5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

Hi Everyone! In this video I explain that I'm starting a new fish care series called 5 minute fish facts in which I try to give a lot of facts about one type of fish in less than 5 minutes. I'n this video I talk about Cory cats or Corydoras Catfish. Tags: cory catfish corycatfish corydoras pygmy how to care for keep look after fish aquarium fish tank 5 minute facts therossiboy

5 min fish facts: Cory Cats sentiment_very_dissatisfied 26

Coridoras 13 years ago 106,853 views

Hi Everyone! In this video I explain that I'm starting a new fish care series called 5 minute fish facts in which I try to give a lot of facts about one type of fish in less than 5 minutes. I'n this video I talk about Cory cats or Corydoras Catfish. Tags: cory catfish corycatfish corydoras pygmy how to care for keep look after fish aquarium fish tank 5 minute facts therossiboy

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Most popular comments
for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

Anya Schmidt
Anya Schmidt - 7 years ago
I’m looking into getting some panda Cory’s, I have a ten gallon aquarium with two guppys and three neon tetras. I don’t want to over stock my tank so I’m wondering how many Cory’s I could get without my tank becoming overstocked....Any tips??
south star
south star - 7 years ago
Anya Schmidt i had 7neons and 3 cory in a 10 gallon tank, they lived well for years but i kept my water quality very high.
Hornet Oliver
Hornet Oliver - 7 years ago
I have 2 emerald green Corys in my planted Fluval Spec 5.
They are very happy and well adapted.
They share their nano space with 1 Gold Gourami and 2 ghost shrimp.
I perform bi-weekly 20% water changes on this tank and I never experience issues.
coffebug - 7 years ago
Love the set up very similar to mine I have 6 pandas and 8 emeralds with 2 angels 6 bleeding heart tetras and a whiptail all get along good . It's fun to watch them snuffle in the sand. And best of all my emeralds have fry I managed to save 4 they are so small so are in a floating container with an airstone because the angels found them before me and snacked on a few. So hope they grow strong and will one day become a tank mates with the others.
n o
n o - 7 years ago
What shrimps are thoes?
morikahjo - 7 years ago
Corys are the cutest :)
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
TY great video!
Brian Williams
Brian Williams - 7 years ago
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
I subbed you man I love these fish
Mitch Connor
Mitch Connor - 7 years ago
i see you have a gourami in there, they don't mess with the shrimp?
PS1 Hagrid
PS1 Hagrid - 7 years ago
If any of you guys are from the UK and are thinking of picking up some cory cats please avoid Pets at Home. I had 6 in my 5 foot tank and I wanted to double the numbers but within 48 hours 9 of my corys had developed lumps on their undersides and died.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Scott McLaughlin good information I'm in the USA but not going there now.

10. comment for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

Crystal Rich
Crystal Rich - 7 years ago
all these fish look so happy!
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Crystal Rich they sure do. Look at nine
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
Great comprehensive guide, Rossiboy!
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 7 years ago
Like the size of your corrydoras.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Navjot Singh aww man that's cool for me to know but sucks for you' I could ship some to you I hope
Navjot Singh
Navjot Singh - 7 years ago
Deon 0026 These are so ultra high quality!! We dont get these here in India.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Navjot Singh I have some big ones too
Rod Belding
Rod Belding - 8 years ago
Just in my experience, I've never had a problem keeping these guys with gravel. Mine have lived with gravel for years, and they feed perfectly fine and their barbels are not worn down even slightly.
Donovan YT
Donovan YT - 7 years ago
I have gravel also in my fish tank with my cory catfish and they had no problems and it's been about 2 or 3 years.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Rod Belding that's the truth mine do well
brodygates - 8 years ago
do you use dirt?
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
brodygates looks like it but I don't look at mine
Zack Laviolette
Zack Laviolette - 8 years ago
That's a great fish tank! How much do you think the tank and its contents cost all together?
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Zack Laviolette about $150 US dollars I'm sure
DJ Squidley
DJ Squidley - 8 years ago
If I were to get a 10 gallon tank, how many of them could I fit? Any tips for starting one?
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 7 years ago
You should get one of the three mini Cory species, a 10 is too small for normal cories
Dylan Case
Dylan Case - 7 years ago
SquidleyBrick Studios i have 3 albino cats and 5 danios, they are in a 5 gallon tank
Jawwad - 8 years ago
SquidleyBrick Studios you would probably be fine with like 3-4 and a Betta or a couple of tetras and guppies in a 10 gallon tank
DJ Squidley
DJ Squidley - 8 years ago
Donovan Jackson
Yeah, thanks, I had found that out online, but, would a 10 gallon be a good starting point for 4 of them? Because I found this decently functioning tank for about $30 CAD (Grreat choice aquarium starter kit). Would you recommend it?
Donovan Jackson
Donovan Jackson - 8 years ago
Umm 1gallon per inch of fish
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
corydorus mostly lay there eggs in a in between speed river
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
XJustice Leaguex speed river wow I thought it came from slow to now movement shores. Cool for you to share this information. Check me out if you want
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
my corydorus fish share a blue planet fish tank with platys if that's fine
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
XJustice Leaguex beautiful
Laura Diaz
Laura Diaz - 8 years ago
beautiful plants! where did you buy them?

