Corydoras Sterbai Catfish, Breeding Ritual

A short movie of my Corydoras Sterbai catfish starting their breeding ritual, they have laid over 1000 eggs which have hatched in the last 8 months.

Corydoras Sterbai Catfish, Breeding Ritual sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Coridoras 17 years ago 15,467 views

A short movie of my Corydoras Sterbai catfish starting their breeding ritual, they have laid over 1000 eggs which have hatched in the last 8 months.

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Most popular comments
for Corydoras Sterbai Catfish, Breeding Ritual

MyLife3636 - 12 years ago
I had a male and female, not on purpose. The male was albino and much smaller than the female. One day I noticed eggs on the side of the tank. I would see them in a T position while chasing each other around. The female would then spit the eggs onto the wall. I had over 500 fry fish and gave away most to the local pet store. My last one died, due to Hurricane Sandy. He was 14 years old.
Official Grant
Official Grant - 12 years ago
PS, When they are ready to spawn you will see bright green dots on the head of both fish by the nares (two holes in the nose area) and dots along the side of the body, they look really beautiful!
Official Grant
Official Grant - 12 years ago
Female is approx 1/3 - 1/2 bigger than the male, she is round and plump around belly, the male is thinner and more streamlined, look at my video, the female is following the male everywhere, he is demonstrating that he is a willing partner, his swimming action is showing her he is cleaning an area for her to spawn on. Hope this helps?
JUNAID187 - 13 years ago
How do u get them to breed?
Official Grant
Official Grant - 13 years ago
When she has some she will squeeze some eggs (2-5) into her pelvic fins which she uses to form a cup, she will them clean the glass, spit some milt there and quickly stick the eggs in the same spot to fertilize them!, after an hour remove the eggs to hatch in icecream tub or remove parents, ideally the former, good luck!
Official Grant
Official Grant - 13 years ago
@twitchey93 You really need to give them their own tank, it need not be large, 10 litres is fine, sandy bottom, a little bogwood, good filtration. preferably use a spray bar at the back to produce a rolling effect in the tank, just feed them on good food, chopped earth worm, beefheart, bloodworm, they will spawn every 7-10 days for many many months, even years! the female takes the milt from the male, he lies down in front of her and shakes.
Official Grant
Official Grant - 13 years ago
ps. suspend the ice cream tub in the main tank, don't allow it to tip over!
Official Grant
Official Grant - 13 years ago
@twitchey93 - after about 1 hour remove the eggs with a sharp blade, put them in an ice cream tub with some tank water, add a few drops of methylene blue to the eggs and aerate gently, if they are fertilized they will hatch about 5 days, feed the fry on rotifiers, franciscana brineshrimp, microworms, and ZM000 fry food, they soon grow and over run you! 2 x 50% daily water changes on tub and remove excess waste and food regularly, Good luck!, Steve. :-)
InvisieMoto - 14 years ago
@cobraopts7 yeah my cory cats are doing this for the second time in my planted aquarium my emerald female had a pouch under her full of eggs and idk if the male emerald or albino ferlized the eggs becuase the male albino is going crazy i have bout 10eggs around the tank thats been ferterlized

10. comment for Corydoras Sterbai Catfish, Breeding Ritual

wizbeats1 - 15 years ago
cool sterbas plz give me tips on how to breed them i have a male and female i think?
MOustafa Sami
MOustafa Sami - 15 years ago
i think its a filter ..maybe

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