How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

The albino cory cat is an amazing addition to any south american aquarium. The cory cats like to school in a group of six or more. These cat fish come from the amazon river and tributaries. water temperature should be in the mid to high 70's. The most important feature of a cory cat are its barbs or whiskers. They use their barbs to shift through the substrate to find uneaten food. Because their barbs are fragile it is well advised to use sand that won't change the ph for the bottom that way these fish do no scratch their bellies or damage their whiskers. To breed the cory cat you want to do a water change about 20-25% with slightly colder water just by a few degrees. This mimics the rains in south america and it triggers the cory cats to spawn. every now and then you will see the little cory cats come up to the surface to gulp air.

How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Coridoras 10 years ago 41,199 views

The albino cory cat is an amazing addition to any south american aquarium. The cory cats like to school in a group of six or more. These cat fish come from the amazon river and tributaries. water temperature should be in the mid to high 70's. The most important feature of a cory cat are its barbs or whiskers. They use their barbs to shift through the substrate to find uneaten food. Because their barbs are fragile it is well advised to use sand that won't change the ph for the bottom that way these fish do no scratch their bellies or damage their whiskers. To breed the cory cat you want to do a water change about 20-25% with slightly colder water just by a few degrees. This mimics the rains in south america and it triggers the cory cats to spawn. every now and then you will see the little cory cats come up to the surface to gulp air.

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Most popular comments
for How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

Neve The Ray
Neve The Ray - 7 years ago
All 3 of mine died
Tony Soprano
Tony Soprano - 7 years ago
Just picked up 3 really small ones i plan on getting 6 more
ST0RM - 7 years ago
I got my Corys with my goldfish (yes I know goldfish aren't tropical) there is no heater but the water never goes below 70 degrees you said 72 degrees mine stays at 70 does that matter with the corys
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
Rain cools down the water in their natural habitat triggering spawning behaviour, which can be simulated in the aquarium by performing a water change with cooler water. There are a number of sources suggesting that reducing the temperature down to 16°C/61°F (with a water change) will encourage breeding. Providing the fish seem happy, I doubt that maintaining 22°C/72°F is really that important.
ST0RM - 7 years ago
Makayla Maxheimer ok thank you because they look like they are happy I was worried that it would hurt them
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Within two degrees fluctuation is usually good I would say, but keep an eye on the fish just in case they end up needing a boost in temperature.
Mary Morin
Mary Morin - 7 years ago
that tank is disgusting very dirty why????
David Carter
David Carter - 7 years ago
I love the title

Tandre Kitchens
Tandre Kitchens - 7 years ago
I love these u can get this at the New Walmart for 5$ and some cents
Qd Nguyen
Qd Nguyen - 7 years ago
I have mine in a 37 gallon.
Lyndon Durgan
Lyndon Durgan - 7 years ago
Wrong!!! The first thing I noticed is that you have gravel. They need sand.
Julien Hill
Julien Hill - 7 years ago
Hey so I have a new tank with 5 new corydoras. My question is it OK to have gravel for them or is this dangerous. The gravel bits are medium size and relatively smooth, so am I good on my choice of substrate?
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Sand is preferable, but as long as you're careful gravel should work...if you end up seeing that your corys are having a hard time getting to food or they are sucking up the gravel bits by accident, I suggest switching to sand. It's a bit of a hassle during clean up time but it's much safer for corys. If you want, I suggest looking up the pros and cons of both substrates and compare the size of a corys mouth to one of the gravel pieces. Some research usually goes a long way in understanding fish husbandry better! good luck with the tank!

