Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
Shark videos 10 years ago 66,033,249 views
Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This video is represented by - For any licensing requests please contact
10. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
20. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
I will try to assume you weren't trying to catch the shark.
I thought this was cool, what the fuck is wrong with me
30. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
Wait a minute...
Did this little cunt seriously not reel the shark in and unhook it?
That's fucking sadism.
Nature is cruel people. Fish eat fish, whether we help them or not.
Now fuck off or enjoy the video.
50. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
All of you morons are in a fucking rage mode because these 2 wanted to get a good meal. They almost got the shark but then a Grouper came and ate it before they could get it. They were laughing because it was sudden and they weren't expecting it to happen and they were in a shock like state just like when you watch a good horror and after you got really scared you kind of laugh that it scared you so much.
And if you have a problem with them eating sharks well go fuck yourself. You cannot fucking tell people what they can and what they cannot eat! They don't force you to finally act like a real grown up instead of an overgrown baby so who the fuck gives you the authority to judge people who has a different lifestyle?
Also if it angers you so fucking much why don't you DO something about it instead of crying like a pussy?
Why don't you actually find a way to help those animals you want to protect instead of being a PC lazy asshole?
You guys are fucking pathetic and you are the reason that EVERYTHING is wrong today!!! I really hope that in a few years this PC ultra sensitive retard bullshit is going to fade away because if not we are all going to either go extinct or we going to hit rock bottom with the average intelligence level.
That was pretty crazy~
For example, I've been tuna fishing and had a mako bite the tuna I was fighting in half. Hell, one time I was reeling in a small bass at a local lake and a pickerel came up and stole it right from my hook. It happens and you can't control it. It's just nature. So quit crying.
Also, this is the second time you've come back after saying you were leaving.
"That whole thing you just said makes you a hypocrite, because you can't prove that you actually have kids, and earlier you said something about creationists."
I told you I had children. You said I didn't. The burden of proof is on you to disprove me. It is not the same as my past example. I specifically make sure to not do what I say not to do. But, knowing you, you'll try whatever you can and continue calling me a hypocrite even though I'm not. If anyone is the hypocrite, it's you. You're attacking me for my age while, when asked, you refuse to tell your own. Now THAT'S hypocritical.
"Second look the story up, theirs multiple sites with the same statement."
I decided to do some research, and all of the sources that did mention the fisherman's actions say that they were trying to unhook it or that they were trying to reel it in. And that's it. I visited all these sources:
Not a single one says the fisherman intentionally fed the shark to the Grouper. As if it weren't already apparent enough in the video for most people.
Now, are you actually done talking this time or are you going to keep embarassing yourself while desperately trying to attack me because you refuse to accept my age? I recommend the first option.
Well, you are refusing to respond.
"I also think it's funny that you fake having children."
Do you have any evidence suggesting otherwise? You cannot prove that simply by saying it over the internet. The burden of proof is on you here.
"I also think it's funny how you expect people to believe that your whole family uses the same YouTube account."
First of all, my WHOLE family doesn't. Secondly, it's really that unheard of. It's just a general account I set up for my devices. When my kids use YouTube, they're already logged in.
"Also regarding your last statement, the reason I'm not responding to it is because you make no valid points."
Claiming my points are invalid without any reason is not an argument.
"Also if you read up on the story they knew the Grouper was their, They already caught a shark and released it."
First of all, where did you read this? Secondly, assuming this is true, HOW were they supposed to get rid of it? If they released the first shark, what makes you think they weren't trying to do the same with the second shark?
"Now in the articles they say they were about to unhook it when it got eaten (I would say that too, because I wouldn't want people to get mad at me, especially when millions of people watched the video)..."
You can see them trying to unhook it in the video. That's when the Grouper struck. The rest of what you said is your unsupported personal opinion. Why are you trying so hard to villainize these men? What do you have against them? And obviously, it's not just because you feel as if they did something wrong. You are specifically denying evidence I have provided and what THEY have said in order to continue your argument. So I'll ask again: what do you have against them?
