Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

step by step: setting up an aquarium

Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks sentiment_very_dissatisfied 362

Comedy 9 years ago 1,023,674 views

step by step: setting up an aquarium

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Most popular comments
for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

School Developers
School Developers - 7 years ago
BEST VIDEO BY FAR, but what happened to part 2??
BLACKDYNAMITE 2002 - 7 years ago
This video is so exaggerated
Daniel 360 YT
Daniel 360 YT - 7 years ago
Umm some of this is bs
Upul Kulatunga
Upul Kulatunga - 7 years ago
how can we join with you
TheVloggingGuinea - 7 years ago
What should you do with your fish while the 24 hrs?
Brandon Dimmer
Brandon Dimmer - 7 years ago
Ok the end messed me up but thank goodness there's a part 2
Glaceon pokemon #471
Glaceon pokemon #471 - 7 years ago
This is a was on a DVD
JNetwork32 - 7 years ago
Great video and very complex but I like it simple and careful instead of some complex things I don't really need

10. comment for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

Raindrop Services
Raindrop Services - 7 years ago
Excellent tutorial. But it's cut off at the end. Is there a part 2?
Zach Mason
Zach Mason - 7 years ago
Food feeds the fish the fish poo feeds the plants and then the plants feed fish oxygen
Zach Mason
Zach Mason - 7 years ago
You can put a piece of cardboard under the stand
Elinor Mccarley
Elinor Mccarley - 7 years ago
This is cool! With these plans I am sure to build hundreds of woodworks [Check Details Here⇒>☞★☞ ]. I'm now on the finishing stage of building a wooden bed, after that I will go on to build side stools, drawers, shelves etc. Thank you for such a rich collection. I'm grateful.
Aldo Hernández
Aldo Hernández - 7 years ago
They should have a link to buy everything they use to set it up
Ernesto Estrada
Ernesto Estrada - 7 years ago
An fish tank?
Michael Vard
Michael Vard - 7 years ago
Absolutely wonderful video. I hate English people , butt you guys are so perfect. Very educational.
awsea private
awsea private - 7 years ago
Anyone else saw when the red X flashed at the beginning and it changed the screen and you saw the blue X?
cutie pie
cutie pie - 7 years ago
the relaxing voice put me to sleep! Zzz
Mathew Augustine
Mathew Augustine - 7 years ago
How about giving Teflon coating to the wood instead of treating for 2-3 weeks?
Michael Justice
Michael Justice - 7 years ago
Mathew Mathew

20. comment for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

AdMarqPlayz - More
AdMarqPlayz - More - 7 years ago
or instead of leaving the wood in water for a long time you can boil it for a shorter time period
Thavaa Paskaran
Thavaa Paskaran - 7 years ago
look at the category ...comedy???
Samuel Velez
Samuel Velez - 7 years ago
Btw, what's the formula for that sugar + yeast thing for CO2?
Samuel Velez
Samuel Velez - 7 years ago
now im confused... other videos i don't see them placing some heaters.. and in this video, i must? in other videos, the substrate aren't even. for "depth perception" thing? idk which one to follow.. lol.
C_ Farther
C_ Farther - 7 years ago
I wish I knew how to save a video. This is so excellent. Better than a book.
justchillinxo - 7 years ago
this is so complicated lol
Mr Limitless
Mr Limitless - 7 years ago
woah​ i wanted to get an aquarium because i thought a dog was too high maintenance and now i think it would be easier to pet a dog .
Ryley Stacey blogs 101
Ryley Stacey blogs 101 - 7 years ago
A fish tank near water sockets what could go wrong
Raging Bull
Raging Bull - 7 years ago
I have a 75 gallon tank sitting around. It has a huge pump and I want to get it up and running again. Last time we had a hair algae problem, I want to grow plants but I cant afford the heating cables and fancy minerals I need to grow them. They always grew fine for me, but got too big. This time I want to run a tank with just some Neon Tetra, and a Red Tailed Shark Minow. I would also appreciate some recommendation for underwater grass. That doesn't get too big. Something for the fish to swim around in. ( I have a pump, a heating staff, sand, and gravel to work with. That pretty much it. I just wanna keep neon Tetra and a Red Tailed shark since they're my favorite and I've had a red tailed shark for 4-5 years before he died, very hardy fish.)
Amaan Siraaj
Amaan Siraaj - 7 years ago
do you turn youre heater off when adding stuff and filter?

