I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel. Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Main Lens : Sony SEL1018 10-18mm Wide-Angle Zoom Lens Back Up Camera : Canon M6 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Fish Macro Lens : Canon EF-M 28mm Macro Jimmy's Favorite Wide Angle for Canon M6 : Rokinon 12mm f/2 CineLens Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

FISH ROOM AQUARIUM TOUR AT SERGEANT TANK PETS sentiment_very_dissatisfied 24

Coridoras 7 years ago 24,869 views

I visited Sergeant Tank when I spoke in Michigan last month. It was great to hang out and finally see his fish room as I had only see it through his videos. Lots of cool tips and tricks in this one. Make sure you check out his channel. Our Website: Support us on Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Filming equipment we use: Main Camera : Sony a6500 Main Lens : Sony SEL1018 10-18mm Wide-Angle Zoom Lens Back Up Camera : Canon M6 Travel Vlog Compact Camera : Sony RX100 V Fish Macro Lens : Canon EF-M 28mm Macro Jimmy's Favorite Wide Angle for Canon M6 : Rokinon 12mm f/2 CineLens Underwater Camera : GoPro Hero5 Microphone : Video Rode Micro Secondary Audio Capture : Tascam DR-05 Lav Mic : Boya BY-M1 Small Tripod : Gorilla Pod SLR ZOOM Lightweight Tripod : Pedco UltraPod II Lightweight Favorite Versatile Mount : GoPro Jaws Flex Clamp Main Gimbal : Zhiyun Crane-M Phone Gimbal : Zhiyun Smooth Q Big Drone : DJI Phantom 3 4k Compact Drone : DJI Mavic Studio Equipment for live streams: 2 x Studio Microphone : Shure SM7B Vocal Dynamic 2 x Back Up Microphone : Blue Yeti 2 x Microphone Swivel Boom Arms : RODE PSA1 Swivel Mount Studio Boom Arm Audio Interface : Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 (2nd Gen) Broadcast Software : Wirecast 8.0 Cory's 4K Webcam : Logitech BRIO Jimmy's Webcam : Logitech C922

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Most popular comments

Lennox Gopaul
Lennox Gopaul - 7 years ago
Learn some good tips,Thank you.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Lennox Gopaul thanks so much for stopping by; glad you enjoyed!
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
Wow , that was a great video...those close ups of the fish are so clear and sharp....really fantastic looking
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Shelley G. Thanks so much for stopping by! Jimmy's skills of video augrophy is absolutely superior. The majority of our tanks we maintain with algae growth for fry consumption and I have to say; with his superior skills you wouldn't even know ;)
Aquaticfish7 - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed seeing more of Jeremy’s fish room. The fish, setups and tricks are awesome! Love the turtles
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Aquaticfish7 thanks so much; glad you enjoyed ;)
Cindy Lu Roman
Cindy Lu Roman - 7 years ago
Thank you good video...
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Cindy Lu Roman thanks so much for stopping by!
FishDad1 Chad H
FishDad1 Chad H - 7 years ago
Very nice buddy
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
FishDad1 Chad H glad you enjoyed!
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
awesome tour
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Triple 10 Tanks thanks so much; glad you enjoyed!
Stevie Martines
Stevie Martines - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Stevie Martines thanks so much, glad you enjoyed ;)
JD Aquatics
JD Aquatics - 7 years ago
Love the tour!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
JD Aquatics glad you enjoyed thank you!
Short Boy jmc
Short Boy jmc - 7 years ago
Do one with the king of DIY
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
If I get an invite, sure :)