20. comment for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
what kind of shrimp is that? thanks!
Soap111 - 8 years ago
Caridina multidentata
Jena Tucker Aquariums
Jena Tucker Aquariums - 8 years ago
Ok, thank you Megoonie.
Megoonie - 8 years ago
They look similar to my ghost shrimp but then again his look whiter than mine so.. Maybe a step above a ghost shrimp, possibly something more quality. Not sure
Steven Pierce
Steven Pierce - 8 years ago
They are only with small fish so I doubt your corys feel shy and the need to hide. I keep my albino corys with redtail shark and gourami fish with a lot of structure. They are a mini armored cat so they are harder to mess with.
Deon 0026
Deon 0026 - 7 years ago
Steven Pierce sweet to know. I was looking at a cool blue gourami the other day a dwarf that got 3 inches big and was wondering was it to aggressive or did I have to buy more than one
TheFrugalInventor - 8 years ago
What is that yellow fish?
Kenny Enokian
Kenny Enokian - 7 years ago
TheFrugalInventor Honey gourami
JJ Aquariums
JJ Aquariums - 8 years ago
how many gallons is this
Flick - 8 years ago
If I remember from his older videos, I think he once said it was a 15 gallon
Ashley G
Ashley G - 8 years ago
I kept two peppered Cory catfish in a five gallon until they got to 3 inch now they are in a 40 gallon tank with 3 other peppered Cory cats addin 5 albinos when they get big enough
Tubbywarrior 13
Tubbywarrior 13 - 8 years ago
They have the best personality
mantidgirl - 9 years ago
Can you grow plants in crushed coral sand?
Sega Wolf
Sega Wolf - 8 years ago
+1deaver Oh okay, that answers mantidgirl's question 
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 8 years ago
+Sega Wolf I have grown amazon swords in crushed coral
Sega Wolf
Sega Wolf - 8 years ago
+mantidgirl I believe u can, maybe not difficult plants, but plants such as amazon swords and anubias might do just fine
Monica Taylor
Monica Taylor - 9 years ago
a couple points, they WILL eat eggs of other fish so not reccomended if you have breeding fish. also they aren't suitable for all communities, fish like german blue rams are prone to attacking them but rams can live in communites. also they like to be in descent sized groups as in the wild they are found in groups of 100s :)
chritters1 - 9 years ago
Panda Cory cats look like like barbs a bit
Hanne Lykke Poulsen
Hanne Lykke Poulsen - 9 years ago
Do they dig your plants up?
Hanne Lykke Poulsen
Hanne Lykke Poulsen - 8 years ago
+Jenn Baubie Okay thanks!
Jenn B
Jenn B - 8 years ago
+Hanne Lykke Poulsen I had some cories for several years, they never dug anything up.

30. comment for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

gravedigr12 - 9 years ago
you have done an amazing job with that aquarium I hope to have the funds to do something like that very soon just getting the accessories piece by piece for my 50 gallon before I buy fish and fill it up and its hard to wait I must admit
melancholy - 9 years ago
Could I put 3 Coreys in a 5 gallon tank (I have sand btw).
gravedigr12 - 9 years ago
+Weekly CLAY you should always have a minimum of 4 korys in a tank they eat sleep and look for food together
Evalynna Serna
Evalynna Serna - 9 years ago
I love my cories. I have two albinos and one pepper. I wish I had a bigger tank to have a bit of a bigger school. However, beautiful fish with awesome personalities. Super quirky but cool.
Im Zense
Im Zense - 9 years ago
What are the shrimp ?
Nick Amundson
Nick Amundson - 9 years ago
I love your tank!!
Caddub - 9 years ago
How many cories could you keep in a 5 gallon?
melancholy - 9 years ago
2 or 3
marco0798 - 9 years ago
those cory's look so good and plump.
RastaMuscle - 9 years ago
Is this a 55 gallon/ 200 l tank ? Looks good
gesman5000 - 9 years ago
I got 3 peppers today i use play sand and i have natural driftwood shaped a bit like a ship and 1 terracotta pot cut in half with an anubia on top oh and i have a giant rock and i often see them climbing up the rock.
Doris Ho
Doris Ho - 9 years ago
Emerald cories are not corydoras
Jeff Dario
Jeff Dario - 9 years ago
Very nice video. I love the tank...I'm think I'm going to set mine up very similar.
Spensir R. Hynds
Spensir R. Hynds - 10 years ago
I have had my cory for 9 years and I love him very cute.. sometimes he is dark brown sometimes light brown and sometimes he turns bright green very nice fish he has a buddy but I think I am going to get a couple more :)
Tommy Black
Tommy Black - 7 years ago
I have three. They look perfectly happy. I don't want to add more, because they are pretty big.
Spensir R. Hynds
Spensir R. Hynds - 9 years ago
Ya i sadly didn't learn that for a while someones tank ended as in all fish died accept the cory so i took the cory and put it in with my goldfish
Sahadi420 - 9 years ago
+Spensir R. Hynds cory catfish should be in a group of at least 4. And I mean 4 cory catfish, not 1 cory, and 3 other types of fish.
Spensir R. Hynds
Spensir R. Hynds - 9 years ago
He has a couple buddies now :) going to get 1 more for sure maybe 2
Sahadi420 - 9 years ago
+Spensir R. Hynds you've had a cory by himself for 9 years??? good lord man, give him buddies!!!!
Pamela Hall
Pamela Hall - 10 years ago
nice video straight and to the point very nice sounding voice,lol
Kevin Dunse Outdoors
Kevin Dunse Outdoors - 10 years ago
My Cory's are just awesome. They are very active as well. Sometimes they will just stop suddenly and drop to the bottom. After about a minute they start up and just keep going. They do that jumpy-thing to the top at the 2-3 times a day. I have 2 albinos.
Lance Macugay
Lance Macugay - 7 years ago
Soren K I know this is an old post but yes that is normal but if they keep doing it you may want to have more surface movement to get more oxygen in the aquarium.
Soren K
Soren K - 7 years ago
So that's normal? Mine have been going nuts in the tank, but the water is perfectly fine as I had it tested twice by the aquarium store. I was thinking they are stressed, but hopefully it's just playfulness.
Fred Morris
Fred Morris - 10 years ago
Correct me if I am wrong but you appear to have some brown algae in your tank, I have a small outbreak of brown algae too in my 55 gallon tank, can you recommend a sure fire way of eradicating it? Thanks.
Sahadi420 - 9 years ago
+Mortonbmx I have otocinclus.........but they are NOTHING compared to the Siamese Algae Eaters (SAE). Get them in bunches......like 5 or more. The SAE are ruthless eaters of algae. When I dip my hands into my 75 gallon (to feed my Green Terror) the SAE are all over my hand, nibbling at it. I've even accidentally caught some in my net while trying to skim out leaves. All they do is swim around nibbling on every surface they can.

