Predator Comm Update 301110

Predator Comm Update 301110 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 57

Comedy 14 years ago 303,541 views

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Most popular comments
for Predator Comm Update 301110

Monsters Fish Keepers Poland
Monsters Fish Keepers Poland - 8 years ago
Subscribe to your profile.
subscribe to my. Watch our monstrous fish…  
Michel Carrasquel
Michel Carrasquel - 9 years ago
Freak of nature and scary sounds
laurie vara
laurie vara - 10 years ago
You have dinosaur bisher I see
The Syd Channel
The Syd Channel - 10 years ago
This is what I want!
Tareck Fahmi
Tareck Fahmi - 10 years ago
Datnoid (Siamese Tiger fish)
Aido97 - 10 years ago
Would they eat an oscar?
Inurface 123
Inurface 123 - 10 years ago
what is that black and ornge striped fish called can someone please tell me?
reef guy 92
reef guy 92 - 9 years ago
that's a datnoid
royal jah-far
royal jah-far - 10 years ago
Nice set of fish. Like it

10. comment for Predator Comm Update 301110

Patrick P
Patrick P - 10 years ago
Nice specimen you have there, but the tank is too small for all these big guys...
Elpinacate - 9 years ago
I agree  ,   at least  double longer 
Daya Hatta
Daya Hatta - 10 years ago
nice fish collection but you need a big size tank and you just design to be a great tank in world.
David Mulcahy
David Mulcahy - 10 years ago
Wow, what a cunt you are. You haven't got a fucking clue. This is the worst set-up I have ever seen in my life on so many different levels. I couldn't even start listing the reasons why as I wouldn't know where to begin.
Jack Diller
Jack Diller - 8 years ago
See, this is a cute reply, because you are also clueless. You can keep a dog chained up in 100 degree heat 24/7 for months and it won't be dead. Just because something isn't dead does not mean it is thriving. It is ONLY surviving. These fish need more space because most of these fish are NOT SOCIAL FISH.
You're a fucking idiot. And anyone who sides with you is also an idiot.
Heron Wibisono
Heron Wibisono - 10 years ago
+tsauvan i relize that to but i wont say him as a cunt ill just comment you need some sand and a bigger tank
1050fahrenHEIt - 10 years ago
was totally going to call him a cunt too.  I cant stand seeing this type of thing. "hey look at me and all the cool fish I have!' .....oh but you're a horrible person for  doing it this way....   what a wonderful world we live in. The intelligence level is the lowest its ever been and its people like this that just add to it on such a large scale.  Its actually quite impressive.
JT-AQUARIEN - 11 years ago
Wtf American, Asian and African Fish in One Tank they need different Temperatures and more space !!!
Heron Wibisono
Heron Wibisono - 10 years ago
no they arent if you setlle them before i mix my gar with african cat its africa vs america but in the same pond 
DontTreadOnMe - 11 years ago
How big is that tank? It look a little crowded in there.
JOE KNOCKER - 11 years ago
I like the diamond shaped brown stripey fish the most but i dont know what they are called! I see them in a lot of tanks here .
Le Hoang Quan
Le Hoang Quan - 11 years ago
Pool of monsters!
joey mczeus
joey mczeus - 11 years ago
haj mola
haj mola - 11 years ago
dont want to buy jus asking if u hav 1 or not.........
ChingHern Tay
ChingHern Tay - 11 years ago
way too much fish in the tank man

20. comment for Predator Comm Update 301110

haj mola
haj mola - 11 years ago
have u got diamond arowana ?
Lavar's Balls
Lavar's Balls - 11 years ago
The payara and the goliath TF would be the first ones to die in this tank set-up. Hopefully you have transfered them in to a much bigger tank with lots of running water.
gigapak28 - 11 years ago
shut the fk up guppy keeper
gschaaf713 - 11 years ago
This tank is dumb. Those fish obviously don't want to be around each other and it's over-crowded. Why would you do that?
D Nutz
D Nutz - 11 years ago
Tank size??
Matt Henry
Matt Henry - 11 years ago
lol Dude you are BRAVE if you stick your hand in that mofucker. Great Tank Man!
Anciano421 - 11 years ago
The grey fish with black/yellow tail that look like salmon and the couple of fish that have yellow/black/red tail. What sort of fish are those?
Charlie bloxham
Charlie bloxham - 8 years ago
They are flag tails
a01087483 - 12 years ago
OMG where did you get a tiger fish? :O
PiranhaAction - 12 years ago
can you still put your hands in there to clean up or does anyone attack instandly ?
scott davies
scott davies - 12 years ago
wtf is that mike vicks new tank?