10. comment for How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

Soyy - 7 years ago
I love it when they come up for a sip of air it's kinda funny
Toby_1122 - 7 years ago
How many of these could I put in a 20 gallon?
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Usually five is best to go with at first. They like to move around and explore a lot, so the fish will need a lot of room.
Ae.Supreme - 7 years ago
One of mine got some dirt in its gill and died how do I prevent this?
Srividya Sadasivam
Srividya Sadasivam - 7 years ago
Does this aply to just albino or all Cory cats
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
As far as I can tell, it applies to all cory cats, but do a little bit of extra research on the type you're looking for if you're interested!
Nailea Campa
Nailea Campa - 7 years ago
where can you buy those?
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Sometimes they can be found in pet stores, but if you can't find them there then you should look online for refutable sites! I highly suggest
Marlon Quintana-Nieto
Marlon Quintana-Nieto - 7 years ago
How do I get my Corys to eat???
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 7 years ago
give them some sinking wafers
KaijuCinema - 7 years ago
Would a couple in a 10 gallon (two foot long) tank work
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
No, you need to have at least five together at a time and they should be housed in a twenty gallon tank.
RomansoljaYT RomansoljaYT
RomansoljaYT RomansoljaYT - 8 years ago
Mine turned white and died -_-
RomansoljaYT RomansoljaYT
RomansoljaYT RomansoljaYT - 8 years ago
And before he just fell and landed on his back and he was still alive
3llie n0rdquist
3llie n0rdquist - 8 years ago
Will three of these go well in a 15 gallon with a Betta and 6 neon tetras??
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
I agree with Shekina-- corys are schooling fish that need a tank long enough to be in pairs of five or more, so twenty gallon is the way to go. They should do fine with bettas as long as you watch out for potential nipping.
Shekina Shalom
Shekina Shalom - 7 years ago
corys need at least 20 gallon long
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
yeah but i'd be cautious with a betta and neons....i've done several times, but sometimes the betta can pick on them
Raphael Villarruel
Raphael Villarruel - 8 years ago
can I put Cory cat fish in my 65 gallon gold fish aquarium, I have 4 gold fish, I really need some bottom feeders, if not can you recommend me any bottom feeders, thank you in advance
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
This should work really well, actually! That's a great size for both the corys and the goldfish.
DPineAppleSquad - 8 years ago
Raphael Villarruel hell yeah,they do well with any fish except predator fish

20. comment for How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
Is black crystel grain rocks good for the cory cats? i got one today for my tropical tank and hes going well and shoveling in it and eating?
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Irregularly shaped gravel is not usually recommended for corys, but if your fish seems okay for now it should be good. If possible, I suggest using a sand instead!
XJustice Leaguex
XJustice Leaguex - 8 years ago
I hardly knew they liked beeing together today i baought 1 of them for my tropical tank and its still eating and stuff bt its goign really speedy aroudn the tank then whe i open the lid it swims over under where the lid is and waits ; o
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
I suggest getting more than just one-- they are schooling fish and do best when housed in groups of five, with a twenty gallon tank. But that sounds really adorable! Corys are pretty interactive for bottom feeders.
YKLB Fish - 8 years ago
Does this work for sterbais exactly? Cause I have 5 in a 50 long with sand and live plants and as soon as I put in flakes my Corys ate em
Samantha - 8 years ago
Will my to corys mate I DONT WANT THEM TO UGH LOL
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
cory cats only spawn when the temp goes down   in the wild if there is a cold front it triggers spawning, good luck, and stay tuned
Rainbow Mustachio
Rainbow Mustachio - 8 years ago
Do Cory Catfish Have Barbs That Sting?
BUTTER - 7 years ago
Well like a catfish if you threaten it or it feels threatened it will use its front....katana things and pirce skin but there is an extremely small possibility because there sooooooo friendly

Btw mine died today if you have any answers why he/she died plz tell me
Eden's Aquaponics
Eden's Aquaponics - 7 years ago
They definitely have a toxin that they can release into the water (quantity and quality varies by species and age), but I'm not entirely certain whether they have barbs.
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
Well, actually, some types of catfish do have barbs that sting-- but I do not believe cory doras are of this group. Do some extra research to be certain, though!
Zombie1933 - 7 years ago
Gio Rizzo lol
yung chalupa
yung chalupa - 7 years ago
its a catfish not a sting ray
yung chalupa
yung chalupa - 7 years ago
Rainbow Mustachio nigga
The JL Network
The JL Network - 8 years ago
Can Cory cats live with fan tails?
Srividya Sadasivam
Srividya Sadasivam - 7 years ago
Yes but you shuld have soft substrate and a higher temperature 75 to 78
Emily No
Emily No - 8 years ago
I recommend using sand though...but seeing the amazing state of your cat's barbels, I begin to wonder.
Jupiter Stars
Jupiter Stars - 8 years ago
They are so cute!
Rahne Aeon
Rahne Aeon - 8 years ago
yes, your cory barbs look good....
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
I have 4 albino, 8 bronze, and one peppered adult with 2 tiny peppered ones in my large 4ft tank. Plenty of plants (java moss and plastic plants) with driftwood and an ornamental bridge to play on and a sifted sand bottom. I'm thinking of shifting my 2 bettas to the big tank (they don't fight, they're just not the fighting type, even with my guppies!)