And remember SIAMESE.........NOT CHINESE.....two totally different fish.
Mortonbmx - 10 years ago
If you have room for any more fish, get a group of otocinclus. They cleaned up all the brown algae in my tank in a matter of hours and are really cool fish to watch. id recommend at least 5 though as they seem to get stressed in smaller groups. Another alternative would be to get snails, they constantly feed off the algae but some people dislike their appearance in the tank. If your algae problem is getting out of hand, I'd try keeping the lights off for longer each day.
David rodriguez
David rodriguez - 10 years ago
What kind of shrimps r those
doomham100 - 10 years ago
They actually swallow the air and the oxygen is absorbed via their intestine. Also when they reproduce, the female actually sucks on the male's genitals and swallows the sperm, the sperm is then ejected over the eggs by the females. Corys are weird!
gesman5000 - 9 years ago
+doomham100 ejected or ejaculated?
Anthony Marraccini
Anthony Marraccini - 10 years ago
Hey guys. So I have a 55g tropical  freshwater aquarium, and I need help adding fish to it. Here is what I currently have:
2 small bala sharks
3 small silver dollars
2 zebra danios
1 pleco

What fish do you recommend I add?
gravedigr12 - 9 years ago
+TheGreenIntervention make sure theres room for that pleco hes gonna grow to be massive like coy fish massive
Noah Heumann
Noah Heumann - 10 years ago
i have already got 3 corys in my main tank with 2 khuli loaches- i love them. 
94110mission - 10 years ago
I would like to get a few Cory cats but I have Eco complete for a substrate. Does anyone know if that would be too rough for their barbels? 

