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Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
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Criei este vídeo com o Editor de vídeos do YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/editor)
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Aquário com Acará bandeira, Rodóstomus, Cascudo, Mato grosso e Coridoras.
The "Corydoras in the Amazon" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
Your tank, your crap at the end of the day, but you haven't seen the full corydora potential if you keep them in small groups.
10. comment for Corydoras in the Amazon
what is this location in the Amazon?
If you look at my tanks you will see my aquariums have 1-2 schooling species but you will also see that those two schools will be big unlike many tanks which seem to carry a bunch of schools with a lot of them carrying just 6-8.
person: the history, the culture, the rainforest
Poor people are destroying it to make a living and feed their family.
The people in first world countries are destroying it by not caring and continuing to buy products that have come from or caused destruction of the rainforest.
It's sad but most people don't care at all about the environment - they just want to live their lives in comfort and only think about themselves. It's very hard to get most people to think outside their own lives and consider the impact humanity has on the ecosystem.
I can understand why poorer people living on the bread line wouldn't have time to consider anything but staying alive... but rich people living in comfort in the city should be more considerate that they are able to live so comfortably because the natural world is being exploited somewhere else...
Most people don't think about it, but eating meat everyday (especially beef) is one of the major causes of destruction of forests. Forests are cut down constantly to provide grazing areas for livestock like cows. The beef is then sold to other countries who do not have sufficient agricultural land to feed their own population (e.g. UK). The rivers running through the agricultural land become polluted by animal dung and silt that is stirred up by the passage of herds walking through it and drinking from it. Humans dump their own waste and rubbish into it and soon it becomes uninhabitable for plant, fish and invertebrate life.
The ecosystem would really benefit from a lowered human population too, but try suggesting to people to only have a maximum of 2 children and they freak out and think you're suggesting mass genocide or something....
20. comment for Corydoras in the Amazon
corydoras are my muscles
30. comment for Corydoras in the Amazon
50. comment for Corydoras in the Amazon