30. comment for How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

SavvySteak - 8 years ago
Looks like i will need another one =)
Just bought one today but if they do well with friends. May as well get him one.
Bass N Boy
Bass N Boy - 8 years ago
how often do you need to clean the tank
i am a beginner (in case you couldnt tell
Bass N Boy
Bass N Boy - 8 years ago
ok thanks
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 8 years ago
+Guitar rock man this sunday will be the second part of my "my first aquarium" series i think it will help you a lot i would take out 10 percent weekly
Jimbo Jack
Jimbo Jack - 9 years ago
can u have them in a 10 gallion
Isabella Harper
Isabella Harper - 9 years ago
What kind of fish was that black fish on the top?
NakedTraction - 9 years ago
What would be good tankmates for say 6 peppered cory cats in a 55 gallon?
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 9 years ago
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 9 years ago
That's a good amount. I believe the cries will eat any shrimp eggs so if you ever feel like your cories aren't getting fed from competition that's a plus
NakedTraction - 9 years ago
+Javier Gomez Getting 20 cherry shrimp tomorrow. 
Javier Gomez
Javier Gomez - 9 years ago
try neons, danios, minnows, platies, even ghost shrimps
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+NakedTraction in all honesty anything that won't eat it will be a good tank mate
Keanu's Aqua life
Keanu's Aqua life - 9 years ago
Hi dude, I'm wondering. Can they live in a planted tank with a betta fish? I'm planning to redesign my 20 liter tank in a full planted tank with a betta, 5 neon tetras and 2 albino corydoras.
Jason Dunbar
Jason Dunbar - 8 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World I only have 3 Cory's and one beta in a 10 gallon and so far they are doing great but it's only been a month. I use a over the top filter though and notice they do seem to like "play" in the current or bubbles created by it by swimming up and down in it. they never go all the way to the surface but is that them still trying to get more oxygen being closer to filter? or Are the just playing?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Keith Kim yeah you're right i miss read that as 20 gallons, everything keith said is right they do like to school i'd get at least a 15 long, 20 gallon long for 6 cory cats and a couple of tetras and a betta
Keith Kim
Keith Kim - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World no it won't, 20 liters is way to small and also only thrive in groups of at least 6
Cameron Dale
Cameron Dale - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World is a pump necessary or do they go well without one
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Keanu Delamper that'll work just fine
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
why is my catfish just lay on the bottom and don't move?(alive)
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
The bigger the tank, the better for all the fish. My corys do sleep at the bottom or 'hidden' next to some plants, but as they're in a largish school, I'm not all that worried about the odd sleeper.
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
Those can get pretty big, I'd say get a ten gallon tank. Then you could add a small school of midwater fish like neons. I find Bettas are more active if they have some non-threatening companions to act as dither fish.
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
i have bronze cory
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
A lot depends on what species of cory you have. Some Corys are quite small, others much larger. I would suggest getting in touch with Rachel O'Leary, she has a you tube channel and specialises in small fish and shrimp. Personally, I would say at least a 5 1/2 gallon tank, but I couldn't say how many Corys you can keep in it. If you can get Corydoras pygmaeus, you might keep as many as five along with your betta.
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
i also have a beta.what is the recommended size of tank should two cory and a betta have?
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
Maybe it's lonely. Try giving it some company. Corys are schooling fish. I only have two, but they are always together, clowning around.
Gordon Qi
Gordon Qi - 9 years ago
oh thanks but my is a cory
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
+Gordon Qi Is it a cory?  Corys are usually quite active, but many other genera, like plecostomus, are very sedentary and seldom move around.
Watermelon217 - 9 years ago
I'm getting one this Saturday or Sunday and I was wondering can they be alone with a Betta?:)Or at least how much Corys do I need so they they won't feel lonely!?:D And thanks!
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
I have two, and they seem happy enough, but more would probably be better. They're not expensive, so get as many as your tank can handle. Bettas don't eat too much, so the Corys can clean up the food the betta misses. Just make sure you have a big enough tank. Two Corys and a betta should have at least a 5 1/2 gallon tank.
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
no problem
Watermelon217 - 9 years ago
+Wayne's Fish World ok thanks!☺️I'll try to get three or if I get 1 I'll save money to get more!:)Thank you very much!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Watermelon217 they love to be in schools, get at least three i would like to see a school of six
packisbetter90 - 9 years ago
Still my favorite bottom feeder ever. I've kept fish for years and still the best and they are very hardy and can live for a long time
Will Calvert
Will Calvert - 9 years ago
Love these fish, I got six albino cory's
Golden State Warriors Fan
Golden State Warriors Fan - 9 years ago
I have a 20 gallon long with a pair of GBR  and 5  neon tetras  and 1  albino cory cat  how many cory cat can be added to a 20 gallon long
