Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This video is represented by - For any licensing requests please contact

Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite sentiment_very_dissatisfied 9574

Shark videos 10 years ago 66,033,249 views

Goliath grouper eating a black tip shark in one bite off the coast of Bonita Springs Florida. August 2014. This video is represented by - For any licensing requests please contact

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Most popular comments
for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

The Duke
The Duke - 7 years ago
these idiots trash got that shark killed.....
John Finity
John Finity - 7 years ago
Morron camera work. Horrible to watch
Katherine Gutierrez
Katherine Gutierrez - 7 years ago
? @
tackless - 7 years ago
They used to call them jewfish back when I was a kid. Million-dollar Pier in Atlantic City used to have a fish haul . It was a giant net that they would fill with garbage and you would pay to watch them haul in this net. There were Giant jewfish in there 3-4 500 lbs. So many large fish of all types it wasn't funny. That was 70 years ago and almost everything has been fished out. You'll never find fish like that again
Biggs In Asia
Biggs In Asia - 7 years ago
Did the fisherman eat that grouper?
Katelyn Donovan
Katelyn Donovan - 7 years ago
Leave the sharks and fish alone you heartless subhuman dickbag. <<<<<<< Do not fish >>>>>>>
TheRealJoeFertig - 7 years ago
just another asshole fisher
Reality Bites
Reality Bites - 7 years ago
fightrrrrr - 7 years ago
The laughing was the best part. Lol. Great video

10. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

strranger - 7 years ago
You pathetic freaks can it even keep the camera on focus.
Michael James
Michael James - 7 years ago
"If fish could scream the ocean would be loud as fuck" - Mitch Hedberg
Jean Simard
Jean Simard - 7 years ago
STUPID dumb idiots! I'm not sure it's a good idea for a Grouper to swallow a shark whole. I'm pretty sure it's gonna get bitten from the inside. Maybe not for long but maybe enough to internally bleed to death. What a stupid thing to do. (I wish) these a-holes get identified and sought and prosecuted for harming a protected specie. Dumb dumb DUMB kids.
Александр - 7 years ago
Thanks author for the interesting video, on Amazon saw cool t-shirt on the subject "Shark T-Shirt I love you my sweet!" ))
Ben Turley
Ben Turley - 7 years ago
That is the best laugh EVER!
Sara Tesfaye
Sara Tesfaye - 7 years ago
These are bunch of idiots and for the record i am vegan. The shark was trying to free itself. Why are they bothering with nature. I hope next time nature strikes at them. Their boat sinks in
Cyber Djinn
Cyber Djinn - 7 years ago
Stupid Prick Catching a baby shark and Holding it hostage so a bigger animal can eat it. The fuck is wrong with you assholes?
Great jow lets see it eat a great white
Marlene onlyCritic
Marlene onlyCritic - 7 years ago
Piece of shits its their fault the shark got eaten HUMANS NEED TO LEAVE NATURE ALONE!! Fucken FAGGOTS

20. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

Amber Jones
Amber Jones - 7 years ago
Why are you trying to catch a little shark anyways?? I mean nature is nature and bigger fish eat smaller fish so I'm not mad about that but if you weren't forcing him to stay on your line he could of gotten away our put up a fight which is how nature works.

I will try to assume you weren't trying to catch the shark.
BLEGH BLLLEGH - 7 years ago
Against that big of a grouper? Fighting back is a no-no. Escaping is the slightest of possibility, but still that grouper could have easily caught the shark so that is almost 0%. Also they weren't trying to keep it there, they were trying to cut the line with out cutting a ton of it off.
kydamono - 7 years ago
ApolloCreapz - 7 years ago
0:05 I thought you fell in
Suziyana Ahmad
Suziyana Ahmad - 7 years ago
that one way for a fish to kill a shark
Patrick Stribling
Patrick Stribling - 7 years ago
We’re gonna need a bigger boat
komodo_dragon_ sniper
komodo_dragon_ sniper - 7 years ago
sharkey got groaped! XD
Froy 2001
Froy 2001 - 7 years ago
Serina Shin
Serina Shin - 7 years ago
I need mental help

I thought this was cool, what the fuck is wrong with me
Manny V
Manny V - 7 years ago
Id be pissed i would of tried poking that fucker or shot him before he got to my catch fuck that
THE KID - 7 years ago

30. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

Wiley - 7 years ago
Shark got caught twice. Feels bad man
MOAB MASTER - 7 years ago
Damn nature you scary...
Wait a minute...
Did this little cunt seriously not reel the shark in and unhook it?
That's fucking sadism.
Robert Schuster
Robert Schuster - 7 years ago
So to catch a grouper you use sharks as bait.
PrinceNaim - 7 years ago
Sluva Luva
Sluva Luva - 7 years ago
If this shark is a natural prey for the Grouper, do u not think, it wouldn't have eventually eaten it? It's nature and unfortunately, the shark is on it's list of prey.. Leave Nature alone
Colby Bommerscheim
Colby Bommerscheim - 7 years ago
Word have no meaning to what I have seen
sabrin shamim
sabrin shamim - 7 years ago
orca will kill and eat them both
Nightmare Stella97
Nightmare Stella97 - 7 years ago
The grouper is super big
Chris Krielow
Chris Krielow - 7 years ago
This needs to be flagged and removed. At the bare minimum he needs to put a disclaimer. I'm sure this guys camera skills have already given hundreds of people cancer. We can't allow a video that is known to cause cancer in the state of California to just be posted with no warning beforehand
Ronald Greubel
Ronald Greubel - 7 years ago
Nice job on the catch maybe next time you can pull it in before you meal gets taken
Kaitlin Grey
Kaitlin Grey - 7 years ago
Everyone's freaking out about the guy laughing or the shark getting eaten while here I am more disturbed by how yellow and brown the guy's teeth are.
Aufufuai - 7 years ago
Wallet 0951958427
Kick The Ajummas' Face!
Kick The Ajummas' Face! - 7 years ago
That's basically the other fish population saying "fuck you back, sharks"!
Robert Despaw
Robert Despaw - 7 years ago
Goliaths I'm my opinion and experience are the most grumpiest fish in the sea...they even look at you with that "I hate you"look
The Phenomenal 1ONE1
The Phenomenal 1ONE1 - 7 years ago
I saw a grouper at the fish market but it like a baby compared to this one
Lord Bootyquake
Lord Bootyquake - 7 years ago
Really though grouper is fucking DELICIOUS man. Try it if you get to.
Marjolein Keijser
Marjolein Keijser - 7 years ago
NightBot Ban
NightBot Ban - 7 years ago
Fucking friendless pieces if garbage getting pissed at these people for having fun.

Nature is cruel people. Fish eat fish, whether we help them or not.
Now fuck off or enjoy the video.
Phoenix Poole
Phoenix Poole - 7 years ago
Imagine that bugger biting your arm off.
CanadianBaconFan - 7 years ago

50. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

Kamil A
Kamil A - 7 years ago
Where is Jeremy Wade when you need him?
South Florida Fishing Channel
South Florida Fishing Channel - 7 years ago
I encountered some sharks grouper fishing here in florida 3 days ago! Just posted the video on my channel! Those goliaths are some grumpy looking fish
TheOutLawFootage - 7 years ago
Checked the vid out, good stuff. I subbed to ya
Thomas Auer
Thomas Auer - 7 years ago
poor shark
The Combine
The Combine - 7 years ago
wait till mommy finds out her baby got eaten
John Smith
John Smith - 7 years ago
If I had a wish I would wish that people wouldn't get stupider every day and that they wouldn't be an oversensitive pussy.
All of you morons are in a fucking rage mode because these 2 wanted to get a good meal. They almost got the shark but then a Grouper came and ate it before they could get it. They were laughing because it was sudden and they weren't expecting it to happen and they were in a shock like state just like when you watch a good horror and after you got really scared you kind of laugh that it scared you so much.
And if you have a problem with them eating sharks well go fuck yourself. You cannot fucking tell people what they can and what they cannot eat! They don't force you to finally act like a real grown up instead of an overgrown baby so who the fuck gives you the authority to judge people who has a different lifestyle?
Also if it angers you so fucking much why don't you DO something about it instead of crying like a pussy?
Why don't you actually find a way to help those animals you want to protect instead of being a PC lazy asshole?
You guys are fucking pathetic and you are the reason that EVERYTHING is wrong today!!! I really hope that in a few years this PC ultra sensitive retard bullshit is going to fade away because if not we are all going to either go extinct or we going to hit rock bottom with the average intelligence level.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
And then the vegans say "why would you not save him?"
Alfa Predator
Alfa Predator - 7 years ago
Prodigy Productions
Prodigy Productions - 8 years ago
is the shark ok?
Gene Belcher
Gene Belcher - 8 years ago
The shark is a burger and the grouper is me.
RuDe Gaming
RuDe Gaming - 8 years ago
learn how to hold a camera steady you pile of dookie, i got nausea just watching this crap
callofdutyguy9 - 8 years ago
Let's see that grouper try to eat a great white huh. I would have jumped in and killed that grouper.
Mike d
Mike d - 8 years ago
makes you wounder how many children have been eaten by these giant groupers that was was huge but i doubt he videotaped the biggest one which would mean there are bigger ones out there so a kid ccold be eaten whole and people would assume a shark
J - 8 years ago
you.pos ...asshole
Abhi kam
Abhi kam - 8 years ago
You may lost the fish, But got the Shot.
TheThe Man
TheThe Man - 8 years ago
why is this viral
Edward St.Doval
Edward St.Doval - 8 years ago
You were off frame most of the time even the final snatch was jerky. Hope you get better thanks
William Reynolds
William Reynolds - 8 years ago
damn... they lost their lure... that sucks cause lures are expensive and a lure or bait that can catch a shark. Amazing then bam outta no where shark is gone . I would be shitting pants to catch a shark. Welp these fishermen need a new pair of pants or shorts lol
Royce Garrison
Royce Garrison - 8 years ago
Royce Garrison
Royce Garrison - 8 years ago
Crazy-product - 8 years ago
i think the fish just helped that poor little shark to escape from the humans lol
Jennifer Hnatishin
Jennifer Hnatishin - 8 years ago
The comments on here... wow... I can't believe people can be sooo angry over how Mother Nature works (fish eat other fish whether we have them on a line or not), yet the derogatory and hateful comments to each other is astounding.
ShowMeYourTuts - 8 years ago
Tony Mayer
Tony Mayer - 8 years ago
Crazy Man! Got to love the gopro's. So many things caught on video anymore.
leo dantino
leo dantino - 8 years ago
Always a bigger fish
xUnleadedx - 8 years ago
just pull the shark out ffs. You are baiting grouper on purpose...i hope one of you gets eaten next time
iggyzag - 8 years ago
Really? Just pull a four foot shark up like it's nothing eh? They need to get in a proper position to either gaff that shark to get it up or to release it. They pulled the shark up to unhook it, but I think they seen the grouper. Having your hand by the shark while a grouper attacks...well your guaranteed to go in with it, possibly lose an arm or your life...nobody will endanger there life to unhook a fish! A grouper will eat a shark hooked or not, it is a meal to them not a friend
Jose Lopez
Jose Lopez - 8 years ago
if u look u cn see the grouper wen the video starts and the shark
Brad The Gamer!
Brad The Gamer! - 8 years ago
Fishy payback!! Lol
Mintie edadiz
Mintie edadiz - 8 years ago
oh my word !!!! never will i go deep sea fishing
Mintie edadiz
Mintie edadiz - 8 years ago
oh my word !!!! never will i go deep sea fishing
John Campbell
John Campbell - 8 years ago
When someone else's bait is your dream catch
roy bewley
roy bewley - 8 years ago
I never like swimming in deep water
Mike Cervi
Mike Cervi - 8 years ago
What do you call a 4 ft shark in Florida?
dan19630 - 8 years ago
Like another person said. It's nature it happens. I watched a guy reel in a small red snapper. Before you know it a blue shark came up out of the water and snagged the red snapper. That's nature folks!
C Brooks
C Brooks - 8 years ago
xUnleadedx your a jackass. you can't just pull a 4ft shark up into the boat that thing will be like a trashing bear trap...only way to release a shark of that size is get it boat side on its back and cut the hook. so they weren't baiting the grouper. he just saw an opportunity at an easy meal.
xUnleadedx - 8 years ago
a shark wouldnt just let a grouper eat it. It would swim away. This one couldnt as he was being kept down there on the line on purpose. Its not natural.
Big -
Big - - 8 years ago
I like to think he was saving the shark after he got abit deeper he let it go an they went for a pint together. lol
CodyTheTyrantKing! - 8 years ago
how big do they grow up too?
Shahira Omar
Shahira Omar - 8 years ago
pacific Goliath grouper can be 800 pounds antlantic Goliath groupers can be 700 pounds
James Quinn
James Quinn - 8 years ago
Life... Your welcome...
Michael Gregory
Michael Gregory - 8 years ago
this was 10/10 footage. better than the best movies ever
The Cramr!
The Cramr! - 8 years ago
puede ser un pez sol
Boyet Garcia
Boyet Garcia - 8 years ago
shark got rekt
Namacana 2
Namacana 2 - 8 years ago
I literrally put my feet on my couch because i thought there was a shark under my couch! Like if you did that
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE
Jean-Michel René SOUCHE - 8 years ago
The existence of sharks dates from the Ordovician period, 450–420 million years ago. What are u talking about, IDIOTS ?
Kuhntee Nyctiproc
Kuhntee Nyctiproc - 8 years ago
DAMN, wanna catch big fish, you gotta use big bait. lol
That was pretty crazy~
Uday Thambimuthu
Uday Thambimuthu - 8 years ago
Pedro Schmitz
Pedro Schmitz - 8 years ago
I was searching for the musician called Grouper and I ended up here seeing a hard-ass dinosaur eating a little innocent shark. I'm done.
Guitar Phantom
Guitar Phantom - 8 years ago
MagesticMango - 8 years ago
At 0:05 I thought the guy fell in O.O
Soniccairo - 7 years ago
Jaws flashback
Ray Russ
Ray Russ - 8 years ago
No more stupid than, say, the majority of the comments here.
DarkXP - 8 years ago
MagesticMango I thought he was acting dumb at first
Andrew Vass
Andrew Vass - 8 years ago
Nope. He's just another idiot with a camera.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
It astounds me that people are getting mad at these guys. I was recently on a video where fisherman had caught a marlin and a mako had come up to eat it. Now these guys had a shark and a grouper ate it. People are getting mad over a fish eating another fish. They're blaming the fisherman because "they fed the fish to the other one". They didn't. It's just an unfortunate occurrence that happens so often. The fishermen had no control. It happens to many fisherman, with many different types of fish.

For example, I've been tuna fishing and had a mako bite the tuna I was fighting in half. Hell, one time I was reeling in a small bass at a local lake and a pickerel came up and stole it right from my hook. It happens and you can't control it. It's just nature. So quit crying.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
Ryo Are you talking to me?
Ryo - 8 years ago
fucking kid
Jennifer Hnatishin
Jennifer Hnatishin - 8 years ago
Shark Bait.... it's a sad day when people care more about an animal in be balance of nature, and yet people can be so horrible and hateful toward each other without that same sympathy to a cognitive being with feelings
Ja dis ek Werner
Ja dis ek Werner - 8 years ago
Shark Bait Agreed. People fight over stupid shit. Bunch of pussies.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Declaring that I've proven your point without explaining how or why. This seems to be a habit of yours. You make claims that are somehow confirmed whenever you say they are, even if it isn't true. What exactly have you "proved"? Everything you've said thus far has been debunked (and you won't admit that).

