2,684 likes 1,062,304 views 11 years ago
Cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) are among the most beautiful and popular ornamental fish. In the video they...
2,243 likes 880,409 views 12 years ago
Have a new Goldfish friend? Our TetraCare video will show you everything you need to do to setup your new aquarium.
441 likes 135,520 views 11 years ago
Ember tetra are rather small fish. In spite of a size of only 2.5 cm (1 in), this species is not suitable for nano...
212 likes 125,567 views 13 years ago
this tank i picked up at petsmart. It has 2 female bettas and 2 ghost shrimp. Ive added a few things to it as well.
34 likes 114,997 views 17 years ago
Filter: Tetra EasyCrystal 250, Aeration: Tetratec APS 100, Heater: Aquael ComrotZone 50W. Fish: Guppy and Coridoras.
41 likes 98,909 views 13 years ago
http://www.oceankayak.com - The Tetra is unlike any other Ocean Kayak we have introduced to the market. Sleek and...
34 likes 114,997 views 17 years ago
Filter: Tetra EasyCrystal 250, Aeration: Tetratec APS 100, Heater: Aquael ComrotZone 50W. Fish: Guppy and Coridoras.
1,195 likes 89,404 views 7 years ago
Aquarium Fish Unboxing. Rare Plecos, Puffer Fish, Corydoras, Cardinal Tetras, and Rice Fish. L264 Sultan Plecos, L190...
155 likes 45,321 views 11 years ago
This is the method I use for breeding with Corydoras. The video is an example of the Corydoras black venezuela....
7 likes 13,720 views 14 years ago
Los guppys (Poecilia reticulata) son peces de agua caliente y se recomienda criarlos en temperaturas entre los 22°C y...
23 likes 7,612 views 13 years ago
Enter the aquarium with my sterbai, julii, and green corydoras, red cherry shrimp, and black neon tetras. Plants...
16 likes 7,036 views 10 years ago
Aquario de 15 litros 1 espada macho 2 espadas Fêmeas 1 platy macho 2 platys fêmeas 3 paulistinhas 1 molinesia...
The "Acuario comunitario 120 litros (espadas, betta, tetra neon, rasboras, corydoras, guppys, Molly)" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
por eso el betta no se mueve para nada
Es plantado natural oh artificial??
Saludos desde Puebla-Mexico
10. comment for Acuario comunitario 120 litros (espadas, betta, tetra neon, rasboras, corydoras, guppys, Molly)