50. comment for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

Jayson King
Jayson King - 11 years ago
Cory's are the best I have a lot of them
81Kush - 11 years ago
i kept a schoal of albino cory cats with my peacock cichlids with a high GH KH and ph for years and they thrived also, im sure they are from softer water but they did great in that tank.
Edna Flores
Edna Flores - 11 years ago
The Cory cat fish are so energetic.. reminds me of ME. 
gabe a
gabe a - 11 years ago
I just got some Cory's and when I put them in they were like scared.. Is this because their new to the tank to what?
Radiant Penguin
Radiant Penguin - 10 years ago
Have you put aqua safe in the water?
Swedish_Steel - 11 years ago
Are they good algee eaters?
Tom Leavy
Tom Leavy - 10 years ago
corys dont eat algee they eat food that is on the bottom
Uyvids - 11 years ago
If they look like they have sharp edges, chances are it's not optimal for a cory. Your best bet is either gravel that looks "smooth" for smaller cories or just sand.
Dane Matthews
Dane Matthews - 11 years ago
Ross, please respond!! What kind of filter are you running? Your water is crystal clear
greenseaships - 11 years ago
How can I tell if I have 'rough gravel' or 'smooth gravel'. I have gravel in my tank, but I want Corys.
Bbosela - 11 years ago
its either aggression or a mating thing I honestly am not too certain due to I had only kept 1 betta at a time
Bbosela - 11 years ago
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
In this video there are tetras that is want I was talking about. My Siamese fighting fish haven't been fighting, I don`t think they are going to breed I don`t know, my male Siamese fighting fish has not been making a bubble nest. Him and my female Siamese fighting fish are still fine together. Why do male Siamese fighting fish always flare at the females?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
ah I see what ya mean I don't have those tetras anymore they died awhile back in my most recent video it shows all the fish I have in the description but what I meant about the bettas is they will fight before breeding which could be a bad thing
Bbosela - 11 years ago
my fish do very well and I don't have tetras seems like you have a unique tank be cautious on the betta/ fighting fish
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Would you like to know what fish I have in my tank at the moment as well? I have a male and female Siamese fighting fish, four Neon tetras, one albino Corydoras catfish, one of those brown spotted catfish, I used to have three platies but one died and I also used to have two Ram cichlids but one died. Do your angelfish not eat the cardinal tetras in your tank?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
actually yea I have 2 platies that breed but their fry get eaten in my tank I have a 9 inch pleco a 5 inch sunfish wild caught a 6 inch angelfish 2 1 inch platy 1 clown loach a 4 inch pleco a 1.5 inch rainbow shark a couple a Malabar danio and a zebra danio and a glodanio it all depends some uses for breeding is free food for fish because they eat the babies
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
It`s difficult when buying fish that you don`t want to breed from. Do you breed your fish? What fish do you still have in your tank at the moment?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
i'd take them but i have my huge fish in a 20 gallon for the time being until I get a place there wouldn't be any room for him else wise I would I mean if you get a few danios or something to eat the fry that works too this way you may have possibly 3-10 maybe more fry survive
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Why can`t you take them? Would you be happy to rehome my male balloon molly I don`t my female balloon molly to have babies?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
good luck
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
I will hope for the best and wait and see.
Bbosela - 11 years ago
that I cant determine it depends on your water quality and such
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Thank you. How long will my fish`s fin take to heal?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
it should heal but there are precautions you'd want to take just make sure you tank is in great quality and it should heal in time
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
No I didn't see any white stuff growing on the fin. The fin looked fine but it`s fin was ripped when I bought the fish but I did not notice it`s ripped fin when I chose the fish. I just saw that one of my fish`s fins was ripped after it was in my tank. Will it`s fin heal?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
does s fins have white stuff growing on it?
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Can you tell me if my sucking catfish has fin rot it has a ripped fin.
Bbosela - 11 years ago
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
It stands for I don`t know?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
i dont know = idk
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
What does idk mean?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
idk lol
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
I don`t know what you mean. How can I message you, add you as a contact and what comments are we spamming?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
message me and add me as a contact I think we may be spamming the comments here lol.
Bbosela - 11 years ago
that's a tricky question you can get a fish that'd eat the fry or just let them be if you get adults sell them or rehome them to a local fish store or friend or just separate males and females or just buy a specific gender of platy if I could i'd personally take them and raise them but I currently can't.
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
What can I do so I can keep my fish together and to prevent them from laying eggs and having more fry?
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
I think the fry are platies because they are livebearers. Would you have room in your tank if you wanted to buy some off me? How big is your tank? What fish do you have in your tank at the moment? Two of my adult fish died the platy and my other ram cichlid. I have separated the fry from my adult fish and put them in my hatchery. Do you know if there is a liquid treatment at the pet shop that prevents fish from giving birth? I don`t want my fish to give birth again. What is your name?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
give them to me lol but seriously i'd either rehome them keep them or get them their own tank but it depends on what fish you have what tank size what the babies are and how much room you have for them.
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Thank you for your assistance. My fish has had thirteen babies. What do you think I should do with them if they all reach adulthood?
Bbosela - 11 years ago
they do best in numbers of 3 or more for smaller aquariums I suggest 3 but they can school with other types of cories but I have been told that its best to keep them with the same species if you have a 30 gallon i'd get a minimum of 5 but that's just my opinion hope I had helped
Bbosela - 11 years ago
should take a look at my aquarium videos you may like comment like subscribe if you wish, I have gotten a real interest in cory cats seeing how ive seen nice colored green ones being very active and well a school of five should do great in my tank and I intend to get ghost shrimp as well
Anna McDermott
Anna McDermott - 11 years ago
Cory catfish are better in pairs? I only have one in my tank at the moment. Should I get another one?
Adrian K.
Adrian K. - 11 years ago
i have cory cats in my tank and i never see them to go to surface for breath. they are not air breeders.
MomentsFROMFriends - 11 years ago
Can anyone please tell me what size liter/gallon tank that is?
Danny Nguyen
Danny Nguyen - 11 years ago
Those shrimps are so cute
Danny France
Danny France - 11 years ago
how many corys and tetras would you recommend in a 10 gal tank
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 11 years ago
I have rocks and I had them for two years and there doing fine should I be worried for the future death of my panda Cory catfish
Hunter Davis
Hunter Davis - 11 years ago
Panda Cory catfish are my favorite the are so active and fun to watch
men with
men with - 11 years ago
Amazing! Thanks for this! Quick question, my cory catfish i never see them swimming around like yours they usually stay in a corner all day long and just move around when i touch them its so weird, my water parameters are great and i have two in a 15g tank idk what to do!
Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 11 years ago
What is that plant in front of the aquarium to the left(corner)? The 1 with the long lives. Short height. The first one in the front. You can see it at 3:42.
TheRossiboy - 11 years ago
thanks! good luck with them bro...they're great together :D