30. comment for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

Andrew cheeseburger
Andrew cheeseburger - 7 years ago
do u need a cable along the bottom of the tank for plants?
Michael Appiah-Kubi
Michael Appiah-Kubi - 7 years ago
Andrew cheeseburger not necessarily
Nicole Whitford
Nicole Whitford - 7 years ago
was this about the fish or the plants?
Tad .Holman
Tad .Holman - 7 years ago
so if your heating wattage is 50 can you not have live plants??
Alexis Wilson
Alexis Wilson - 7 years ago
beautiful. I plan on doing a 30 gallon planted tropical community
Typical Cringe Kids With Their Meme Profile Pics
Typical Cringe Kids With Their Meme Profile Pics - 7 years ago
3:48 what did he say?
Crow - 7 years ago
Low wattage cable
john sarota
john sarota - 7 years ago
all this just to put a fish in water
Alok Bijlwan
Alok Bijlwan - 7 years ago
Avi's Fishtanks
Avi's Fishtanks - 7 years ago
I used this while making my 10 gallon planted tank check it my channel to see it. I wanna get 1k views before I add anything else and maybe get some people's opinions
Nicholas Ledian
Nicholas Ledian - 8 years ago
I'm looking to breed shrimp. I purchased a 10 gallon online along with a filter, liquid co2 java moss and some lights. I also have an air bubbler and fish food left over along with good substrate. I have my tank and my shrimp come in the mail TOMORROW but because of the way the mailroom works at my college I can't get the substrate, filter, co2 or java moss for another 4 days after my shrimp arive. Is it okay to leave them how I got them for that time?? Or should I try to introduce them to tap water? I purchased a litter of beta water just in case. Btw I have 30 shrimp on the way. Even if I just separate half and save them what do I do!! Please help me
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 8 years ago
My sister has two fish in my aquarium and she says it's our aquarium but I do all the cleaning and the water changes and testing the water
EZ's Aquarium
EZ's Aquarium - 7 years ago
CREEPONATER Minecraft lol
CREEPONATER Minecraft - 8 years ago
I know right!!
Sam Marriott
Sam Marriott - 8 years ago
The Analyser
The Analyser - 8 years ago
very informative. thanks
LITA WARNER - 8 years ago
I have a 300 ltr tank with just gravel can I use potted plants in it or would it be best to empty the tank and start again .
Lol face :D
Lol face :D - 8 years ago
Spelling mistake in video title bothers me
WnDr Voltz
WnDr Voltz - 8 years ago
Instructions unclear fish drowned
Sung Ku
Sung Ku - 8 years ago
very well made. I needed it. thank you.
Finley Castello
Finley Castello - 8 years ago
I don't even want an aquarium, why am I watching this?
Siêu Nguyễn
Siêu Nguyễn - 8 years ago
What is the filter used in your video? Thanks!
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 8 years ago
When did they make this video?..... 1970?
There are so much more and better ways to setup your aquarium now a days.
I Love the Designs & Aquarium
I Love the Designs & Aquarium - 8 years ago
Very good tutorial, it's very detail..
M Chow
M Chow - 8 years ago
I agree.  But, such a pity how the whole thing..... just..... ended...... :(
Frazzles_Media _
Frazzles_Media _ - 8 years ago
Only good video on YouTube for set up lol

50. comment for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

APJ CrimpyTrout
APJ CrimpyTrout - 8 years ago
he said dont put too much plants he crowded his wtf this is stupid
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 8 years ago
Where do you get the parts for the CO2???
FirstTenor76 - 8 years ago
I was waiting for Bella Goth to stop by.
Chetan Powar
Chetan Powar - 8 years ago
Nice and Knowledgeable Video...!! :)
RiceNoodles - 8 years ago
what was the solution for the carbon dioxide because I want to try that
Zara Peers
Zara Peers - 7 years ago
I believe it was just sugar mixed with warm water and yeast
Serbian American
Serbian American - 8 years ago
Stolen video, broken English title, this video has everything
איתן הינדי
איתן הינדי - 8 years ago
I think that was awesome! Wish you would teach that at koocam. I would definitely pay to learn that from u to get suitable tips.
juscallmej - 8 years ago
good info to get started. check out my planted tank/aquascape pictured if you can guys. feedback always appreciated. cheers J
Zara Saman
Zara Saman - 8 years ago
How do you clean aquarium?
If needed to clean, all things should be taken out?
Sam Cutland
Sam Cutland - 8 years ago
Zara Saman when cleaning a planted aquarium you leave the plants in place, you clean the gravel, glass and decorations normally. Although when you get close to the roots of the plants just place the gravel cleaner on top of the gravel
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 8 years ago
I enjoyed this. It's a pity that it stopped before it was done. Now, we'll never know what happened, lol. Was the heroine rescued?