Ecartts - 7 years ago
I watched the WHOLE video :D
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Ecartts thanks so much, glad you enjoyed :)
Linda Navarro
Linda Navarro - 7 years ago
I. Need. Those. Platies! Beautiful fish!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Linda Navarro thanks for stopping by, glad you enjoyed :)
GeoAquariums - 7 years ago
Beautiful fish, and an awesome fish room.. the ten rack is my favorite
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
GeoAquariums glad you enjoyed, thanks for stopping by :)
EJ Fishes 76
EJ Fishes 76 - 7 years ago
Excellent video, thanks for sharing!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
EJ Fishes 76 glad you enjoyed! Thanks for stopping by!
mhowe9 - 7 years ago
I was able to get some of those platys in beginning of November. Awesome fish.
lousom - 7 years ago
Can anyone recommend a species of Pleco that can be kept in a 15 gallon with some community fish. I have seen some of fish stores but I'm not sure how big they will get. I would rather just get one or two but if I need to get a group I'll do that as long as they have enough space on my tank. I have plants and wood and rock for them to hide under I just don't want to get one that them grows to like 10 inches and is stuck in a tiny tank. If anyone could help that would be great.
SevenFilms - 7 years ago
I'm amazed the fish racists have showed up.
Jeff C
Jeff C - 7 years ago
Those platies are awesome!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Jeff C glad you enjoyed!
HaemessB - 7 years ago
Is that beeping a smoke alarm? Can you please tell him to change the battery? From my time living in an apartment that sound drives me absolutely crazy.
The Bearded Aquarium Kings
The Bearded Aquarium Kings - 7 years ago
reminds me of my old tank setup!! give me a sub plz


B. Trice Moore
B. Trice Moore - 7 years ago
Nice fish room tour I have a gold severm in my 45 gallon community tank and why did he have fishing bobbers in the turtle tank
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
B. Trice Moore thanks for stopping by! Bobbers are for the spawning mops.
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
what is that spawning mop made out of? it's a great idea for my guppies as they have little natural cover for the fry
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
sweet ok thanks!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal you can boil for about 3 min if your concerned; however I personally find no issues. Just takes some time to sink if you don't boil.
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
is there anything that needs to be done to it to make it safe?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal never apologize, glad to help. Thank you so much and hope you find a little Inspiration within your fish keeping endeavors:)
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
ahhh thank you, sorry to be a pain :) i subscribed to your channel too and love your stuff, planning my own air system based on yours
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal just basic yarn yes.
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
so its like a acrylic wool?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal depending upon your location, this would be obtained through most big box retailers and or sewing/fabric store.
UrbanImmortal - 7 years ago
where do i get it from?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
UrbanImmortal 100%acrylic for the spawning mop.
the amphibian and fish channel
the amphibian and fish channel - 7 years ago
I forget the name of te birds on the thumbnail. Its a male and female of the same kind of bird
A.C. Aquatics
A.C. Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great video and awesome video as always. Thanks for sharing.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
A.C. Aquatics thanks for stopping by!
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez - 7 years ago
Hi there, I want to get dwarf puffers and im wanting to know wanting to know whats best to deworm them. Levamisole hydrchloric or praqizuantel?
PLEASE, thanks so much
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez
Caleb Lopez-Sanchez - 7 years ago
Well,in New Zealand it is illegal to sell this and so is impossible to get
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Depends on what kind of internal tapeworms they have. Typically I use general cure.
PeanutButterJsp - 7 years ago
Just a heads up, Meijer has been in Ohio since 1981. Your random fact of the day.
Jeffrey Lei
Jeffrey Lei - 7 years ago
Do you know what kind of rack does he use? Thanks in advance!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much; that means a great deal! I wish you the best on your endeavors. Have FUN with it is key :)
Jeffrey Lei
Jeffrey Lei - 7 years ago
Thank you for the reply! I just found your channel and it is absolutely a gem. I subscribed. I started building my own fishroom couple weeks ago and thank you for your expertise! I might ended up trying the drfostersmith eze titan racks for some of my 40Gs for now since I m not very good at woodwork..
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by! As for the specific rack within the video it is a discontinued item unfortunately; however most big box home improvement stores will carry something of a similar nature. It's all dependent upon what you want to do lay-out wise... Keep in mind the structural integrity and allow the ease of "strapping" to a wall for added safety.
Casey Somers
Casey Somers - 7 years ago
Those platys though
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Casey Somers hehehe thanks so much! Yes, they are stunning :)
rich andy
rich andy - 7 years ago
Good video. I've always liked rainbow cichlids. My first cichlid was a rainbow cichlid back in 1973.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
rich andy thanks so much for stopping by! They are stunning and thank you for being a long-time aquarist :)
Alllik3Butt3r - 7 years ago
I love sergeant tank!!!! great person and soul
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Alllik3Butt3r your too kind :) Thank you so much; that means a great deal!


