Corydoras in my 55 gallon planted tank
Coridoras 10 years ago 2,983 views
I keep sterbai, juli, and salt and pepper corydora catfish in my 55 gallon tank with angelfish, rosy barbs, and otocinclus. The tank is very peaceful. Ive had my sterbai cory for over 3 years now and he is going strong.
but seriously, i've seen noobs introduce cories to their tanks before their nitrogen cycle even finishes and those cories still lived
You should do some scraping of that green spot algae, before you do those close ups.
10. comment for Corydoras in my 55 gallon planted tank
How many watt's you using on that tank. It's hard to tell how bright it is because of the camera auto light control. I'm gonna try to turn mine off on my camera to see how it comes out. Thanks for sharing man.
cool man ill keep an eye out for your next video