Jim Jobes
Jim Jobes - 9 years ago
Wow you say your a expert you should look into cleaning that tank it's filthy
Cristian Ocampo
Cristian Ocampo - 7 years ago
Wayne's fish world , do u have a Facebook or email I can private talk to u , let me know thanks
Tony Soprano
Tony Soprano - 7 years ago
Wayne's Fish World you deaded this guy hardcore
Makayla Maxheimer
Makayla Maxheimer - 7 years ago
If you want a way to be able to help keep that tank free of algae, I highly recommend some amano shrimp or snails that eat that type of algae! From what I have seen of amano shrimp, they are excellent at cleaning algae and would do great in a tank with corys.
Srividya Sadasivam
Srividya Sadasivam - 7 years ago
sagrath1982 - 8 years ago
Wayne's Fish World well algae isn't a good sign of a healthy aquarium, and nature do its thing by cleaning it self with flow and many factors, aquariums are way too different than nature, discus in the wild live in filthy waters but can't have discus in a filthy aquarium
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 9 years ago
+Jim Jobes so if a master plumber has a leak in his drain lines he is not a master plumber, lesson of the day for you, you can have a chemistry clean tank and it can be unpleasing to the eye. you can have crystal clear water filled with nature......the bottom of the river isn't spot less, there are dead fish ditrius organic build up etc
justin Beaudry
justin Beaudry - 9 years ago
I don't know if you will read this but I just got a Cory cat and he is not very movey he just sits there and sometimes he will go to the surface and just float I think it's just because he is nervous or just kinda stressed because it is his first day in the tank?
nathan perlman
nathan perlman - 9 years ago
ok, but if you can keep them in groups, coz its just nice to look at aswell, and sorry for your loss m8.
justin Beaudry
justin Beaudry - 9 years ago
+nathan perlman I did get another one and he swims a lot now and they are happy but the on that was floating died I don't know why but the new one still swims a lot and he is happy
nathan perlman
nathan perlman - 9 years ago
+justin Beaudry he may be lonely you should probs get more.
Dylan Gibson
Dylan Gibson - 9 years ago
I had completely redesigned my 15 gallon about two weeks ago from blue rocky gravel with fake plants and caves to a live planted tank with river rocks and a nice chunk of driftwood with some nice coral sand substrate, and the fish love it. I have five neon tetras and two albino Cory catfish.
The catfish dig their heads in the sand from time to time. Very adorable. They all seem really happy.
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
Coral sand with neons and Corys? Coral sand is pure limestone. Your water will become very hard. Neons and Corys are soft water fish. They can adapt to pretty hard water, but that might be too much.
Jet K
Jet K - 9 years ago
I got a question, I just introduced albino corries into my tank. First day they were okay and relaxed but on 2nd day, started to become hyper active. They kept swimming up and down. Is that normal?
yuri droog
yuri droog - 7 years ago
Jet K they also could be a bit blind and discover the new area/ aquarium they are in. Albino species do have a higher possibillity to be blind.
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
Hyperactive is a good word to describe normal Cory behavior, especially at feeding time. Up and down swimming is also common. When they are excited, they often run up to the surface, grab a bite of air, then dive down to the bottom to hunt food. After a minute or so, you'll see them release the air bubbles.
Fong Fang
Fong Fang - 9 years ago
+Jet K my albino cory did the same after picking up a 29gal biocube for their new home. their old home was only a 10gal tank from walmart. at first they kinda swim to the bottom and hid from me for at least an hour and when i came back they was swimming crazy all over the glass and all over the places. how i see it imo is that they probably love their new home. =)
Samo & Cow
Samo & Cow - 9 years ago
Always welcome ;)
Jet K
Jet K - 9 years ago
Seems like they have settled. And they are normal. Just that I disturbed lols. Thanks man.. I will monitor and see. These guys are really cute in the way they reacted. I assume that they were like house keeping the tank surface by going up and down.
Samo & Cow
Samo & Cow - 9 years ago
+Samo & Cow How ever You should do some research just in case. Are they swimming at an alarmingly fast rate or just fairly fast, or not even fast at all?
Samo & Cow
Samo & Cow - 9 years ago
It should be fine, either they are going up for a breath of air (cories can breath air using their swimbladder as a primitive lung) or they are glass surfing, this commonly happens with new fish, and in a couple days they will probably stop. Every fish i've had has done this.
Good luck :)
Young420Reckless - 10 years ago
why does you fish tank look like crap
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
+nerpple jr  SIMPLE I LET IT GO
Jeremy Chua
Jeremy Chua - 10 years ago
Can I mix albino Cory with neon tetra /guppy?
Emmit Stewart
Emmit Stewart - 9 years ago
Yes. I have guppies, neons, Corys, zebra Danios, and emerald dwarf rasboras together and they get along fine. Corys don't bother other fish, and have the weaponry to defend themselves against any aggressor. P S, don't try to handle Corys with your bare hands. They can cut you.
Katie Medvecka
Katie Medvecka - 9 years ago
yes, i have mi cory with neontetras and they are fine
Robert Sorrentino
Robert Sorrentino - 10 years ago
What's the appropriate water parameters for these? You said temp what about ph and alkalinity? Good vid
Anthony Marraccini
Anthony Marraccini - 10 years ago
Hey guys. So I have a 55g tropical  freshwater aquarium, and I need help adding fish to it. Here is what I currently have:
2 small bala sharks
3 small silver dollars
2 zebra danios
1 pleco