JK Feather Ranch
JK Feather Ranch - 7 years ago
hahaha I have pot scrubbers floating in one of my tanks
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
JK Feather Ranch thanks for stopping by! Floating them pot scrubbers is what it all about hehehe:)
DaveTheWave - 7 years ago
Representing GR, MI !!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
DaveTheWave yes born and raised in MI! Thanks for stopping by!
Ten Dragons
Ten Dragons - 7 years ago
That's exactly what I do with what I cull. :)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Ten Dragons thanks so much for stopping by!
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Yes they are! Thanks for stopping by :)
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
What causes fires in a fish room? We need a video on THAT!!
Bob Caylor
Bob Caylor - 7 years ago
A very cool fish room. Some great tips. Thanks guys!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed :)
Jason Maslen
Jason Maslen - 7 years ago
G'day Cory, old mate with you looks like an NRL ( National Rugby League ) player here in Australia by the name of "Jack Bird" Almost a spitting image.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by! That must be a good looking dude...hehehe I just looked him up and yeah it's kinda scary :) lol
Eleanor Erikson
Eleanor Erikson - 7 years ago
I just love those beautiful sevrums!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much, glad you enjoyed :)
JsAquaStuff - 7 years ago
Great video great guy !
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
JsAquaStuff thanks so much, glad you enjoyed :)
Dali Vigil
Dali Vigil - 7 years ago
Just placed my first order want to try the fertilizer thanks
Sam Raynor
Sam Raynor - 7 years ago
Freeking genius raising the sponges! Guess i won't be buying a bigger air pump now. Money saved! (Saved to spend on something else fish related) #mts
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
Nice platies! Just curious; does anyone use Roofing Felt under their acrylic tanks? Its thinner and more slip resistant than styrofoam.
Bantam Cichlids
Bantam Cichlids - 7 years ago
Those platties are awesome!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much; glad you enjoyed :)
Grace Foster
Grace Foster - 7 years ago
If you want to keep turtles please use UVB. A lack of UVB is a huge cause of pyramiding.
Wushujimmy Brown
Wushujimmy Brown - 7 years ago
Eclectus parrots!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
LOL yup that about sums it up :)
Wushujimmy Brown
Wushujimmy Brown - 7 years ago
Haha, the grey was finicky, but if you gave him a grape and were five feet away you were still in the splatter zone.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
lol! Let's just say they have an appetite hehehe
Wushujimmy Brown
Wushujimmy Brown - 7 years ago
Do they plaster their food all over the place, or are they pretty tidy eaters?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Yes, they are amazing!
tnnsman7 - 7 years ago
I had no idea he was in my neck of the woods.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by!
CJ and Auntie Yaya
CJ and Auntie Yaya - 7 years ago
Yeah, I've done the elevated air stones/filters for the same reason. Using one airpump for multiple tanks works well and it doesn't cause a problem.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Great minds think alike, hehehe thanks so much for stopping by!
Bonnie B
Bonnie B - 7 years ago
Thanks for giving us a peek at your world, Jeremy  Very nicely done.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed :)
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Dude those platys are slick
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets cool
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for the inquiry. If you go to my YouTube Home Page and under the "About" tab will be a link to our website.
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets do you sell online?
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets yo
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoy :)
Matt B
Matt B - 7 years ago
Can't believe Cory's almost at 100k, I've been around since 10k, recently changed my name and profile picture so I may not be recognized lol
GettysburgBatle - 7 years ago
I been to his store since first year it open I believe...
I can't believe he's this successful now
Joey Bekius
Joey Bekius - 7 years ago
Matt B hi yah I don’t recognize u


Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Always good to see you guys collab. Nice catch on the sponge filters, I like you assumed he didn’t want the fish hiding.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed; thanks for stopping by!
Priscilla MK Art
Priscilla MK Art - 7 years ago
2 minutes in already love it!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad your enjoying!
Glass Boxes
Glass Boxes - 7 years ago
Jeremys one of my favourite YouTubers as a person and a channel thanks for letting us take a tour Jeremy!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Your awesome Joel! You do a great deal of support for the whole community. Love ya brother :) Glad you enjoined!
Matarese28 - 7 years ago
I always thought his logo was a cuttlefish lol
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Speechless lol. Thanks for stopping by :)
Antony Marshall
Antony Marshall - 7 years ago
I wish shops would keep a tank full of mature internal and external filters that they sold to people , it would save the 4 to 6 week wait
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by! It really comes down to the potential for liability exposure. Even with a waiver being signed; unfortunately bad exposure by one individual can ruin great businesses reputation. I do agree it would make things a bit more simplistic.
Michal Wubs
Michal Wubs - 7 years ago
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome fishroom tour of Sergeant Tank Pets!!! Woohoo!!!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Love you Susan! Thanks so much for the support!
Susan for SLC Aquatics
Susan for SLC Aquatics - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets very much do!!! I love you and Katie the kids and Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :)
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Nice fishroom. Got my new Sergeant Tank T-Shirt in the mail a while ago! Very cool. : -) Cory - thanks for bringing us the tour.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you; it means a great deal! Glad you enjoyed :)
The Bearded Aquarium Kings
The Bearded Aquarium Kings - 7 years ago
Great videos as always keep it up
Island Queen
Island Queen - 7 years ago
Awesome fish room tour
I have been waiting to see this video
Thanks so much for sharing
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much :)
Gianluca Cots
Gianluca Cots - 7 years ago
great video what app have you recently been editing with
Piscean Scape
Piscean Scape - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank is GREAT! Awesome fishroom, awesome guy. -KZ
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you so much; that means a great deal! Glad you enjoyed :)
Kyles Wild World
Kyles Wild World - 7 years ago
I'm gonna steal that air pump idea
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Steal away buddy!!! lol and they are awesome!
Scott Nowosielski
Scott Nowosielski - 7 years ago
Great fish room ! What area of Mi are you located?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
I'll keep that in mind. Thanks so much!!!!
Scott Nowosielski
Scott Nowosielski - 7 years ago
If you want some more Front's I have fry 1-2" . I live in Shelby Twp area .
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much! Just outside the Grand Rapids, MI area
Jazmar - 7 years ago
What type of fish is that at 4:14 couldn't catch the name?
noelleonnoelleon - 7 years ago
are those 3 big roseline sharks? (in the first tank)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Unfortunately I do not. Thanks for the inquiry :)
noelleonnoelleon - 7 years ago
do you have any for sale?
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Dawkinsia Filamentosa "Filament Barbs" Thanks so much for stopping by!
v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
Awesome fish room with a lot of interesting info, however I have an ot question IF it's OK. Can anyone advise if it's safe to have a sand substrate in a 20 h tank for 1 male Betta, 3 African Dwarf Frogs and 6 Ghost Shrimp? Thx!
v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
Thx for YOUR reply, Weenie.My question was an open one to anyone willing to take the time to answer.You did. He was probably just quickly scanning through many replies and briefly acknowledging them. No big deal.His video was interesting so I'm glad Cory to have found him through Cory. ;-)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Weenie Hut General lol. My bad, it's been a long week :(

