Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

One of the most asked questions we get is what centerpiece fish can I put in my community aquarium? This is a top 5 list of our suggestions for tanks in the 10 to 30 gallon range. Our Second Channel: Our Website:

Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 107

Tropical fishing 6 years ago 202,827 views

One of the most asked questions we get is what centerpiece fish can I put in my community aquarium? This is a top 5 list of our suggestions for tanks in the 10 to 30 gallon range. Our Second Channel: Our Website:

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Most popular comments
for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Support us by buying on our online store:
Deidre Lattimer
Deidre Lattimer - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op 4 Aquarium Shop Australia
sicilianotoronto - 6 years ago
Great vid! I think Bettas are great in a community tank with some fish species. I had my male (sometimes 2) in a 33 gallon long and well planted. Never a problem. However, Zebra Danios DO NOT nip at fins! Nor do White Cloud Mountain minnows. I had about 5 danios and 5 minnows with a Betta in a curved 7 gallon with absolutely no problems. They do not eat fins. Actually the tank looked great with all of them swimming around the Betta and keeping him active and inquisitive. Thanks for the great ideas in this vid though!
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 6 years ago
I have two angelfish in my 29 and they get along pretty i also have ember tetras
Tonka Saw
Tonka Saw - 6 years ago
Jack Ramler
Jack Ramler - 6 years ago
One of my friends has a boulivian ram and it looks so cool
Kyle VanGrol
Kyle VanGrol - 6 years ago
What kind of filter is that in your aquariums? I saw your pleco going nuts on it. Also, I currently have in my 20 gallon, two tetras, a royal pleco, a betta, one gourami, and two mollies. What would you suggest adding to grow our numbers? More tetras and mollies or can we add some new fish? Current airation is a coral (rapid) bubbler and filter is standard top waterfall mount.
good kush
good kush - 6 years ago
What fish is that at 2:52 the one that looks like Chinese algae eater. I have one in my tank and it hurt my fish at night. My gold gourami got bruises and holes in it's body and I saw it attacking my Bushy nose pleco, I tried to transfer it from my main tank to my hospital tank but couldn't. Catch because my tank is heavily planted so I want the full info about this damn fish please
Blue Yeen
Blue Yeen - 6 years ago
I used to have an Angel .. It killed all the other little fish, so I wouldn't do that personally.
Irena Wolfrom
Irena Wolfrom - 6 years ago
As soon as you mentioned a betta i subscribed! Finally someone who understands their beauty

10. comment for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Theo.Playz - 6 years ago
Are angels and a betta allowed to be kept in the same aquarium
Theo.Playz - 6 years ago
Because my angels and Bettas live together peacefully
why not
why not - 6 years ago
pistogramas have very fun names
Sean templonuevo
Sean templonuevo - 6 years ago
Can you put neon tetras with goldfish
Monstraucity - 6 years ago
How many angels would you put in a 40 gallon with 2 platies, 1 molly, 1 Bolivian, 1 betta, 3 jilli Cory 3 albino cory
Monstraucity - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op can I put giant danios and rainbows in my tank with one angel? If so how many of each?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I would do 1
Hamhead 3
Hamhead 3 - 6 years ago
I’m moving my male Betta from a five gallon by himself to a 10 gallon where I’d like to put some tank mates in with him. Thanks for taking the time to be a good teacher!
Rachel Kruse
Rachel Kruse - 6 years ago
I saw Cory eggs on the glass for #3 apistograma tank (spelling?)
Jackson RRXT
Jackson RRXT - 6 years ago
Black moor/telescope in my 29. Male betta in my 5.
Jenn K
Jenn K - 6 years ago
Can I put a Betta in my 20 gallon that has about 15 guppies?
pop pop
pop pop - 6 years ago
angel fish and all cichilids eat guppys and tetras. BEWARE!
pop pop
pop pop - 6 years ago
oh sorry do you know any that i could put with my guppies
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
That’s not a true statement. Many cichlids do but there are quite a few that don’t as well
Kelly Anderson
Kelly Anderson - 6 years ago
I don't have a center piece fish right now my tank is a 29 gallon i have 11 platys and 8 ember tetras i plan on taking out my ember tetras and placing them in a smaller tank maybe than i can add a centerpiece. I would like to get one angelfish it would also help keep the platys numbers down by eating their fry..

20. comment for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

EmmaMorgan09 - 6 years ago
Angel fish will eat all the small fish esp neons & guppies!!
Shahriar Farkhan
Shahriar Farkhan - 6 years ago
What were the copper catfish with the Apistos? They looked like they had streak of copper along their back.
Benas Matas
Benas Matas - 6 years ago
2:50 what is the name of that long body small loach next to it? i have some of them and cant remmember the name :/
Benas Matas
Benas Matas - 6 years ago
found them. zipper loaches apparently
Jordan Yang
Jordan Yang - 6 years ago
I have shrimp so no betta for me.
DarksAquatics - 6 years ago
I just did a video on my 37 gallon tank I ended up going with an opaline Gourami
ethan davis
ethan davis - 6 years ago
Cory, what do you think about an angelfish in a 20 gallon i have seen mixed opinions.
I would like some other fish in with it too.
turtlemaster45 - 6 years ago
This sucks I have a 30 gallon...
Jason Marchenko
Jason Marchenko - 6 years ago
are those rams with the betta in 4:35 ?
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 6 years ago
Can you recommend a center piece fish, 29 gallon planted, with cardinal and neons, i have a ton of shrimp. must be shrimp safe fish. thanks!
American horror GOREY
American horror GOREY - 6 years ago
was thinking some thing yellow/orange color.
Dieselpunk Pirate
Dieselpunk Pirate - 6 years ago
Thank you for not selling your Bettas in Dixie cups.

30. comment for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Sage Lawlor
Sage Lawlor - 6 years ago
My 30 gallon has a fire red dwarf gourami for the centrepiece. She’s a female and doesn’t bother baby snails, shrimp, frogs or any of the other fish. She’s so nice! Would definitely recommend.
Jhonny Valdezœ
Jhonny Valdezœ - 6 years ago
I have an angel fish, dwarf guarmi, and sword tail in a tank with three schools. If you add the angel fish when its tiny it tends to not eat the buddies in the tank when it gets huge
fazrul rezza
fazrul rezza - 6 years ago
Sir...can we placed betta fish together with goldfish?
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
Cory can you reply I'd like a 400 litre African cichl8d aquarium I'd like some big ones I'm thinking of some blue dolphins I'd like 6 altogether of fish I've got 4 large rocks in there is there any ones that would go well with the dolphins I've got the fluval FX4 so plenty of filtration
Alex Atkinson
Alex Atkinson - 6 years ago
My centre price is a goldfish and it actually looks quite good as a centre piece
Valerie Storm
Valerie Storm - 6 years ago
My blue Betta lives happily in my 55 gallon community tank with guppies, goldfish, a female Betta, and plecos. My red Betta kills every fish I try to house with him so he lives by himself in his own ten gallon.
JRL Outdoors
JRL Outdoors - 6 years ago
Could I put a dwarf gourami in a 10 gallon tank with 4 black phantom Tetras and get away with it?
Tricilla Girl
Tricilla Girl - 6 years ago
ya I got 2 female betas well they was pretty before the cat fight with each other they didn't make it :(
Po Gilmore
Po Gilmore - 6 years ago
Gotta love gouramis I got blue nd red in my 50 gall
jcold007 - 6 years ago
Will Apistograma mix well with one Pearl Gourami along with a few rainbow fish? Also to try my luck, you think a honey gourami will mix with the one Pearl??
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
Aquarium co op I've now got the fish and very happy with them but I've now upgraded to a 105 gallon tank
I am looking for maybe some angelfish I've only ever had 2 angelfish and I love them so
I'd like maybe a slightly larger Tetras but I'm thinking of 1 albino bristlenose pleco 2 turquoise rainbowfish
5 dwarf neon rainbowfish and 3 bosemani rainbowfish but is there anything else I could add also I think I'm gona have a fluval 406 canister filter and 20 gallon hob filter with 1 wavemaker
ROHIT MESHRAM - 6 years ago
haha same here. i hav 10g tank. and stuck with what i should have.
Zachary Stevens
Zachary Stevens - 6 years ago
Can I have gourami fish with a powerhead?
Rich White
Rich White - 6 years ago
I have a male elephant ear betta. he's in his own 2.5 gallon tank right now. however, I would love to put him in my 26 Gallon. what are my odds it will work out?

