65 likes 33,768 views 17 years ago
Some of my cory sterbai, there part of a breeding group, shame I didn't catch them spawning, at the end of the clip,...
6 likes 15,475 views 17 years ago
A short movie of my Corydoras Sterbai catfish starting their breeding ritual, they have laid over 1000 eggs which...
23 likes 7,737 views 13 years ago
Enter the aquarium with my sterbai, julii, and green corydoras, red cherry shrimp, and black neon tetras. Plants...
0 likes 1,670 views 11 years ago
This video was taken on 19th May 2013. The Sterbai now have some peppered friends and they are much happier. Also I...
65 likes 33,768 views 17 years ago
Some of my cory sterbai, there part of a breeding group, shame I didn't catch them spawning, at the end of the clip,...
6 likes 15,475 views 17 years ago
A short movie of my Corydoras Sterbai catfish starting their breeding ritual, they have laid over 1000 eggs which...
23 likes 7,737 views 13 years ago
Enter the aquarium with my sterbai, julii, and green corydoras, red cherry shrimp, and black neon tetras. Plants...
0 likes 1,670 views 11 years ago
This video was taken on 19th May 2013. The Sterbai now have some peppered friends and they are much happier. Also I...
The "Corydoras Sterbai Artbecken" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Habe aber so ca. 3 bis 5mm starken Kies im Becken was wohl nicht so ideal ist für die kleinen Wühler.
Was meinst Du dazu ?
Am Kies werde ich nichts verändern, und 29 Grad Wassertemperatur erwarten sie zudem auch noch.