30. comment for Predator Comm Update 301110

aquaticpimp - 12 years ago
moormandrm - 12 years ago
were do yo fine these fish like the short bodys
clint92pythons4life - 12 years ago
everyone sub me :) thanks
ben seah
ben seah - 12 years ago
hey bro? how big is the flagtail or Fei feng? doesnt it bite your plants?
Adam Cole
Adam Cole - 12 years ago
As someone who likes keeping fish, this video makes me sad. What a poor life your pets have.
KDiGee - 12 years ago
is that a rocket gar?? it's huge compare to most rocket gars i see
Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris - 12 years ago
if i had that tank instead of putting thoughs monster fish in there i would put a bunch of Discus Fish to brang the color and size of the tank out ...................... ( just saying)
millionaire tan
millionaire tan - 12 years ago
nice tank and fish, really envy you
millionaire tan
millionaire tan - 12 years ago
just need one single bite from that tiger; that rest would be just fish food
Dillon Neighbors
Dillon Neighbors - 12 years ago
nice bichirs down there too
sonnycarson86 - 12 years ago
greetisng earthling taek me 2 ur daeler
Tropicindo2012 - 12 years ago
Very nice dude! :thumbup:
MAYONESUCHAN - 12 years ago
you need to buy a bigger armatus
monaki moon
monaki moon - 12 years ago
one of the best compination on Youtube!
Alessandro Mercalli
Alessandro Mercalli - 12 years ago
And your tank is definitly too small 4 all tihis monsters they become very big !!!They are too much and the tank is too small!
Alessandro Mercalli
Alessandro Mercalli - 12 years ago
A layout is compoosed of plants and other things, whn you have plants they will contribute to your biofiltration!! They absrob a lot of no3 and the fish prefer defenitly to stay in a layout like a ammazon biotop o something but not like yours!! Take a look on my channel and you will see some nice layouts and how my pianhas are!! Sorry 4 my english I just learning!
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
layout is only pleasant to your eyes. i prefer to have a better biofiltration with bare tank as it will not trap wastes and better water circulation.
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
trouts are more acclimated to colder waters. i live in the tropics.
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
yes. goliath african tiger fish.
Jayden Lim
Jayden Lim - 12 years ago