I plan on having a blue neon dwarf gourami, 6 glowfish tetras, a couple balloon mollies, a few Cory cats and maybe something in the shark family. currently I only have one small balloon belly in the tank.
Rich White
Rich White - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op four ski?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I think it would work except the four ski may cause problems
Don Boyum
Don Boyum - 6 years ago
Can I add ONE angelfish to my tank that contains 2 guppies and some neon tetras
Leon Zheng
Leon Zheng - 6 years ago
But aren't beta fish known as the fighting fish? So wouldn't it killed me fish because it'll fight my fish to death?
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
Can I fit 9silvertip tetras 2cockatoo dwarf cichlids 3roseline Sharks maybe 4 harlequin rasbora a and maybe 2 angelfish and 6 panda corydoras
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
And 5 black lyretail mollies
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
Well if I get the apistogarama the Silvertip Tetras and the corydoras and instead get some honey gouramis maybe 4
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
Thanks Cory could I fit some more
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Should be able too
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
And if I do 40 percent water change 1 a week
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
In a 75 gallon tank with a HOB filter made for a 100 gallon tank
BOBBEE - 6 years ago
I have a uv filter and it killed my baby boy betta and he was so big and beautiful, I got a new one and he was not having it with all the other fish, I wish bettas were all the same lol this new one lives in a 5 gallon now and still flairs up on his own reflection I hate it lol
000000Kimo - 6 years ago
I couldn't understand how the names were being pronounced. Tried to guess, but no luck. Great video.. just wish fish names were in description.
utku the annoying retard
utku the annoying retard - 6 years ago
Yeah,living in turkey means you wont find a pretty betta nor will you find a healthy one.The only healthy fish you can find are yellow lab cichlids and livebearers(the most common 3,you cant even find a swordtail)

50. comment for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

Peter Shannon
Peter Shannon - 6 years ago
I have a 20 G in my garage with no insulation so in winter it gets too cold (my heater can't keep up with cold weather), I live in North Carolina and need ideas, thks
Zachary Stevens
Zachary Stevens - 6 years ago
Can I put fancy guppy with the Betta?
Mentalrose2 - 6 years ago
The only thing about "shrimp safe" dwarf gourami is that this is very highly personality-dependent. I have a male flame gourami as the centerpiece of my 10 gallon tank and he is entirely sure that I put those ghost shrimp in there as a lovely buffet for my favorite fish. Two days. That's it. He ate every single one of them in two days. I know some people manage to keep shrimp with these guys but hoo boy. Maybe start with one or two to just see what happens before you toss in a lot of shrimp.
SUMONSTERTUBE - 6 years ago
If I have a 40 gal tank with some tetras and cories, can I add a Pleco as a center piece? The Pleco will be 4-5 inches
Fredric Marquez
Fredric Marquez - 6 years ago
Hehehe my Betta is my centerpiece as well in my 29 Gallon ☺️ GO THAIKU
Ryan Thomas
Ryan Thomas - 6 years ago
@4:34 why not one of those? Ram cichlids are cool.
Tony Serrato
Tony Serrato - 6 years ago
What would you recommend as a centerpiece for a 100+ gallon tank ?
210 STEE
210 STEE - 6 years ago
I really wish I lived by you, we have no fish stores around southeastern wisconsin area that I can get a great selection of plants or fish like you provide. Really really sucks man
David Carter
David Carter - 6 years ago
~Long Pause~

And number one is...

Wait intensifies

#1 = Nerite Snail
Power - 6 years ago
Apistos are dwarf cichlids right? Could I get them at my LFS?
Lisa Combest
Lisa Combest - 6 years ago
I love my koi betta in my community tank. He is a show stopper with dark red and sky blue. Works fine.
Pseudotsuga menziesii
Pseudotsuga menziesii - 6 years ago
"Hi everyone, Cory from aCoryum co-op"
Justin Webb
Justin Webb - 6 years ago
What’s the Pleco at 3:40
J~Winners24 - 6 years ago
Cory, I was thinking about getting Austrian rainbows. This will be a new tank. I have been fishless for about a month now. What would be a good combo with Australian Rainbows?
Zach Dziura
Zach Dziura - 6 years ago
Killer microphone, Cory!
cody ralston
cody ralston - 6 years ago
bettas are an under rated centerpiece for small community aquariums
BH Reptiles
BH Reptiles - 6 years ago
What's a good size for one Bolivian ram
Aubrey Katz
Aubrey Katz - 6 years ago
BH Reptiles a 20 gallon
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 6 years ago
Will bala sharks eat smaller fish?
Kaiya's crazy Zoo
Kaiya's crazy Zoo - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ok thank you so much!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
They can when they get 8 inches or so. IF you keep them well fed they are less likely to do it.
Sarah Pfeiffer
Sarah Pfeiffer - 6 years ago
Bettas and Gouramis are my favorites! :) My male betta loves his community tank. He is in a 10 gallon with a couple snails and 2 ADF. My large tank has a few types of Gouramies. They are such gorgeous fish. :)
Adarsh Cherian
Adarsh Cherian - 6 years ago
Hey Cory... Can i add the above mentioned 5 in one tank... As in one tank and 5 of them
Geertje Peskens
Geertje Peskens - 6 years ago
I would like to know if female betta's do well in community tanks too. Are they just as aggressive towards shrimp and top dwellers or are they a bit more easy to keep? Thanks a lot for the helpful video!
sebtoob - 6 years ago
Do you ever talk about Tanganyikan cichlids in your posts ? That is the type of fish that I enjoy???
Kane 1039
Kane 1039 - 6 years ago
Are Betta fish okay with male fancy guppies?
Christopher Jones
Christopher Jones - 6 years ago
Can betas live in a 29 gallon with high water flow
Gabriela Alvarez
Gabriela Alvarez - 6 years ago
Black ghost knife fish are amazing but need 55+ gallons
Kuldeep Kumar
Kuldeep Kumar - 6 years ago
Love the tanks. Awesome video and content. Thanks for sharing
tree Pierson
tree Pierson - 6 years ago
Thanks for the InFo Cory
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Thanks for watching!
Chad Ashton
Chad Ashton - 6 years ago
How about a centerpiece fish that does well in a small 3-5 fish rather than a single. Heavily planted 32 gallon tank 24"x18"x18"?
Tammy Zarnowiecki
Tammy Zarnowiecki - 6 years ago
Could these all live to together in a big tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
In theory with a large enough tank and enough care taken it could be done I'm sure.
Annie Sasin
Annie Sasin - 6 years ago
Have you done a video like this for plecos?
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
Blue dwarf qouramis are epic
Deanne Sherriff
Deanne Sherriff - 6 years ago
Why Bolivian rather than German ram?
Cameron Sinclair
Cameron Sinclair - 6 years ago
I have honey gourami
teamhex - 6 years ago
My betta gets along great with my guppies. He's slow and can't catch them even if he wanted to. First 24 hours I had him in he flared and "chased" them off if the got within 2 inches of him. After that, he's been very cool about it. I haven't seen him flare even when the guppies swim by his face. I think he just wasn't used to tank mates.
Alexandra V.
Alexandra V. - 6 years ago
I love honey gourami too.This month my gourami developed some black spots he didn't have before,on his face, just like the one in your video. Is it a problem?
Jacob Sykes
Jacob Sykes - 6 years ago
What was the other fish with the Betta at like 3:48 ish
Bram Torenvliet
Bram Torenvliet - 6 years ago
i am looking for a centrepiecefish for my peaceful tropical tank, the only species i decieded i WIll keep is neon tetras. The tank is about 90 gallons, any suggestions?
Laniika Stewart
Laniika Stewart - 6 years ago
Totally agree with your list, especially bettas being number 1. My favorite by far for a community tank.
Jonathan Runas
Jonathan Runas - 6 years ago
I’d love to add a nice red beta to my 20 gallon tank but I’m a little worried that it will be aggressive towards my other fish. I have cherry barbs, zebra danios, red eye tetras, scissor tails, a clown loach and an iridescent shark. Will there be a problem with this mix? Advice? Thanks in advance.
Nigel The Muskrat
Nigel The Muskrat - 6 years ago
My powder blue is maimed by my sisters betta. The betta now lives in another tank, but my powder blue looks odd now
John’s tanks and more.
John’s tanks and more. - 6 years ago
Maybe a peaceful betta with a group of neons and rummynose tetras.
Kristy M
Kristy M - 6 years ago
I've got a gorgeous aqua blue veil tailed betta in my 10 gallon community, and he is my most active fish! Plus he has never shown aggression. He is my showpiece fish.
CrussoFang - 6 years ago
Personally I prefer pearl gourami