Also, this is the second time you've come back after saying you were leaving.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog you've proven my point now I'm done.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES I thought you weren't going to reply again? If you're such a "bigger guy" why haven't you left?
"That whole thing you just said makes you a hypocrite, because you can't prove that you actually have kids, and earlier you said something about creationists."

I told you I had children. You said I didn't. The burden of proof is on you to disprove me. It is not the same as my past example. I specifically make sure to not do what I say not to do. But, knowing you, you'll try whatever you can and continue calling me a hypocrite even though I'm not. If anyone is the hypocrite, it's you. You're attacking me for my age while, when asked, you refuse to tell your own. Now THAT'S hypocritical.

"Second look the story up, theirs multiple sites with the same statement."

I decided to do some research, and all of the sources that did mention the fisherman's actions say that they were trying to unhook it or that they were trying to reel it in. And that's it. I visited all these sources:

Not a single one says the fisherman intentionally fed the shark to the Grouper. As if it weren't already apparent enough in the video for most people.
Now, are you actually done talking this time or are you going to keep embarassing yourself while desperately trying to attack me because you refuse to accept my age? I recommend the first option.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog That whole thing you just said makes you a hypocrite, because you can't prove that you actually have kids, and earlier you said something about creationists. Second look the story up, theirs multiple sites with the same statement.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES "it funny that you think I've been backed into the corner..."

Well, you are refusing to respond.

"I also think it's funny that you fake having children."

Do you have any evidence suggesting otherwise? You cannot prove that simply by saying it over the internet. The burden of proof is on you here.

"I also think it's funny how you expect people to believe that your whole family uses the same YouTube account."

First of all, my WHOLE family doesn't. Secondly, it's really that unheard of. It's just a general account I set up for my devices. When my kids use YouTube, they're already logged in.

"Also regarding your last statement, the reason I'm not responding to it is because you make no valid points."

Claiming my points are invalid without any reason is not an argument.

"Also if you read up on the story they knew the Grouper was their, They already caught a shark and released it."

First of all, where did you read this? Secondly, assuming this is true, HOW were they supposed to get rid of it? If they released the first shark, what makes you think they weren't trying to do the same with the second shark?

"Now in the articles they say they were about to unhook it when it got eaten (I would say that too, because I wouldn't want people to get mad at me, especially when millions of people watched the video)..."

You can see them trying to unhook it in the video. That's when the Grouper struck. The rest of what you said is your unsupported personal opinion. Why are you trying so hard to villainize these men? What do you have against them? And obviously, it's not just because you feel as if they did something wrong. You are specifically denying evidence I have provided and what THEY have said in order to continue your argument. So I'll ask again: what do you have against them?

"I believe that it was intentional for that shark to get eaten..."

You BELIEVE. "Believe" as in "it's my opinion that has no supporting evidence behind it".

"'re going to end up saying some bullshit on why I'm wrong and why you're correct, but I'm not going to respond because I've proven my point."

If you were trying to prove that you are an inexperienced know-it-all who is specifically ignoring evidence and replacing it with personal opinions to desperately attempt to add some validity to your argument, then yeah, you certianly have. But if it was anything else, then you haven't. You are not going to respond because, once again, you are trapped within your own argument. You fucked yourself over, essentially.

"Also I don't think the fishermen are bad people because they fed a fish to a shark it was an entertaining video, it also spreads awareness about this beautiful fish."

Then why were you complaining in the first place then? You suddenly agree with me now?
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Also regarding your last statement, the reason I'm not responding to it is because you make no valid points. Also if you read up on the story they knew the Grouper was their, They already caught a shark and released it. Now in the articles they say they were about to unhook it when it got eaten (I would say that too, because I wouldn't want people to get mad at me, especially when millions of people watched the video) so based on what I read from the actual people who filmed it, I believe that it was intentional for that shark to get eaten: you're going to end up saying some bullshit on why I'm wrong and why you're correct, but I'm not going to respond because I've proven my point. Also I don't think the fishermen are bad people because they fed a fish to a shark, it was an entertaining video, it also spreads awareness about this beautiful fish. Have a great day!
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog it funny that you think I've been backed into the corner, you do realize this is a fishing video. I also think it's funny that you fake having children. I also think it's funny how you expect people to believe that your whole family uses the same YouTube account.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES That was a simple accusation that you made that A: was already explained and debunked and B: has no supporting evidence behind it. It is also an attempt to avoid the main conversation (not because it is "boring" but because you've been backed into a corner and have no other option).
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog all you proved was that your a liar
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Thank you for proving my point and proving me right. I do find it funny, however, that I'm still to blame despite you responding to me in the first place. Maybe I'm not, and you're just playing the blame game. That sounds right.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog Quote me on this "get a life." I'm done. Go spend time with your fictional kids.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES "you dug yourself into a hole bro, and your so desperate to sound like you know what you're talking about that it is sad."

OK, explain how I'm wrong then. You have done nothing to explain why I'm wrong about the main topic. You've only declared I am but without any reason.

"Also you're demanding my age which is funny because their's no 32 year old who would do that on a YouTube video."

I'm asking your age because you asked mine. The fact that you're stalling is very suspicious. And what about being 32 specifically makes it impossible to ask someone's age? Like...what logic tells you that? That's oddly specific. I think you're just trying to find a reason behind your denial but failing.

"You sound like a kid, your fake age is showing."

Please explain. I'm still just thinking that you're just saying that because your desperate to have some basis behind your argument but you are just drawing a blank.
The best part about all this is after my comment explaining what happened, all you've tried to do is attack me over my age despite having no evidence to back up said attack. And then when I ask you to return to the main topic, it's "it's boring!" (which is just such an obvious attempt at you saying you can't refute anything I've said). If I were you I'd just stop.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog you dug yourself into a hole bro, and your so desperate to sound like you know what you're talking about that it is sad. Also you're demanding my age which is funny because their's no 32 year old who would do that on a YouTube video. You sound like a kid, your fake age is showing.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES I'm not desperate to win because I'm not trying to "win" anything. I'm just proving a point. And you're helping me to do so.

Now are you going to tell me YOUR age before you continue to deny mine (without any reason beyond trying to drag out your already debunked argument)?
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog your so desperate to win this argument it's sad at fist it was funny but now I feel bad.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES "I'm bored of this argument and if you're not man enough to tell you're real age I'm not going to argue."

I have already told you my real age. You are just choosing to deny it so you can avoid having to face the fact that you're wrong about the main topic. Also I asked you how old you were as well, yet you haven't even tried answering, you hypocrite. Could it be because YOU'RE a kid? I mean, your name does have "boy" in it...

"Also your last statement was shit so I don't need to argue with it."

You are deeming my last statement "shit" so you can avoid it (mostly because you have no way to refute it, as you are wrong - and you seem to know this). In short, you know you are wrong but you can't admit it. That's the true reason behind why you won't respond. And we both know this, so you aren't hiding anything.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog I'm bored of this argument and if you're not man enough to tell you're real age I'm not going to argue. Also your last statement was shit so I don't need to argue with it
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES And there it is. You have not only proven my point about how you're going to deny my age in order to avoid the main topic, but you also proved me right. You refuse to respond to the main argument because you know that I'm right. But you won't admit to any of these things, therefore solidifying everything I just said. You just dug yourself into a hole.

(Also you refused to tell your age as well, which is extremely hypocritical of you.)
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog I can't return to the argument because it's boring also I don't argue with children
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Well, based on the fact that your very username contains "boy", I don't think you can do much talking. If you were older I'd imagine you'd put in "guy" or "man". But, I digress...

Now, I know that you are just going to continue to deny my age in order to avoid having to respond to my arguments, but I'm still going to ask you if you could return to the topic at hand.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog ok sure, sorry my daughter left these comments
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Once again, those are my son's videos. I don't upload any videos. I just watch videos. You're not "exposing" anyone.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog loser get exposed
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog also a comment on your Undertale vid you said you were 16
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES "ok you're 32 that's funny, name one 32 year old who uploads Super Mario"

My two sons also use this account.

And even if I (their father) did upload it, that would not take validity off what I am saying. Is that really your only argument against what I just said?

(Also, why'd you like your own comment?)
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES also I said I don't care that the shark died earlier lol
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog ok you're 32 that's funny, name one 32 year old who uploads Super Mario
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES "how old are you? You clearly don't know what you're talking about and all you say in your arguments is have you ever fished before."

I'm 32, I've fished since I was 2 years old, and I have already explained more arguments than you give me credit for.

"You only say this cause you want to sound like you know what you're talking about."

May I ask how old you are, and how long you've been fishing? Because you seem to have this idea that there is absolutely no way that these guys are in the right, despite it being an accident.

"While I can't provide evidence that he wanted that shark to be eaten..."

This should be the end of the conversation.

" can't provide any information that they wanted that shark to survive."

This is a classic fallacy. It's even used by creationists. "I can't prove it right but you can't prove it wrong!". Here's what likely happened:

These fishermen are using light tackle, and managed to hook into a shark. This took a while to get up to the boat. Intrigued by the extended commotion, a Goliath Grouper follows the shark to the top. The men are surprised to see such a large fish, so they take out their camera. The men are trying to get the shark next to the boat and then get the hook out. This takes time, not only because they have to keep the shark still, but sharks have thick mouths and jaws full of teeth, so they need to be careful. Before they could release the shark, the Grouper sees that the shark is vulnerable, so it takes it. The fishermen could do nothing.

That's what likely happened. There is no reason to assume otherwise.

"Also based on how excited he was I can say that he wanted that shark to be eaten."

You can GUESS. But a guess doesn't mean shit. They see a big fish, and said fish eats their seemingly large fish. That's exciting, REGARDLESS. You are going out of your way ON PURPOSE to make these fishermen out to be the bad guys.

"Also tell me why they start recording when a massive Grouper shows up."

If you see a 600 pound fish swim up to the top, and you have a camera available, you'd take it out. It's because they were EXCITED to see the fish on the line. I've already explained this. What happened after was an ACCIDENT, as I already explained.

"Also if they wanted that shark to survive they would of pulled that shark in as soon as they saw the Grouper..."

This is where your inexperience in this subject is showing. Most fishermen don't boat sharks this big unless they intend to keep it. And even then, the shark is only boated (usually) after it has already been killed. This is so nobody gets hurt by the shark. They didn't pull it in because they weren't going to keep it.

"...also at the end it looks like he pulls the shark in so that it can't keep swimming in circles avoiding the grouper."

He's doing that because he's trying to get the hook out. He can't get it off the hook while it's swimming in circles. Once again, your inexperience is showing.
You have no idea what you're talking about, and you have shown that your accusations of the fishermen are based on OPINIONS and LACK OF EXPERIENCE.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Also if they wanted that shark to survive they would of pulled that shark in as soon as they saw the Grouper, also at the end it looks like he pulls the shark in so that it can't keep swimming in circles avoiding the grouper.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Also tell me why they start recording when a massive Grouper shows up
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog how old are you? You clearly don't know what you're talking about and all you say in your arguments is have you ever fished before. You only say this cause you want to sound like you know what you're talking about. While I can't provide evidence that he wanted that shark to be eaten, you can't provide any information that they wanted that shark to survive. Also based on how excited he was I can say that he wanted that shark to be eaten.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES First of all, he was TRYING to reel it in. You've obviously never hooked into a decent fish. Secondly, they were excited because a MASSIVE FUCKING GROUPER was right there. That's exciting to any fisherman.

You have no idea what you're talking about.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES also did you not see how excited he was because of it, he clearly wanted that shark to be eaten.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog bro the guy didn't reel at all and it was just a sitting duck because of it.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES The shark was still moving. They were also using light tackle for a shark. Simple. Have you ever fished for big fish before?
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog Watch it again and tell me why they don't reel it in.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES Yeah, sharks swim and I saw it. What's your point? They started filming because, yes, there was a large fish in the area. But do you have any proof that they fed it to the fish?
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog did you not see it swimming in the beginning? Also why do you think they just started filming.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+The_Boy_WhoRAGES How did they "obviously" know it? How do you know that?

And yes, Goliath Grouper are considered endangered but their population is increasing again due to sustainable management.
Riley Pagano
Riley Pagano - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog they obviously knew it was going to get eaten just watch the beginning, but they're feeding an endangered fish so that's good
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Cosmic Brah They were reeling in a 4 foot shark. A shark that size, while small, is still difficult to fight on lighter tackle (which they can be seen using in the video). The shark kept running from the boat, and a grouper got it before they could do anything. Stop villainizing these fishermen.
Cosmic Brah
Cosmic Brah - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog Then how come you thinm they were trying to land it they obviously wanted it to get eatwn
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Cosmic Brah I have been fishing since I was two years old. Hell, I've probably been fishing longer than you've been alive.
Cosmic Brah
Cosmic Brah - 8 years ago
do you even fish
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Cosmic Brah Yeah way.
Cosmic Brah
Cosmic Brah - 8 years ago
No way lmfao
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Cosmic Brah That isn't true. You could see they were still trying to fight it to get it on the boat. The shark kept running and eventually got eaten. Simple.
Cosmic Brah
Cosmic Brah - 8 years ago
Yea but the difference is they don't want the shark to eat the Marlin where these guys let the Grouper eat the shark on purpose
BobbyJay - 8 years ago
Samuel Jackson would love this vid
Blood Beryl
Blood Beryl - 8 years ago
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson - 8 years ago
lmao butthurt asf
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 8 years ago
i am pretty sure that you have not tried to reel in a shark and a grouper just pull it i have never had this happen to me but it must be hard to record and reel in a shark.
Yeoh Mei Lian
Yeoh Mei Lian - 8 years ago
U caught a finger food shark.
Walter Bishop
Walter Bishop - 8 years ago