50. comment for Predator Comm Update 301110

Salvo Smith
Salvo Smith - 12 years ago
i would have nightmares at night if i had that tank in my bedroom
styleshayward - 12 years ago
macrobioticman - 12 years ago
Why would you won't a Trout in your Tank how embaro
Konstantinos - 12 years ago
this are solomons
Alessandro Mercalli
Alessandro Mercalli - 12 years ago
No this is different, fishes need a layout, and they need space... A real acquarist have fish to let them live, not to let them just survive !! Take a look on my channel and you will understand!
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
fishes are the layout.
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
180 x 75 x 75cm
Alessandro Mercalli
Alessandro Mercalli - 12 years ago
this are defenitly too much in this thank, and you can do a better layout there is nothing!! sorry
thisyungboi - 12 years ago
cool tank
Savannah Fredmonsky
Savannah Fredmonsky - 12 years ago
I would be terrified of that thing!
Felix Goettel
Felix Goettel - 12 years ago
how big is your tank 250cmx100cmx100cm?
Antony Thomas
Antony Thomas - 12 years ago
what plant is that?
JonnRichh - 12 years ago
A Dorado @ Vishaw
marco carpentino
marco carpentino - 12 years ago
no ma metticelo n'altro pesce no????
Zachary Aquatics
Zachary Aquatics - 12 years ago
I see you have a short body albino sengel there, wont the other big fishes attack / try to eat it ?
stuff - 12 years ago
lovely tank bro :) How did you get you datnoid to be so stable ?
Keval Parmar
Keval Parmar - 12 years ago
I love your aquarium omg the fish are amazing :3
Bankaizensama - 12 years ago
electric eel, just one more, lol
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
still okay
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
they were not in season during that period.
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 12 years ago
arapaima goliath african tiger fish sea bass datnoide arowana amartus gar birchir temensis tigrinus tin foil barb african pike dorado motoro ray flagtail
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
Alright, when I think Predator, pike cichlids (crenicichla) come to mind :P I'm probably just really biased, but why do you not have them? Do you just not like the look? haha sorry, just wondering!
Pleroma believer
Pleroma believer - 12 years ago
Can you list out the species you have some dont look familiar to me
Chase R
Chase R - 12 years ago
damn i feel bad the goldfish that gets dropped into this tank
unlockwall - 12 years ago
is that a wolf fish i see ? the one with the red mark on its tail
1994FishFreak - 12 years ago
WOW get many casualties? How does the gatf do? I'm growing one out the now....
Rafael Favela
Rafael Favela - 12 years ago
charlie hagan
charlie hagan - 12 years ago
sonny lovemonsterfishkeeping
sonny lovemonsterfishkeeping - 12 years ago
hi what filter system are u using and what tank size is this tank of yours give me in ? ft by ?ft by ?ft thanks =) and last but not least like and comment on my 7 video too =) thanks
scarhbar23 - 12 years ago
Hmm laser pointer time!
Alejandro Rodriguez
Alejandro Rodriguez - 12 years ago
haha thats the same thing i thought when i first got my tank but then when you see then "grow up" you fall in love with your fish i have a Wild oscar named "Quetzal" a red oscar named "Xolo" a gator gar and a red tail catfish and i love all my fish but mostly my oscars they really are like under water puppies :P
spoada - 12 years ago
when they get too big to you just eat em?
Ss Cc
Ss Cc - 12 years ago
beatiful fish but how come you decided to make the tank so plain
Onlyonejosiff - 12 years ago
waw beautiful fish :) i like
Forest Exotics
Forest Exotics - 12 years ago
Nice tank.
TheWip140 - 12 years ago
Do You have TIGER FISH in this Tank, what species is the big silver fish with lower red tail ?
Anton Khuu
Anton Khuu - 12 years ago
lol which fish is nutty enough to harras a gatf ? .. tail fin is missing chunks .
2Fish1Tank - 12 years ago
2Fish1Tank - 12 years ago
is that a florida gar?
7eitgeist - 12 years ago
Jose Luis Marzan
Jose Luis Marzan - 12 years ago
azizi kamaruzaman
azizi kamaruzaman - 12 years ago
Aniket Karvir
Aniket Karvir - 12 years ago
Ignacio Torres
Ignacio Torres - 12 years ago
the best tank ive seen in a while bro.
moormandrm - 12 years ago
2 words bad ass
Flynn McDonald
Flynn McDonald - 12 years ago
sick tank, what is the one thats in the top right corner at @38?
Mr123Predator - 12 years ago
lol terrible tank its a peice of shit. most borring lives ever you just like the fish yet you dont give them a nice home. 1 to many fishes 2 too small tank if you want that many fishes 3 they are uncorftable with not enough hideouts 4 you do keep it clean tho :) but still why u need so many jsut get a bunch big tanks make it look cool and good for the fishes to enjoy it
MrVicky3336 - 13 years ago
@Leviathius what kind of fish do u have in the tank??
Kumiko - 13 years ago
they all look healthy. you have a very good filtration i think.

100. comment for Predator Comm Update 301110

ANMSport Amerika
ANMSport Amerika - 13 years ago
One of the best tank I ever seen..keeping upload bro...
kieran mooney
kieran mooney - 13 years ago
do you have red tailbaracudas in there?
kieran mooney
kieran mooney - 13 years ago
u have my dream tank you just have less aros then i want
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 13 years ago
@deathrot103 thats is pretty much the same as what im keeping. just keep them full with good filtration system. all will be well...
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 13 years ago
@catfishcichlid just around 2000 usd.
James Tuttle
James Tuttle - 13 years ago
how do you keep them from taking bites out of each other do you always keep their stomachs full like sharks at an aquarium because im thinking of setting up an aquarium like that except i would mix native fish (sunfish, largemouth/smallmouth bass, perch, and catfish) with african and southamerican fish (arrowana, tiger fish, vampire fish, nile perch, peacock bass, siamese tigerfish, florida gar, flagtails, tiger shovelnose catfish and redtail catfish
catfishcichlid - 13 years ago
how many zillion dollar or euro or rupees or pounds you had spent on this tank?
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 13 years ago
@rideit6578 thanks.
Iven Betta
Iven Betta - 13 years ago
@chiligum thank you. eventually had to sell it off as its getting too big. hopefully it didn't end up on a plate.
rideit6578 - 14 years ago
i like it a lot.

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