They're absolutely gorgeous and one of the more peaceful gouramis out there

I have three(a male and two females)in my 56 gallon
I know this was for smaller tanks but in general they're really good fish
cristopher daldry
cristopher daldry - 6 years ago
i have two beautiful honey gouramies but find it difficult to see if i have a pair whats the best way to tell?
Guinea Winnie
Guinea Winnie - 6 years ago
What are everyone's opinions on one betta splendid, 6 Kuhli loaches, and a schooling mid-level swimmer like maybe some type of rasboras in a 20 gallon tall/standard?
Guinea Winnie
Guinea Winnie - 6 years ago
I'm liking neon tetras or harlequin rasboras as my middle level swimmer...would a group of 6 of ONE of these species be okay with the loaches and the betta?
Alabastine - 6 years ago
Great vid! Gonna get a pair (male/female) of cacatuides orange flash for my 20g today! Excited!
william amely
william amely - 6 years ago
That Fire Red Apisto looks gorgeous.
Isaac Wayne
Isaac Wayne - 6 years ago
A mouth brooding Betta? Where do I get one.
spartydragon - 6 years ago
Females do great in community tanks too. I have one in a heavily planted 20 long with a bunch of harlequin rasboras and assorted tetras and she's the large and lazy queen of the tank!
shng sam
shng sam - 6 years ago
thanks for the vid! useful information because i have a small tank too
betta comes to my mind first too

100. comment for Top 5 Centerpiece Fish for your small to medium sized Community Aquarium.

YizTheGreat - 6 years ago
Where can I find apistograms???
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
+Axil Gaming check local mom and pop stores and
Gabriel Eunice
Gabriel Eunice - 6 years ago
I have a powdered gourami but it's the only fish i have in my 29.
Darien Ler
Darien Ler - 6 years ago
Are there any predatory fish for a 20 gallon?
Obsidianghost_ Games
Obsidianghost_ Games - 6 years ago
I might think about Angelfish when my Goldfish grow up and move on to a bigger tank.Then the 29 won't go to waste but I have a lot of time still
Jason Maslen
Jason Maslen - 6 years ago
Cory, please do a 30 for 36 gallon video.
Cory Keepers
Cory Keepers - 6 years ago
Are red honeys and my panda cories compatible in in my lightly planted 10g tank?
Ty Pillers
Ty Pillers - 6 years ago
How are they on planted tanks and would you say the new fluval bow front tanks have to much current?
Zealot - 6 years ago
only fish worth anything in there is the apistos, I have seen all the rest eat other fish in time.
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
I think my oldest angel fish called tank is the "hates every other angle fish I've put in their kinda fish he's boss ass
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
I think you just named all my fish lol
Dohb0i - 6 years ago
3:40 what is that on the sponge of the filter? A type of pleco? If so what kind?
spartydragon - 6 years ago
Heh, I have a big ol' female veiltail in my 20g dirt tank, and she is the lazy queen of the underwater jungle. Honestly, every betta I've had in community tanks has been pretty laid back. Though one did like to go bowling for tetras. He just liked to see them scatter, I think. When they eventually got used to his shenanigans he stopped scattering, and he stopped doing it.
Johnny Hernandez
Johnny Hernandez - 6 years ago
Nice video... All the fish mentioned here are great fish to have.
Very pretty and easy to care for.
Benjamin0119 - 6 years ago
I've been eyeing Apistogrammas for a while. Tank is fully stocked now though so it'll be til I can upgrade before I can try them.

Had a Bolivian Ram before and yes they're awesome.
James Nguyen
James Nguyen - 6 years ago
@4:35 What kind of fish are those next to the red and black betta?
Matt Wibberley
Matt Wibberley - 6 years ago
James Nguyen german blue rams I think? sorry for the late reply lmao
Nick Grocott
Nick Grocott - 6 years ago
Cory why does my platy keep chasing my danios when its feeding time ?
He's fine any other time
Nick Grocott
Nick Grocott - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op i think it might be the latter then , I added a bit more food
slightly over fed them last time and he was the same
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Probably just food aggressive, like dogs can get etc, perhaps not enough food? or just aggressive
Kenzie Jeanine
Kenzie Jeanine - 6 years ago
The first fish to ever bite me was an angel. He drew blood and I was not a happy camper
Snooki Wookie Lemon Cookie
Snooki Wookie Lemon Cookie - 6 years ago
I just have a Betta with a couple platies a couple mollies and a pleco
Emilee Hall
Emilee Hall - 6 years ago
What kind of fish can live with a Betta in a 10 gallon tank?
Alec Brown
Alec Brown - 6 years ago
hi Cory, generally good advice-- apart from fish 1 the Angel! why oh why did you suggest them, even one? I have had trop and marine tanks the last 40yrs, and one thing i can promise anyone that in any tank an Angel will GROW and being tough often outgrow your tank in time. And second an Angel will EAT anything in the tank that has fancy tails or fins, from guppies and mollies upwards, and most definately anything smaller than it, which within a few months can include much larger and even aggressive fish.
Laura - 6 years ago
HECK YES!! Bettas are a show stopper for sure!!!!
xOGx-B4L15T4 - 6 years ago
What are those huge moss balls its amazing i wanna get them
James Kinney
James Kinney - 6 years ago
Where can i buy fish from you??
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
We only sell fish in the retail store.
lets be the change
lets be the change - 6 years ago
Most awaited fish video ... Thank you from India
Laura wilson
Laura wilson - 6 years ago
Do 2.5 gallon tank please just 2.5!!!!!!
Jakebeastmode 13 Jake
Jakebeastmode 13 Jake - 6 years ago
is this over stocked