100. comment for Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite

Hootabell - 8 years ago
what was that
NE H - 8 years ago
Reminds me of Jak n Daxter
Joe Monte
Joe Monte - 8 years ago
Worst camera ma ever!!!!!!!!!
Kelly Hopper
Kelly Hopper - 8 years ago
62 million fucking views
Parodoxal Irony
Parodoxal Irony - 8 years ago
I remember my first time holding a camera
anjaiah kommu
anjaiah kommu - 8 years ago
Parodoxal Irony
anonymous - 8 years ago
people who don't grasp the concept of keeping subject in frame should edit the spinning of camera out of video
Big Sauce
Big Sauce - 8 years ago
AnaconDaS NL
AnaconDaS NL - 9 years ago
62 million views.
good for you man.
my hair is really turning more grey every year by struggeling to understand and thinking: how the hell does this youtube work to get more views.
Xavier Thomas
Xavier Thomas - 9 years ago
young metro don't trust you.....
Kendrick Manes
Kendrick Manes - 8 years ago
I'm gon eat you.
Pirimid9 - 9 years ago
Whoever was recording this needs to learn how to record vids.....Get the "How to record videos right side up NOT upside down" book .....Dork
brattainthad - 9 years ago
I'm a huge outdoors man all my life consists of if fishing and hunting. but this is kinda fucked. people say it's nature but is it? last I checked us h poking a shark then fuckin' around long e nought for a grouper to take advantage of the worn out animal isn't natural not is it nature. but I'm also not into catch and release my thought is if your going to disturbe the animal in a way to get a picture then you better be ready to eat that animal. I only fish to feed and hunt to feed.
Frankie John
Frankie John - 9 years ago
hopefully that grouper being eaten by large shark...
Brenszunna 113
Brenszunna 113 - 9 years ago
+Frankie John why though, the shark put it's own self in a dangerous position by taking the bait. grouper just took the easy meal.
saidah1968 saidah1968
saidah1968 saidah1968 - 9 years ago
thug life goliath
dene8989 - 9 years ago
Groupers are bad-ass... and tasty too.
Quinn Thai
Quinn Thai - 9 years ago
+dene8989 no doubt
Jules Hitchen
Jules Hitchen - 9 years ago
100,000,000 sharks die every year because people like this
KingJaddyyy - 9 years ago
I hope that fish gets swallowed by a whale and gets digested and dies
Target Shark
Target Shark - 8 years ago
This is nature and whales don't eat other fish. Idio
MickLawless - 8 years ago
It's nature, you fucking pussy.
Maddie Mendes MSP
Maddie Mendes MSP - 9 years ago
I felt sad for the little shark
Unfettered Patriot
Unfettered Patriot - 7 years ago
Harry Stevens
Harry Stevens - 8 years ago
+Robert Wheeler My mate got struck by lightening while holding a shark....How unlucky was he.
Big -
Big - - 8 years ago
do you feel sad for the little baby cows when you're eating your burger?
Robert Wheeler
Robert Wheeler - 8 years ago
+Suh Dude
How many people die from shark attacks each year?
For example, an average of more than 38 people die annually from lightning strikes in coastal states, while less than 1 person per year is killed by a shark. Search on google plus
How many people are attacked by sharks a year?
Considering that more than 200 million people visit U.S. beaches each year, the number of shark attacks is relatively small. Of those millions of beach goers each year, about 36 are attacked by sharks, while more than 30,000 need to be rescued from surfing accidents. friend check online before you answer
Diego S.
Diego S. - 8 years ago
+Robert Wheeler Only 7.6 million people die from it every year. No where near "billions". Get yo facts straight ya faggot
Charles E.
Charles E. - 8 years ago
+Robert Wheeler You're making me queasy
Robert Wheeler
Robert Wheeler - 8 years ago
+Charles E. Fuck off Cancer Isn't a Fucking Joke Its Not Funny People die Every Year from Cancer Millions Billions and Yet Your Sitting Here On your ass Making a Bad Jokes about it
Charles E.
Charles E. - 8 years ago
+Robert Wheeler You gave me stage 2 prostate cancer.
Robert Wheeler
Robert Wheeler - 8 years ago
I did a Little Bit But Its the Circle of Nature people say they didn't Because its a shark Mostly Because you Guys Think sharks are Mean and Scary as Fudge But Lets Be honest barely Any shark attacks happen per year barely Anyone dies They lived Here first Your Coming Into they're Home And You are throwing Trash in They're Home Playing around In their Area
Charles E.
Charles E. - 8 years ago
I feel sad for FNAF fanboys
Benjamin Williams
Benjamin Williams - 8 years ago
I didn't either. Damn Sharks
Keriann Bennett
Keriann Bennett - 9 years ago
me too :(
Chili Knight
Chili Knight - 9 years ago
I didn't.
Nicolai Salien
Nicolai Salien - 9 years ago
As Qui-Gon Jinn would say: "There's always a bigger fish.".
SCG Niagara
SCG Niagara - 9 years ago
Starts at 0:33
Male Lion
Male Lion - 9 years ago
Male Lion
Male Lion - 9 years ago
Lotharo Mejias
Lotharo Mejias - 9 years ago
Its just a video, great video by the way, thanks for sharing:-)
FLYINxGODZILLA - 9 years ago
It was like surprise
1984NatashaT - 9 years ago
For once, the hunter was the hunted. :/
Alex Wright
Alex Wright - 9 years ago
that's a fish goku would catch and cook.... I'm hungry
MyFluctuations - 9 years ago
Grouper? I shall look it up.
MyFluctuations - 9 years ago
+Brenszunna 113 exactly. but he tried to relate swimming to my knowledge of fish
Brenszunna 113
Brenszunna 113 - 9 years ago
+MyFluctuations swimming has nothing to do with your knowledge of fish but i hope you learned something cool about the grouper.
MyFluctuations - 9 years ago
+ShrekTacularGames lol I swim all the time. I'm sure you're having fun with your life behind a keyboard
Chitose Sakura [Sakura Studios Headquarters]
Chitose Sakura [Sakura Studios Headquarters] - 9 years ago
Bitchy animal rights whiners face a paradox... Mad at the fish for eating other fish (idiotic) but then they're mad at the very creatures that they have erections/watering privates for.
Sluva Luva
Sluva Luva - 7 years ago
Chitose Sakura [Sakura Studios Headquarters] They wouldn't be mad if that shark bit their asses..Law of the Jungle applies for Law of the Ocean as well
Bread Delicious
Bread Delicious - 9 years ago
+Chitose Sakura [Sakura Studios Headquarters] a parado is that humans ara animals so we actually have animal rights just for us humans because we are soft and delicated touch a human an they will sue you but that smae human will not care about torturing other creatures smh
DominusOfficial - 9 years ago
+Chitose Sakura [Sakura Studios Headquarters] +like
SPAKELDORF - 9 years ago
That is why I fear the ocean.
Immortal - 9 years ago
Shitty camera handling is all that bothered me.
Andy's Fishing
Andy's Fishing - 9 years ago
This is simply nature at work. If one animal can eat another it will!
As for someone laughing, what's the big deal? I think most people are way too emotionless in their pointless little lives.
I sure as buggery would have been surprised to see this.
Manny V
Manny V - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing i mean i get people feel bad for the shark always seem to feel bad for the meat eaters but for me i wouldnt laugh cause id be mad he took my catch but cool experience still i would if been like back the fuck of my shit people would get mad at me but fuck that im a savage i get mad when people take my shit
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
Andy's Fishing its not nature when you got a shark on a line where it Cant defend itself. I hunt and fish and this isn't no damn nature. You stupid mf. Just some sicks being dicks. Cause normal people would've gotten the shark out of the water after seeing a bigger predator swimmimg trying to eat my catch.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 9 years ago
+TheCamiimii and we are animals too shit happens shark just got unlucky
TheCamiimii - 9 years ago
The shark couldn't really defend himself though, those guys were fishing him out with a hook. The only way the shark could have saved itself was by biting back and it couldn't.
Sumartini Susilo
Sumartini Susilo - 9 years ago
that fish is ceolacath
he eat other little fish and small shark
crapfield500 - 9 years ago
gonna need a bigger boat...
박원홍 - 9 years ago
이런 ㅁㅊㄴ아 니ㄴ 주둥아리도 낚싯대에 걸어서 상어에게 던져줘야돼 이 ㅆㅂㄴ아~
Mtn Dew
Mtn Dew - 9 years ago
Why's everybody bitching about the camera? Not even remotely bad compared to half the shit people record. Be thankful it's not some vertical bullshit.
stubenwurm - 9 years ago
never dive in condition white!
vines69 - 9 years ago
Just want to lay this to rest. For all the morons thinking they let it hang so the grouper could eat it. That's a small shark, but by no means is it lightweight. It takes a considerable amount of effort to pull that shit in. They were probably trying to position it so they could grab it properly, emphasized by the fact they were so surprised when the grouper erupted out of the water. I swear, Ethi-Vegans will invent any-shit to demonize us filthy, meat-eating heathens.
Ein Walroß
Ein Walroß - 7 years ago
TrollMaster300 he's right though. It's hard to control a 16 inch bass when fishing, a much heavier, stronger, and longer shark would be much harder.
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
vines69 stop making excuses queer! they had no intentions on bringing that shark in after seeing the goliath circle it. They wanted some COOL footage for the camera and they got what they wanted, that's why it was funny to them. Vs normal ppl who don't expect it. Don't laugh. They usually are screaming things like "holyy shiit" etc
KansasTheCity - 9 years ago
once you believe, it becomes truth..
Dan - 9 years ago
monsters....(the fish I mean)

although these guys are kinda dicks
High Rock Ramblers
High Rock Ramblers - 8 years ago
+Dan Garcia Fool..
Austin Prosser
Austin Prosser - 9 years ago
+Madison Medero

A child shark! really... any other word to describe a juvenile shark would have been better. Also circle of life, they didnt force the grouper to eat the shark. they wanted it to but it was the groupers choice.
Chili Knight
Chili Knight - 9 years ago
everyone is at some point
Maddie Mendes MSP
Maddie Mendes MSP - 9 years ago
I didn't laugh instead I felt bad for the Shark they laughed at th Shark plus the shark was a child shark
Dan - 9 years ago
+DominusOfficial  having and stating the opinion that harming other species of animals is not entertainment, does not equate to whining.. its just a difference of opinion dude. i think youre a sociopath.
DominusOfficial - 9 years ago
+Dan Garcia
why are the guys dicks?
Dan - 9 years ago
+DominusOfficial its called an opinion, idiot...

i would gladly push your ass in the water and watch you get eaten by monsters..
DominusOfficial - 9 years ago
+Dan Garcia
you did motherfucker
Dan - 9 years ago
+DominusOfficial im not whining about shit, loser..
DominusOfficial - 9 years ago
+Dan Garcia whiner
Mslightningbre - 9 years ago
:( poor baby
Ernesto Rancel Jr.
Ernesto Rancel Jr. - 9 years ago
Ernesto Rancel Jr.
Ernesto Rancel Jr. - 9 years ago
US Marine eaten by shark! gofundme/dfdvfr
MorbidCrow666 - 9 years ago
Thiz video haz The Simpsons written all over it :-D
DEREK MOORE - 9 years ago
what kind of fish was that
Ele Fante Dante
Ele Fante Dante - 9 years ago
My biggest concern here:

Why were you fishing sharks for in the first place??!
Feliciano vlog
Feliciano vlog - 9 years ago
Art Hunter
Art Hunter - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish...
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team - 9 years ago
Wow, Impressive footage ! I have never seen such a incident but like they say, there is always bigger fish in the food chain but in a way, this is the food chain in reverse. Nice video and thank you for sharing.
HS T - 9 years ago
white gay ass
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 9 years ago
Racist retard
Алексей Студёный
Алексей Студёный - 9 years ago
Benjamin McClain
Benjamin McClain - 9 years ago
Nice MKG jersey... Mad respect.
The Jurassic Crafter
The Jurassic Crafter - 9 years ago
Mama shark ur baby got eaten KILL THE GROUPER
mark moore
mark moore - 9 years ago
Like they had no idea what was gonna happen. Please!
juan robles
juan robles - 9 years ago
guauu. increible
como se llama este pes???
Kevs Stream
Kevs Stream - 9 years ago
2 for 1 deal
dinoatcharterdotnet - 9 years ago
Poor shark :(
Dripz - 9 years ago
nice, I live right by this coast
RXbigZ - 9 years ago
Keep the fucking camera steady you drank assfucktard
yaboop - 9 years ago
+RXbig Z
I just learned a new insult, cool!
Yan Orrigo S.
Yan Orrigo S. - 9 years ago
"you gonna need  bigger boat"
Shady Jansen
Shady Jansen - 9 years ago
Can someone explain to me what the fuck was that????????!!
Uma-san - 9 years ago
Always bring a handgun, coulda shot the bastard!
Konstantinos Moshakis
Konstantinos Moshakis - 9 years ago
i hope you all rott in hell....not for laughing.,but for breaking the nature that sharks holds on the defends.and he just hold that poor shark in the aer as if it is for food......pff idiots if you knew more of the animals life you woult have said this and not for laughing or the others saying dont yell at hem....fuckingg morrons
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 9 years ago
You want him to reach down and grab the hook out of the Sharks mouth? Go cry about cry baby
Ryan  Crawley
Ryan Crawley - 9 years ago
wow, your grammar is that of a 5 year old.
izzy kingston
izzy kingston - 9 years ago
+Konstantinos Moshakis get over it you sally fuck boi
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this - 9 years ago
I've never heard of a Goliath Grouper until now.
Samuel Munoz
Samuel Munoz - 9 years ago
I feel like I just got off a roller coaster..... Thanks asshole camera guy!
Raun Mackin
Raun Mackin - 9 years ago
Fins not find. I'm pretty baked so I mess up s bit. Hope folks you t like my idea
Raun Mackin
Raun Mackin - 9 years ago
Me again. Clip the find on by the tail. Actually, is that legal? Cool idea though b
Raun Mackin
Raun Mackin - 9 years ago
I haven't read any other of the other comments. My perception this amazing footage. I've caught a small grouper about 20 miles east of Daytona Beach. Small ones are even impressive. That same day my buddy caught a norther Florida King Mackerel. I'd just lik to say great footage. Take it as an experience. Bait would be a 3 ft shark with a rig. Single hook through the upper mouth and a liter connecting a massive tri hook and try to barb it to the back bone. A grouper will take advantage of a wounded shark. Make sure you have wicked strong long and maybe a down rigger. A giant Goliath Grouper is not only good eating, but think of the bragging rights. This comment is what I would do. The guys fishing in the video were great. I just hope someone reads this and thinks it's actually a good plan. Please with any thoughts.
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this - 9 years ago
+Raun Mackin You're going to need to get that shark onto the boat before putting the hook through. Based on what I saw in this video, trying to hook the shark while it's in the water would be dangerous. Because you need to get the shark on the boat, you're going to have to kill the shark. Will a grouper go for a dead shark?
timlamiam - 9 years ago
As Liam Neeson once said... always a bigger fish.
Ian Shiels
Ian Shiels - 9 years ago
He thought he was a good fisherman, Grouper taught him who's boss
cunt - 9 years ago
It's the circle of life. Why are people complaining about animal abuse?
Chet Meyerson Photography
Chet Meyerson Photography - 9 years ago
A little editing would go a long way! Who needs to see all that garage at the beginning?
Paul Justice
Paul Justice - 9 years ago
What a disgrace that it's apparently legal to fish for sharks.
DeadPOOLParty - 9 years ago
Did Denzel Washington really produce this song?
Nick T
Nick T - 9 years ago
"So, basically to get the best footage with this camera, I point it in various directions and shake it a bunch.  Got it."
Stephen Edward Waterstram
Stephen Edward Waterstram - 9 years ago
Those are the Sweet Baby Sharks! That don't BITE! But I guess they get Bitten!
themostawesomepig - 9 years ago
Grouper is like "Gimme this, bitch"
Max Ellison
Max Ellison - 9 years ago
Crap camera work!
Uncut Prayerz
Uncut Prayerz - 9 years ago
It's cool and all but the guy knew the grouper was swimming around the boat,  he just waited for it to strike so he could use it as a "crazy youtube clip" would of been more interesting if it happened without anyone realizing.  i give it a 6/10.
J - 9 years ago
where is PETA now
Gymnast-ash - 9 years ago
My dad showed me this video a year ago and looked it up again
Raimundo Francisco
Raimundo Francisco - 7 years ago
lemmingscanfly5 - 9 years ago
And I'm a real life serial raper.
TheyGoWhootnnn - 9 years ago
+Gymnast-Ash total mind blow!
Gymnast-ash - 9 years ago
i was just saying
Gymnast-ash - 9 years ago
TheyGoWhootnnn - 9 years ago
+Nick Faber lol
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
Oh? Ok? Cool I guess
Gymnast-ash - 9 years ago
That is a HUGE fish!
prosnowboardr - 9 years ago
"Always a bigger fish"
Xiaotong Han
Xiaotong Han - 9 years ago
saved him from the humans!
munchyman3 - 9 years ago
We're gonna need a bigger boat.
Demon Killer123456789
Demon Killer123456789 - 9 years ago
Umm if I ever see I grouper I am swimming for my life I got scared from that
Bronson Booshkas
Bronson Booshkas - 9 years ago
The reason this shouldn't be truly enjoyed. That grouper would have never caught that shark; that wasn't natural selection, it was a sacrifice. You didn't even have the tackle to land the grouper but you wanted the shot, and doctored it all you could. This has happened before, couldn't just be happy with the knowledge. If you didn't do this, then you're just an idiot and how you have boat privileges is a borderline crime.
James Wright
James Wright - 9 years ago
seen it before big fish eat little fish, Quite natural.
James - 9 years ago
need learn how use a camera
pedro mota
pedro mota - 9 years ago
For all of you complaining that there is people pissed at the guy for laughing.. i saw no comment of people pissed at the guy for laughing... but if there are, wtf he cant laugh?? you can think it wasnt funny ( i personally laughed when i saw the shark being bitten ) but if the guy think its funny let him laugh ffs
Gizmo Goose.
Gizmo Goose. - 9 years ago
Eeahahahahaha... Jerk Central.
Alfonso Farfán
Alfonso Farfán - 9 years ago
NintenTOAD - 9 years ago
You laugh is very funny
Andrew J. Smith
Andrew J. Smith - 9 years ago
Groupers are opportunistic hunters.
Ηλίας Παπανικολάου
Ηλίας Παπανικολάου - 9 years ago
o.m.g that shark was like a gold fish come on guys it was a baby shark faiiiiil
arkeem rhodes
arkeem rhodes - 9 years ago
It's just like putting a worm on a hook for a fish, it's eat or get eaten. In this case the shark wasn't at the top of the food chain. Humans do worst shit than this to eat so why bitch and complain about what he's doing?
jeremy gaddy
jeremy gaddy - 9 years ago
Messed up they did it on purpose. At least give the shark a chance to defend itself.
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 9 years ago
You want them to reach in the Sharks mouth and take the hook out? You your brain.
boss revs
boss revs - 9 years ago
pussys crying over a baited fish.
Grant H
Grant H - 9 years ago
Poor thing wasn't even given the opportunity to fight back because of those cunt's on the boat.
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
Thank you.. 1 smart comment through this whole entire thread.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
I do complain about people that smoke or drink actually. If no one complained there wouldn't be laws.
MusumeShark - 8 years ago
I am happy that you stated your opinion, Grant, But one thing is, it is just a food chain. I would personally never kill an animals, When I do fish I eat the fish I catch. People fish because it is something that people enjoy to do. You don't complain when people smoke or drink probably. Although, A lot of people do it for fun and let them go again. The Grouper just happened to be there then It happened. Let's be honest here, If they did not catch the shark, The Grouper probably would have ate it where it was.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Grant H OK, but once again, I don't agree. And that's ok.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog I never expect people to agree with my opinions, I say them because it might actually make someone think of it from a different perspective.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Grant H You can have your opinion, but don't expect everyone to agree with it. Especially if it isn't that sound.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog Am I not allowed to point out that in my opinion fishing is wrong and if people never "fished for fun" this kind of shit wouldn't happen?

