurt.
Do not close to these animals.
T DH - 5 years ago
In some clips the whales litteraly swim towards the humans
Flacid House
Flacid House - 6 years ago
Expressing yourself in the manner of a borderline illiterate is no virtue.
james arterburn
james arterburn - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm I know how you
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
james arterburn oh it did , it just fixed it to the wrong word haha. I hate spelling and grammar online. Its such a joke when people get mad about it. Language is MADE UP and different in different areas. I really believe these people will regret alot later in life. Spending energy to correct people etc is so useless with life so short. Anyway you arent that person. I literally used wrong word , didnt misspell it.
james arterburn
james arterburn - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm didn't seem to work this
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
james arterburn yes... damn spellchecker.
james arterburn
james arterburn - 6 years ago
Deftones Dsm you mean were and attacked..
Deftones Dsm
Deftones Dsm - 6 years ago
Jesus whales have thick skin and layers of fat. They are fine and have every right to hate humans. Some where alive while we were still killing them by the thousands. So they have attacked sailing ships. One was found few years ago with 200+ year old spear heads in its back. So he was an adult 200 years ago. They have every right to hate us. Specially sailboats
james arterburn
james arterburn - 6 years ago
Saty5sMadnizz when idiots encrouche on their territory it's hard not to get your boat snashed.whales can't look upward to see where they are breaching.
Anita Wolgien
Anita Wolgien - 6 years ago
You as a human supposed to be the smartest species on earth thinks that a whale will know what it feels like to have the boat.
Anita Wolgien
Anita Wolgien - 6 years ago
+MRHRamos So someone told the oils what it would feel like if they slammed into a boat. DA
Nature for Everybody
Nature for Everybody - 6 years ago
First learn to write correctly, asino! I assume, you're Italian, so I'll write in your language: Vaffanculo!
Nature for Everybody
Nature for Everybody - 6 years ago
They're smart, yes. But do they know, what they're doing? Suuuuuuuure!
nathan liar
nathan liar - 6 years ago
Kevin Bergquist
Kevin Bergquist - 6 years ago
Giorgio Pasta whales > Humans
Naser Babawy
Naser Babawy - 6 years ago
Saty5sMadnizz i
renewoods - 6 years ago
What a nasty remark, I hope before you die you learn to respect all life!
Giorgio Pasta
Giorgio Pasta - 6 years ago
idiot people were killed and you worry about the whales? i hope you die because a whale jumps on kayak
renewoods - 7 years ago
No they do not, It is not uncommon for whales to get hurt in these unwanted interactions. Near where I live in Brazil a whale was hit and later turned up dead.
MRHRamos - 7 years ago
Stop being a douchbag, every one of these vids showed the whales jumping onto the boats. Whales are very smart and know exactly what they are doing.
Dark GT
Dark GT - 7 years ago
Hi can you ask you for a favor? I need to fill the new rules for partnership with Youtube , they add that crazy rule to have 1 000 min followers, yeah just 125 away from that , but in that speed won't make it on time (20 feb deadline).
gumelini1 - 7 years ago
Start praying than
Taka Michii
Taka Michii - 7 years ago
Dark GT 、"you" ask you ? What ?
Lyle B
Lyle B - 7 years ago
Minute 08:00 , at the realization of capsize, everyone stands up without life preservers. Brilliant.
Round - 6 years ago
Unless they can’t swim, Life preservers tend to float on water.
Billy Wright
Billy Wright - 6 years ago
Lyle B they didn't capsize... Lol
Poussière d'étoile
Poussière d'étoile - 7 years ago
Beautiful thanks
Ivan Bilić
Ivan Bilić - 7 years ago
KanDitZo? - 7 years ago

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