202 likes 210,476 views 13 years ago
Keeping it simple ! Product: Strong-Arm Kayak Loader Browse our other social media platforms; Official Website -...
26 likes 46,468 views 16 years ago
how you , alone, can transfer your kayak from the car roof to the garage ceiling. NEW vidéo : Kayak TROLLEY home made
0 likes 1,224 views 7 years ago
Happy New Year for everyone and wish you the best in 2018 ......Welcome any comments 😊🙏🏻🙏🏻
The "Trailering Tips - Loading Your Boat" video is part of the boating, sailing tipps category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Did anyone notice that this video actually uses two different trailers? when he loads it, that one has rollers on the outboard of the bunkers. That is why the boat tips back with bow up. The second time he loads it is straight on the bunkers on a different trailer. dumb to do that...
1. I often see boat trailers backed WAY too far down, and the truck gets wet; especially in salt water, this is a terrible idea. But in this video, the other extreme is shown, not far enough back, they make it work by "powering on" but that makes a divit in the bottom, bad for the environment of the ramp. It should go in far enough where the boat BARELY rubs as it comes into place, without needing to "gun it".
2. Guides really help line it up for you, highly recommend.
3. DO NOT assume the parking brake, and "park" will hold the truck. My old GMC could not hold itself, so poor was the mickey mouse secondary brake. A PERSON should keep their foot on the brake, if possible. If no other choice, be very sure the weight comes against the brake, not the gears, but use the gears as a back up in case the brake fails. My system was so poor, that we chocked the wheels, THEN applied brake, then gears. CHECK YOUR SYSTEM out, hope it is much better than mine was.
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