I'm over it, I was just expressing what I thought.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
+Grant H Doesn't matter. They didn't intend for it to happen. Accidents happen. Get over it.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 8 years ago
+Grant H In your opinion maybe but plenty of people love fishing.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
+General Giblets There are better things to pass time than sticking hooks into a fishes mouth
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 8 years ago
+Grant H Well that is just endlessly dull it's a good pastime.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
+General Giblets I only agree with fishing when it's done for the food industry.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 8 years ago
+Grant H Nothing wrong with fishing, don't be so stupid.
Grant H
Grant H - 8 years ago
+BunkerBlog They were fishing... that automatically takes away any fighting chance that fish had of escaping, which it COULD HAVE if these cunts were not fishing it.
Shark Bait
Shark Bait - 8 years ago
You do realize what happened wasn't intended, right? They had no control over it. Hell, I've had fish eat fish I was fighting on multiple occasions.
Cognitive Dissonance
Cognitive Dissonance - 9 years ago
Yeah we are animals too mate that happens all the time when things are hunting sharks just unlucky
lemmingscanfly5 - 9 years ago
+Grant H Eh, autistics are just as likely to have a high IQ as a non autistic.
Grant H
Grant H - 9 years ago
+lemmingscanfly5 People with autism often have extraordinarily high IQs because different regions of their brains are prioritized over others. 

An autistic person's brain could prioritize memory, attention to detail and/or mathematic skills over the regions required to understand socializing. So, in a way, having a mental disability CAN give you "super powers", or atleast skills superior to that of an average person. 
lemmingscanfly5 - 9 years ago
+Yarilsa Poxleitner autistic kids can be of average intelligence, jesus christ, people act like having a mental disability gives you super powers.
michael therrien
michael therrien - 9 years ago
+Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this
no way he could have held onto the pole.
Brandon Burdette
Brandon Burdette - 9 years ago
+Emo_ 8 yea bro its called a fucking food chain
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this - 9 years ago
+Grant H Maybe they were using the shark as bait to catch the Goliath Grouper, but the Grouper got away. That would have been a hell of a catch.
Joshua Bag-o
Joshua Bag-o - 9 years ago
+Skoular Lastname lets try that Grouper of yours to a great white shark ... Grouper would'nt have a change ...
Yarilsa Poxleitner
Yarilsa Poxleitner - 9 years ago
+Skoular Lastname using autistic as an insult is very low....autistic kids are very intelligent -.-
Grant H
Grant H - 9 years ago
+Skoular Lastname Your brain obviously isn't capable of comprehending my point, but alright man. Cool story!
Grant H
Grant H - 9 years ago
+Skoular Lastname If it had no chance fighting it, it could have had a chance in escaping. But nah, there's too many prick's in this world that love to kill/hurt things for fun. 
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 9 years ago
When i go shark fishing I go to the local animal shelter and pick up some smaller size dogs. You would be amazed at how well they work.
Gameminer - 7 years ago
Chris Johnson same mich mentality as mine but I wouldn't actually do it. For me all animals are worth the same. I wouldn't kill a single ant same as I wouldn't kill a dog or a shark.
Elder Maxson
Elder Maxson - 9 years ago
I'd use your children if I could. why? cause it'd work.
0532MOET - 9 years ago
+Ginger Breadman I use humans that talk shit
Chris Johnson
Chris Johnson - 9 years ago
im not joking and its not wrong because it works
Steve Zimmerman
Steve Zimmerman - 9 years ago
That's just wrong...even if joking
veetya92 - 9 years ago
+Ginger Breadman same shit! if some dogs left they are good as beer snacks
Page Randolph
Page Randolph - 9 years ago
Page Randolph
Page Randolph - 9 years ago
Mr Thyme
Mr Thyme - 9 years ago
feeding frenzy?
komainee - 9 years ago
What kind of that fish
MANY STORY - 9 years ago
the best is now day 7 teen year old
stealhty1 - 9 years ago
I eat a grouper with a shark inside in one bite for breakfast
Matthew Carrasco
Matthew Carrasco - 9 years ago
Ermmm Owned!?
wassup haters
wassup haters - 9 years ago
clearly just stalling so this huge ass grouper could eat the shark haha
Tobakilacion - 9 years ago
That's the ocean for you lmao
Hector Cervantes
Hector Cervantes - 9 years ago
holy shit... fishermen are OK ... but them underwear is going  to need extra bleach
Joanna - 9 years ago
More importantly, why are you hooking a shark?!
Fallen Osprey
Fallen Osprey - 9 years ago
Because he was fishing in the ocean with bait and there are sharks in the ocean...
ThisGuyKnowsWhatsUp _
ThisGuyKnowsWhatsUp _ - 9 years ago
Why not? XD
JPO Spawnie
JPO Spawnie - 9 years ago
Damn nature you scary!
jproxursoxoff - 9 years ago
How I munch on that pussy
König - 9 years ago
Kids stay out of the water.
Wango Bango
Wango Bango - 9 years ago
your footage was waaaay to shaky bro. *FAIL*
John Wick
John Wick - 9 years ago
Goliath Online
MR_BUFF_GUY 619 - 9 years ago
TruthN - 9 years ago
He laughed yeah but I didn't want to see his dam face.
wirina holstein
wirina holstein - 9 years ago
Well if you hold the catch still in the surface of the water like this, its practically an invitation for the grouper to take what is offered. Im sure he thought you were offering him snacks for showing off his muscles on camera :-D
The Last Thyme Lord
The Last Thyme Lord - 9 years ago
No one would have believed it if he didn't film it haha.
RuSosan - 9 years ago
Normal person's reaction: "Holy shit that thing was huge! Never swimming in that place! O.o"

Animal rights-whiner's reaction: "That's horrible, how can you kill fish, and just stand by when they kill each other, and you even laugh about it!? You monster! I hate you and wish you'd die horribly! >x'O"

Media-worker's reaction: "Oh god, that was such awful camera-movement... >:/"

My reaction: "I wonder if I could tame it, ride it, teach it to hunt other fish for me, and teach it to play chess... And then breed with it? Wait... WTF BRAIN!?"
PrinceNaim - 7 years ago
junellnicolas - 7 years ago
gotta catch em all.
vincent boucher asmr
vincent boucher asmr - 9 years ago
Me too !
BiddinWar - 9 years ago
+Zach Plays 83 Gaming and more Could you show everyone who's stupid where he's implying that he knew it was gonna get eaten by the grouper?
Night - 9 years ago
Bro ur fucking stupid its nature he didn't know it was gonna get eaten take ur hippie ass back to smoking weed
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
Viddy - 9 years ago
+RuSosan haha best comment
deedleedee77 - 9 years ago
That's just awesome!! People on here always like to dispute the most mundane details instead of just watching for what it is.
Nikki Noir
Nikki Noir - 9 years ago
its videos like this that remind me how much of a dog eat dog world it is know
Hurvl - 9 years ago
Like Obi-Wan said in The Phantom Menace, "There's always a bigger fish".
Ivan - 9 years ago
the huge fish was like
"hey i was gonna eat that !"
HappySlappy - 9 years ago
This is why you should always bring a harpoon or seven whenever you fish for something big.
Michael M
Michael M - 9 years ago
Goliath groupers are illegal to bring out of the water, even if you accidentally caught one. Spearing or harpooning one would bring a fine as heavy as the fish itself
Freodeo - 9 years ago
i would dive in and knife the shit out of that damn grouper, and then eat it
srook2 - 9 years ago
I don't know what the guy was laughing about.  The real joke was his skill with a camera.
MrDota1337 - 9 years ago
kayne80 - 9 years ago
They are using the shark as bait.  Lame video.
knight2battle - 9 years ago
Look at that stupid face just after that shark was struggling to come out of that fish net to avoid being eaten... now i know if someone has your face, im gonna kick them in the balls..
Conor Barden
Conor Barden - 9 years ago
Fish eat fish.
Makeup & Stuff
Makeup & Stuff - 9 years ago
Not fair he didnt have a chance to escape. Poor little guy.
LowerTheBoom - 9 years ago
THis vidoe is not real!
Taseen Khan
Taseen Khan - 9 years ago
He just went straight crazy after seeing that. You can hear it in his laugh.
Kristy Gabel
Kristy Gabel - 9 years ago
Ummmm. Excuse you, grouper. Rude.
Daehawk - 9 years ago
Wish Id caught that one . Would have probably pulled me in lol. I caught the one day record back decades was only 36 lbs.
Jesse Jacobs
Jesse Jacobs - 9 years ago
I'm seeing a lot of comments complaining about people who are pissed that the guy laughed...

...and literally no comments from people who are pissed that the guy laughed.
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this
Jake McCoy is right but I am going to add this - 9 years ago
+Jesse Jacobs The comments probably got deleted. The channel owner can delete whatever comments he wants. So can Youtube. So can the poster of the comment.
Jesse Jacobs
Jesse Jacobs - 9 years ago
No one's going to delete or report a comment about that. They're not doing anything wrong by sharing their opinion
aule - 9 years ago
+Bobby K They are downvoted, and reported, and deleted.
Jesse Jacobs
Jesse Jacobs - 9 years ago
That's LITERALLY the first comment I've seen that says that
Stephanie Smith
Stephanie Smith - 9 years ago
Jesse Jacobs
Jesse Jacobs - 9 years ago
I mean seriously not even one
Justin Middleton
Justin Middleton - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish
Gaston nuñez
Gaston nuñez - 9 years ago
thatsmygorilla - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish...
Sugar Ray Dee
Sugar Ray Dee - 7 years ago
Matthew Kendall a blue whale isn’t even a fish
PLANET - 7 years ago
Mathew, until you're a megalodon ..... nah there's always a bigger fish
Matthew Kendall
Matthew Kendall - 7 years ago
Until you're a Blue Whale
Owen Macqueen
Owen Macqueen - 7 years ago
Dang it!
sugi pula
sugi pula - 9 years ago
+thatsmygorilla before i watched this video i knew i would see this comment !
y0manda - 9 years ago
Youtube should require people to take a camera class before anyone is allowed to upload a video.  It's called Hold your fkn camera still 101.
Salman Muhammad
Salman Muhammad - 9 years ago
Ennsiferum NaOH
Ennsiferum NaOH - 9 years ago
Never swimming again.
saintNsinnerrr - 9 years ago
U moth.erfuc.kers , i hope U die thw same death....
Fricks - 9 years ago
+saintNsinnerrr Butt-