"I believe that it was intentional for that shark to get eaten..."
You BELIEVE. "Believe" as in "it's my opinion that has no supporting evidence behind it".
"'re going to end up saying some bullshit on why I'm wrong and why you're correct, but I'm not going to respond because I've proven my point."
If you were trying to prove that you are an inexperienced know-it-all who is specifically ignoring evidence and replacing it with personal opinions to desperately attempt to add some validity to your argument, then yeah, you certianly have. But if it was anything else, then you haven't. You are not going to respond because, once again, you are trapped within your own argument. You fucked yourself over, essentially.
"Also I don't think the fishermen are bad people because they fed a fish to a shark it was an entertaining video, it also spreads awareness about this beautiful fish."
Then why were you complaining in the first place then? You suddenly agree with me now?
OK, explain how I'm wrong then. You have done nothing to explain why I'm wrong about the main topic. You've only declared I am but without any reason.
"Also you're demanding my age which is funny because their's no 32 year old who would do that on a YouTube video."
I'm asking your age because you asked mine. The fact that you're stalling is very suspicious. And what about being 32 specifically makes it impossible to ask someone's age? Like...what logic tells you that? That's oddly specific. I think you're just trying to find a reason behind your denial but failing.
"You sound like a kid, your fake age is showing."
Please explain. I'm still just thinking that you're just saying that because your desperate to have some basis behind your argument but you are just drawing a blank.
The best part about all this is after my comment explaining what happened, all you've tried to do is attack me over my age despite having no evidence to back up said attack. And then when I ask you to return to the main topic, it's "it's boring!" (which is just such an obvious attempt at you saying you can't refute anything I've said). If I were you I'd just stop.
Now are you going to tell me YOUR age before you continue to deny mine (without any reason beyond trying to drag out your already debunked argument)?
I have already told you my real age. You are just choosing to deny it so you can avoid having to face the fact that you're wrong about the main topic. Also I asked you how old you were as well, yet you haven't even tried answering, you hypocrite. Could it be because YOU'RE a kid? I mean, your name does have "boy" in it...
"Also your last statement was shit so I don't need to argue with it."
You are deeming my last statement "shit" so you can avoid it (mostly because you have no way to refute it, as you are wrong - and you seem to know this). In short, you know you are wrong but you can't admit it. That's the true reason behind why you won't respond. And we both know this, so you aren't hiding anything.
(Also you refused to tell your age as well, which is extremely hypocritical of you.)
Now, I know that you are just going to continue to deny my age in order to avoid having to respond to my arguments, but I'm still going to ask you if you could return to the topic at hand.
My two sons also use this account.
And even if I (their father) did upload it, that would not take validity off what I am saying. Is that really your only argument against what I just said?
(Also, why'd you like your own comment?)
I'm 32, I've fished since I was 2 years old, and I have already explained more arguments than you give me credit for.
"You only say this cause you want to sound like you know what you're talking about."
May I ask how old you are, and how long you've been fishing? Because you seem to have this idea that there is absolutely no way that these guys are in the right, despite it being an accident.
"While I can't provide evidence that he wanted that shark to be eaten..."
This should be the end of the conversation.
" can't provide any information that they wanted that shark to survive."
This is a classic fallacy. It's even used by creationists. "I can't prove it right but you can't prove it wrong!". Here's what likely happened:
These fishermen are using light tackle, and managed to hook into a shark. This took a while to get up to the boat. Intrigued by the extended commotion, a Goliath Grouper follows the shark to the top. The men are surprised to see such a large fish, so they take out their camera. The men are trying to get the shark next to the boat and then get the hook out. This takes time, not only because they have to keep the shark still, but sharks have thick mouths and jaws full of teeth, so they need to be careful. Before they could release the shark, the Grouper sees that the shark is vulnerable, so it takes it. The fishermen could do nothing.