Some of the pronunciations were wrong, especially décor, which should sound like daycore. The text even showed the acute accent over the e (é). The music was unnecessary and mildly annoying.

But, a nice video.

I am not convinced that an external carbon dioxide supply is needed. The fishes will supply that. Four inches of substrate is not really needed, and why have a heater under the substrate when there is a water heater?
Holly Stamps
Holly Stamps - 8 years ago
Tommy Black the second part of the video is in his channel.
Shane Balan
Shane Balan - 8 years ago
Yo yo
Janvi Saxena
Janvi Saxena - 8 years ago
Oceansofbags Brenda Liz
Oceansofbags Brenda Liz - 8 years ago
Beautiful!! Wao what great info i love it!!! Happy holidays!!! I need one for my kids they love fishes !
IvNightcore Lady
IvNightcore Lady - 8 years ago
You said NOT to many plants..But your Aquarium Is Like almost full Of plants
mr. Vander
mr. Vander - 8 years ago
I suggest to watch this @ 1.25x speed
OreoHamHam Love
OreoHamHam Love - 8 years ago
IF u sub Me Ill Sub Urs!!
Dj flamingkidd
Dj flamingkidd - 7 years ago
Slimey Paradise! i subbed
Toner'sBonerOnPCin1080p - 8 years ago
Yo, using the Sims as a visual was actually very helpful
Toner'sBonerOnPCin1080p - 8 years ago
0:47 thats the sims
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos?
Can I get 1,000,000 Subs With and Videos? - 8 years ago
Toner'sBonerOnPCin1080p It wasn't the Sims XD
Sunita Jain
Sunita Jain - 8 years ago
Eli Deedrick
Eli Deedrick - 8 years ago
He is going to kill the fish with all that's stuff
LoversLane Hawj
LoversLane Hawj - 7 years ago
RC Adventures lol
Tyler Gutto
Tyler Gutto - 8 years ago
How much yeast and sugar and stuff do u put in the bottle
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 8 years ago
It makes a nice drink.
Gayan Ramya Kumara
Gayan Ramya Kumara - 8 years ago
How do you clean the aquarium ?
Do we need to remove all from the tank ?
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 8 years ago
To B Orio: You got the spelling right. I liked "detritus". You don't get to use that word often.
Namaste Entertainment
Namaste Entertainment - 8 years ago
weo1weo1weo1 - 8 years ago
I clicked on this just to point out the grammatical error in the title XD
«JustEnder» - 8 years ago
I just want a fish... -_-
Kat Brennan
Kat Brennan - 8 years ago
The cories should have a sand substrate so they don't damage their barbells :)
Wario - 7 years ago
Kat Brennan I have mine in gravel
Sarah Battye
Sarah Battye - 8 years ago
it... just... stopped...
praveen27ful - 8 years ago
Thank you
jam4987u987 - 8 years ago
During the CO2 portion of the video (~11:30-12:00 min mark) there is some type of a connector for the CO2 and water pump. This connector is used to disperse the CO2 via the pump. What is it called? I can't seem to find it with any searches.
Shania Wentzel
Shania Wentzel - 8 years ago
me to
Stefan Franciak
Stefan Franciak - 8 years ago
Very nice video..Only minus missind description and links when we can buy it!Please update!Thank you!
Quirky Jackalope
Quirky Jackalope - 8 years ago
Are theese real or fake plants?
Brody Penn
Brody Penn - 8 years ago
Do you need real decor or can it all, including plants, be fake?
sunjay sharma
sunjay sharma - 8 years ago
Live plants also make it so you can perform fewer water replacements
chefdan87 - 8 years ago
Yes it can be all fake if that is your preference. The live stuff just gives that realistic look that plastic just cant achieve.
Brody Penn
Brody Penn - 8 years ago
So it CAN all be fake
Neko girl
Neko girl - 8 years ago
MrEye4get - 8 years ago
janet ross
janet ross - 8 years ago
will the plants be able to drive with out a filter
BlueDragonfly - 8 years ago
Out of curiosity, why was there a fish in the bucket with the bogwood?
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