-Hurt uneducated Bitch.
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka
Ghazghkull Mag Uruk Thraka - 9 years ago
The level of butthurt in this comments section is over 9000
TheAdmiral14 - 9 years ago
"Oh no, this is Goliath territory boy. This belongs to me."
Perineum - 9 years ago
I think he filmed this with his feet.  Very impressive.
Duracelpupu - 9 years ago
So, thats the thing that ate Kevin Costner in Waterworld.
Logik - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish.
Loco1958 - 9 years ago
If the shark wasn't trapped by  fart heads, it had swam away.
MrLiamovich - 9 years ago
anyone said it yet? no? ok, there's always a bigger fish
d'Etroit Ultramann
d'Etroit Ultramann - 9 years ago
Looks more like a 3 foot shark at the most.
Harry Cruse
Harry Cruse - 9 years ago
Great filming...
Pablo Diaz
Pablo Diaz - 9 years ago
it saved the shark
Frank M
Frank M - 9 years ago
Gotta luv those SHARKS !
lee4681 - 9 years ago
"Fuck you shark, I'm king of the ocean."-Grouper 2014
Zara Kayn
Zara Kayn - 9 years ago
This may be something boring and normal for others, but I know in my life I would have never witnessed a shark being eaten by a fish. So thanks for uploading this video, yet further proving that. ..Damn nature, you scary!
Tian Yang Zhang
Tian Yang Zhang - 9 years ago
I love how people are complaining that the shark gets killed when it is the grouper that's listed as critically endangered. Shows how little people know
linkuei83 - 9 years ago
Reading the title is one thing, but seeing it takes the "OH SHIT" factor to a whole other level.
Mitch Davis
Mitch Davis - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish...
Lisa Murillo
Lisa Murillo - 9 years ago
Stick to fishing, your camera handling was a brutal.
Lisa Murillo
Lisa Murillo - 8 years ago
+AnaconDaS NL :)
AnaconDaS NL
AnaconDaS NL - 9 years ago
it is hard to film when your also trying to catch a shark.
Still yeah it was a little rough lol.
Really funny to see is all the #notgettinglaidguys are getting offensive to you because of your profile picture.
Let them be.
One of them will allways try to have the last word, just so he can feel good about himself.
0532MOET - 9 years ago
+Tampabay Fishingenthusiast Get off the drugs but don't leave the house
EllieLight1 - 9 years ago
+Tampabay Fishingenthusiast I'm guessing you got all of your friends to subscribed to your channel.
That of a Rose
That of a Rose - 9 years ago
+Tampabay Fishingenthusiast "Hi, I'm Tampabay and I have a superiority complex." Get the fuck down, mate. Quit having an internet circle jerk with yourself. She literally just made a comment and you come up in her fucking business and pretend like you know shit about her? The fuck, man. Her grammar is fine, too. She relayed a message to your stupid ass and you still appeared to understand. Rather spending your time writing paragraphs ATTACKING this girl, why don't YOU go outside and grab some local attention. (Oh look, I can capitalize to make a point as well) This may have been posted months ago, but the mere fact that someone so obnoxious could come along is enough to say shit about. Now, you "Have a great day : )" as well.
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo College student ? lol. I am sorry but I need to laugh a bit here ! Proof is in your own response. Unless you think that by growing out of elementary school is indeed college, keep thinking the way you are. But on a serious note, There is no college that would teach such a poor grammar level unless of course you are from a third World Country.. Maybe you are, I do not know ! ANY RESPECTABLE COLLEGE WOULD PROVIDE YOU WITH ONLY FAILING GRADES, and the teachers would not see you at any graduation! But in the mean time, keep going on with these pathetic postings and have your internet trolling pre teen buddies keep supporting you looking foolish. This will be my last post on this thread. You clearly proved your stupidity. Have a great day : )

Note to all the readers : " Lisa Murillo " criticizes in regards to the video within her own statement that the : " camera handling was a brutal " . She mentions in another statement : " My profile picture? IS A SELFIE " and " I am not depressed " . Hmmm . I am just curious if anyone else sees a very close similarity within her own statement of "camera handling" being "BRUTAL" ?
Lisa Murillo
Lisa Murillo - 9 years ago
+Tampabay Fishingenthusiast did you really just call me depressed?? Can you even see my picture?? I'm not depressed at all, I'm smirking. Let me break it down for you.
A smirk is a smile. A smile means happy. I'm happy, you fucking psycho.

Get out of the house?? I'm a college student, ergo I'm NEVER home I'm always studying or tutoring or out with friends...

Don't be a hypocrite, you're ridiculing people for "backing up a photo and not a person they met in person..." Don't sit there and bitch about these people backing me up even though they've never met me, when YOU have never met me but you're going to sit there and diagnose me as depressed like you know me?

I am not depressed. I love my life, my parents, my career, my friends, my car and my dog. My profile picture? IS A SELFIE. You idiot.
EllieLight1 - 9 years ago
+disgustika No, she was just being honest. But on the positive side, your name fits.
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team
Tampa Bay's Charity Fishing Team - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo Just making a observation on the video coverage you mentioned on and I made observations on the comments to yours and your photo what people pointed out. I need to say yes I agree with what you stated on the video, it truly is not the great with the shaking of the camera but yet very impressive footage. Regarding these total idiots who are looking at your photo with just backing up a chick on the internet, that is pretty sad in reality that they seem to back up a photo and not a person they met in person to admire one for who they are and only on the net.They to must be total idiots not getting out in real to find dates. I mean for real, look at you photo with your right hand on your cheek looking depressed. That alone makes a bad impression as a profile photo.

Depression brings depression, they should ignore your post only for that fact. Depression also indicates that you are seeking ways to get it......Kinda sad ! I guess the net is the only way you can get it and the way you are going with it shows that in reality, the net is the only way you can get it. Get out of the house and off the net. be more positive in your profile photos and really get attention locally. You will be more happy than negative statements and depressed looking photos,.
disgustika - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo youre a stupid bitch
Buk Lau
Buk Lau - 9 years ago
It looked as if it was on his head and then when the shark was hooked he passed it to another person. Perfectly normal.
boitahaki - 9 years ago
+Brit Stormy You assume he didn't like the comment because it was a girl's picture.

You are the pathetic loser here, projecting like a child.
Brit Stormy
Brit Stormy - 9 years ago
Nope.... all guys like you and him are just angry because you don't get laid. Bye.
boitahaki - 9 years ago
+Brit Stormy
Still better than looking for validation.
Brit Stormy
Brit Stormy - 9 years ago
... says another guy looking for attention >.<
boitahaki - 9 years ago
+Brit Stormy You are the pathetic loser desperate for attention here for trying to defend helpless girls on the internet.
boitahaki - 9 years ago
+Brit Stormy You are the pathetic loser desperate for attention here for trying to defend helpless girls on the internet.
Jerome, Swervin' On These Streets
Jerome, Swervin' On These Streets - 9 years ago
Where's my steak woman.
Brit Stormy
Brit Stormy - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo Trust me, it's not the typo. It's just another pathetic loser desperate for attention because he saw a female profile pic/name >.<

Hint: Any non-joke comments about "girls need to be in the kitchen" is always a dead give-away.
Lisa Murillo
Lisa Murillo - 9 years ago
I guess people can't make typos anymore...
Intelligent Trump Supporter
Intelligent Trump Supporter - 9 years ago
Stick to the kitchen, your grammar skills are "a brutal".
Jay Rocket
Jay Rocket - 9 years ago
Was a brutal.... You people are sad face.
Adam S
Adam S - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo u sexy AF girl. holla
Jugg Mane
Jugg Mane - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo my thoughts exactly
tjhall1000 - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo i 100% agree, it was like he never held a camera before... it was horrific
Firebert - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo It's not Michael J. Fox's fault that he can't handle the camera. Quit being rude.
Colson Customs
Colson Customs - 9 years ago
+Lisa Murillo No joke. I need motion sickness drugs after that.
YouSuckDeep - 9 years ago
That was me eating that shark :)
MiyazakiKnight - 9 years ago
There's always a bigger fish. - Qui-Gon Jinn
Pete White
Pete White - 9 years ago
This asshole was playing the shark to attract the grouper.
martha fernandez
martha fernandez - 9 years ago
Las mil y una noche
randalljames - 9 years ago
There is reason to believe that "Jonah" got eaten by a grouper and not a whale... lol
Ein Walroß
Ein Walroß - 7 years ago
randalljames The story is called Jonah and the big fish but it never happened so it doesn't realty matter.
Kingarthurdagr8 - 9 years ago
When I saw the grouper come um I started singing it's the circle of life
c463open - 9 years ago
this video was interesting until you shoved your dumb face into it.
SonicLamb - 9 years ago
Learn how to hold a fucking camera right. FFS!!
Maurice Depestre
Maurice Depestre - 9 years ago
why would you try to catch a shark you stupid morons?
bmb313 - 9 years ago
CuddledLove - 9 years ago
You retards act as if he was trying to catch the shark, they were trying to cut him loose. Do he'd have a chance, the grouper was hungry and saw an easy meal. That's Mother Nature. Don't like it? Kill yourself while Mother Nature sends maggots to eat your rotting body.
Raabherself - 9 years ago
Theres always a bigger fish...
Sakki Durán
Sakki Durán - 9 years ago
Retards fishing a shark.... Is this suposed to be funny?
parker asmus
parker asmus - 9 years ago
Jews breaking away from the Locks.
Desiderium - 9 years ago
That bitch stole your catch!
NegraMonroe - 10 years ago
throws up from shock :( that is scary
Flimsy Box
Flimsy Box - 9 years ago
+NegraMonroe ew... :s tmi.
Elvisr29 - 10 years ago
People relax it was a grouper must of been 400lbs. Chill out...
Ashley Brown
Ashley Brown - 10 years ago
Goliath Groupers are critically endangered..
Mixey - 10 years ago
JAWS just got owned
dynastoned - 10 years ago
lol that was awesome
chypres89 - 10 years ago
worst cameraman ever
Deadpool3E - 10 years ago
You just got grouper'd!
lannvouivre - 10 years ago
I'm 4'10" and this is deeply disturbing.
elbransin20 - 10 years ago
goliath mostruoso!! 
Hog - 10 years ago
Lots of estrogen in the comments here.  
Christopher Manconi
Christopher Manconi - 10 years ago
I wish I could reply to Lauren Cunt vegetarian cunt Martins but I can't. So I left this here, cunt.
Geo T
Geo T - 10 years ago
Who really needs to fish for sharks in the first place? Overpopulated humans are stripping the oceans of far too much marine life.
Kevin Johnson
Kevin Johnson - 10 years ago
Welp tome to go handing out some more "RETARD" tickets, looks like Ill have a field day with these comments.
Alex Froissart
Alex Froissart - 10 years ago
Falal alala
Falal alala - 10 years ago
All these people pissed at the guy for laughing, he was probably half in shock. Imagine you're on a tiny boat in the middle of the ocean, and you catch a shark. Then right as you reach to cut the line, IT GETS FUCKING EATEN. A SHARK GOT FUCKING EATEN. And now there's some massive fish around that could easily knock that tiny boat over. You either gotta laugh, or cry in that situation.
Jean Simard
Jean Simard - 7 years ago
Falal alala I don't know how you can't connect the dots dude. But these dumbasses are trying to do just that! Have the small shark get eaten by the Goliath Grouper's gigantic mouth. I wonder how many times this shark tried to bite something inside that giant Grouper's stomach before dying? 10 times, 20, maybe 30 tries??? What if he managed to vote on to something, this protected Goliath Grouper's a dead giant fish...for a video. Sometimes I just go on with worse case scenario shit.
Jr Rb
Jr Rb - 7 years ago
Falal alala I have no idea what kinda dumb ass glasses you use but a Grouper is big yeah but not big enough to knock a boat over and plus that boat was not that small it was easily heavy enough to NOT get tipped over the boat
gyllenborg91 - 7 years ago
TrollMaster300 Hahaha! Oh, you poor, dumb, blind shit. You can even see him reaching out with a knife to cut the line to set the shark free after saying "Hey buddy". Nah, you just want to see the worst in these guys so you can feel better about your own shitty self.
And laughter isn't a normal reaction to shock and sudden surprise? You apparently haven't done much psychology or read much about the human mind. Go educate yourself before claiming bullshit of your own, you stupid mf.
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
Flimsy Box its not about him laughing.. Its about him being a dick and dangling the shark to get eatin. Push him in and then he gets eaten by a shark. Laughs :)

Wanna see real reactions go look up shark eats fish. When people scream "oooh shiiit" loudly that's a natural reaction. Not laughter you stupid mf.
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
Falal alala he wasnt in no damn shock you stupid fuck, he knew the goliath was gonna eat the shark. That's why they kept him in the water hoping it'd eat the shark. & Thats why he laughed
Bob Johnson
Bob Johnson - 8 years ago
Shroud Rehab In shock? I believe that he was normal and was just laughing because that was fucking hilarious.
Joe Shmoe
Joe Shmoe - 9 years ago
I think they are pissed at his annoying laugh, not just the fact that he laughed.
Shroud Rehab
Shroud Rehab - 9 years ago
Carlos Camejo
Carlos Camejo - 9 years ago
not really a tiny boat, but it can tip it like shit lol
Black Jaguar
Black Jaguar - 9 years ago
+Falal alala You are right. Too many politically correct assholes nowadays
Petty Patty
Petty Patty - 9 years ago
+Falal alala Yep! I would have laughed out of unexpected shock, too!
Eesyam Ridzwan
Eesyam Ridzwan - 9 years ago
I'd probably laugh way harder than this guy.. And crying while asking everyone to go back to the shore...
Tien Pham
Tien Pham - 9 years ago
+Falal alala You're right. I've read an article that said that when our anxious level reached a specific level (like 5-7 out of 10) we will have some feelings like excitement. This explains why some cartoons characters laugh when they know they are screwed. I think this is the same
JaysianPersuasion - 9 years ago
+Falal alala Exactly!
Flimsy Box
Flimsy Box - 9 years ago
+NGC4622Spiral Yep. I remember reading that laughter is usually our go to reaction when we have an overwhelming experience/emotion. Doesn't necessarily mean that we're happy or amused.
NGC4622Spiral - 9 years ago
+Falal alala I once almost got hit by a bike and went into a giggling fit, something like this would probably have me giggling until I couldn't breathe! People forget we have strange natural reactions when we are afraid, some that often don't make sense in the situation
Maxim Gravel
Maxim Gravel - 10 years ago
Ca c'était les dents de la mer mon chum...
blt80513 - 10 years ago
At least edit out all the wild camera flailing around.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 10 years ago
God made some awesome creatures!
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 8 years ago
Yep, whatever.
lemmingscanfly5 - 8 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
Whatever dude.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 8 years ago
lemmingscanfly5 - 8 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
You mean Yeshua? Devout Christianity is garbage.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 8 years ago
+lemmingscanfly5 you're in bondage to sin and Jesus is your only hope of being set free.
lemmingscanfly5 - 8 years ago
What da fuck you just say nigga? Nigga you crazy.+Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 8 years ago
+lemmingscanfly5 you defiled your conscience. Tell that to someone who just steals your wallet let alone God forbid murders or rapes a person in your family.
lemmingscanfly5 - 8 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
There's no such thing as sin, nature is not a deity, nature is an entity.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 8 years ago
+lemmingscanfly5 Who's nature? You met this deity / demi god? I've never heard of him. Does he leave you a slave to your sin or empower you to live a life of purity and love?
lemmingscanfly5 - 8 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
More like giving god credit for natures creation.
lemmingscanfly5 - 9 years ago
+Rightway Through Jesus And on the third day god said: "Let there be burgers."
- The All American Testament
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
"No one has ever seen God. If we love one another, God remains in us and His love is perfected in us." 1 John 4:12
lemmingscanfly5 - 9 years ago
You're trying to start shit.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Nite Kroller I don't believe you, I let God be true and every man a liar. Have a wonderful day, I hope you find the Truth.