3 corydora
1 dwarf gourmi
10 neon tetras
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 6 years ago
what size tank?
VINCE Mirenda
VINCE Mirenda - 6 years ago
Would it be better to get a male and female gourami or just one? I have a 30 gallon with 5 panda cories and 5 sunburst platys
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 6 years ago
personally, I'd get a trio(1 male, 2 female) of honey gourami, they are very peaceful and pretty. dwarf gourami can be aggressive
Reggie_Fils-A-Mech - 6 years ago
Would a pearl gourami or an apistogramma be compatible with my cpo crayfish and silvertip tetras?
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 6 years ago
depends on the tank size, but cpo are hard to find tankmates for
Izzy Gordon
Izzy Gordon - 6 years ago
My centrepiece fish is a Red Honey Gourami in my 15 gallon. Best fish I ever owned hands down - he's got a huge personality and is constantly curious about what's going on inside and outside the tank (and where the eats is at).
RICK LETT - 6 years ago
At 4:50, does that betta have fungus or just a lighting fluke?
Garrett Morgan
Garrett Morgan - 6 years ago
Electric blue acaras are the best
chucky23 - 6 years ago
I thought angels were schooling fish and do better in numbers... probably not best to be kept on their own?
Nicole Houde
Nicole Houde - 6 years ago
I'm so happy bettas are your favourite centerpiece fish! When people come over to my home they are always surprised to see my betta in a 20 gallon with my guppies. And they do great together!
horsepanther - 6 years ago
That is so awesome that you keep your bettas in those nice big community tanks! I feel so sorry for the ones I see living in tiny cups at Petco and the like. Even crueler is they give people the idea that bettas don't need any space and sell little 1 gallon aquariums or little fish bowls.
Heero222 - 6 years ago
horsepanther I had a petco employee tell me she would not sell fish to me because I had a Betta in my tank (lucky I was not there to buy fish)
AndreH - 6 years ago
Hi Cory, I notice you have just sponge filter for your smaller tanks, is that enough to keep the tank clean and at the same time not too strong for the betta?
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 6 years ago
Gaultier Gotz
Gaultier Gotz - 6 years ago
When i was 10, i put a kenyi cichlid male in a community guppy tank. Boy was i lucky, he was sweet as can be and not an evil devil
Hydra Bottle
Hydra Bottle - 6 years ago
Had German Rams and Dwarf Gouramies, died within a year
LezChap - 6 years ago
Don't forget the Bolivian Ram's cousin, the German Blue Ram! Pretty much the same fish (conditions, temperament, size, etc) with different colors!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
+LezChap they prefer hotter temps of 84 to 85 and thus why they weren't recommended.
Joe Amazon
Joe Amazon - 6 years ago
Those are healthy looking Dwart Gouramis, an opposite to how bad they always look at Petco or Petsmart. Here in Southern California, any Apistogramma variant is virtually non-existent, I wonder why that is.
Rebecca Susai
Rebecca Susai - 6 years ago
would guppy and betta do good
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
On average it's probably a difficult pairing.
FRANKIE BANTA - 6 years ago
Corey, what were those catfish with the Bolivian Rams?? They were silver and black stripes,,,, THANK YOU
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
aspiradoris, similar to corydoras
SHKURB SQUAD - 6 years ago
And also where do u buy your bettas
SHKURB SQUAD - 6 years ago
Srry for another question but
Do u guys sell your bettas and also will we have to call u to buy the fish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
We only sell them at the retail store and unfortunately don't ship them. We buy our bettas from a Tropical Fish Wholesaler.
SHKURB SQUAD - 6 years ago
Wait,do u guys sell fish
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Only at our retail store.
Smilefor Guenta
Smilefor Guenta - 6 years ago
What tanks mates would recommend with having scarler badis? So far i have neons/cardinals,sterbai cory and just the 1 badis.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
What size aquarium? Most peaceful fish should work out great with the badis.
The-Campfire-Dispatch - 6 years ago
I love Kribensis in a 20g (or preferably larger). They're hardy, stay pretty small, and a pair brings a lot of color/interesting behavior. They're a little rough around the edges for a community tank, but not more so than an Angelfish (which can get quite large).
Kiki's FishAddict
Kiki's FishAddict - 6 years ago
awesome picks
Jahan Cader
Jahan Cader - 6 years ago
I gotta 15 gallon tank.would it be possible to keep 1 pair of electric blue rams and some galaxy rasboras?[it is a divided tank so i could always extend to a 20 gallon]THNX!
Jahan Cader
Jahan Cader - 6 years ago
Thank you for replying gunno do some more research! thnx!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I don't think that would be the best idea. Rams would like to be 84 or so, and the rasboras more like 74 degrees.
SPARTAN BOSS - 6 years ago
Finally, a video I've been looking for for awhile
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 6 years ago
2:52 What is the fish beside the Apistogramma?
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 6 years ago
But it has some kind of dorsal fins and i have two of them and they flare at each other.
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 6 years ago
I have a similar fish like that which i caught in backwaters of kerala and during the journey the water was reducing so i added freshwater which might've led to some kind of acclimation i guess and it is surviving in my tank.
Will H
Will H - 6 years ago
A Loach. Maybe a horse face loach, it's not clear from that view and it's blending into the substrate.
Adnan Zaki
Adnan Zaki - 6 years ago
I have a big black angelfish with my other small fish :)
Lorenzo Villar
Lorenzo Villar - 6 years ago
Tried adding one angelfish on my community tank before. But he ate all my neon tetra -_- not cool
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
I got gouramis today female and male ... hmm hope they breed apparently the blow bubbles to law in
Sh3lby - 6 years ago
Great video Cory!! Never fail to impress
Madison Erickson
Madison Erickson - 6 years ago
All three of my bettas ate great with other fish... Only one was good with guppies tho. I'm going to retest the other two tomorrow
420jessw - 6 years ago
3 videos in one day, is it Christmas?
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 6 years ago
Hey Cory, can apistos also go in higher ph? Or will they do better in low ph?
Will H
Will H - 6 years ago
7.2 is fine. I wouldn't even suggest you try to alter the ph, unless it's by simply adding a few almond leaves or alder cones.
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 6 years ago
pH is 7.2, but I'm dropping it to 7.0 gradually. Will that work for apistos?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
They prefer lower pH. But how high were you trying to take em?
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Love my red koi Betta female in my community tank, I even keep her with shrimp and she doesn't bother them!
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
I really don't think a honey gourami could go in a five gallon esp with other fish, the only fish I can think of that can even thrive in a 5 gal is a betta. Even the smallest gourami needs a ten gal minimum
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Sorry I didn't mean to offend. I don't think a Betta can go in a five gallon with other fish either. I meant a Betta can go in a 5 gallon by itself. I was just saying that like a Betta I would never put a semi aggressive fish in a tank that small with other fish. I personally think that a 5 gal is too small for a honey gourami, I think they need at least a 10. The only fish I can think of that are common in the aquarium trade that could thrive in a five gallon is a Betta. That's what I was saying- not that they can go in with other fish.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
What is the logic that a sunset gourami that is an anabantoid like a betta with less aggression can't go in a 5 gallon but a larger more aggressive anabantoid aka a betta can?
Personally I add adult chineese algea eater to my community tanks! That fish makes all the fish school together and dart around in the tank. Makes the fish tank thousands of times more interesting to watch and for some reason everytime I add one their is somehow confettie in my tank. Anyways would recommend it makes the stupid fish move around the tank WAY MORE instead of having to shake the aquarium to get them to move. 5 stars AND they are CHEAP!!
Rommel R
Rommel R - 6 years ago
+1 for the apistogramas!
Rory Oloughlin
Rory Oloughlin - 6 years ago
Hey wicked ideas.

Out of the fish mentioned. Which ones can live with shrimp with medium amount of plants? It's OK if some get eaten as long as the shrimp can recoup there numbers. .. I plan on having 50 bloody mary shrimp in 55gal. With lots of hiding spots ex. cabomba. B4 adding fish

It would be nice to have a male betta. Could they live with the fish you mentioned in my size of tank?
Rory O
Rory O - 6 years ago
yeah it does; thanks Caroline!
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Rory Oloughlin I would say female bettas are the way to go for the best chance at a successful community tank with shrimp! A Betta sorority can be incredibly difficult so it's really is only attempted by people who are experts at bettas- even then sometimes it doesn't work, so I wouldn't suggest it. You could def try a short tailed male- he could still have aggression issues towards the shrimp or other fish but it should lower the chances of the other fish nipping at him. Again, it really just depends on the fish- many male Betta do amazing in community tanks. Hope this helps!
Rory Oloughlin
Rory Oloughlin - 6 years ago
Caroline Salpeck right on thanks Caroline! I ll try the female betta first; I read that you can have a sority? I think that would look great too. I will try adding a fish at a time an then observe and evaluate the shrimp. I was thinking of a short tailed male betta to avoid fin bitting like the video said to do.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Rory Oloughlin It really just depends on the Betta. My female does fine with ghost and cherry shrimp in my ten gal. The more plants you have and places you have for the shrimp to hide, the better your chances are. It is doable you just have to find the right male Betta! I prefer female bettas in community tanks bc I like keeping shrimp and they are less aggressive, but I have heard of it being done with a male before. They can easily live in a 55 gal with some other smaller tetras or rasboras as long as they aren't fun nippers. Harlequin rasboras are the best fish for Betta community tanks IMO since they naturally live in the same place in the wild.
Ash TheSlayer
Ash TheSlayer - 6 years ago
I've been debating between a Bolivian Ram or pearl gourami to keep with my Serpae Tetras and corys, I can never decide!
Devin Yoakum
Devin Yoakum - 6 years ago
Hey Corey, sorry for this question but what is the floating plant at 5:14 when showing the Betta pugnax
Professor Scraggly
Professor Scraggly - 6 years ago
Looks like dwarf water lettuce.
Yukki Katsuki
Yukki Katsuki - 6 years ago
we've had a betta fish for a while but our supplier doesn't have healthy betta fish and we just had our last one crash within 24 hours I was crushed I'd looked after him all summer in a 10 gallon and he was just ready to to home
Charles Lales
Charles Lales - 6 years ago
Hi, 4:18 front of beta there is eggs on the glass.. Isnt it? Which fish..? :-o
Bárbara R
Bárbara R - 6 years ago
my one angel fish ate everyone when he grow up
Justin Chao
Justin Chao - 6 years ago
My betta went full I hate myself and took his life...on my birthday.
darrel stinkmeaner
darrel stinkmeaner - 6 years ago
My top 5 small/medium centerpiece fish:

