Corydoras tank

My corys tank (mainly corydoras). Unfortunately the quality is quit bad, in reality it isn´t that bright.

Corydoras tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Coridoras 15 years ago 31,463 views

My corys tank (mainly corydoras). Unfortunately the quality is quit bad, in reality it isn´t that bright.

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Most popular comments
for Corydoras tank

KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
Hey I was planning on a 10 gallon aquarium. Would it be acceptable to have about 4 or 5 panda cories? Also I hear these cories are a little harder to care for. Is this true? Have any panda cories died in your tank?
KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
Felix B Thanks
Felix B
Felix B - 7 years ago
Hey, as far as I know, your tank should've at least 15 gallons to keep Corydoras (Panda). I guess that's because pandas are very social and you should keep at least 5 of them, although I would advise to have more. They also like to swim around a lot and explore, so the bigger the better in this case. I think 10 gallon is not suitable as a permanent solution, especially since they can become quite old (around 9 years).
From my experience it's true that pandas are harder to keep - compared to other Corydoras fish. I had to give up my tank when I moved, but as far as I remember only one or so died over the years, so I think it's possible if you take care that your aquarium is correctly decorated (e.g. sand instead of pebbles), etc.

Hope I could help you :)
Emma Amanda Milli
Emma Amanda Milli - 9 years ago
Really love them they are so cute i have 11 now the female just had babies so we gonna have loads more :D
LpsInspire:) - 9 years ago
Absolutely beautiful tank!!!!! This aquarium is breath taking, I recently got 2 panda corydoras catfish, what do you feed them??
Felix B
Felix B - 9 years ago
+LpsInspire:) Thanks and congrats on the pandas! I feed them normal tablets for bottom-feeder :)
cidjero1 - 12 years ago
Thanks for the info :)
Felix B
Felix B - 12 years ago
Well yes, 54l isn´t that much, and for that tanksize I would recommend the minimum stocking of 5/6 fishes, but just to be sure, decide for one small corydoras species (like the corydoras aeneus or the corydoras panda) and than buy all of the same kind. But in all honesty, I´m far away from being a real expert on this topic. So if you´re still uncertain you can ask your question in a specialized forum where people might have experience with this situation. Good luck :)
cidjero1 - 12 years ago
I meant, having five of them each diffrent, because i think that my think is a bit to small for so many. My tank is 60x30x30
Felix B
Felix B - 12 years ago
Do you mean 5 corys of one species, and 5 corys of another (and so on), or 1 of each species? Corys are normaly very peaceful which means that the first example should be no problem. Regarding the second one I´m not sure to be honest, but I doubt that it´ll work very well. Luckily you don´t need such a big tank for corys, so why don´t you buy 10-15 corys with 5 of each species? :)
cidjero1 - 12 years ago
I is possible to keep 5 cory's each diffrent species?
CatfishCO - 12 years ago
dw Felix, your tank is amazing

10. comment for Corydoras tank

CatfishCO - 12 years ago
so you say a group of 10 corydoras is nonsense? my reply: Youtube video; corydoras in amazon by theamazontouch...
Karrdeh - 12 years ago
got 3 of em and they do fine, no signs of stress whatsoever
JenDaniTanner - 12 years ago
yeah, most internet sites won't say anything other than "no less than six" or something along those lines
Daisy Cat
Daisy Cat - 12 years ago
Sail Away Sail Away.... Love your Corydoras Panda <3
05garmstrong - 12 years ago
Milos Stevanovic
Milos Stevanovic - 12 years ago
wrong mate these are schooling fish so the more of them the better.
Kristinales - 12 years ago
great tank!!!!
Johnny Campbell
Johnny Campbell - 12 years ago
You should really research corys before spouting untrue facts. Any resource will tell you they love schooling, no less than 3. The more the merrier for them and even mixed with other species.
Felix B
Felix B - 13 years ago
@toppunokamisama ありがとう
3sajc3 - 13 years ago
Very Nice! Betta's like, "Hey where's mine?"

20. comment for Corydoras tank

Felix B
Felix B - 14 years ago
@redfanMark and to my nick, I know this sirforce stuff sucks, but it´s damn old and actually I use it on the internet just as normal as my real name in RL^^
Felix B
Felix B - 14 years ago
@redfanMark I think there are many different opinions on this topic - but it´s a fact that they´re normally living in a group of hundreds and I think 5-10 should be definitely the minimum. Afaik the ancistrus spec is happy about driftwood, so for corys it isn´t that important. They mainly need sand or fine gravel as you said. If you have both - sand and wood - everything should be alright, so I think i did my best.
The Tipsy Channel
The Tipsy Channel - 14 years ago
BTW your Corys do look beautiful ... so good job there :)
The Tipsy Channel
The Tipsy Channel - 14 years ago
that's nonsense 10 of them .. corys are happy in groups of 2/3 they are not Tetra's etc I have 3 an Albino, Bronze and peppered they are happy together. I would say the most important thing for them is to have some driftwood in the tank. So SirForceMEDIA get your facts straight and change your nick .. what the hell is that supposed to mean LOL. Having sand while good for Cory's is not essential, fine gravel works just as well .. adding sand to an existing aquarium = loads of mess :(
The Tipsy Channel
The Tipsy Channel - 14 years ago
that's nonsense 10 of them .. corys are happy in groups of 2/3 they are not Tetra's etc I have 3 an Albino, Bronze and peppered they are happy together. I would say the most important thing for them is to have some driftwood in the tank. So SirForceMEDIA get your facts straight and change your nick .. what the hell is that supposed to mean LOL. Having sand while good for Cory's is not essential, fine gravel works just as well .. adding sand to an existing aquarium = loads of mess :(
Pablo's Tech Tips
Pablo's Tech Tips - 15 years ago
@fishrailroad Depends on the wood. You must dry it first. Some woods are toxic. Safe woods include apple tree and 'manzanita', as far as ones that can be found in North America
Felix B
Felix B - 15 years ago
At least a little tip, corydoras are group-specific and you should keep at least 10 of them. hopefully i could help you a bit :)
Felix B
Felix B - 15 years ago
hey, corydoras love sand, because they like to burrow. gravel could hurt their barbels. i just bought simple sand from the building center, nothing special for the aquaristik. I mainly planted Echinodorus amazonicus and Vallisneria gigantea, but meanwhile also Taxiphyllum barbieri. I took log from the wood, but I´m living in the south of bavaria (ger) and here ist the pollution not so strong - so when you live in the near of a big town, I would buy wood from a aquaristik center.

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