Now then, my son, hear me: blessed is the man who shall hearken to me, and the mortal who shall keep my ways; watching daily at my doors, waiting at the posts of my entrances. For my outgoings are the outgoings of life, and in them is prepared favour from the Lord. But they that sin against me act wickedly against their own souls: and they that hate me love death." Proverbs 8:32-36 (LXX)

Remember: "ALL SCRIPTURE is given by >>inspiration of God<<, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" 2 Timothy 3:16
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki my life is fine without god, in fact it's amazing, I am able to make my own decisions thank you very much..
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks You are nothing without God. He knows what you need before you even need it, He knows perfectly how to run your life and exactly you need in life. Why won't you let Him help You? He even wants to know You! How amazing is that? Don't reject His great knowledge and start to fear Him. He wants to teach you and guide you into perfection.
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Janus G let me guess.. You're another one
Janus G
Janus G - 9 years ago
@Vaughn: Don't waste it on those two spiteful people.
Matthew Bubnar
Matthew Bubnar - 9 years ago
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
My head, my heart my dreams my prayers my walk my life. I fellowship with Him and took upon His yoke which is easy. I love Him and He loves and blesses me. Hallelujah!
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks xD !!
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki I will never believe in Jesus and thats final, god is fake Jesus is fake and there is nothing that will make me believe he is real
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Nite Kroller Good, you need the time to keep seeking Truth. I agree religion is Wicked and bondage but Jesus set me Free from all that indoctrination. Hallelujah!
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki THE GOVERNEMENT?! you think I believe in the government, dotn make fucking assumptions about me mate, the government is pretty much corrupt, though at the same time religion is stupid, I'm not in the mood really to right a damn novel right now in what I do and don't believe in..
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Nite Kroller yes, and you have no reason not to believe the bible just because the gov't run by satan doesn't want you to. There will be no excuse on judgment day which we all face. Why don't you seek for yourself and find out if I tell you the Truth? If the bible can be trusted?
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki oh god.. Really!? "The last days" you actually think Jesus is coming back or some shit. What the fuck....
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Nite Kroller people like you strengthen my faith daily. Jesus said this would happen in the last days. You curse me and it brings me even more blessings, so many blessings I can barely handle it all.

"Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 5:10
Nick Faber
Nick Faber - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki LOLOLOLOLOL GOD REALLY! you sound fucking crazy dude. Your fricken obsessed by this life, this god that you have completely made up in your mind, do you even hear yourself or read what your typing xD!!!
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+MrCoven4nt you are being deceived, He can show you! I thought that way too until I gave it my all to see the Truth. He revealed himself and now answers my prayers and blesses me. His Spirit confirms and bears witness with my Spirit that His Word is Truth. Read the bible and heed it and find out for yourself.
MrCoven4nt - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki Christ is just an imaginary friend...and as everyone else you will die too without ever seeing him or any proof of him..!!That is a fact .Also sad..!!
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks we are all nothing without Christ, My identity is now in Him. You reject the Truth because you love your sin, and if you are not willing to give it up you will never know the Truth.
Janus G
Janus G - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
Evolution says NOTHING about reason or lack of reason. Some evolutionists may claim it does but it does not. Evolution can't because a natural science CAN'T say anything about metaphysics.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks I've come to realize evolutionists don't possess a rational mind. Their mind is blinded by the god of this world because they keep on rejecting the Holy God, Creator of All things. If they consider everything just happened to be for absolutely NO REASON at all, including themselves, then their claim to rational thought is made null and void by the very essence of that thought itself. Nothing has a reason, therefore any attempt to pursue reasoning is purposeless and futile altogether.
Janus G
Janus G - 9 years ago
+Vaughn Malecki
Do I understand you right? You are saying I have fallen away from the true Faith?
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Janus G I believe in the big bang it just hasn't come yet, this happens soon when Jesus comes. The way you people have fallen away from the faith by the masses by falling for "pseudoscience" lies is fulfilling the final "acts" of scripture.
Janus G
Janus G - 9 years ago
Please Vaughn, there is nowhere in the Bible that says 6000 years. Let us not make a fool of Christianity and make it unnecessary hard for others to become a Christians.
I was a 'young earther' in my teenage years, but reading early Christian history and how the Jews and early Christians understood the Creation account changed my mind. Evolution can't be godly or ungodly. It is just observation and study of nature. Also it were us, the Christians, who came up with the Big Bang  theory.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks No God created the world 6000 or so years ago and nothing on earth proves any different.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks before the sin? Show me that in the bible.
Janus G
Janus G - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks Nature is not brutal. It just behaves like it does. Humans can be brutal.
Vaughn Malecki
Vaughn Malecki - 9 years ago
+Watch_Ducks sin is the problem.
gameplayer502 - 9 years ago
Louisiana pepper101
Louisiana pepper101 - 10 years ago
lmao awesome
S. Hees
S. Hees - 10 years ago
In the ocean, it is normal that fish eat other fish. Get over it.
TrollMaster300 - 7 years ago
AdrianGrave thank you. Ill push that stupid fuck in a cage with lions. "Its natural for lions to eat humans"
Adam Lytar
Adam Lytar - 7 years ago
But to see it up close is breath taking that is why they are in shock dude it's not just that it happened it's that it was was right there in front of them
NUnzioftoger - 8 years ago
AdrianGrave stfu
LeetDragoon - 9 years ago
+S. Hees ok you fucking autistic retard, lets be real here you've never even been outside you've never even eaten a pussy, peace out
AdrianGrave - 9 years ago
+S. Hees Totally agree, I don't think anyone's getting worked up just because one fish ate another fish... and if they are getting worked up just because of that reason alone then it's very silly, especially since the existence of fish as a species relies on this. :)

Nature's way of regulating itself; where unhealthy fish or fish that are past their prime are the ones that end up becoming food for ones that are more fit, or end up dying because they're too unfit to catch food... it's a way for the creatures who are the fittest and strongest (and have the best genetics) to survive and secures the existence of a species, I think empathy comes down to respecting the lifecycle and allowing it to continue. I also get irritated with the lets save an animal because 'awww cute' btw, it just hit a special kind of nerve when that goofy voice started saying 'duuuude', haha. :P
S. Hees
S. Hees - 9 years ago
+AdrianGrave Hm, you are right. We shouldn't really feel that much empathy for the fish than many people seem to do, but interfering with nature isn't what we're supposed to do just for a good laugh.
The Last Thyme Lord
The Last Thyme Lord - 9 years ago
+AdrianGrave What I think he should have said is that we are animals. Animals eat animals.
AdrianGrave - 9 years ago
+S. Hees Except it's not natural when we interfere and take away the fighting chance of something that's otherwise healthy and has it's whole life ahead of it and might not have gotten caught otherwise, just so that some fucking moronic white college boy can have a giggle and say 'duuuude'.
Nice oversimplification though, mate.
Mcclechhh5 - 9 years ago
+LucchiniSW Thanks m9
LucchiniSW - 9 years ago
+vaztly Good job mate.
Mr. Popo
Mr. Popo - 9 years ago
+S. Hees its just rare bro, i've never seen footage of it.
Mcclechhh5 - 9 years ago
+LucchiniSW Moronic*
PollyWantsACracker - 9 years ago
+S. Hees But it is rare to see it on video...
LucchiniSW - 9 years ago
On the Internet, It is normal for people to make moronish comments. Get over it.
Official Blue Star
Official Blue Star - 10 years ago
Leave the shark alone!
CVbEats - 10 years ago
TOOHUMAN112 - 10 years ago
Probably should have let the shark go to give it atleast a fighting chance against the grouper. They weren't going to get it on the boat anyways. Entertaining video anyways.
Tian Yang Zhang
Tian Yang Zhang - 9 years ago
It won't have one. When a grouper is that close to its prey it strikes with a surprising amount of speed. The shark wouldn't have time to react
Jokerwolf - 10 years ago
Someone is a poor judge of length, must suck to be his wife.
leguaani123 - 10 years ago
Jesus motherfucking christ at these autistic social justice warriors. Arguing over the morality of a fucking fish eating a shark wtf. You need to get a grip for fucks sake.
Joshua Dixon
Joshua Dixon - 10 years ago
fuck you guys for fishing sharks, if there's a god I hope he gives you erectile dysfunction soon
Lucky Ducky
Lucky Ducky - 10 years ago
Play the 8, listen, 8, listen, enjoy...Repeat
cuerpoeperra - 10 years ago
i am a fisher man.....and this is so sad.
christiononamission - 10 years ago
Big fish eaten by bigger fish. Cool
WAR4Prez - 10 years ago
That's fucked up! Shark was cool in his own world. Man decides to play sport game & sets Shark up to be eaten alive ....then laughs. I can only "wonder" what the Shark felt or thought about the situation right before he died. We are all the same person behind the eyes.
Declassified - 10 years ago
Stop messing with nature you virgins
Ein Walroß
Ein Walroß - 7 years ago
Alissa Hansford there is if he's being a fag
Alissa Hansford
Alissa Hansford - 9 years ago
+Trey Waka no reason to use that word.
Trey Waka
Trey Waka - 10 years ago
You're a fag dude
Brohemeth - 10 years ago
uses GoPro… upload in 480p...
Breaking Art
Breaking Art - 10 years ago
CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY
CaliKim29 Garden & Home DIY - 10 years ago
Loved this guys look on his face. Awesome.
Dan Flynn
Dan Flynn - 10 years ago
Every body loves sushi.
The Happys
The Happys - 10 years ago
damn i didn't know they let my ex girlfriend out of jail
Simon Trabelsi
Simon Trabelsi - 10 years ago
Thanks Obama
Lisa Viger
Lisa Viger - 10 years ago
fake ... but cool
Michael Hollier
Michael Hollier - 10 years ago
Be fore warned, swimming closed..unless you want to be the bait...for a fishing grouper...
vonsquat2332 - 10 years ago
I don't know ... this video seems a little fishy.
Hugo Gajardo
Hugo Gajardo - 10 years ago
well, thats maybe the scariest thing i've ever seen 
xandersons - 10 years ago
there´ll be always a bigger fish
Order of The Fin
Order of The Fin - 10 years ago
Christ the dumbass comments I'm reading survival of the fittest that shark was dead anyway the grouper was circling it to attack its nature
Geoffrey Polefko
Geoffrey Polefko - 10 years ago
I want everyone to listen I fish and have been my entire life. 1. Fish don't feel pain so the hook didn't hurt the blacktip (most common shark in Florida). 2. Fish eat fish it's nature and happens a lot when fighting fish. 3. The hook rust out of the fish in salt and freshwater, in the stomach or mouth it will rust. 4. So what if the guy is laughing it's in disbelief that a possible record Goliath Grouper just ate a 4 ft black tip. 5. God damn I hate these pussy ass environmentalists in the comments. Go choke on more limp 2 inch tofu dick. 6. Yes the shark died but it's not their fault a 4 ft blacktip doesn't want anything to do with the boat and kept fighting to get away the grouper just got to it faster. 7. Any yuppies that comment get some knowledge before you do on fishing or even better die in a fucking whales gut the world would be better with out you.
Natasha Coleman
Natasha Coleman - 10 years ago
New studies have found that fish do feel pain... I don't want any hate and I send you love and peace and hope you one day realise the beauty of loving animals. Have a lovely day :)
Ragna Rock
Ragna Rock - 10 years ago
i want to throw you in the water you fucking moron
Christopher Donne
Christopher Donne - 10 years ago
The Oscar for worst filming goes to
jestes7 - 10 years ago
Stop whining. You know how many animals die from predators each day? I don't either but it's a lot. It's fucking nature what do you expect.
LakeForkGuy - 10 years ago
Nothing messes with a Goliath Grouper
Rohith Vishwajith
Rohith Vishwajith - 7 years ago
Actually black tips have been documented eating them
Koneko Toujou
Koneko Toujou - 7 years ago
LakeForkGuy my grandma does lol
Dean TheDino
Dean TheDino - 7 years ago
Lightning Anims that is just a dumb opinion -_-
Lightning Anims
Lightning Anims - 7 years ago
Except nuclear weapons
Jakey Mate
Jakey Mate - 9 years ago
Beach2Beach - 9 years ago
+JD123483 Goes either way. I, myself, prefer saying jewfish over goliath grouper.
JD123483 - 10 years ago
Cruz Alfaro
Cruz Alfaro - 10 years ago
la wea se comio un tiburon!!
Kudo jimmy
Kudo jimmy - 10 years ago
122センチのサメを タマカイ(Grouper)が飲み込んだ 驚きだね
Cole Peltier
Cole Peltier - 10 years ago
There are real life actual people bitching about the shark being eaten because it was on a line.
Whale God
Whale God - 10 years ago
Calm down you retarded apes, its nature. It fucking happens. and to those saying its cruel to the baby shark. fuck off, seriously no one gives a shit about what you idiots say.
Carley Adair
Carley Adair - 10 years ago
That's not a grouper I seen long brown hair on it!it looked like a mermaid!why did the man laugh at the end?maybe it's a fake video
BudSmoke37 - 10 years ago
Thats funny man
Sahidon Elias
Sahidon Elias - 10 years ago
that is cool and awesome
Lauren Martins
Lauren Martins - 10 years ago
This A-hole killed both, the small shark and the big Goliath, the sharp hook will go into its stomach together with the small shark get entangled in the intestines and kill the big fish very soon. The a-hole still laughs in the end, I wonder if people like him bring anything good to this world. Do us a favor, stop breathing.
Julius IF
Julius IF - 7 years ago
Lauren Martins There is no way you are serious
Daniella Martinez
Daniella Martinez - 7 years ago
Lauren Martins you are trolling right?
Enoch Evi
Enoch Evi - 7 years ago
bobtuttle1 Eat a prick
Stranded Minnow
Stranded Minnow - 7 years ago
Lauren Martins You people are so ignorant. So you really think the scenario you speak is how it works? WRONG! First of all, from now on, before you assume you know whats going on and decide to speak your 2 cents about what it is you know is the truth... do some research first. Please allow me to enlighten you on this natural process that occurs thousands of times daily. The DEATH HOOK you speak of is NOT TRUE, the Salt Water these fish live in will completely rust even the hooks labeled stainless steel (you know, metal that won't rust) completely out of whatever fish's mouth it's in within a few days to a week. Plus fish have natural enzymes that will accelerate the rusting process just like we have natural antibodies that fight off foreign things in our bodies. The bones of that shark are much more of a threat to the Goliath Grouper than the small irrelevant hook you claim is the DEATH WARRANT for the big fish! On top of that, you speak of the shark like it's a pet or something! Do you know how many times that shark ATE OTHER SMALLER FISH to grow to the size it was? What do you think would happen if you were the one swimming around out there? The Jew Fish reacted exactly as it is supposed to do. You don't think God has all this planned out? The shark struggling as so triggered the Jew Fish to do as he did. In nature, the apex predators are instinctively programmed to target the weak or sick for many reasons. The big Jew Fish here was just chilling on the bottom and whenever it saw the struggling shark (An easy meal) it is programmed in it's DNA to ambush and attack the flawed part of nature going on above it. It is the balance required by nature via God's design in order to maintain the proper ratio amongst all creatures of creation. Trust me when I say that if it were your pet swimming in that water that the shark would have done the same to it! I guarantee you that awesome giant fish is STILL eating every shark, reef fish, crab, etc. it can or has the opportunity to.
Tundrus - 10 years ago
holy mother of god.
Dr. Marcelo Augusto Soneghet Pimentel
Dr. Marcelo Augusto Soneghet Pimentel - 10 years ago
Nice video and shut up all idiots that try to be "Nature lovers"… This video is not about saving dogs or raibow frogs from Transylvania. DOG EAT DOG, FISH EAT FISH!! That`s real life, noobs. 
Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 10 years ago
This is absurd. 1) The rod is way too flimsy to be shark fishing 2) They pulled the shark up to cut the line 3) At the start of the video they saw the grouper swim away so they didn't expect it to come back 4) The shark is not a baby, it is in fact an adult

