Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
Boat 7 years ago 2,425,095 views
► Send us your video ideas! Whales are magnificent and beautiful creatures, but they can be dangerous if they get too close! Here's our list of the top five whale vs boat videos. Several segments are licensed under Creative Commons (CC) Ole K (CC), David Bonds (CC), Shawn Backer (CC) The Top Fives channel brings you informational and entertaining top five videos from around the world. Join us and subscribe for more. Follow us on Facebook! Note: The videos featured on the Top Fives channel are for educational and informational purposes. If you have a good idea for a video, leave us a comment! We try to read each and every comment made.
10. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
Humans: A whale woo!
Whale: Try me b**
20. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
30. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
50. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
Some of these whales were being quite aggressive.
100. comment for Top 5 Whale VS Boat Videos
like the globe earth lie
space hoax lie
iss bullshit with virtual reality tech and green screens
hitlers 7 different ears including one looking like good old walt disneys scarred ear
global warming/overpopulation
etc etc; so much to pick haha
It may stop the boat from working, but then it won't damage the boat itself, only the navigating engine.
#2 OMG that orca was straight up being a sh!t, I hope the guy was ok.
#1 Wth the boat filming just keeps on motoring away like it was a free show - go help!
Oh it was ok just had a big ass killer wale bellyflop on top of me!
The one with the orca was scary. The guy was lucky, he / she could have died.
The moment with the divers is awesome.
I considered on being vegetarian but due to Various reasons I did not become one.
2. What about the microorganisms I kill every day (washing, breathing)
3. What about the plants, they are living beings too. Scientists have found dopamine and serotonin and are finding more facts.
4. What about the pests and weeds that are killed during the process of making food.
5. What about the carnivores? Should we eliminate them?
6. Only plants(some microbes, algae) can make food using sunlight and water. Not the rest.
I think you are a very compassionate person that's why you care about animals but vegetarianism doesn't make sense to me.
Maybe regulating the laws on proper way of killing animals will help.
It's no more a vacation spot for people. It isn't a spot. It's the ocean. What you are saying is even more ridiculous than saying people should stay out of north America because that's bears homes. At least bears have homes. Whales don't. They are nomadic.
Humans also live and need oceans, sea, rivers, etc. to survive.
You should seriously consider that you haven't though any of this through and are just leaping at the opportunity at being preachy, oblivious of what a fool you are making of yourself.
We always hunt them and make lots of money from them
That was scary af holy shit.
There is a statement with no basis in reality.
May the Force always be with you as well.
Besides, the adult should be a role model and teach the kids to be responsible as well on the water as on the land. By watching adults to ignore their own safety, the kids learn to copy. It is then too late to regret it, when you lie in vegetative state in a hospital or burry your own child. Use your brain, that's what it is given for.
"Should we go???" UMM yes you should
Or at least get back. Wayy back...
The ocean is magical.
Anywho,suffice it to say I shot my mouth off saying this was a megs tooth and do beleive it organic but to what exactly????If and when she finds out for sure either way I'll try to post as an 11+ or 12 in.+ tooth they say is out of the question.
Seeing as they think it's not a rock(prolly) what animal could it be from to fit in with her other teeth. Thanks Frank you prolly have more knowledge than me but as big as the Meg is it didn't seem off just so much bigger.Excited to see what it really could be.Have heard even squid or octopus have a tooth but even those found in the Sea of Cortez aren't that big I'm sure.
See you.
The kiss by trevor jones
My thoughts when seeing it
Its super effective!
The opposing boat fainted
it is definitely BODY SLAM, definitely.
Common sense: They can kill you or strand you i the sea and you still die.
The Lesson: You can end up in the water in one second on a calm sunny day so ALWAYS wear a lifejacket and ALWAYS have a waterproof marine handheld radio on your body. If possible, have a fanny pack with things like pen flares, strobe light, knife, line, large thick trash bag, space blanket, minor medical gear, small flashlight, signaling mirror , spare charged radio battery, etc...
I feel sorry for the sailboat on a nice calm sunny day minding their own business and the whale seems to deliberately attack them. On my first cruise on the first day (calm and sunny too) a whale hit our 8 ft fin keel. It backed up, surfaced and looked at us and then went under us. It could have gotten angry and just as easily have slammed our boat.
Observing wild dolphins, porpoises, and seals from safe distances of at least 50 yards (150 feet) by land or sea
Observing large whales from a safe distance of at least 100 yards (300 feet) by land or sea
Observing whales, dolphins, porpoises, and seals from a safe distance of at least 333 yards (1,000) feet by air
Use binoculars or telephoto lenses for a better view of the animals
Limit overall viewing time to no more than 30 minutes
Avoid circling or entrapping marine mammals between watercraft, or watercraft and shore
Avoid abrupt movements or loud noises around marine mammals
Avoid separating mother/calf pairs
Move away cautiously if behaviors are observed that indicate the animal is stressed
Avoid touching or swimming with wild marine mammals, even if they approach you
It is illegal to feed or attempt to feed any species of marine mammal
It is illegal to approach humpback whales in Hawaii and Alaska within 100 yards (300 feet) by land or sea
It is illegal to approach humpback whales in Hawaii within 333 yards (1,000 feet) by air
It is illegal to approach killer whales in inland waters of Washington State within 200 yards (600 feet) by land or sea
It is illegal to approach North Atlantic right whales within 500 yards (1,500 feet) by land, sea, or air
so humans not stupids.
You are one too
If you would kill all whales then the ecosystem would collapse, way to go..
Besides, whales aren't fish, they are mammals
Sure, they are not aggressive with humans, but that doesn't mean unoffensive
Do not close to these animals.