As for the aforementioned question: Yes sand is fine. The advisement I have when it comes to sand is not go to thick to avoid the potential for aerobic and anerobic conditions. I personally enjoy the Quartz Manufactured pool filter sand. With this being said any other questions please feel free to ask. Sorry I must have overlooked the question:(
Weenie Hut General
Weenie Hut General - 7 years ago
For some reason I got a big lough out of this. He didn't answer your question twice and you Thanked him twice LOL but yes sand is okay.
v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
DeFINitely! Thumbs up and subscribed. ;-)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you!
v blackwell
v blackwell - 7 years ago
DeFINitely! Thumbs up and subscribed. ;-)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed! Thanks so much for stopping by :)
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction
Mimi's Aquatic Addiction - 7 years ago
I really really enjoyed this! Thank you!!!!!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :)
CJ Black
CJ Black - 7 years ago
Great video! ! Always learn something useful and new to me. Seeing Jeremy's setup from Cory's point of view is a real treat - Thank you both!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by! Yes, having another perspective is always amazing!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Great Times! Can't wait for the next meet-up. Thanks for sharing :)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Stephen FitzGerald thank you so much; glad you enjoyed :)
Stephen FitzGerald
Stephen FitzGerald - 7 years ago
Really enjoyed your visit with ST, he is a very interesting fish keeper who always takes the time to explain things. Thought the parrots where cool to!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad you enjoyed! Thank You :)
BC Fishroom
BC Fishroom - 7 years ago
Great video!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
That such an honor! Thank you so much; made my day :)
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
This is the best fish room tour so far!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy; that means a lot!
Turbo Fish
Turbo Fish - 7 years ago
Sergeant Tank Pets = awesome
JAWB's Aquarium Tanks
JAWB's Aquarium Tanks - 7 years ago
awesome fish room thank you both for everything you guys do for this hobby
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much buddy!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
Awesome Fish room tour!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy; glad you enjoyed :)
SMK what's next
SMK what's next - 7 years ago
The bob a breeder is not new i was doing it 15 years ago on my killies
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by! Glad to see others utilizing this method :)
bikramddog - 7 years ago
HEY Cory, have you looked into investing in cryptocurrency its gonna explode in 2018, there's a lot of money to be made, i highly recommend doing your own research and not taking advice from a random comment lol, just letting you know how to succeed and prosper look into ethereum and raiden love the vids keep it up my man :)
Down the Worm Hole
Down the Worm Hole - 7 years ago
nice tour! good to know he is holding out haha :P
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for stopping by! And yeah, I tend to hoard a lot of these amazing specimens hehehe
Esteban - 7 years ago
Jeremy is such a cool dude, I think these two aquatic legends make a great combo.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much; that means a great deal!
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
Awesome fish room tour Thanks for sharing
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks buddy for stopping by; glad you enjoyed ;)
JW Collect
JW Collect - 7 years ago
Great fishroom. Don't pull the discus eggs, put a screen around the breeding cone so they can't get to them. Discus eggs are a lot of work to raise, let them eat the slime off the parents. Check out KGTropicals video with Discus Hans, really good video on discus.
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by! Yes, the aforementioned is a great approach! As I've attempted this approach before; it comes down to the fertilization process of the males initiation. Once I focus on spawning them in the future; we'll have to give this method another try :)
Undead - 7 years ago
Those platties are sweet. The strange sponge filter is made by a Chinese brand called Uxcell, you can usually get em on eBay or Amazon
Tyler - 7 years ago
favorite part 7:24 reminds me of james woods on family guy following the trail of candy
Bram Torenvliet
Bram Torenvliet - 7 years ago
Awsome fishroom and Cory is back with the awsome beard
Bram Torenvliet
Bram Torenvliet - 7 years ago
i sure did, you got yourself another sub ;)
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks so much; glad you enjoyed!
kurtr12 - 7 years ago
I think the battery in a smoke detector needs to be changed. Can hear it the whole video.
Kyle Knudsen
Kyle Knudsen - 7 years ago
Looks like you lots of orders coming in Jeremy! :)
Neil Gro
Neil Gro - 7 years ago
Oh my goodness! Those Kobalt mats are genius! I’m definitely doing that to my tank, it’s really good especially if you have high powered LEDs and children, probably don’t want them staring at those. Thank you thank you!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Glad you found the mats of use! Thanks for stopping by :)
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
So good. Thanks for the vid Jimmy, Cory, and Jeremy!
Sergeant Tank Pets
Sergeant Tank Pets - 7 years ago
Thanks for stopping by! Glad you enjoyed :)
Tiger Boss11
Tiger Boss11 - 7 years ago
Do you have any tips on breeding Bala Sharks
Alexander Nia
Alexander Nia - 7 years ago
love these vids but why must they be at 6 in the morning in california
Unlucky - 7 years ago
They're at 6 for him too! ;)
Andrew Klein
Andrew Klein - 7 years ago
Vidhi Kaushik
Vidhi Kaushik - 7 years ago
love all your vedios coryy best youtuber
Galway Girl
Galway Girl - 7 years ago
Kudakwashe Chikwanha
Kudakwashe Chikwanha - 7 years ago
Hi cory

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