This shark's death was more natures doing than anything else.
Robert Schuster
Robert Schuster - 7 years ago
They were probably fishing for bonito or dolphin and hooked the shark. We always used light tackle for dolphin.
Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 9 years ago
You don't need to call me retarded to get your point across
HawsDaBaws - 9 years ago
+FOUR SEASONS Last time I checked humans and everything we make our shit from is part of nature.
FOUR SEASONS - 9 years ago
+Nathan Williams "This shark's death was more natures doing than anything else" ARE YOU RETARDED ? how can it be nature when humans are involved ? having a hook down your throat is not nature, its plain human ignorance and retardation.
Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 10 years ago
Read my first comment
KronikRush - 10 years ago
+Nathan Williams Lol where does it say they were fishing for sharks? They prob was normal fishing, and happened to hook a shark
Nathan Williams
Nathan Williams - 10 years ago
+Geoffrey Polefko Still don't really believe they were fishing for sharks but I did some research and you've proved me wrong on the flimsy rod stuff.
Geoffrey Polefko
Geoffrey Polefko - 10 years ago
You'd be surprised at how flimsy a rod can be to catch a big shark I caught a 5 ft 130 bull shark from shore with a penn battle 4000 30lbs braid and a rod rated for 15 lbs line. And to all you Obama loving people out there it swam away just fine
Austin Dietiker
Austin Dietiker - 10 years ago
Lu C you are weird
ラブリーカオス - 10 years ago
Thanks for a interesting video.
Tim Lazenby
Tim Lazenby - 10 years ago
American cunts on boats again, why am I not surprised?!! Do they know that sharks are fucking endangered species.....shame the grouper didn't eat there lardy fat asses
Qari - 9 years ago
+Tim Lazenby That shark is not, that grouper, however, is.
Steve M
Steve M - 10 years ago
wow theres animal rights retards on this too?
what a fucking joke get a life.
r11h30 - 10 years ago
this is why the grouper fish in mario 64 scared the living hell out of me. when i was in the water in that game i swam as fast as i could make him go to get out!
Evan - 10 years ago
Need to stop reading Youtube comments......... just pure stupidity everywhere.
pl4sticgun - 10 years ago
animal lovers call hunters predators lol.

 lets put you with a wild leopard and see if it doesn't eat your ass. I doubt very little it will care you "love" it. to say we shouldn't eat animals is absurd. some of them would be QUICK to eat you regardless of all the good you've done for it. circle of life people. it's real. everything co exists and survives off each other. 

btw they were trying to let it go.
Timothy Ross
Timothy Ross - 10 years ago
how is it funny you just watched a shark that could be extinct in the few years get eating by whatever that fish was. theres a good saying that goes "animals don't hunt when there not hungry, only humans do"
Ein Walroß
Ein Walroß - 7 years ago
Timothy Ross Some species of groupers have nearly gone extinct and many are endangered too.
Theblacksaiyan 1992
Theblacksaiyan 1992 - 9 years ago
Tian Yang Zhang
Tian Yang Zhang - 9 years ago
Groupers have to eat to you know... And that kind of shark is still quite common
MrDrProfSteve - 10 years ago
Josh Duckworth
Josh Duckworth - 10 years ago
i was watching this video while eating some fantastic young deer meat that i shot earlier in the day. and thought how nice a piece of tender dolphin would would go with this.
peds123619 - 10 years ago
ok most the people in the comments are are stupid af... first off this is a full grown shark NOT a baby... and second who said the guy intentionally hooked this shark? he most likely was fishing for something else and happened to hook the shark and that's probably why he grabed the camera. and its not his fault the thing got eaten he didn't know the thing was about to get eaten and even if he cut the line on time it still wouldn't mean the shark would get away in time... but the thing that pisses me off the most is that you all are saying this guy should rot in hell for something that was out of his control... you do realise that there are ppl who mass kill sharks by cutting there fins off and throwing the still alive shark back in the water to die... you wanna give someone shit go give them it and shut the fuck up about this guy cus all he did was happen to watch a fish eat another fish...
LunarShred - 10 years ago
There's always a bigger fish.... yikes
Brianna Booth
Brianna Booth - 10 years ago
I cannot believe how many people on this video actually believe the reason people are angry is because a grouper ate a shark. We are not angry because of nature. We are angry because a man decided he wanted to go fishing for sharks, and while he was playing around the shark was eaten. We are angry because we know how carelessly people treat animals. We are angry because you people do not realize the consequences of your actions. We understand that fish eat fish. But if that man had not been fooling around, that shark may have had a chance to escape. He also still may not have escaped, but at least the shark would have had a chance. We are angry because he is not the only person to take reckless actions like this and cause another being to die. How dare he laugh and how dare all of you for thinking we are just being uptight and thinking "it's just another shark". I don't understand how you can care so little for another creature but if I were to replicate your comments with the  word "human" instead of shark, you would see it differently.
It's just another human. Who cares? 
Qari - 9 years ago
+Brianna Booth That's stupid. This man did a great service. Those groupers are endangered and he's helping preserve them. I can't believe some people can hate conservation efforts so much!
Wermhats Wormhat
Wermhats Wormhat - 10 years ago
Go hug a shark hippie, I would pay to see that.
batmandgk - 10 years ago
Go do more about real animal cruelty than posting retarded comments on YouTube you pussy
peds123619 - 10 years ago
ok first off who said he was shark fishing? most likely he just happened to hock a shark and that's probably why he grabbed the camera and he wasn't "playing around" he was trying to catch it what do you expect him to do pull it up on to the boat? it would thrash around and fuck the boat up and probably bite someone and its not like he knew the shark was about to get eaten...and he just caught a fucking shark that's not something that happens every day so if he was holding it there for a little to long before cutting the line its probs cus he wanted to get a good look at it.. and this happens all the time when ppl fish if you have a fish on your line there is always a chance that something bigger comes along and eats it and yea the guy laughed but he just watched a full grown shark being eaten in one bite most ppl would do the same thing if they just saw that happen so don't get mad at the guy who laughed when he seen a shark get eaten go get mad at the people mass killing sharks just to cut off there fins then throw them back in the water still alive to sink and die
Matty Matt
Matty Matt - 10 years ago
That's the fish that swallowed Jonah.. omg
TrollMaster5 - 10 years ago
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! Fucking hippies, you make me laugh 
josimar queiroz de sousa
josimar queiroz de sousa - 10 years ago
Ele salvou o amigo que estava preso no Anzol!! 
Gera - 10 years ago
my dog can handle a camera better than this guy.
CJ Fuentes
CJ Fuentes - 10 years ago
Talk about sea monsters!
Warren Angub
Warren Angub - 10 years ago
That grouper couldnt catch up w that.shark if it wasnt for that asshole guy
Patrik Krupička
Patrik Krupička - 10 years ago
It is totally "Summon Bigger Fish"!
AudioAndroid - 10 years ago
Qui-Gon Jinn: There's Always a Bigger Fish
Thiago Tobias
Thiago Tobias - 10 years ago
Peixinho sinistro carai!
Darkblue1945 - 10 years ago
So many idiots here.
This is not a "baby shark" it's fully grown. If you think this shark is small, we catch North Atlantic sharks here a mile or so off the southern coast of Padre that are around 1, maybe 1.5 feet in length when fully grown. Animal lovers, learn your marine life.

Additionally, humans are part of the food chain, too. Why does it bother you that humans eat other animals when other animals eat other animals? It's much more humane to catch, kill, and eat in the wild than to eat things that were born in captivity and raised to be slaughtered.

So much emotion, so little thought.
brianmichael - 10 years ago
and this is why i don't go in water above my knee caps...
LordServer - 10 years ago
Lol, Bunch of Ho'quats cyring about animal abuse, I love it when i go out hunting with my nice 7mm Rem and shoot a nice buck dead. 
Niamh Yorath
Niamh Yorath - 10 years ago
Jennifer Lawrence did warn us...
Arkane - 10 years ago
So if sharks aren't even safe.... Yep It's time to start recruiting for the Resistance.
Christine Walker
Christine Walker - 10 years ago
Samidha Chettri
Samidha Chettri - 10 years ago
You bastards will go to hell!
Joshua Beasley
Joshua Beasley - 10 years ago
suckah tubeyew
suckah tubeyew - 10 years ago
LOL AWESOME, certainly not survival of the fittest(perhaps a good bit of irony here on that fat ass grouper) but nonetheless, THAT WAS DOPE!!!
suckah tubeyew
suckah tubeyew - 10 years ago
fat too.
suckah tubeyew
suckah tubeyew - 10 years ago
+foxys child
"uuuuuhhhhhhh" (classic stoner entrance) you do realize i was making a joke, and therefore your anal-analyst approach to youtube comments aimed for slight, monetary humor is a testament to your negative mindset? thats an issue youre going to have to work on for your own gains.

furthermore, your anal-ization was 100% inaccurate and wrong =) when was the last time anyone heard of the 'grouper' being considered an elite predator above sharks in the scientific community? it was never, because no scientist would embarrass himself with such a STUPID claim.

you speak about a specific "grouper species" and then say "the shark" .... you fortify this sloppy cement mix with a hypothetical situation and then get a +1 for it....fucking stoner kids.
foxys child
foxys child - 10 years ago
uh, that grouper species can easily out grow and out strength the shark, that shark was no match for that "fat ass grouper" even if it wasn't on the line, it still is 1/3rd s of the size of the grouper.
Terramagus - 10 years ago
"Thanks for the free shit, humans."
Rune Oberon
Rune Oberon - 10 years ago
Patrick Hancock
Patrick Hancock - 10 years ago
You watched it so your a hole ass-well

TheTokyo1 - 10 years ago
wow Amazing. That's a big fish xD
Random Brooke
Random Brooke - 10 years ago
Dang that's crazy
Opperkat2000 - 10 years ago
Is that fish named grouper? If not what is its name???
BadgerCheese94 - 10 years ago
That's not a grouper, that's a lurker shark from Jak and Daxter.
Video dump
Video dump - 10 years ago
WTF moment
fatima gandara palacios
fatima gandara palacios - 10 years ago
Esta muy chulo, gracias
K Butler
K Butler - 10 years ago
I love how people like to say that they would kill the shark/groper if it came near them. The truth is, you probably could if you a knife or gun. The truth is that the shark/groper have nothing other than their own bodies, unfair. if anyone tried to tackle a shark/groper one on one they would completely owned.
godzilla691138MW3 - 10 years ago
Don't fuck with the Grouper...
kamaljit kaur
kamaljit kaur - 10 years ago
i feel sorry for that shark
DiamondedOne - 10 years ago
Outdoors360 - 10 years ago
Awesome footage! #Outdoors360approved
BenHopkins1000 - 10 years ago
Top predator, my ass...
Martin the kenny Fanboy Entertainment tm
Martin the kenny Fanboy Entertainment tm - 10 years ago
What happened to the shark?
Roderick Schell
Roderick Schell - 10 years ago
Shark Bait!
حسيني حر للابد
حسيني حر للابد - 10 years ago
هلو ممكن ترد
TheBrownIsland - 10 years ago
I Hope the Youtuber down below was joking about there only being 7million people on the planet. There are over 7 Billion people on the planet—NOT millions but BILLIONS of people on Earth. Just in case you he/she seriously didn't know.
Paul Michael
Paul Michael - 10 years ago
+John Doe I'm fairly certain there is 8 million people in this world, not 7. 
John Doe
John Doe - 10 years ago
Yes, that "X million views when there are only 7 million people" sentence is a recurring joke on YouTube. Just ignore it.
urbansamurai79 - 10 years ago
More like a 2 foot shark
meifert2 - 10 years ago
How are you that bad with a camera?
Drinks Made Easy
Drinks Made Easy - 10 years ago
Can you imagine that coming up to you in the water? Yikes!
kroakie4 - 10 years ago
Part of me wonders if the shark bit through the grouper while inside it.
TheStoopidGenius - 10 years ago
Damn that was a big fish
Gilo Official
Gilo Official - 10 years ago
Mike Golden
Mike Golden - 10 years ago
Robert Kelvin
Robert Kelvin - 10 years ago
Supposedly this is a 'Sport' Big tough men hiding in a boat....dangling their 'tools' over the side...Can't be too careful...go on,give the creature a fighting chance and get in the water with it!!!! Or why not try shooting wild animals,Deer...Rabbits...Birds..after all they're trying to get away from you...Even Royalty do it (fucking in-breeds)...Those who kill in the name of 'sport' day nature might just 'Bite you back' when you're at a disadvantage..
EQOAnostalgia - 10 years ago
So many butthurt soccer moms... your tears are so delicious! NOMNOMNOMNOM!
Skull Spear
Skull Spear - 10 years ago
For all you retards, its 7 billion not million -_-
Greg Mackinnon
Greg Mackinnon - 10 years ago
Any estimated age on the grouper? to be that size, it must have been super old...
jazzy777 - 10 years ago
Seriously pathetic & cruel. Welcome to the human disgrace.
jazzy777 - 10 years ago
Seriously pathetic & cruel! Welcome to the HUMAN disgRACE!
Darren Hopkins
Darren Hopkins - 10 years ago
This is coming from a true fisherman.  At the start of the video you can clearly see that they were going to catch something.  Both fish was in the area of the line.  Then the grouper took off.  Shark bit the line.  Simple laws of fishing.  Fish on!!!!  Not their fault Mr Grouper got hungry or jealous. Laws of nature took its course.  Grouper smelled the blood and went in for the kill.  They just happened by I say by luck to get a great moment in nature history on tape.  Not inhumane at all   
Yolitzia Rodriguez
Yolitzia Rodriguez - 10 years ago
yes to big mog
Hugo Abad Norato
Hugo Abad Norato - 9 years ago
Te extra~o mucho
Yolitzia Rodriguez
Yolitzia Rodriguez - 9 years ago
Mi ??
george mejia
george mejia - 10 years ago
How stupid ignorant people could be
Z11J - 10 years ago
fafafagat - 10 years ago
A lot of peopel om this comment section need to chill the fuck out.
Book Simon
Book Simon - 10 years ago
"Grouper eats the shark in the video".