100. comment for 5 min fish facts: Cory Cats

TheRossiboy - 11 years ago
yeah you can see two of them swimming around right at the start of the video
aundre freeman
aundre freeman - 11 years ago
are there shrimp in their ?
Pokefreak 13
Pokefreak 13 - 11 years ago
Great video and tank, I hope to get some cory's and cardinal tetras soon too!
Lisa Foss
Lisa Foss - 11 years ago
They enjoy hiding out in caves, which are easy to make with 3 rocks, or driftwood with space under it.
Lisa Foss
Lisa Foss - 11 years ago
They're much happier in groups of 6+.
robert justus
robert justus - 11 years ago
I have two albinos and they both turned orange.
Conze22 - 11 years ago
Where did you get your substrate from?
Faith Radford
Faith Radford - 11 years ago
How many gallons is that tank?
jpn8801 - 11 years ago
Btw, my tank params are 7.6 PH Nitrite/Nitrate/Ammonia 0
jpn8801 - 11 years ago
I just obtained an Emerald Green Cory. At the store he wasn't active well, the 3 that were there.. I placed him in my tank by hand easily. It's been 1 hr & is still hiding. Hope he will come out & be active. +1. Like the info. Keep it up.
grettz1 - 12 years ago
It's a honey flame gourami.
grettz1 - 12 years ago
That's a dwarf honey flame gourami. Honey gouramis are much darker and have the type of color that resembles the honey in a bottle. I have 5 ps of honey gouramis and 5 pr honey flame gouramis.
mikedoles - 12 years ago
hey ross whats the ph do you keep this tank at? 7?
TheRossiboy - 12 years ago
thanks :) Ah awesome they were the first corys I ever had!
TheManrayer - 12 years ago
Amazing video I have a pair of albino corys their wonderful fish
travy smith
travy smith - 12 years ago
Lol they remind me of puppies
xxohmycaptainxx - 12 years ago
Your accent literally makes me felt. You don't understand how much I missed your videos.
Felis sylvestris
Felis sylvestris - 12 years ago
lovely tank, beautiful plants! whats the volume? are you from newcastle?
Robby Chisholm
Robby Chisholm - 12 years ago
Your plants are beautiful! I've been trying real plants, but my two silver dollars always munch them to death.
the925ninja1 - 12 years ago
i have these big round rocks for my gravel, their big, black, and very smooth. My only concern is that its not a flat surface since there big. Would this be suitable for cory's?
Hunter P.
Hunter P. - 12 years ago
getting some ASAP
Margaret Corbett
Margaret Corbett - 12 years ago
Thanks! Good idea to catch rainwater. We have lots of that here in Oregon!
papwalker99 - 12 years ago
See if you can catch some rain water. Divert the guttering on the house into 40 gal containers. Peat moss, oak leaf litter, blackwater tonic can help lower the pH. I use Seachem Neutral Regulator and some rainwater. Corydoras, and characins (neons and cardinals etc) are all from the same place generally and like similar soft acid water.
papwalker99 - 12 years ago
All fish will gulp at the surface if O2 is low. The Cories can extract O2 from a portion of their gut when swallowed, They also use this air to trim like a submarine. Your other fish will show distress long before the cories do in low oxygenated water. It has also been shown that barbel erosion is due to 'bad' water not the the type substrate. The betta will be fine with the cories. He wont go to the bottom where they hang out if you have plants he can rest on.
Andrew Underwood
Andrew Underwood - 12 years ago
I keep spotted Cory's
RevJaWs - 12 years ago
The comment about if they come up to the surface for more air often that the water quality is bad.. Could it also be that the air level in the tank is bad and could be fixed by getting an air bubbler? I'm setting up my first 10 gallon (since i was 6 years old lol) and right now I have a betta who's enjoying the tank on his own with no plants or scenery just yet. I'm not sure what i'm going to get... But you've convinced me on Cory catfish and the cardinal tetras, probably 2 cory 4 cardinal
Margaret Corbett
Margaret Corbett - 12 years ago
If your pH is high for your Corys, how are you able to keep cardinal tetras with them? I love the neons and cardinals, but my well water is very hard and high pH. I haven't been able to change its pH, so I just look for species that like that kind of water. I'd love some suggestions for hard water critters!
ShrimpMage - 12 years ago
I have an emerald cory, and he's wonderful! very kind to the other fishies!
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
planted tank medium to heavy planted tank,22 to 80 tank is the tempeture for some and 21 to 82 for other species of corydoras catfish,there are a peaceful catfish and will go well with smaller to larger fish but caution to be aware of with agressive fish should has lake tangwyins cichlids and african cichlids.
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
can keep all different corydoras,i dont have the room to keep all the different species of corydoras,but if i have about a 100 gallon to 150 gallon the species of corydoras i would keep in that tank would be,corydoras aenues (bronze and albino) peppered,salt and pepper,panda,spotted,schultzei,green lazers,adolfoi's,and alot more,corydoras catfish behaviour are savangers and are labyrinth fish with mean they can breath in water and off the top,add some caves and corydoras are more happy in a
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
and breeding them can be a difficult too,i should suggest keeping them in 10 gallon to a maxium of 3-4 for a 10 gallon depend on how many or what plec you have in there,if a tank is 20 gallon maybe 6 for a maxium,anything bigger than 29 gallon around 10 if a tank is 63-600 gallon tropical freshwater you can basically keep around 4 plecs and about 20-40 corydoras in a tank,corydoras keeping can be all same species but as corydoras catfish are from the same spieces it allows any aquatic hobbiest
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
