Understanding Channel Markers For Boating: Reading Markers & Buoys

You’ve probably noticed the different color channel markers out on the water… But do you know what they all mean? In this video, we’ve got Capt. Mark “Hollywood” Johnson from FloridaKeysFunFishing.com to help educate us on what all of these markers mean. He’ll share: - Some fun phrases to help you remember what each marker means - Why the markers have different colors, shapes, and numbers - How a good pair of polarized sunglasses can help you safely navigate through shallow water Have any questions about shallow water navigation? Let us know in the comments below! To see the full blog post, click here: http://bit.ly/38yR7Fh And to get access to the best fishing spots, tips, and exclusive gear and discounts, click here to join us the Insider Club: http://bit.ly/2sQrznS

Understanding Channel Markers For Boating: Reading Markers & Buoys sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Boat 5 years ago 8,429 views

You’ve probably noticed the different color channel markers out on the water… But do you know what they all mean? In this video, we’ve got Capt. Mark “Hollywood” Johnson from FloridaKeysFunFishing.com to help educate us on what all of these markers mean. He’ll share: - Some fun phrases to help you remember what each marker means - Why the markers have different colors, shapes, and numbers - How a good pair of polarized sunglasses can help you safely navigate through shallow water Have any questions about shallow water navigation? Let us know in the comments below! To see the full blog post, click here: http://bit.ly/38yR7Fh And to get access to the best fishing spots, tips, and exclusive gear and discounts, click here to join us the Insider Club: http://bit.ly/2sQrznS

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Most popular comments
for Understanding Channel Markers For Boating: Reading Markers & Buoys

Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 5 years ago
Want access to the best fishing spots, tips, and exclusive gear and discounts? Click here to join us the Insider Club: http://bit.ly/2sQrznS
Eric Oakley
Eric Oakley - 5 years ago
If you had that red marker over your right shoulder on your right when you were coming back to port from the sea would you be up in that shallow area you pointed out? I understand on your right going out then you’ll be in the deep channel but if it’s on your right coming back you’re going to be in the shallows won’t you?
Pablo Diaz
Pablo Diaz - 5 years ago
Always a great refresher
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 5 years ago
Thanks Pablo!
Jason Verhine
Jason Verhine - 5 years ago
Red on right in the direction you were facing...
So coming thru the opposite direction, red would be in the left?
I understand it it's mostly common sense & reading the water it's most important, but this video instruction seems to only cover one direction???
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 5 years ago
Yes, the opposite direction would mean that we were no longer Returning inland, so we would need to make sure to keep the red markers on our left and the green markers on our right.
David Daigrepont
David Daigrepont - 5 years ago
I see orange. Not red. And if we always keep red on our right we'll be traveling all around the marker. Doesn't that make it useless? But thanks for the video
David Daigrepont
David Daigrepont - 5 years ago
Chris Mallory I've never run around in my life but I have helped some get unstuck. It happens easier than some would think. My Dad instilled extreme caution in me and my brothers but I see many reckless people on the water.
Chris Mallory
Chris Mallory - 5 years ago
Found the guy that runs his boat aground
David Daigrepont
David Daigrepont - 5 years ago
The red and green stay in between rule makes perfect sense
David Daigrepont
David Daigrepont - 5 years ago
Not trolling at all. Just trying to understand. If there is a fixed point and it is approached from all points of the compass keeping it off the starboard side will not make any of the water around it off limits. The marker in the example seems to be standing out in the middle.
Daniel Morris
Daniel Morris - 5 years ago
Stay between red and green, or keep the red on your right as you pass the marker...I think you are trolling
David Yarber
David Yarber - 5 years ago
Additionally, the markers in the Intracoastal Waterway are distinguished from local or private markers by a reflective gold decal affixed to the face of the marker. A gold square on the square, green, odd numbered marker and a triangle decal on the triangle, red, even numbered marker. This is especially helpful when other channels intersect the ICW such as near inlets, the St. Johns River, etc.
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 5 years ago
Thanks for making time to leave the helpful comment David!
vanessa M
vanessa M - 5 years ago
yea ill just bottom out
Bob Geis
Bob Geis - 5 years ago
Robert Hall
Robert Hall - 5 years ago
Generally speaking the normal markers are understandable, but there are times where they are not. In the case of your video, I am a bit confused on your boat position, looking over your right shoulder, red on right out to bay and we see the shallow water to the right of the red marker.
However, to your left pan view, it shows red on right going the opposite direction and we see shallow water to the right of the marker? Are you sitting at an intersection?

Where I get most confused is at an intersection. Would be good to see some examples explained how to read them and know which way to go...... I have yet to find a clear explanation where I boat in North Carolina in Morehead City area. Which side to hug past the intersection, etc.
Salt Strong
Salt Strong - 5 years ago
Yes, we were near an intersection... the other red marker out to the left is marking a 2nd channel that's going towards the Return direction, so the marker needs to be on the right side of the boat when going that direction in that channel.
Kevinw4040 - 5 years ago
His boat is at a channel intersection. Look at it as a road and when you’re in the channel and heading back to the dock red is on your right. If red is on your left you’re heading out to sea basically.
Daniel Morris
Daniel Morris - 5 years ago
@FishN Smoke the boat in the background is coming towards the camera. So it's opposite. It's still staying between red and green though.
FishN Smoke
FishN Smoke - 5 years ago
Well I’m raising my HAND also
The boat in the background is it to the right or left of the red marker
Serious? I’m confused maybe if your driving I could visualize it
Not everyone a professional
Daniel Morris
Daniel Morris - 5 years ago
Did you watch the video? Do you have polarized glasses? I think you were the kid who raised his hand in the middle of the presentation, and missed the answer to your question.

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