4 inches of substrate? My man Dustin said 2 is enough. I'm confused.
Aquafish Wiki
Evgeny Petrov
Evgeny Petrov - 7 years ago
7 cm is more than enough for most cases
Anastasia Majick
Anastasia Majick - 7 years ago
Allie Fettig 2 - 4 are good
Sasha_ - 7 years ago
2,4,6, 100, what's the difference?! lol no but seriously u can add more if u would like to but 2 should be enough
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay
What's up guys? Scarce here! Roleplay - 7 years ago
Allie Fettig then ur man Dustin lied
TORISH GAMING - 8 years ago
it doesn't mater 2 is good
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
+Tommy Black I know my anubias isn't supposed to be buried either.
Josia Gommel
Josia Gommel - 8 years ago
Tommy Black, java fern?
Phil Shull
Phil Shull - 8 years ago
There is a heated cable on the bottom of the substrate of this setup. That helps with circulation (aerobic areas - a lot of oxygen for beneficial bacteria).
If there is no heat cable there most likely will not be enough circulation through the substrate for a deep substrate (more than 2 inches) causing stagnant areas (anaerobic areas - not enough circulation causes a lack of oxygen over time and bad bacteria thrive in those conditions).
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 8 years ago
The aquarium store that I go to sold me two plants that are not to be pushed into the substrate. I had never heard of that before.
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
+siva kumar You're welcome.
siva kumar
siva kumar - 8 years ago
Jason Anderson
Jason Anderson - 8 years ago
I think some plants need, or might do better in deeper substrate.
Jesse Raine
Jesse Raine - 8 years ago
Probably because it has a heater cable under it.
Coeur Tendre
Coeur Tendre - 8 years ago
I agree too. It's one of the best tutorial I have seen so far. Thanks George for sharing. You should be #1 not 7.
Captain Savage Aquatics
Captain Savage Aquatics - 8 years ago
What a great video!
pop leage
pop leage - 8 years ago
please can you subscribe to my channel pop leage
talha what fertilizer you used in equrium kamal
talha what fertilizer you used in equrium kamal - 8 years ago
what fertilizer you used in equrium
rafiqul chowdhury
rafiqul chowdhury - 8 years ago
I Like Also Life Aquarium
Syed Javid
Syed Javid - 8 years ago
hi u have planted aquarium
Harika Sumetsu
Harika Sumetsu - 8 years ago
What was the browny thing and the white thing he put?
Peanut butter jelly
Peanut butter jelly - 8 years ago
Probably the best video on youtube so far
harambe - 8 years ago
Peanut butter jelly best fish video *
Remy - 8 years ago
This is mostly how to grow plants in water, but nice anyways.
roup - 8 years ago
lol is that like sims 1 in the 2nd picture?
roup - 8 years ago
+Noah Richardson yea
shasashu - 8 years ago
these two videos are so technical... it feels like setting up an planted aquarium is quiet a tough job.
but.. i will still do it.
blooduhz - 8 years ago
What's the brand name of white bacterial culture that you crumbled and scattered on top of laterite? at 8:22?
Brookey Saugat
Brookey Saugat - 8 years ago
which fish was that in bright yellow color. Please tell i want that
Jade Parker
Jade Parker - 8 years ago
Pretty sure it's a golden gourami
OverKill428 - 8 years ago
A type of Gourami I think.
Brobert 16
Brobert 16 - 8 years ago
That ended weird it didn't say "watch part 2!"
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 8 years ago
quiet outdated but still good
Elaina DeWitt
Elaina DeWitt - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this tank?
Christina Diaz
Christina Diaz - 8 years ago
probably a 29 long you can get the tank itself at petsmart during the $1 gallon sale
King Goji
King Goji - 8 years ago
harambe - 8 years ago
King Goji
King Goji - 8 years ago
harambe - 8 years ago

100. comment for Step by step: how to set up an fish tank Aquarium, planted tanks