sorry for the long comments on this video but the simply fact's about corydoras catfish is that there are alot of spieces ranging from bronze,pepper,salt and pepper,schultzei's,albino,spotted,pygmy,panda,adolfoi's and even wild caught corydoras catfish,they have spikes on there body so if larger fish do get them in there mouth the fish and corydoras wont be able to get out which all in one sense mean you are loosing both fish cause they will die,but sexing corydoras is alot difficult and
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
*i have a filteration system that is about 5 x to 10 times more power than the tank hold's it self and they are just done fine and dandy,bronze corydoras and albino and peppered corydoras can also be kept in a unheated tank with goldfish as more speices of tropical such as a common tropical plec that can reach 60 cm aka 2 foot,mollies,and platies and zebra danio's,i suggest that the internet isn't the best way to research about fish ask at local aqautic stores,i have done that for years about
Stephen Glamrock
Stephen Glamrock - 12 years ago
sorry to say some of the information on here is okay but i will say,,Corydoras catfish is the name that is the common name,corydoras catfish have been reported that there are just over 180 different species with in the wild,Corydoras come in a range from 1.5 cm to 7.5 cm,Fine soft gravel even smooth big pebbles that will do fine as anything that won't damange there barbel's,In the wild there are from slow moving river even rivers that have a strong current aswell,i have tank's that have f
Gerardo Ontiveros
Gerardo Ontiveros - 12 years ago
What is that plant that looks like arge grass in 3 leafs?
Noobish Trash
Noobish Trash - 12 years ago
Cory cats actually have stingers.
KaityMarie - 12 years ago
that's a great looking tank:) how many gallons is it?
spikes4298 - 12 years ago
how many corys would you recommend for a 10 gallon with 10 cardinals but excellent filtration?
Francisco Garcia
Francisco Garcia - 12 years ago
@therossiboy how many gallons is your tank?
305pride - 12 years ago
thats a nice tank
crgron - 12 years ago
i just got two corys and they are awesome x] I love seeing them looking for food in the sand
imperator11381 - 12 years ago
Bandit Corys FTW
charalexdeb - 12 years ago
How many corys I would Be able to get, lol my bad
charalexdeb - 12 years ago
Great video! I have a ten gallon with two guppies and I was wondering how many I would be able to get for my tank?? I was gonna go for two but then I. Heard they like to be in groups so now I'm unsure.
pinkraindrop101 - 12 years ago
I'm debating if I should get another balloon Molly or two cory cats :P I love the balloon mollies I have but I always wanted Cory cats.
Scott Cooper
Scott Cooper - 12 years ago
Do you have a problem with the cory's trying to uproot your live plants?
crazycatlady39 - 12 years ago
Is that a honey Gourami? Trichogaster chuna??
CAMBOJNR1994 - 12 years ago
what filter do you use in this tank?
Amurderer74 - 12 years ago
i have 2 Albino Cory Catfish, 4 Ghost Shrimp, and 5 Zebra Danios in a 10 gallon, and its doing fine.
west ham
west ham - 12 years ago
how many cory u got in that tank?
k2477456 - 12 years ago
i have had a cory in my 1.5 gallon tank for almost 5 years and he is very happy also can i put a school of corys in my african cichlid tank?
Jose - 12 years ago
I got the Cory cats like you said. I love them. :D
Beck Smith
Beck Smith - 12 years ago
Kept in tropical and coldwater and they don't have whiskers so you can have gravel but they can grow pretty big
Beck Smith
Beck Smith - 12 years ago
I would recommend a sucker loach they can be
Jose - 12 years ago
The pet store has the same gravel that I got just different color does that mean mine is all right?
Jose - 12 years ago
LOL One more thing. I bought gravel from the pet store. It's white, but how do I tell it's to sharp for them?
Jose - 12 years ago
I have 4 platies in my tank. And need a clean up crew.
Jose - 12 years ago
OH and how many do you have? I'm thinking of getting Albino Cory Cats.
Jose - 12 years ago
How many should I put in a 10 gallon? I would love to get some. :D
Micheal Edwards
Micheal Edwards - 12 years ago
Think they will be ok with my african cichlids or will my cichlids kill them?
Shaun Murphy
Shaun Murphy - 12 years ago
I have a 20 gal with 6 zebras and six peppered corys. I was thinking about getting a couple more fish, or one large fish. I see you have a gourami. Are they happy on there own or should they be with others of their own species?
Shaun Murphy
Shaun Murphy - 12 years ago
Peppered Corys in the house! Love the videos.
blurlistener - 12 years ago
Ive had a sterbai cory for almost a year now, I think its time to get 2 more so he has some company.
TheRossiboy - 12 years ago
salt is mainy harmful to shrimps in large amounts, If I were you I wouldn't add it at all...get the cory's they're great
TheRossiboy - 12 years ago
it's a dwarf honey gourami
TheRossiboy - 12 years ago
haha derpy corys!
Bob Nugget
Bob Nugget - 12 years ago
is that a gourami?
Jose - 12 years ago
Hey again, Can I put salt in a cory cat tank? I'm setting up a tank and I was thinking of getting salt, but I would like to put cory cats in my tank. Also, witch is better to get cory cats or salt. I would like to get some neon tetras and some shrimp. Oh is salt also harmful to shrimp? Thanks
Dirty Dan EG
Dirty Dan EG - 12 years ago
Facts came out the wrong way when I first herd it
Mithrin126 - 13 years ago
Cool vid. Just started up a South America tank and I am still trying to make up my mind on which Cory type to get. There's so many of the little buggers that I find it hard to pick! :D
vincescream - 13 years ago
so i have 4 peppered corys and im little worried cause they dont move that much unlike before when i just got them.
coryagori - 13 years ago
My favourite species ever. A tank is not a tank without the bumbling antics of a cory. Nice to see another fan!