That's what likely happened. There is no reason to assume otherwise.
"Also based on how excited he was I can say that he wanted that shark to be eaten."
You can GUESS. But a guess doesn't mean shit. They see a big fish, and said fish eats their seemingly large fish. That's exciting, REGARDLESS. You are going out of your way ON PURPOSE to make these fishermen out to be the bad guys.
"Also tell me why they start recording when a massive Grouper shows up."
If you see a 600 pound fish swim up to the top, and you have a camera available, you'd take it out. It's because they were EXCITED to see the fish on the line. I've already explained this. What happened after was an ACCIDENT, as I already explained.
"Also if they wanted that shark to survive they would of pulled that shark in as soon as they saw the Grouper..."
This is where your inexperience in this subject is showing. Most fishermen don't boat sharks this big unless they intend to keep it. And even then, the shark is only boated (usually) after it has already been killed. This is so nobody gets hurt by the shark. They didn't pull it in because they weren't going to keep it.
"...also at the end it looks like he pulls the shark in so that it can't keep swimming in circles avoiding the grouper."
He's doing that because he's trying to get the hook out. He can't get it off the hook while it's swimming in circles. Once again, your inexperience is showing.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have shown that your accusations of the fishermen are based on OPINIONS and LACK OF EXPERIENCE.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
And yes, Goliath Grouper are considered endangered but their population is increasing again due to sustainable management.
100. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite
good for you man.
my hair is really turning more grey every year by struggeling to understand and thinking: how the hell does this youtube work to get more views.
How many people die from shark attacks each year?
For example, an average of more than 38 people die annually from lightning strikes in coastal states, while less than 1 person per year is killed by a shark. Search on google plus
How many people are attacked by sharks a year?
Considering that more than 200 million people visit U.S. beaches each year, the number of shark attacks is relatively small. Of those millions of beach goers each year, about 36 are attacked by sharks, while more than 30,000 need to be rescued from surfing accidents. friend check online before you answer
As for someone laughing, what's the big deal? I think most people are way too emotionless in their pointless little lives.
I sure as buggery would have been surprised to see this.
he eat other little fish and small shark
although these guys are kinda dicks
A child shark! really... any other word to describe a juvenile shark would have been better. Also circle of life, they didnt force the grouper to eat the shark. they wanted it to but it was the groupers choice.
why are the guys dicks?
i would gladly push your ass in the water and watch you get eaten by monsters..
you did motherfucker
Why were you fishing sharks for in the first place??!
como se llama este pes???
I just learned a new insult, cool!
I'm over it, I was just expressing what I thought.
An autistic person's brain could prioritize memory, attention to detail and/or mathematic skills over the regions required to understand socializing. So, in a way, having a mental disability CAN give you "super powers", or atleast skills superior to that of an average person.
no way he could have held onto the pole.
Animal rights-whiner's reaction: "That's horrible, how can you kill fish, and just stand by when they kill each other, and you even laugh about it!? You monster! I hate you and wish you'd die horribly! >x'O"
Media-worker's reaction: "Oh god, that was such awful camera-movement... >:/"
My reaction: "I wonder if I could tame it, ride it, teach it to hunt other fish for me, and teach it to play chess... And then breed with it? Wait... WTF BRAIN!?"
"hey i was gonna eat that !"
...and literally no comments from people who are pissed that the guy laughed.
-Hurt uneducated Bitch.
Still yeah it was a little rough lol.
Really funny to see is all the #notgettinglaidguys are getting offensive to you because of your profile picture.
Let them be.
One of them will allways try to have the last word, just so he can feel good about himself.
Note to all the readers : " Lisa Murillo " criticizes in regards to the video within her own statement that the : " camera handling was a brutal " . She mentions in another statement : " My profile picture? IS A SELFIE " and " I am not depressed " . Hmmm . I am just curious if anyone else sees a very close similarity within her own statement of "camera handling" being "BRUTAL" ?
