Black Arowana & Wayne Ng Discus tropical aquarium
Coridoras 11 years ago 18,608 views
This is my former home tank with a Black Arowana & Discus fish wich I had to sell once I knew that I was going on my trip to Suriname. The aquarium contains 10 Discus fish from Wayne Ng. Wayne Ng is a great breeder from Hong Kong. Besides the discus it contained a wild caught Amazonian Black Arowana, a school of Mikrogeophagus Altisipinosa and Corydoras Sterbai. The aquarium also housed some L number catfish like 2 LDA31, 2 L204, and an albino Ancistrus. Please enjoy the video. Please like and comment! Thanks for the 10.000 views!
Sadly I had to brake down the tank and sell the fish because I moved to Suriname.
Kind regards,
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