Geo - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy Thanks, they are much more active now thank you very much! They used to just stay at the back hiding now they come out and especially at feeding time. Thanks so much
sarah kelvin
sarah kelvin - 13 years ago
i just bought five neon cardinal Tetras and two young peppered Corydoras Catfish today.
TheGlader2 - 13 years ago
I have had a regular lake bed sort of setting in my fish tank for quite a wile now. Are my catfish in any danger? And Your catfish are always a joy to see. There just so happy. I have 2 that are like that, but there salt and pepper catfish, and they are a group. I have one bronze catfish, and I don't ever see him. And when I do he is always unhappy. How do I make him happier?
Reece Hodges
Reece Hodges - 13 years ago
Skunk Corys FTW!!!! haha
Jamie King
Jamie King - 13 years ago
Hey ross what filter have you got on your 15 gallon? I'm looking for a hang on filter that can withstand sand thanks
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@aquariums411 yeah bettas don't usually show aggression to corys, just make sure the betta was kept with other fish before you house them together. yeah gouramis aren't too bothered either, just make sure that there is plenty of hiding places shuch as plants and ornaments.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@GeorgeFrancisRocks Yeah that's absolutely fine, as long as they're eating and don't show any signs of swimming funny or have any unusual looking things growing on them they're usually fine. they're probably just lazy, try putting sinking foods down in various places in the tank daily as this will encourage them to look for food.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@WaydeKnight Thanks a lot, I'll be making a few vids this week as I'm off school :) thanks for watching and leaving the nice comment!
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@MrFishfood123 I use seachem black flourite sand as the substrate, I think you can use peat moss although I don't know if you have to soak it or cap it with something.
MrFishfood123 - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy What substrate do u use in that tank? Another Qs- can u use peat moss as a substrate? thanks
Geo - 13 years ago
I have 2 Corys in my 15G tank with 4 Platy's, mine are yellowish and stay only on the floor and don't move much, they eat though, is this normal? Also i think you aquarium is awesome! :)
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@UberFiseh yeah...hand feeding makes them a lot more confident.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@fabihanski It was still quite expensive but I bought mine from warehouse aquatics...just google it and I think their flourite is the cheapest on the net
Fabulous - 13 years ago
ross u must have saved for ever is ther is seachem flourite sand from ebay it cost £20 orrigonally then another £10 post i need 2 bags so get a deps of 1 2/4 inches if u didnt get it from ebay then were
Tyler de Jong
Tyler de Jong - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy i think the key to timid or shy fish is handfeeding bloodworms or brineshrimp.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@fabihanski but it's easier to weigh them down, they tend to float if not enough sand is used to cover them
Young Buck
Young Buck - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy thanks for replying even though you have so muck coments could i put 4 with a beta of a guromi
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy its okay i my little cunkys fine i thought he would be verry timid hide all the time and get stresse but he doesnt seem to notice hes as bold as ever he isnt even scare of the cifon wich is sorta dangerous
Fabulous - 13 years ago
@TheRossiboy i have to dssagree with gravel being easier to put plants in the stong root plants are quite fine but plant with fine roots like luwgia jungle val snap when u put em in beause its harder to move away and plants dont push through as easy but thats just me im going to sand as soon as i can
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@TheNewYorkBlogger I'll look out for you
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@asiandude666 some are just naturally timid and scared although they can be trained to come out when you are in the room by giving them a little food every time you enter the room they will associate you with food and come out.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@letmeshowuhow2stunt thanks a lot! yeah everyone has their different tastes and opinions, it's funny because I love their appearance lol I'm looking around for fairly unusual nano fish to go in what was the fighter tank :)
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@F1shguy Yeah that's probably part of it although I believe mine were just swimming about because they were about to be fed by me, they are usually on the substrate, I made sure to leave room between the plants so they can actually forage in the dense plant growth...yeah the different varieties may have different behaviors although all cories are pretty similar :) good comment got me thinking
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@RedDevilsWR fluvals are pretty low tanks so I'd suggest mainly low plants, since your gonna run highlight glossostigma would be an attractive option, pogostemon helferi is also an attractive foreground plant which I think would look great in a fluval edge due to it's crinkled leaves that act as contrast to the very orderly and sleek tank design. pogostemon erectus is also another attractive option offering a pink colour. Good old regular sagittaria would probably grow to the height of the tank.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@weareallwet thanks man :) yeah they're great fish!
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@GroinStabbingPro thanks a lot, ah yeah I was gonna mention pygmy corys