A smirk is a smile. A smile means happy. I'm happy, you fucking psycho.
Get out of the house?? I'm a college student, ergo I'm NEVER home I'm always studying or tutoring or out with friends...
Don't be a hypocrite, you're ridiculing people for "backing up a photo and not a person they met in person..." Don't sit there and bitch about these people backing me up even though they've never met me, when YOU have never met me but you're going to sit there and diagnose me as depressed like you know me?
I am not depressed. I love my life, my parents, my career, my friends, my car and my dog. My profile picture? IS A SELFIE. You idiot.
Depression brings depression, they should ignore your post only for that fact. Depression also indicates that you are seeking ways to get it......Kinda sad ! I guess the net is the only way you can get it and the way you are going with it shows that in reality, the net is the only way you can get it. Get out of the house and off the net. be more positive in your profile photos and really get attention locally. You will be more happy than negative statements and depressed looking photos,.
You are the pathetic loser here, projecting like a child.
Nope.... all guys like you and him are just angry because you don't get laid. Bye.
Still better than looking for validation.
... says another guy looking for attention >.<
Hint: Any non-joke comments about "girls need to be in the kitchen" is always a dead give-away.
And laughter isn't a normal reaction to shock and sudden surprise? You apparently haven't done much psychology or read much about the human mind. Go educate yourself before claiming bullshit of your own, you stupid mf.
Wanna see real reactions go look up shark eats fish. When people scream "oooh shiiit" loudly that's a natural reaction. Not laughter you stupid mf.
Whatever dude.
You mean Yeshua? Devout Christianity is garbage.
There's no such thing as sin, nature is not a deity, nature is an entity.
More like giving god credit for natures creation.
- The All American Testament
Now then, my son, hear me: blessed is the man who shall hearken to me, and the mortal who shall keep my ways; watching daily at my doors, waiting at the posts of my entrances. For my outgoings are the outgoings of life, and in them is prepared favour from the Lord. But they that sin against me act wickedly against their own souls: and they that hate me love death." Proverbs 8:32-36 (LXX)
Remember: "ALL SCRIPTURE is given by >>inspiration of God<<, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16
"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10
Evolution says NOTHING about reason or lack of reason. Some evolutionists may claim it does but it does not. Evolution can't because a natural science CAN'T say anything about metaphysics.
Do I understand you right? You are saying I have fallen away from the true Faith?
I was a 'young earther' in my teenage years, but reading early Christian history and how the Jews and early Christians understood the Creation account changed my mind. Evolution can't be godly or ungodly. It is just observation and study of nature. Also it were us, the Christians, who came up with the Big Bang theory.
Nature's way of regulating itself; where unhealthy fish or fish that are past their prime are the ones that end up becoming food for ones that are more fit, or end up dying because they're too unfit to catch food... it's a way for the creatures who are the fittest and strongest (and have the best genetics) to survive and secures the existence of a species, I think empathy comes down to respecting the lifecycle and allowing it to continue. I also get irritated with the lets save an animal because 'awww cute' btw, it just hit a special kind of nerve when that goofy voice started saying 'duuuude', haha. :P
Nice oversimplification though, mate.
I want everyone to listen I fish and have been my entire life. 1. Fish don't feel pain so the hook didn't hurt the blacktip (most common shark in Florida). 2. Fish eat fish it's nature and happens a lot when fighting fish. 3. The hook rust out of the fish in salt and freshwater, in the stomach or mouth it will rust. 4. So what if the guy is laughing it's in disbelief that a possible record Goliath Grouper just ate a 4 ft black tip. 5. God damn I hate these pussy ass environmentalists in the comments. Go choke on more limp 2 inch tofu dick. 6. Yes the shark died but it's not their fault a 4 ft blacktip doesn't want anything to do with the boat and kept fighting to get away the grouper just got to it faster. 7. Any yuppies that comment get some knowledge before you do on fishing or even better die in a fucking whales gut the world would be better with out you.