People: OMG Stoopid hoomanz killin cute babeh shark. DIE
Feliciana Rose
Feliciana Rose - 10 years ago
A lot of these comments are really out there. If you look @00:32 the guy cut the line. I'm sure he was just recording to show friends that he caught a shark. Anyone would take pictures if they caught a shark. Once the fish ate the shark he couldn't help but post it. I mean the shark probably ate a bunch of fish, and now the shark gets eaten by a fish. I find that funny. Plus all the people who are saying it's wrong , I really doubt you have never eaten an animal.
Lemonoise - 10 years ago
Keexe Budne
Keexe Budne - 10 years ago
This is one big reason why I became a goddamn pusseh whenever I'm in the middle of the ocean :/
lu Montero
lu Montero - 10 years ago
Fishing, hunting and all those retarded human activities should be illegal. I hate them so much.
Burr 1545
Burr 1545 - 10 years ago
This is mint
daniel hernaez vetra
daniel hernaez vetra - 10 years ago
Puto retrasado mental
l a m b s a u c e
l a m b s a u c e - 10 years ago
I'm only protecting the shark, because it's endangered.
JacksAbschaum - 10 years ago
Drago ZeroOne
Drago ZeroOne - 10 years ago
HUNTING SHARKS, Eat the whole shark. IF NOT WHOLE SHARK, don't hunt sharks
Seventh Deadly sin
Seventh Deadly sin - 10 years ago
If you guys are freaking out about a shark being on a hook imagine the lively conversation with the animal controversy in china or Japan (not sure which one)
Carl Williamson
Carl Williamson - 10 years ago
There are 7 billion people on Earth genius.
Leandro Rodríguez
Leandro Rodríguez - 10 years ago
Que buen pez, solo lo quería salvar de los humanos. :v
Christofer Moustakas
Christofer Moustakas - 10 years ago
Ok Ok i've seen lots of comments here...
Hunting to survive its ok but hunting for fun? Well you have some daddy issues.
If all of you are so brave and badasses why don't you go and kill a shark with ur hands in the water instead sitting on the outside with pro equipment??? 
This guy just drove a great animal to his death with out giving the chance of a fight. He got the shark and the shark got eaten by another fish cause couldn't fight back because of this stupid ass guy that was smiling.
Point is... have respect for life. Any life. Humans don't belong in the water. It is not our world. People that don't have respect about Animal life soon will loose respect about human life. And then...
La Rana Vlogs
La Rana Vlogs - 10 years ago
biffa28 - 10 years ago
Wish the grouper ate the fisherman
Josh Reyes
Josh Reyes - 10 years ago
Stupid bastard you should rot in hell Fuck face
vivian howard
vivian howard - 10 years ago
I might have been frightened silly had a creature that big come up from the bottom and eat a big fish/shark on my line -
Atari Vision
Atari Vision - 10 years ago
김상민 - 10 years ago
Chima Nweke
Chima Nweke - 10 years ago
I thought i missed it. Then BAM!!! Awesome.
meritche Dangani
meritche Dangani - 10 years ago
Some people are watching this video repeat and repeat
许兵 - 10 years ago
A big fish
Beauty  of Maldives
Beauty of Maldives - 10 years ago
great video
Mohamed Huseen
Mohamed Huseen - 10 years ago
"Did it just eat it?" And the dumbest question of the year goes to.....
Hrolfgard - 10 years ago
"Hey lookit that bigass hungry fish! Imma put my hand in the water to get a better look!"
Yohunah Mourad
Yohunah Mourad - 10 years ago
watch my videos
Teresa Santacruz
Teresa Santacruz - 10 years ago
I can believe marlin ate a shark
Rinku - 10 years ago
This... made me feel horrible, for some reason.
Tricia Montgomery
Tricia Montgomery - 10 years ago
Coolest video ever, my mom grew up fishing, she's seen a grouper it was 4ft. It ate a school of fish in one bite, I'm impressed.
O.R.C.A Team Blade
O.R.C.A Team Blade - 10 years ago
I think fishing is cool. I love sharks. If the grouper eats the shark its fine, its nature, come on guys they didn't plan this!
Emiro Lira
Emiro Lira - 10 years ago
ItzSuper - 10 years ago
Glenn O'Hagan
Glenn O'Hagan - 10 years ago
There's always a bigger fish
tim gep
tim gep - 10 years ago
People who saying hunting is normal - go to jungles. I stopped eating meat at all. People can survive without eating meat. Most predators have awful look, because we are what we eat. 
Jelennessee Smiff
Jelennessee Smiff - 10 years ago
+James Warner im with you.
James Warner
James Warner - 10 years ago
So you are telling me if you stop eating all meat you end up looking like Gollum from lord of the rings.  I'll pass.
KC Madstone
KC Madstone - 10 years ago
Went to the jungles of the Amazon Rainforest. Amazon River south of Iquitos, out to the coast at Lima and up to Machu Picchu Peru. Twice in 3 years. Every tribe and village I visited was meat eating no matter how close to a major city or how remote it was. We had to ask specifically for no meat for my vegetarian friend and they didn't understand why but were nice in accommodating her. Thanks for trying though.
Farahana anuar
Farahana anuar - 10 years ago
little timmy
little timmy - 10 years ago
lmao thinks cheese is healthy but meat isnt, so beyond delusional i feel sorry for you.
timurgepard - 10 years ago
+wargolemx102 It is problem of Western cilivilation - they often do and then work with consequences instead of trying to analyze first.
Terence John Lampasa
Terence John Lampasa - 10 years ago
"but  overall killing does not make humanity better."

Of course it does. Like when the Australians unleashed rabbits on their fields, and said rabbit population exploded so much as to threaten grazing grounds for livestock (Bad). They used biological weapons dropped via aircraft to decimate rabbit populations to lesser numbers (Good. At least good for the grazers).

Hitler killing himself was also arguably good for humanity as a whole.
tim gep
tim gep - 10 years ago
+wargolemx102 I eat eggs and cheese and a lot of different nuts. But I can allow myself to eat fish or chicken if I ever want. As soon as I know that these animals are less aware what is happening  than cow or pig for example. but  overall killing does not make humanity better.
Terence John Lampasa
Terence John Lampasa - 10 years ago
So.. you're a vegetable now?
TheKillaComa - 10 years ago
In soviet russia... fish eats shark. 
chris meyers
chris meyers - 10 years ago
How do they know it was a 4 foot shark? It was never on the boat. That was definitely a 3ft 11in shark. Smh
Wayne Thompson
Wayne Thompson - 10 years ago
There is actually 7.1 billion people in the world so 8 million is a bit off target....
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Mayuri Kurotsuchi - 10 years ago
Can't say I like that jersey that she's wearing very much!!
Marko Shre
Marko Shre - 10 years ago
TheTruth7242 - 10 years ago
Grouper eats 4ft shark in one bite .. awww poor little sharky haha
Maverick Hunter
Maverick Hunter - 10 years ago
Even if they did cut the line.The grouper would still chase it and eat it.This happens all Theron's with groupers.Just such a coincidence that a grouper was there when they caught it.Just nature on camera for us to see.
Lord Lightskin
Lord Lightskin - 10 years ago
lol why is everyone so angry if you want to see revenge there is a whole week in August of sharks killing shit on animal channel 
Holly Durbarry
Holly Durbarry - 10 years ago
This is why I won't go on boats... Only 5% of the oceans been discovered so what the hell else is out there
roflcopterkklol - 10 years ago
Why do people have to be so fucking stupid, it is getting depressing.

i am talking about the comments on youtube not the video btw, you cunts are 10 times stupider than the cunts in the video.
Francis Barrett
Francis Barrett - 10 years ago
Fuck you, you're piece of shit.  One day your ass will be next mother fucker.
The Steel Outlaw
The Steel Outlaw - 10 years ago
To everyone talking about cruelty, and inhumanity or injustice, I say this: This is not a good usage of your time. We humans are the most violent, destructive and cruel animals on this planet. And those of you playing couch quarterback, bitching about this shark getting eaten, are the same people who will still go to your local grocery stores, buy your beef or pork and enjoy your meat. OR, you're a vegetarian, in which case you are completely fine with rejecting meats that your body needs to balance itself out, because we're omnivores. 

You think that this shark getting eaten is worth bitching about? Oh please, put those voices and minds to better use and why not bitch about the injustices committed to other humans before you bitch about nature? Better yet, why not stop bitching and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. 

If you have time to complain online, you have time to act. And if you have a brain to identify a problem, then you have a brain that can be used to help. And if you have no intention of helping or putting your brain to good use, stop pretending to be a moral person to sate your own ego and make yourself feel better. Just do what I'm gonna do, accept the way nature works. 
xCmagz - 10 years ago
drfred26 - 10 years ago
I like how so many people are getting stressed over a shark being eaten.... grow up. Its not the end of the world. It's just a fucking animal 
jkos99 - 10 years ago
Serves you right for fishing for sharks #stopsharkfishing
Alex P. Keaton
Alex P. Keaton - 10 years ago
Sadly enough, there are lots of idiots like these clowns populating the earth.
Jordan Mathews
Jordan Mathews - 10 years ago
Groupers are freaking terrifying.
Ron Zakay
Ron Zakay - 10 years ago
Tamara Pacheco
Tamara Pacheco - 10 years ago
Were you trying to fish a shark?? really?????? What kind of motherfucker are you?
lil adidas
lil adidas - 10 years ago
"Supreme". Let's see how supreme you are, humans, when the oceans evaporate, land melts and the core of the earth rots right before the sun turns into a red giant and consumes your little pathetic planet. When the expansion of your universe freezes everything to absolute zero and rips this existence down to the basic particles that you are made of.
There is nothing supreme in this universe, you are all fucking matter and energy that doesn't even truly exist in the shape of the masked reality your brains create for you.
You are all fucking drooling worms jumping through life from one neurotransmitter to another trying to rub electrons in your fucking pathetic brains in order to feel something that creates 'happiness'.
I think it's disrespectful for you humans to even claim to have evolved from a common ancestor with apes, at least monkeys understand their fucking place on my earth.
Until you gain knowledge, become smarter and understand how worthless and insignificant you are, you have no place to claim superiority over anything - not even a measly shit stain from a homeless mans wrinkly old underwear.
You're made out of the same matter as that shit stain, remember that humans. 
- z8_GND_5296 - Religion - Your monotheistic god you hypocrites.
Shekelton - 10 years ago
Oh grow up.
lil adidas
lil adidas - 10 years ago
I have sent a lethal organism to destroy your planet, known as "Young money crew"
leguaani123 - 10 years ago
What en edgy autist you are oh boy
Mike Shaw
Mike Shaw - 10 years ago
You left out the BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA at the end of that....
John MC
John MC - 10 years ago
"You humans" "my earth" #LoL
Lucifer San
Lucifer San - 10 years ago
shatguns - 10 years ago
So you are, an alien?
keegzdoesstuff - 10 years ago
hi guys, I'm sorry for the spam but I have made a account where I will post gaming videos, comedy skits and vlogs so can you please sub to me? first vid will be up in about a week, and btw I will sub back. thanks!
TheInvertedFan - 10 years ago
4ft Shark:0
Korezzed - 10 years ago
spingus - 10 years ago
so many asses....
Christian Aleph
Christian Aleph - 10 years ago
RolêGurmet crl 
Константин Камалтдинов
Константин Камалтдинов - 10 years ago
у меня так Гуф R.I.P.нулся 
Kirito Kirigaya
Kirito Kirigaya - 10 years ago
All these people feeling bad for the shark. Suck it up.
Igor Sena
Igor Sena - 10 years ago
nice camera men you are
Newvest Miri
Newvest Miri - 10 years ago
This is cheating. Why don't they film how a full grown shark takes on a full grown grouper.....
Rafterman374 - 10 years ago
To all the butthurt vegans. The grouper fish almost went extinct and is slowly making a comeback, no one is going to miss a baby reefshark
Negrop - 10 years ago
Damn, the shark was like, no, please, let me go:(, i dont know, poor shark:(
bryan cortes
bryan cortes - 10 years ago
They are just shocked I'm pretty sure
bryan cortes
bryan cortes - 10 years ago
How does that make them assholes?
Ding Dong
Ding Dong - 10 years ago
Where is Aquaman when he is needed?
Lan kamlin
Lan kamlin - 10 years ago
and people say "why white people are fucking assholes?"

Well there you go..
Bryt25 - 10 years ago
More dickheads amusing themselves with other creature's lives.
Mason S
Mason S - 10 years ago
and this is why I wont swim in the deep ocean...
TheschwartzB - 10 years ago
I wish all these animal rights activists and environmentalists would get something very simple through their heads. Until human beings start treating each other better, there is NO chance of that happening with animals or the environment...
Evan Gilmore
Evan Gilmore - 10 years ago
thefre nchmilf
thefre nchmilf - 10 years ago
i guess grouper are more dangerous
Kins - 10 years ago
That face doe.
Finrod Erfalas
Finrod Erfalas - 10 years ago
Heil Cheesecakes!
Heil Cheesecakes! - 10 years ago
I'm here to only see butthurts.
peter murray
peter murray - 10 years ago
What a shot
Jonathan Murray
Jonathan Murray - 10 years ago
Ana Pham
Ana Pham - 10 years ago
TW RY - 10 years ago
Ken C
Ken C - 10 years ago
We get Groper here (NZ) that are 8ft from tail to snout. I totally bileve this is not fake, shame you didnt wind the groper in, great steaks
chester61rus - 10 years ago
Я подумал, что чувак в начале видео просто упал в воду к акулам)
che_s - 10 years ago
not funny
Flávia Maux
Flávia Maux - 10 years ago
Que peixe ENORME!!
uuaw - 10 years ago
That's crazy
Pepe beast
Pepe beast - 10 years ago
Todo es droga o adicción;droga es tabaco,alcohol,comida,sexo,deporte,trabajo,dinero,juego,golosinas,...
MemeNation - Compilations
MemeNation - Compilations - 10 years ago
help me get 30 subscribers tonight please! Thanks
Devin Dubuque
Devin Dubuque - 10 years ago
What's with all the pseudo-peta faggots whining about animal rights over some dudes fishing? I wish these people knew half the fucked up shit that goes on in nature.
junaid ismail
junaid ismail - 10 years ago
looks like a brindle bass that ate it
Stanislav Lukianenko
Stanislav Lukianenko - 10 years ago
This is not grouper, this is Gooberfish
Mighty Chris
Mighty Chris - 10 years ago
Chuck Norris would of wrestled the grouper. Then thrown it at the fishermen with the mouth wideeeee open :o
Desire Arekion
Desire Arekion - 10 years ago
Der Watz
Der Watz - 10 years ago
what is wrong whith U?
Do' not drink so much ...
Ju Wi
Ju Wi - 10 years ago
Like a boss
Dxpe Shark
Dxpe Shark - 10 years ago
No se lo come, lo salva de los pescadores :( 
GamertagTOWELLIE - 10 years ago
Kaales Rex
Kaales Rex - 10 years ago
lol while cutting him off the line the poor shark got eaten ... yup nature is a hard mistress ^^ the video is nearly as funny as all the butthurt in the comments good one for the grouper an easy snack
Dax Ex
Dax Ex - 10 years ago
CARTMANff qsx - 10 years ago
this is nature
Sameera Hajijama
Sameera Hajijama - 10 years ago
That's why you don't mess with the sea.
McLarenBMW - 10 years ago
Never thought anybody'd say this but Poor. Facking. Shark.
SMOKE DOG - 10 years ago
where the fuck is everyone
Tetsuoha - 10 years ago
The fisherman should have been caught.

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