What fish do you recommend I add?
Caren Hall
Caren Hall - 8 years ago
Sharks are slow growers, they're also bottom feeders. I suggest tetras because they're mid to surface fish, and they school and have the speed to avoid most attacks. maybe 10 tetras?
Quin Sedge
Quin Sedge - 9 years ago
My uncle has two bala Sharks, I picked them out
Raymond Camacho
Raymond Camacho - 10 years ago
Add tiger oscar
Martin Alberto Gamino
Martin Alberto Gamino - 10 years ago
Would be really cool if you include how to breed the species you are presenting in the future;
Great video and nice Corys

50. comment for How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

auhsyl bully
auhsyl bully - 10 years ago
Jason Stroman
Jason Stroman - 10 years ago
Over time that gravel will do much more harm then good. Love Corry cats
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
Corys are great community fish. Who doesn't like corys?
NickMach007 - 10 years ago
+Aquagenome  Agreed. They are very cool. Their behaviors are very interesting. Great fish to have in a community tank. 
Aquagenome - 10 years ago
I like them, they are interesting to look at!
amthebadman - 10 years ago
Is that algae :o
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
yupe i'll get it to go away don't worry
almcloud - 10 years ago
Cool cories!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
thanks a lot buddy
auhsyl bully
auhsyl bully - 10 years ago
Hey what if I have a variety of cory cats together? Is that bad?
auhsyl bully
auhsyl bully - 10 years ago
Awesome! *
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
NO THATS FINE :) it won't hurt
Umar Nasir
Umar Nasir - 10 years ago
holy shit algae, happened to your tank?
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
to make it simple, lack of time, i will explain in the future
MrSnuggs - 10 years ago
I love corys but mine (green/bronze?) are super shy and wont come out during the day and if they see me they would go into hiding
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
i believe cory cats are nocturnal or some species are, i could be wrong about that
shizdank - 10 years ago
i have 6 different sp. of corydoras including some super rare schultzei blacks and some massive 3" wild caught super schwartzi, about 50 fish total. all in a 30g mr. aqua short cube.

i dig catfish!
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
yupe you gotta love the cory cats brother
Martin Alberto Gamino
Martin Alberto Gamino - 10 years ago
I have 3 different kind in my 40 long, 4 albino, 3 emerald and 6 panda and they DO school together.
Ruben - 10 years ago
I have three Cory cats and they are a blast to have in the aquarium. Most of the time they're moving around the bottom of the tank. I like feeding them Shrimp Pellets Formula great fish food for bottom feeders. Scientifically-developed formula ideal for catfish, plecostomus and loaches. 
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
yupe i think any tank can exceed ones hopes with cory cats
Silentwisher - 10 years ago
I love Cory Cats <3 <3
Silentwisher - 10 years ago
fw? And I have 7 of them. They are so neat. They all have their own personality. 
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
yupe i think everyone does dude if you have cory cats you don't need fw haha
Trey Hensley
Trey Hensley - 10 years ago
I have two Corydoras schwartzi, I went back to my LFS to get a few more of the same Species and they were all gone.  I haven't seen any again since.  I have heard that they wont school with different species, but I've also heard they will.  whats your experience on this?
Trey Hensley
Trey Hensley - 10 years ago
Thanks, My Lfs has been a huge disappointment. Your videos help alot though! I'm gonna make a short video of my tanks today. 
Wayne's Fish World
Wayne's Fish World - 10 years ago
i've seen it also ask your lfs do they special order fish, when i want a fish my lfs doesn't have they can get it

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About How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats

The "How to Care Guide: Albino Cory Cats" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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