Bolivian ram
Electric blue acara
Pearl gourami
Red Pencilfish
Paradise fish
AlphaWolf- Gaming
AlphaWolf- Gaming - 6 years ago
Angelfish are awesome.
Rebecca Longson
Rebecca Longson - 6 years ago
Would a American flag fish be ok ?
Rebecca Longson
Rebecca Longson - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op thanks for replying I was think nano fish neon danio and similar
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I find them to be a bit nippy so it would depend on what the tank mates are.
Graceful Kreations
Graceful Kreations - 6 years ago
Can I have 2 angel fish with 5 guppies in my 20 gallon tank?
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Graceful Kreations I think that's a much better choice!
saxaphonehero11 - 6 years ago
I've had 2 in a twenty it worked for a few year and the one died because of lack of maintenance when I was 12ish
Graceful Kreations
Graceful Kreations - 6 years ago
Caroline Salpeck thanks. I left them at the store and bought a clown pleco.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Graceful Kreations I think a 20 is too small for two angel fish, one is the max in that small of a tank. It's also a gamble with the guppies, esp if you have two angel fish crammed in a small tank like that- there will be aggression.
saxaphonehero11 - 6 years ago
Up to you roll the dice and if it doesn't work take one back and just because they're different sexes doesn't mean they'll pair fyi
Graceful Kreations
Graceful Kreations - 6 years ago
saxaphonehero11 I found 2 in the store but they were too small to be sexed.
saxaphonehero11 - 6 years ago
Graceful Kreations 2 is a bad number for any fish. If you see a pair in the store sure
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 6 years ago
Gouramis are so much fun - everyone species I have ever had no only eats out of my hand, but picks at my hand whenever I put it in the tank.
Monkey Nut
Monkey Nut - 6 years ago
Joe Norby
Joe Norby - 6 years ago
Something also to consider is the position in the water column that the fish you have, and the fish you're looking to add, will occupy, as this can occasionally lead to aggression in the tank. The same can be said for the 'scaping setup you have- if your tank has lots of large plants or other items, this can 'funnel' your livestock to certain areas of the tank, which can lead to competition for positioning.
Thomas Fishing
Thomas Fishing - 6 years ago
For those who are wondering, the pleco(whiptail) at 1:16 is a rineloricaria parva.
Daniel Tranter
Daniel Tranter - 6 years ago
Ideas for a 3 gallon never had one this small but it was free just wondering sick of shrimp there in most my tanks
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Daniel Tranter sorry just realized I read your post wrong I thought you said 5 gal- the only thing you can keep in a 3 gal is shrimp and snails- which honestly still sounds like a pretty cool tank. If you planted it then put some ghost and/or cherry shrimp or other kind of dwarf shrimp and a couple of small snails (horned nerite snails are cool- they are smaller than other nerite snails) it could look pretty awesome! Shrimp tanks can still be super cool- and easy to care for!
MintChocolate - 6 years ago
There are hardly any fish that will do well in a tank like that. Not even bettas. They need at least 5 gallons if alone. Preferably 10 or larger for a community. 10 gal is probably going to be the smallest tank size that will offer the biggest variety of fish to stock. You have to consider the fact that many different types of fish are schooling fish and need to be in groups at least five or more. That takes a lot of space, even when you're talking about small fish like tetras. You may have to sacrifice having many different species in a single tank to just dedicate the tank to a few fish ( preferably with a low bioload) and a small to medium sized school. I have two 10 gallon tanks set up and honestly I still feel a bit limited with stocking but it's definitely workable.
Daniel Tranter
Daniel Tranter - 6 years ago
I know I it planted am waiting for it to how got a decent cycles sponge filter aswell I hate small tanks it was free so didn't want to waist it but yeah I think I will get them
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Daniel Tranter Endlers need at least a 10, preferably a 20, so no for them, but actually you could prob get away with keeping 6 or so chilis in there. Remember that they are schooling fish so you cannot keep less than 5. The size of the fish doesn't always mean you can keep them in a small tank- there are a lot of other factors to consider. But yah you could prob do about six chilis in a species-only planted 5 gal
Daniel Tranter
Daniel Tranter - 6 years ago
What about endlers or chili rasboroas they stay small I don't want loads just 2 or 3 I wouldn't put a betta in there as much as I want one there's not alot of swim space for a betta endlers supposed to be like 2 centimetres max I got told
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Daniel Tranter there is no fish you can keep in a three gallon that I know of besides a Betta, shrimp, and snails
AJ Love
AJ Love - 6 years ago
Always loved betas, need to try apistos and rams.more tanks!
Russ Polk
Russ Polk - 6 years ago
Good list but I thought for sure German blue Rams were going to be at the top of your list
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
German blue rams are suitable for most community aquariums due to temperature requirements.
Courtz courtz
Courtz courtz - 6 years ago
Bolivian rams are so under appreciated. There not talked about enough and on dark substrate they colour up well
Aritheul - 6 years ago
German blue rams!
Tina Mumma
Tina Mumma - 6 years ago
Great Topic - Great choices!
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 6 years ago
Angelfish and Bolivian Ram would be in my top five as well. :)
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 6 years ago
I have a picot dumbo eared betta in blue in with my 29 gallon, and my guppies.. this way when they have babies, he hunts them and the tank doesn't get over crowed!
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 6 years ago
My betta is for sure 100% a male.
carrie bolton
carrie bolton - 6 years ago
Toguro My guppies leave him alone, his fins are short and he is fast enough that he doesn't get too bothered from them. He had a little bit of interest in them at first but he's got such a big tank that he leaves them alone now.
Toguro - 6 years ago
carrie bolton do the guppies nip at him? Does he ever chase the male guppies? Or is it a female betta
Shaikh Mubasheer
Shaikh Mubasheer - 6 years ago
Sarah Stubbs
Sarah Stubbs - 6 years ago
Fantastic video! You've actually answered my question because I've been trying to find just that 'one' fish that will go with my Cory's and Cherry Barbs. I think I'm going for either Apistogramma or Bolivian Ram.
Kellie Williams
Kellie Williams - 6 years ago
How far bettas have come, in my mind, and it seems for others as well. From just a cheap fish in a tiny cup or bowl, to #1 show piece! I'm almost crying right now thinking about it. Clicking this vid, I never expected it would hit me emotionally. But when Cory unveiled the #1 pick....
Yeah I have a betta in my 75 gallon for about a year now. (Not a 29 or under, but same principle.) A tank with Turquoise & Bosemani rainbows, emperer, serpae & neon tetras, lots of beautiful fish. But my betta man, he is just the best.
Thank you so much Cory & aquarium co-op! Love watching & learning from your channel- He lives in there because of you! Keep up the great work!
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
Personally, I prefer German Blue Rams to the Bolivians. They're just a touch smaller, and are absolutely gorgeous when they develop all their iridescent scales and the orange and yellow on their faces gets bright <3
I can't suggest pairs of them, either, but just one is a delight.
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
LezChap Normally I'd agree, but I've heard of at least three incidents where pairs decided to destroy everyone else in the tank. In one case, the male even killed his own mate. Single, I haven't heard of a single issue.
LezChap - 6 years ago
I found a pair did fine in my 29 community until I had to shut it down, even tried to spawn unsuccessfully once or twice. Just gotta make sure you have your tank scaped for it. :)
David Trinh
David Trinh - 6 years ago
how do you tell the sexes apart for the dwarf powdered blue gouramis?
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
David Trinh if they are like other gouramis then you look at their dorsal fin- if it comes to a point it is a male, if it is round it is a female
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 6 years ago
Great list, I'd also say Betta number 1. Its the centrepiece for my planted 10 gallon.
I'm recently starting a 20 gallon coldwater freshwater tank, and I'm thinking paradise fish for centrepiece.
_Ash0litt_ - 6 years ago
A school of white cloud mountain minnows are great addition to cool water tanks!
Kawther Al-Hareb
Kawther Al-Hareb - 6 years ago
Fish For Thought I
catherine peck
catherine peck - 6 years ago
There's a dwarf cichlid that cold water and stay small
Itzthomas05 - 6 years ago
Betta may fight but I had a dwarf gourami
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 6 years ago
Gamer Lady Jules thanks for sharing your experience! I have yet to do all the lovely research for freshwater fish, but that's definitely very helpful to know.
Gamer Lady Jules
Gamer Lady Jules - 6 years ago
Fish For Thought If your going for a paradise fish I would have it as the only thing in the tank. All paradise fish I have kept have been highly aggressive and territorial.
solar clapson
solar clapson - 6 years ago
Betta can be excellent community fish.
Sarah Travenick
Sarah Travenick - 6 years ago
My very first tank was a really nicely aquascaped 10-gallon with a male betta raised from fry with about five white clouds. I think raising the male betta WITH a group of small, schooling fish worked really really well for cutting aggression, and I always recommend it to friends just getting into the hobby. Plus, getting to watch a betta grow up and their fins fill out is one of the most delightful things about these fish!
MintChocolate - 6 years ago
Sarah Travenick I totally agree! I raised up 5 female betta fry in a sorority tank with nine corydoras and a bristlenose pleco in a 29 gallon and they coexist peacefully because it's all they know. They've spent more of their lives in a community tank together than they ever have in a tiny cup at a store or a small fishbowl alone
Lord Failed-Abortion Mayonnaise
Lord Failed-Abortion Mayonnaise - 6 years ago
I have 4 tanks, but some how my bad choices and cheap ways have lead to me putting ugly fish into each one. You haven't seen bland and gray until you've seen my fish selection.
hdjc86 - 6 years ago
No Amazon puffer?
hdjc86 - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op no go for a 29g?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I think they do better in larger aquariums.
David Lee
David Lee - 6 years ago
Can Betta fish be in a 55 gallon tank with tropical fish. -Finn (6years old)
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
David Lee yes but you have to be careful- not all Betta fish do well in a community tank. Some do great others don't. You also have to make sure that the other fish aren't fin nippers- IMO harlequin rasboras are the best to keep in Betta community tanks. Make sure you do your research! Also I suggest having a plan B tank in case the Betta you get turns out to be too aggressive
SLIMESLAYER10 - 6 years ago
Why not german/electric blue rams? Are they more aggresive?
Pewker - 6 years ago
To be honest, bettas have same temp requirements and they are number 1.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
They do best at 84-86 degrees and most community tanks don't do well at that temp.
Dave G
Dave G - 6 years ago
I loved breeding Betta's. So interesting with the bubble nest and watching the fry grow up
Life by Brian
Life by Brian - 6 years ago
This will be a great resource for beginners in the hobby. Nicely done, Cory! (^_^)
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 6 years ago
Great video
OpticsVision - 6 years ago
I've never considered angel fish and now I'm interested! Thanks for the great ideas! :-)
Max Rabago
Max Rabago - 6 years ago
I have a king male betta in a 5 gallon should I put it in with Cory's or shrimp
MintChocolate - 6 years ago
I have a king betta too and honestly I think a 5-gallon is just too small. Maybe it's okay for a normal sized betta but I definitely think kings have totally different tank requirements. Larger fish=larger appetite=larger bioload=larger tank. Or at least extra filtration or larger water changes. And no, I probably wouldn't put anything in the tank except for nerite snails or shrimp unless you upgrade to larger in the future.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Max Rabago a 5 is too small for corys bc they like to be in groups, def go with dwarf shrimp like ghost or cherry shrimp. Just make sure you have lots of hiding places and plants
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I would advise pygmy corydoras.
the edgiest edgelord that has ever edged
the edgiest edgelord that has ever edged - 6 years ago
Definitely shrimp. Cories like being in large groups.
Bob's Dank Tanks
Bob's Dank Tanks - 6 years ago
Great video!
Stephen FitzGerald
Stephen FitzGerald - 6 years ago
I liked all the choices offered, sadly I already filled my 29 Gallon tank. Guess I need to get myself another one, lol
the edgiest edgelord that has ever edged
the edgiest edgelord that has ever edged - 6 years ago
One is never enough!
MrScienceGeek - 6 years ago
thank you for answering this question, it is asked all the time in live streams! Definitely some great recommendations!
KDR Aquatics
KDR Aquatics - 6 years ago
how cold can you keep the borelii
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
reported that upper 50s works. I myself have taken them that low.
Nicholas Breuer
Nicholas Breuer - 6 years ago
Why Bolivian Rams over German Blue Rams ?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Temperature requirements.
Sarena Leyva
Sarena Leyva - 6 years ago
I have a male dwarf gourami and 4 emerald Cory cats in a 10 gal. I want to get a 20 long and get a few more Cories or 1 more gourami.
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 6 years ago
Bettas are aggressive in a community aquarium sometimes .
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
Correct, same can be said for every other species of fish really.
Lenny Palumbo
Lenny Palumbo - 6 years ago
I have a 30g tank with 4 barbs, 6 guppies (3f/3m). Could I add 1 or 2 female gourami's to the tank?
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
Lenny Palumbo You could def try! Like Betta fish, with gouramis their aggression levels just kind of depend on the fish. I have kept a gourami with guppies before, but you have to be careful. I'm not sure how they would do with the barbs
Cory of all Trades
Cory of all Trades - 6 years ago
What was the striped pleco in the tank with the Bolivian Ram, the Dark one with light stripes
Cory of all Trades
Cory of all Trades - 6 years ago
Looks like the one I got from Petco and was just wondering if the had it named right when I bought it, they had it labelled as a "Emperor Pleco"
Rummy - 6 years ago
Cory of all Trades looks like a flash pleco
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 6 years ago
I went with dwarf neon blue gourami they are all doing great together. (has hardly any red so he might actually be a powder but was sold as a neon... idk)
Aquagarra Flavtra
Aquagarra Flavtra - 6 years ago
Loved this top five. It would be awesome to hear your top five for a 60g.
H20 Fish's
H20 Fish's - 6 years ago
Do u guys ship to hawaii?
H20 Fish's
H20 Fish's - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ty
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
We ship items from our website, however we don't ship any fish.
Lyndon Durgan
Lyndon Durgan - 6 years ago
Centerpiece fish for 29 gallon and smaller.

