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Love is beautiful. Betta fish love is uniquely beautiful. Watch their life evolve from courtship, eggs, fry to...
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5 likes 4,458 views 12 years ago
Ahí os dejo un video de como comen larva roja mis peces...
The "Corydoras and Betta Fish Tank" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Corydoras and Betta Fish Tank
20. comment for Corydoras and Betta Fish Tank
You have a gorgeous sapphire crowntail betta, and it looks like you have the rounder gravel....still, cories typically don't do well unless they have larger smooth rocks or sand because they damage their bellies and barbels on that stuff and usually die in under two years. My grandma got some Julii's for hers and I was miffed at her, several did lose their barbels and die before I changed it to sand. A lot of people don't know that little detail. =(
30. comment for Corydoras and Betta Fish Tank
I love Octos, they are incredibly cute and active! As for my live plants: I have an umbrella, an anubias congensis, and two amazon swords. All four have grown quite nicely from the tiny little things I got last year in November. I also have two silk plants (one in my back right corner, and one in my front left corner - but I will be taking this one out), and in my front right corner I've a top fin cherry blossom tree ornament. My live plants ive got on the left side of my tank and I've got larger rocks built around them to that it landscapes upwards. I got a little decorative crazy which is why I'll probably be getting rid of the silk plants to offer more room, I might plant smaller plants there instead or leave it bare) Sorry! I'm rambling again! Your tank sounds amazing!
I'm not sure what ostracods are, but if they're snails I'm sure an assassin snail can munch on them. Have you considered this option? By the way the octocinclus look like a very beautiful and interesting fish! What kind of plants do you have?
50. comment for Corydoras and Betta Fish Tank