Feeding Time in the Corydoras Tank

Watch me feed my Albino Corydoras sinking fish food from New Life Spectrum. You can observe their foraging behavior. :) ------------ Follow Nicolas' Aquariums on: Google+ : https://plus.google.com/b/100277189250568239418/+Nicolasaquariums92/posts Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicolasaquarium Instagram: http://instagram.com/nicolasaquariums

Feeding Time in the Corydoras Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 2

Coridoras 10 years ago 11,912 views

Watch me feed my Albino Corydoras sinking fish food from New Life Spectrum. You can observe their foraging behavior. :) ------------ Follow Nicolas' Aquariums on: Google+ : https://plus.google.com/b/100277189250568239418/+Nicolasaquariums92/posts Twitter: https://twitter.com/nicolasaquarium Instagram: http://instagram.com/nicolasaquariums

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Most popular comments
for Feeding Time in the Corydoras Tank

almz alison
almz alison - 7 years ago
hey boss can we add salt to tank with cory?
BlackHawk - 7 years ago
What if bushy plant is that to the right of your tank ? I love it !
Yoonmi Kim
Yoonmi Kim - 7 years ago
Looks like Water Wisteria. Grows fast, easy to propagate, easy to grow.
Ashley Applebottom
Ashley Applebottom - 7 years ago
I see no aeration or water movement! Corys need water flow, a mild current to mimic the water flow in their natural habitat....yeah u got the natural plants but u need to have that water rockin. They enjoy that!
Ashley Applebottom
Ashley Applebottom - 7 years ago
Great video! Very well done! Best video I've seen produced by any YouTuber on Cory feeding. I feed my 9 Corys Hikari Sinking Wafers, Hikari frozen bloodworms, Hikari Baby brine shrimp, and NLS H2O Stable Wafers. I have 5 Panda Corys, 2 Sterbai Corys, and 2 Albino Corys. The Albinos do def act more spastic than the other species in count of the fact that they are born 100% blind. While other species are born only partially blind. Either way, all Corys have terrible vision. Your Albinos look very healthy and seem very happy! Nice job
Angelica B
Angelica B - 7 years ago
I have albino corys about one inch small , can be ok to treat them with prazzipro ? my three spot gourami showing sign of parasites , he spits food and seating a lot at the bottom of tank .I don't want to harm my albino corys if i use prazzipro.
adam maharjan
adam maharjan - 7 years ago
can this cory cat fish jump out of the tank???
KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
How many gallons
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 7 years ago
you sound gay
Tigrzl - 7 years ago
rather be a happy gay than a depressed straight one
Fabouls - 7 years ago
You are both true and wrong. Sadly the society in which we are living nowadays, saying that someone sound gay shouldn't be offensive at all, rather like a compliment, as gay people are often joyous :)
OpticsVision - 7 years ago
The truth hurts if it's meant to be hurtful. You said something random and inappropriate. I don't walk up to someone and tell them they sound heterosexual. Be respectful and nice once in a while.
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 7 years ago
OpticsVision The Boss you never answered my question... DOES THE TRUTH HURT???
OpticsVision - 7 years ago
It's a stereotype meant to hurt another, keep your opinions to yourself.
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 7 years ago
OpticsVision The Boss but its true... does the truth hurt???
OpticsVision - 7 years ago
paiton wilson
What does that have to do at all with this video? It's completely unnecessary.
paiton wilson
paiton wilson - 7 years ago
i meant like happy gay not like an insult b/c i like to watch your videos and see someone who sounds so happy to do what they do
a l
a l - 8 years ago
nice aquarium and fish. Looks like you are using kinda coarse gravel, the gravel must have soft edges and not be bigger then 2mm. The Corys should be able to sift the sand with their mouths. to sharp edges on the sand will damage their barbels

10. comment for Feeding Time in the Corydoras Tank

nicole - 8 years ago
beautiful corys! what substrate do you use?
Mr. Piggly
Mr. Piggly - 7 years ago
nicole e
Alicia c
Alicia c - 8 years ago
nicole it looks like he's using what I use black sand substrate by National Geographic
Lee Yang
Lee Yang - 8 years ago
and also what substrate u used?
Lee Yang
Lee Yang - 8 years ago
can i know the dimensions of the tanks?
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 10 years ago
Your water is so clear it doesn't look like you have any in the tank
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 8 years ago
+Kathy H he probably wasn't acclimated
Kathy H
Kathy H - 8 years ago
AquaLady 420 you'd be surprised! My family inherited a old ass goldfish from my mom's coworker (we assume, because while he was definitely a goldfish this guy was massive and he had some impressive fins) that had lived in untreated tapwater for most of his life. I swear that this poor thing went into shock from being put into clean water, because he barely lasted a week or two after that.

Granted, we were keeping him in a large vase until we could find a decently priced tank on Craigslist but still
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
17 fish that I rescued :) My next video will go into detail. :)
AquaLady 420
AquaLady 420 - 10 years ago
Oh dang. What can live in that?
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
I'm trying to get the 55 I just bought to look this good. The lady that owned it hadn't gravel vacuumed in months. Ammonia and Nitrites were off the chart.
Aarons Aquarium
Aarons Aquarium - 10 years ago
Well don't change anything you are doing because it looks like you have everything locked down.
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
I work so hard to keep it that way :) I try to do 2 water changes a week. Around 20% each time.
Nicolas' Aquariums
Nicolas' Aquariums - 10 years ago
Check out my new video!

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The "Feeding Time in the Corydoras Tank" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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