5.  Angelfish. 0:33

4. Gourami. 1:07

3. Apistogramma. 1:57

2. Bolivian Ram. 3:06

1. Betta. 3:45
AGENTSIXTY9 - 6 years ago
Lyndon Durgan you doing gods work my boy
Siluvian - 6 years ago
I have a beautiful Male Betta with long flowing fins with 8 Neons in a 29 gallon they all get along perfect. I have seen the neons chase each other but never the beta. He is always calm.
Racing's Natural Aquariums
Racing's Natural Aquariums - 6 years ago
Great info
Christopher O'Brien
Christopher O'Brien - 6 years ago
Reccomendations for a 40b?
K Schmo
K Schmo - 6 years ago
Are female powder blue guoramis more colorful than other female guoramis? From everything I've heard about female guoaramis, they are not usually anywhere near as colorful as the males...
paparker21 - 6 years ago
You mention a taller tank for the angel- whats your minimum recommended height to keep an angel?
Marlirawx - 6 years ago
Thank you for this video! I was hoping you would do one. I have a 29 gallon. What do you think about a pearl gourami as a centerpiece?
Marlirawx - 6 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op - thanks for the reply! That's a bummer to hear :/ but ill take ur advice :) I never considered a powder blue gourami or Bolivian ram, thanks for those suggestions!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I would use a larger aquarium for a pearl gourami personally.
Jp Pangilinan
Jp Pangilinan - 6 years ago
Hey may I ask this. I have 3pcs of angelfish within 2-3inches only in a 20gallons tank. Can I add some fish on it or not? If yes what would it be? Thanks for the answer and sorry for the bother.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I wouldn't recommend it currently as you'll have to upgrade tank size for them pretty quickly.
André Petrini
André Petrini - 6 years ago
Hey Cory, how about one angel in a 20 gallon planted tank?
LG3 Nation
LG3 Nation - 6 years ago
This is perfect! I've been looking for a way to change up my 75g tank. I'll look into these fish, especially bettas!
Matthew North
Matthew North - 6 years ago
Need a video for larger tank 90-150 gallon show piece fish :)
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 6 years ago
Thanks Corey great job on your top 5! I appreciate it!
Jacob Guy
Jacob Guy - 6 years ago
will the apistogramma do good as a 1 of in a 30 gallon tank with tiger barbs ( the bluest one )
Clay Hodges
Clay Hodges - 6 years ago
Going on 4 day without power! Running out of D batteries!! Poor fish hope they make it! #floridastrong
xindx - 6 years ago
Clay Hodges shit good luck and stay safe xx
John Zimm
John Zimm - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video. I have been looking for a "centerpiece". Which one of these would go good with my Mexican Dwarf crawfish?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 6 years ago
I think a sunset gourami would work.
BoJo Ford
BoJo Ford - 6 years ago
I noticed the rasboras schooling pretty tightly in the background of the clip about the Bolivian Rams.
Kushina87 - 6 years ago
Perfect video! I loved it! I had my betta in my 38 gallon community tank, and even though there were some beautifully colored fish, my betta always stopped people and made them look.
dtip4life 8472
dtip4life 8472 - 6 years ago
Get some male platies. They come in a wide variety.
The Stuff
The Stuff - 6 years ago
What was that pleco at 3.44
Rummy - 6 years ago
The Stuff flash pleco
Walter Bump
Walter Bump - 6 years ago
I have been very successful in the past with bettas but I tried to replace my last one in my 65g community with a crown tail beta and he wouldn't get along with anyone. I tried a few different things to try to get him used to the tank and the other fish with no success. so now I am stuck with him in a 10g planted by him self
Rachel Farmer
Rachel Farmer - 6 years ago
I got a double fin female betta, a male swordtail and a male silver sailfin molly in my community tank. so far, they are all getting along :)
H Ca
H Ca - 6 years ago
Smallest /colourful fish that won't go for cherry shrimp??
Professor Scraggly
Professor Scraggly - 6 years ago
Chilli rasbora, but even then they might eat some babies.
Naicly Media
Naicly Media - 6 years ago
I'd like to add a pair of kribensis to this list ;)
LittleLargeMouth - 6 years ago
Your double reds looked so good in the shot!
Proteus - 6 years ago
What about a kilifish?
Keeping IT Fishy
Keeping IT Fishy - 6 years ago
Do one for 75g tanks
Joachim De Pauw
Joachim De Pauw - 6 years ago
Great topic, I added a female Blue Gourami to my 70L tank 2 days ago and it looks stunning as a centerpiece and is really peaceful
Anthony's Malawi Predators
Anthony's Malawi Predators - 6 years ago
Life's better with a Betta
Real Rebellion
Real Rebellion - 6 years ago
I really like the one angel fish idea!
MA Fishguy
MA Fishguy - 6 years ago
What happened to your orange fish logo
Frank Norman
Frank Norman - 6 years ago
How many sun set guramis can I jab in a 30 gallon?
Ejbayabos - 6 years ago
Fish store update next! :)
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 6 years ago
Great video again Cory!
I love the videos! They're awesome!
The quality is high!
The Top 5 series are awesome! I would like to see a Top 5 Fish foods or a Top 5 Easy to breed fish. =)
Keep up the good work and as always thumbs u! ;-)
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 6 years ago
Congrats on 84K! Deserved!
gaming and stuff
gaming and stuff - 6 years ago
would neon tetras go well with the betta.
Big Paydrow
Big Paydrow - 6 years ago
What kind of pleco is in the Bolivian tank
Big Paydrow
Big Paydrow - 6 years ago
JJ Aquariums nah im talking bout the pleco
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 6 years ago
Big Paydrow hill stream loach
Warner Robinson
Warner Robinson - 6 years ago
im surprised he didnt
 mention Pacu
Carlos Mancho mía
Carlos Mancho mía - 6 years ago
yeah is the worst recommendation i ever heard or see haha
ryan rogers
ryan rogers - 6 years ago
Brianna Long, Warner was being sarcastic :)
Bat Fink
Bat Fink - 6 years ago
Warner Robinson or a shoal of Oscar
Brianna Long
Brianna Long - 6 years ago
Pacu get huge, there a tank buster fish. Also everything you put in a pacu tank will get eaten, air stones, heaters, small fish, everything. They are a nightmare to take care of. Trust me i used to have pacu in my 375 gallon.
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 6 years ago
How many angelfish would you recommend in a angel only 40 breeder tank?
Jose Fontao
Jose Fontao - 6 years ago
I have a male half moon betta with 3 male endless in a 10 gallon. Everyone gets along well!
Abby Grimit
Abby Grimit - 6 years ago
Me too! Except I have some pond snails and ghost shrimp also
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
A few months back didn't you have a betta that was a notorious fish killer? lol
Big City Bettas
Big City Bettas - 6 years ago
Mystical Trebleclef I was just picking on Cory. I'm well aware of the probability of having a hyper aggressive male splenden and the success rate of non-aggressive community housing.
Summer Rose
Summer Rose - 6 years ago
Big City Bettas
1 out of 100 are pretty good odds to me.
Emerald Aquariums
Emerald Aquariums - 6 years ago
Thank you for that. I have been wondering the same thing in my nano tank.
Samsun55 - 6 years ago
İ have a macropodus in my tank and must say, its the most cool fish i have ever had! They are beautiful and have a different kind of behaviour. Pretty curious and social fishes. İ had Gouramis too but they wont come close to the paradisefish...
Chris Wilson
Chris Wilson - 6 years ago
I'd put money on my betta killing everything in my 15g in a day; but like you said, every fish is different.
Damion Swartz
Damion Swartz - 6 years ago
Chris Wilson I have a sorority and 1 crown tail did nothing but fight. I put it in my wife's tank with barbs, black skirt tetras, and a double red apisto. Now they are all happy
Helveteshit - 6 years ago
As I understood it, it is best if the Betta or similar fish, is added Last to a tank. So he/she doesn't get to establish a territory across the tank. Another thing to do, is to isolate him temporarily in the tank using one of those Fry boxes or similar. Just to see how he behaves toward the other fish and shrimp.