This shark's death was more natures doing than anything else.
Thanks for a interesting video.
what a fucking joke get a life.
lets put you with a wild leopard and see if it doesn't eat your ass. I doubt very little it will care you "love" it. to say we shouldn't eat animals is absurd. some of them would be QUICK to eat you regardless of all the good you've done for it. circle of life people. it's real. everything co exists and survives off each other.
btw they were trying to let it go.
It's just another human. Who cares?
This is not a "baby shark" it's fully grown. If you think this shark is small, we catch North Atlantic sharks here a mile or so off the southern coast of Padre that are around 1, maybe 1.5 feet in length when fully grown. Animal lovers, learn your marine life.
Additionally, humans are part of the food chain, too. Why does it bother you that humans eat other animals when other animals eat other animals? It's much more humane to catch, kill, and eat in the wild than to eat things that were born in captivity and raised to be slaughtered.
So much emotion, so little thought.
"uuuuuhhhhhhh" (classic stoner entrance) you do realize i was making a joke, and therefore your anal-analyst approach to youtube comments aimed for slight, monetary humor is a testament to your negative mindset? thats an issue youre going to have to work on for your own gains.
furthermore, your anal-ization was 100% inaccurate and wrong =) when was the last time anyone heard of the 'grouper' being considered an elite predator above sharks in the scientific community? it was never, because no scientist would embarrass himself with such a STUPID claim.
you speak about a specific "grouper species" and then say "the shark" .... you fortify this sloppy cement mix with a hypothetical situation and then get a +1 for it....fucking stoner kids.
People: OMG Stoopid hoomanz killin cute babeh shark. DIE
Hunting to survive its ok but hunting for fun? Well you have some daddy issues.
If all of you are so brave and badasses why don't you go and kill a shark with ur hands in the water instead sitting on the outside with pro equipment???
This guy just drove a great animal to his death with out giving the chance of a fight. He got the shark and the shark got eaten by another fish cause couldn't fight back because of this stupid ass guy that was smiling.
Point is... have respect for life. Any life. Humans don't belong in the water. It is not our world. People that don't have respect about Animal life soon will loose respect about human life. And then...
Of course it does. Like when the Australians unleashed rabbits on their fields, and said rabbit population exploded so much as to threaten grazing grounds for livestock (Bad). They used biological weapons dropped via aircraft to decimate rabbit populations to lesser numbers (Good. At least good for the grazers).
Hitler killing himself was also arguably good for humanity as a whole.
i am talking about the comments on youtube not the video btw, you cunts are 10 times stupider than the cunts in the video.
You think that this shark getting eaten is worth bitching about? Oh please, put those voices and minds to better use and why not bitch about the injustices committed to other humans before you bitch about nature? Better yet, why not stop bitching and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.
If you have time to complain online, you have time to act. And if you have a brain to identify a problem, then you have a brain that can be used to help. And if you have no intention of helping or putting your brain to good use, stop pretending to be a moral person to sate your own ego and make yourself feel better. Just do what I'm gonna do, accept the way nature works.
There is nothing supreme in this universe, you are all fucking matter and energy that doesn't even truly exist in the shape of the masked reality your brains create for you.
You are all fucking drooling worms jumping through life from one neurotransmitter to another trying to rub electrons in your fucking pathetic brains in order to feel something that creates 'happiness'.
I think it's disrespectful for you humans to even claim to have evolved from a common ancestor with apes, at least monkeys understand their fucking place on my earth.
Until you gain knowledge, become smarter and understand how worthless and insignificant you are, you have no place to claim superiority over anything - not even a measly shit stain from a homeless mans wrinkly old underwear.
You're made out of the same matter as that shit stain, remember that humans.
- z8_GND_5296 - Religion - Your monotheistic god you hypocrites.
4ft Shark:0
Well there you go..
Do' not drink so much ...