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@fabihanski oh right, yeah I thought cichlids ate anything small enough to fin in their mouths lol...sorry to hear about the corys
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@FranksTankz thanks a lot, sure
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@jaythefishfan Hi there! thanks a lot, yeah that is a coincidence...sure I'll check it out
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@joshy39769 It will be very boring as I don't have any mollies to film but I may make a vid of them at the fish store and do a voice over if I can.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@FulRed thanks a lot, I'm glad I don't have any complaints for this vid lol
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@1234tomj they don't need them but they're good for the catfish, you can feed boiled peas if you peel the skin off and boil the two inner sections
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@BLucy1997 thanks, it has been corrected now.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@AwesomeAssassin1000 I've just been busy staying behind at school for coursework and doing homework and stuff but I try to make vids whenever possible while trying to keep on top of comments.
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@tropix579 Yeah I will hopefully be making one a week :) Thanks a lot mate
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@FeederFishTanks Thanks! I have come to prefer sand over gravel in the time I've been on here because its a little easier on digging fish, the plants seem to prefer sand as they grow quicker in it than in gravel, most food and fish waste tend to sit on top of it making it easier to siphon out and it looks a little smoother and clean than gravel in my opinion. gravel has it's positives also as it is easier to put plants in, it can be removed easily if needed and it can provide a capping for dirt.
FulRed - 13 years ago
Good stuff, very informative! The tank is looking very healthy and active by the way, keep it up!
Tipsy hs
Tipsy hs - 13 years ago
Can you do one about mollies? ^^
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@FishAreBeast Thanks for telling me, this is how I learn through your corrections
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@TotRevalution yeah they act up once they know I'm in the room
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@Braden8558 nah man I wanna keep it original :)
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@ed959lion I did manage to breed them but the young were so tiny and they died of fungus a common fry killer
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@PHtropicalfish Thanks! I plan to do about one a week
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@AquaLover99 oh right, nice to hear they're doing good, I Just heard they're not actually cory catfish they're just catfish lol, they seem pretty similar though
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@aquariums411 probably 4-5
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@Shrimpandinvertz yeah don't wanna copy
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@djpotter79 Thanks :) I don't have any plecos or guppies so the vid would probably be quite boring but I might take some footage of them in the pets tore and do a voice over :)
Fabulous - 13 years ago
hey rosss cichlids will eat shimp of they can fit in there mouths but pufferfush eg dwarf puffer brizlian puffers green spoted puffer tear all types of shrimps snail and freshwater clams to shreads and also i used to have a small group of coryies in a 5 gallon tanki was old at the store it was okay ony 1 survived i noived something was wrong after the 1st one died i could do nothing exept water change anyways the survivor is in a 33 gallon on his own and as happy as can be minding hisownbuisnes
F1shguy - 13 years ago
interesting, your tank has a lot of plants, and seems like there's not a whole lot of room on the substrate for them to sift thorugh, so they swim more above the ground and in the middle of the tank. As for me, my aquarium is very lightly decorated and planted so my cories are glued to the substrate, and rarely swim in the open water. however, my cories are peppered so i wonder if that's a slight species behavior difference or an adaptation to their environment.
TotRevalution - 13 years ago
Woah! Your shrimp are soo active :)
Braden8558 - 13 years ago
Nice Video man! You going to do some on plants? I was actually thinking like the same thing as Dustins species Sundays buti need a good name hahahaha
ed powell
ed powell - 13 years ago
Have you ever had any cory fry
Ethan Stanley
Ethan Stanley - 13 years ago
I just bought two green (emerald) cories a few days ago and they are doing just fine. No timidness what so ever, and they redily clean algae off the pebbles. They are are by far the best fish i've ever had.
Young Buck
Young Buck - 13 years ago
how much of them can i keep in a 10 gallon
PhillyPotter - 13 years ago
Great video bro keep them coming... Hope you can make one about pleco's and guppies
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@Shrimpandinvertz Hi, it was mainly Dustinsfishtanks idea a while back when I was talking to him on fishtank tv :) so I gotta give Dustin credit :) Thanks a lot I plant to do 1 a week if I can :) thanks for the comment
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@XoSkyrimOx haha...try putting in a small amount of pellet food every time you enter the room :)
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@TheNewYorkBlogger Thanks a lot man, I just wanna make a few vids that tell people how to take care of one type of fish quick. I checked out your channel and subbed :)
TheRossiboy - 13 years ago
@2699ryan yeah I'll be getting one in a few weeks time, the tank is currently cycling :)

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