Generally, Territorial fish (Which Betta, to my knowledge is.) tend to become fairly aggressive at trespassers but if they are added last, they just have to deal with it.
MintChocolate - 6 years ago
Never had a betta that couldn't be in a community tank. Even my huge 3 inch king plakat lives peacefully with African dwarf frogs and snails
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
My fish betta who was a blue and red crown tail was calm in a 10g community tank. I upgrade his tank and when introduced to some new fish he was scared of my peppered corydoras,  when they swam towards him he swam like he thought they were chasing him. He spend his last year of his in a 4ft community tank where he picked a bunch of floating plants as his territory and he would lazily chase the tetras that got to close to his plants for about half afoot then would turn around and go back to resting under the plants/bubble nest.
Melissa Berry
Melissa Berry - 6 years ago
Chris Wilson mine will too....I call him king the killer crown tail ....he's in a 10g all to his bad ass self lol
matthew smith
matthew smith - 6 years ago
Nice dude! I have always wanted to keep apistos no room for another tank, nightmare
Phil Collins Jr.
Phil Collins Jr. - 6 years ago
Do you think I could put shelly's in a 6.6 gallon fluval edge?
xExotic - 6 years ago
what do you think the biggest fish i can keep in my 120 litre or 29 gallons tank? at the moment i have an angelfish and 4 blue gouramis and some smaller fish (tetras corydoras ect) what do you think is the biggest i could keep in there when they pass?
Fat Tire
Fat Tire - 6 years ago
Top 5 centerpiece fish for 46 gallon bow? Maybe a stocking list? Kinda want to do planted. Really like the new world cichlids and angels..
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 6 years ago
How about peacock gudgeons?
Erratic_Eagle - 6 years ago
Honey guramis works in 15 gallons
Erratic_Eagle - 6 years ago
No one of the fish that you sad works in smaller then 25 gallons.
Betta fish works but they want to be alone
Top_Hat_Turtle_productions - 6 years ago
Erratic_Eagle apistos could definitely be kept in 15+
Matarese28 - 6 years ago
I'm guessing apistogramas are not shrimp safe
MyHecticLifePets - 6 years ago
I think I need a gourami for my tank now :)
Colin _sbmx
Colin _sbmx - 6 years ago
DONT keep them in planted tanks our family calls them goat fish they eat all your plants
Mike yayoh
Mike yayoh - 6 years ago
I named mine Carles because its on a kill streak :( killed 8 fish so far
Kristopher Prevo
Kristopher Prevo - 6 years ago
They are the most boring ugly fish ever get blue rams
JakeThe Gamer19
JakeThe Gamer19 - 6 years ago
I have 4 of them, 2 blue gourami,1 gold gourami and 1 blue and red dwarf gourami. I love them they are definitely one of my favorite kinds of fish.
CrussoFang - 6 years ago
Veronica D.B. Yess!!! Personally pearls are my favorite<3
Their iridescent spots are so pretty and I love their pink tummies
cone conington
cone conington - 6 years ago
My male dwarf gouramis (Salami and Jim) are so funny to watch, they're a very active and entertaining species. They'll pull off any dying leaves and bits of the plants, swim over to the filter vents and poke them through :) Although it does clog the filter, I can't get mad at them when they're trying to help :)
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
Gouramis time check out my new vids on fish
Tropical Aquariums N.z
Tropical Aquariums N.z - 6 years ago
MyHecticLifePets same gouramis breeding time...@)
MyHecticLifePets - 6 years ago
That is so cool :)
Matarese28 - 6 years ago
Thanks for the video, extremely helpful
deaglebeagle - 6 years ago
Hey, I've got a 200 litre (52 gal) tropical fish tank that has plants and shrimp in it. The plants are mostly small (highest one is Lobelia cardinalis), so I got a lot of space above "the jungle". What fish could I put in there that
1. lives close to the surface
2. doesn't eat shrimp or take my plants apart?
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle I forgot to say one of the main reasons they are harder to keep is that they require like food such as crickets and other feeder insects. Sometimes they will eat pallets but it can be hard to get them to eat them.
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle If your tank is cycled and stable they're quite easy to keep. The main problems they face is fluctuations in tanks, if you temperature and water conditions suit them and are stable they do fine. I'm has been a lot hardier than people made them out to be, like when I was moving all my fish I did not realise her heater had broken and her tank had gone down to 17c/62f and was only going up to about 20c/68f during the day. I set up a new heater and slowly increased the temp over e few days until I got it back up to her normal temp and she was fine. During the time she had a broken heater she ate less and got pale but otherwise was completely normal. Also you need to have a lid without gaps because these guys are fantastic jumpers/gliders and will leap if they get spooked by anything and when in a new environment they seem to be very skittish until them adjust and learn your routines.
Caroline Salpeck
Caroline Salpeck - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle you may be able to go with a Betta, they stay near the top and if you have enough plants the shrimp should be ok, esp if you get a female Betta. My betta girl is perfectly fine with a bunch of shrimp in my ten gal
deaglebeagle - 6 years ago
Thanks a lot! Getting only one or two should not cause too much trouble I guess, a bit of population control is always good. But sure, I'll do some research before getting them. I've heard they are quite sensitive and a bit harder to keep than most other fish.
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle Research before you buy an African Butterfly fish because I can't give you advice on how well they will get a long with shrimp. They could try hunt them but like I said, since they are a surface dwelling fish they might be less likely to actively hunt them.  Water Wisteria is a plant that can float or be submerged, I use it with my African Butterfly and she likes waiting under it for food. I use a nice looking fake lilly pad/flower because I don't have substrate and I wanted a large floating pad for her to hide under. Banana lillies are a good live plant that starts off small but does get larger over time. They produce a few leaves under water but most leaves it grows will become lilly pads and they can grow a small white flower once in a while. Amazon frog bits are small lilly pad like plants that float on the top of the water and don't grow up from the substrate like normal lillies do. All of plants are also low care plants and are not hard to care for. They are also easy to propagate/divide. There are many videos/web site where you can find other floating plants. These are just some I've had experience and can easily think of.
deaglebeagle - 6 years ago
That sounds good! I want to get some plants for the surface anyway and that fish looks like a dragon flying above the jungle. The shrimp have more than enough places to hide once the plants are fully grown so that shouldn't be a problem.
Now I still got the question what kind of plants I could use for the surface. I was thinkink about getting some small lilypads, since my light sources are on the left and right side of the tank, I could let them grow in the middle :)
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle Any fish are capable of eating shrimp or at least the shrimplets/babies. Angle fish would likely mascara your shrimp population as they get bigger, Angles get big enough to eat adult neon tetras with easy. The only big fish that I can think of that stay as the surface of the water is the African Butterfly fish but they are a predatory fish and might venture down to eat some shrimp but I think it's less likely to if it's fed well from the surface and has floating plants that make if feel safe. (from my experience they are a nerves fish that is easily startled when they don't feel safe and the are fantastic jumpers and can glide for short distances).
deaglebeagle - 6 years ago
I'd like to have one or two big fish in there, I'll probably go for a pair of angelfish :)
Aiden Cargo
Aiden Cargo - 6 years ago
If you have Amazon spears (sword runner plants) you could get:

Chili rasboras (about 20)
Neon tetras (also 20)
A betta (pecks at colored shrimp)
Angelfish (don't keep with any of the fish above)
Or just do a shrimp/invert tank (crawfish and yabbies will eat some shrimp, so I suggest letting the shrimp breed)

Happy stocking
7 or 7
7 or 7 - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle I'd go guppies or hatchets.
Dawn Scoggins
Dawn Scoggins - 6 years ago
deaglebeagle Fancy guppies.
DANGDanGall - 6 years ago
Are Black Phantoms ok with the longer finned Betta's or just the short?

I also have a Bristlenose and some Kitty Tetra's
Lisa Foster
Lisa Foster - 6 years ago
Tetras are generally less nippy if you have a large group, BTW.
Andrew Yong
Andrew Yong - 6 years ago
black phantoms are usually not too nippy :)
Reej White
Reej White - 6 years ago
Will u mail apistos to me
holysocks - 6 years ago
most info online say angelfish will eat smaller fish
deeptendu chandra
deeptendu chandra - 6 years ago
holysocks i had neon tetras with a pair of angels. No issues.
Reej White
Reej White - 6 years ago
How much do you sell your apistogramma super reds for
yigs - 6 years ago
I have 2 female blue gouramis in my 30 gallon and have no aggression issues at all. In fact theyre my most shy fish in the tank
Helveteshit - 6 years ago
Do note, he said Some Gouramis. Like Midnight said, different types.
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
yigs That's normal, it's the males who are more likely to be aggressive. Particularly if you keep more than one, even if they are different types of gouramis.
Bryan Black
Bryan Black - 6 years ago
He showed them in the video at 1:35 they are blue
K Schmo
K Schmo - 6 years ago
Are the females as colorful as the males? From what I know female guoramis are usually not as colorful, are powder blues the exception?
Dave Santilli
Dave Santilli - 6 years ago
Great Video! In a 20 tall can you put two honey gourami together? Or just stick with one?
Aquatic Ma
Aquatic Ma - 6 years ago
Always a betta...I have males in community tanks now. 1 with cherry barbs and neons, 1 with CPDs and rainbows, and 1 with an endler.
Kelley Mandrell
Kelley Mandrell - 6 years ago
I have one with 6 white clouds and 2 ghost shrimp
Beckett Newton
Beckett Newton - 6 years ago
tuvalu I’m pretty sure you’re joking lol.
tuvalu - 6 years ago
I keep one in a coke bottle. once he's grown out I'd probably move him into a water dispenser I have no use for.
Beckett Newton
Beckett Newton - 6 years ago
lena the meme god that’s wayyyyy to small for an Oscar.
lena the meme god
lena the meme god - 6 years ago
Hitler is actually a cat, bettas dont need that much room i have an oscar in a 1 gallon tank with my betta and they love cramped spaces. and no u dont need to feed them they eat dead flies who fall in the water
Hitler is actually a cat
Hitler is actually a cat - 6 years ago
Max Leistman whoosh
Max Leistman
Max Leistman - 6 years ago
Hitler is actually a cat bettas need AT LEAST 2.5 gallons but 5 is recommended, and of course they need food (pellets are probably the best).
Ulakiest - 6 years ago
Hitler is actually a cat
Hitler is actually a cat - 6 years ago
Kala C TheNanoChick yup, have one in my 0.1 gallon tank. On my third betta this month (ps:does bettas need food or do they just photosynthesise?)
V. Stag
V. Stag - 6 years ago
Awesome Video cool fish Thanks for sharing
Daniel Q
Daniel Q - 6 years ago
Hey cory I have 3 golden Roseline sharks in a 75 gallon Aquarium. What do you think?
Frany - 6 years ago
I really want a gourami for my 20 tall but I'm working on breeding my guppies in that tank. I'm worried about the gourami eating all of the fry. Should I get one??
XxXMidnightblackXxX - 6 years ago
It you feed your qourami with floating food and proved lots of cover for your fry they should be okay. Remember that the adult guppies themselves are likely to eat their babies if they get the chance, so hiding places are a must for the fry to survive (particularly in their first few weeks of life).
Unlucky - 6 years ago
I'll add; when they were first added a gourami chased them but once they ran away the interest was lost. I think a newborn would have been doomed. This fry was abt a week old
Unlucky - 6 years ago
Frany i accidentally got some fry when purchasing some tetras, and they went into my 20g with 4 gourami and they're still well alive.
Dec E
Dec E - 6 years ago
Frany in my experience 'most' fish (exception of corys, plecos etc) will go for fry as they see them as a easy meal. Most of the time when i have kept gouramis they have been quite docile and kept to the top of the tank. If you provide the fry with lots of cover (moss, live plants etc) they will do fine.
Mimiheart9 - 6 years ago
Other benefits of bettas in community tanks: If you keep livebearers and you need help with population control, bettas are GREAT. Unless you have my boy (in my avatar) who adopts fry.
Will's Fish & Reptiles
Will's Fish & Reptiles - 6 years ago
Mimiheart9 I've got a Betta in with my live bearers and he never bothers anyone or eats them, (he's like the nicest betta I've ever seen)
El Dal-Cl
El Dal-Cl - 6 years ago
I have a male I put in with my endlers to keep the cherry shrimp under control. Have yet to see him eat a cherry shrimp.
Mimiheart9 - 6 years ago
lol! One of mine does. But my crimson boy seriously adopts them. He protects them from my ADFs even. All of my fish are spoiled.
FishFreak - 6 years ago
Mimiheart9 My bettas never eat fry. Maybe they're spoiled with bloodworms lol!
MrMovieman174 - 6 years ago
I was wondering this too!
Fredythegoose - 6 years ago
First like! Huehue
Twistted CoBra
Twistted CoBra - 6 years ago
Nice vid Cory

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