Elaina DeWitt
Elaina DeWitt - 8 years ago
How many gallons is this tank?
Hotchner Pittman
Hotchner Pittman - 8 years ago
He said when full it weighs around 280 pounds, water weighs 10 lbs per gallon so a 28 gallon tank would be around 280 pounds. It's 28 gallons, like +Fade StatTrak said.
Scott Cooper
Scott Cooper - 8 years ago
MM II - 8 years ago
I'd say from 25 to 50. Don't count on me though, I wouldn't know
mef1975 - 8 years ago
4:48  25 watts?  Why would they make the 75 watt, 25 foot, one that I have buried under 6 inches of gravel and soil? What's the temperature roots can handle well? Anybody know?
Captain Geronimo
Captain Geronimo - 8 years ago
9:33 name of this plant? I have it and I still cant find out name of it
dennis firth
dennis firth - 8 years ago
can you help pls, cant get proper mat (between tank and base ) poly/carb packing will work but have the same supply prob. tank is a four footer,what else can I use ??????
Chantra Phet
Chantra Phet - 8 years ago
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 8 years ago
It's a nice video, but outdated on many parts.
Toshirozawa - 8 years ago
Super informative video.
freebandz f
freebandz f - 8 years ago
i just started a aquarium and out some of the bacteria in a bottle in a few days ago which has clouded my water.. what should i do?
Scott George
Scott George - 8 years ago
this is common, this is a biological bloom known as new tank syndrome, just let it settle on its own, this can last up to 2 weeks, whatever you do dont change any water this will prolong the cloudyness, hope this helps
Mike Stolarchuk
Mike Stolarchuk - 8 years ago
Lol why is this under comedy! Easily the best tutorial on the tube!
Scott George
Scott George - 8 years ago
this is common, this is a biological bloom known as new tank syndrome, just let it settle on its own, this can last up to 2 weeks, whatever you do dont change any water this will prolong the cloudyness, hope this helps
Yungdager Dick
Yungdager Dick - 8 years ago
It says on the category
Yungdager Dick
Yungdager Dick - 8 years ago
How is this vid comedy
Muminette - 9 years ago
Is it ok to plant new plants in my already set up tank with substrate additives underneath sand that has been running for a few weeks? Or will I risk the additives leaking out into the water?
Kerri Kyriacou
Kerri Kyriacou - 9 years ago
got any ideas on how i can put soil in my already full aquarium without emptying water.or do i have to empty it .70 ltrs full l0ls?
TheYadnaught - 9 years ago
A not an fish tank
Fotis Athanasiadis
Fotis Athanasiadis - 9 years ago
Scott George
Scott George - 9 years ago
part 2 is in the link in the comments.
Scott George
Scott George - 9 years ago
the best way to describe where it is, is if you click on my name, georgenumber7, part 2 is there.
Scott George
Scott George - 9 years ago
the have the 2nd part on my videos
Harri Goldsmith
Harri Goldsmith - 9 years ago
I agree one of the best tutorials I've seen. Would really like to see the rest of it. Where can I find it?
Maxime C.
Maxime C. - 9 years ago
great video! With the lead recycling thing I highly doubt most retailers will responsibly recycle it. Might as well do it yourself, maybe smaller businesses will
Deepan k7 -
Deepan k7 - - 9 years ago
it help me a lot one of the best tutorial
Flowerhorn World
Flowerhorn World - 9 years ago
Get your best flowerhorns at
Natskie Baliw
Natskie Baliw - 9 years ago
Scott George
Scott George - 9 years ago
part 2 is on my channel, couldnt fit it into one upload. sorry
MichelleG1968 - 7 years ago
How to set up a whisper filter
majooismajor - 7 years ago
its not there anymore
tony gjurashaj
tony gjurashaj - 8 years ago
+Harri Goldsmith you click his username.
Harri Goldsmith
Harri Goldsmith - 9 years ago
Where can I find your channel?
Dhiren Swain
Dhiren Swain - 9 years ago
Probably the best tutorial on youtube ends surprisingly.
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 8 years ago
Part 2 is Vladimir Putin's barking dog.
John nall
John nall - 8 years ago
ClockDVA gringo drift;! Sff
Allie Fettig
Allie Fettig - 8 years ago
I read this before watching it and thought he was gonna blow his brains out as a surprise.

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