Corydoras Breeding Tank Set Up/Very Exciting Surprise!
Coridoras 8 years ago 2,544 views
In this video you will see me set up my new tank to breed sterbai corydoras catfish. I talk about the tank I used, the substrate, the lighting, and more. I also reveal a very special surprise! Enjoy the video! _________________________________________________________________ Sashimi Whiskey- _________________________________________________________________ Please Like this video and comment down below! Also subscribe to Flynn's Fish Forum for more fishy videos! Have a very fishy day! _________________________________________________________________ E-mail-
10. comment for Corydoras Breeding Tank Set Up/Very Exciting Surprise!
20. comment for Corydoras Breeding Tank Set Up/Very Exciting Surprise!
For sure you can go with water column feeders like anubias and java fern like Cory suggests, but you know you can grow a lot of different plants in a sand substrate, they just need some root tabs if they're heavy root feeders and it never hurts to dose the water column as well.
I think its a bit of a myth that plants are EITHER root feeders or water column feeders - even those with well developed roots don't always take that much nutrition from their roots! So why grow roots you ask? Well some plants just use their roots to keep them planted in strong currents. Anyway the reverse is also true because if you can get nice long roots (not the rhizome!) on your anubias or java fern and shove them into the substrate, they'll take up nutrients from there too! What I'm saying is that most plants aren't 100% one or the other but a bit of both, some 50-50 some 70-30. Either way fresh sand has no goodness in it at all, unless you add it with root tabs, or let the fish do their business in there for a few weeks :)
I currently have a sand substrate on my corydoras grow out tank and I have micro swords and dwarf sagittarius growing pretty well. Even an Amazon swords will do fine - with root tabs or the ice cube trick if you know that?. Another thing that works well for me is to choose plants that send out runners and grow them in one of your other tanks, then when they send out "babies" you can snip those off and transplant them to your cory tank. That way if some of them don't take its no big deal.
great videos - keep em coming!
P.S. I'm going to get my daughter to watch your videos - she's always chickening out of helping me with the water changes and cleaning filters. I hope you'll inspire her to get her sleeves wet!
30. comment for Corydoras Breeding Tank Set Up/Very Exciting Surprise!
Thanks for sharing
50. comment for Corydoras Breeding Tank Set Up/Very Exciting Surprise!
I must say as well sterbai's my favorite cory that is common encountered in fish.
I wish you the best luck for breeding the cories
I love the new logo!
The tank looks really nice! I hope they will breed for you!
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!