How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

Thank you so much to Eric and Cataclysm for letting us record this so we could all share it with you. Please consider attending the next Cataclysm so you can see all of the amazing talks. Also contact Eric at to book him to speak at your local club. Our Second Channel: Our Website: Support us on Patreon:

How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 21

Coridoras 7 years ago 26,531 views

Thank you so much to Eric and Cataclysm for letting us record this so we could all share it with you. Please consider attending the next Cataclysm so you can see all of the amazing talks. Also contact Eric at to book him to speak at your local club. Our Second Channel: Our Website: Support us on Patreon:

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Most popular comments
for How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

MR Oz - 7 years ago
Wow, what a comprehensive video. Thanks for sharing!
Jack Marriott
Jack Marriott - 7 years ago
Holy shit he sounds like Tom Hanks
Alex Gehtdinixo
Alex Gehtdinixo - 7 years ago
Such a nice video. Very good!
bigdreams - 7 years ago
Awesome video, great info! Thanks for making this available to us.
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 7 years ago
Luis Rafael Santos Colón
Luis Rafael Santos Colón - 7 years ago
what cory is the one fron the video thumnail or thubnail?? name?? Thanx great info.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Luis Rafael Santos Colón CW049
Humphrey Bear
Humphrey Bear - 7 years ago
Thanks for recording and posting this, and thanks to Eric. Awesome.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
Kudos for getting all these experts on film - the aquarium hobby is better for it.
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 7 years ago
Is it easy to breed dwarf cories (any 3 types)
Kodiak Bear
Kodiak Bear - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op small as in micro worms small or grindal, and should I only feed live when breeding or can I use pellets also?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Hastatus, pygmeus, and habrosus are colony breeders so if you only have them in the tank and feed small foods with lots of cover you can make more pretty easily.

10. comment for How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

Vijendra Suryawanshi
Vijendra Suryawanshi - 7 years ago
Some really great info here, "Be the fish" is what I liked the most, I am from India and mostly try to breed Indian natives, now after seeing this awesome info, will surely try my hands on breeding cories....
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
Thank you Eric and thank you Cory and Jimmy for filming and Cataclysm for the great talk!
bebebutterfield1 - 7 years ago
Great vid and Thanx Cory!
OregonOutdoorsChris - 7 years ago
Oh wow! I feel like I just had my brain filled up with the most amazing info. I'm going to have to watch this again another time or two to make sure I actually caught it all.

Thank you Eric, the Aquarium Co-Op team, and everyone else involved!
Charlie Bright
Charlie Bright - 7 years ago
Thanks so much for recording this. Eric is a great one and I only know about him because of your you tube work...Give both of you an A+!!!!!!!
Senan Farrell
Senan Farrell - 7 years ago
Thanks for filming this. Really good info. Too bad he had to rush through the last part, he has alot of good info to share. I wish I saw this last week. I collected 100 sterbai eggs and lost so many because I didn't separate each egg and I put them all into one container
Michael Tette
Michael Tette - 7 years ago
awesome Eric! great ideas.
GregN - 7 years ago
Thanks for Sharing that, so awesome to see. :)
james holloran
james holloran - 7 years ago
I guess I got lucky.. I put mine in the tank and fed them. Add cold water during wc's...bam. Spawning
Ama Teur
Ama Teur - 7 years ago
Thank you Cory for posting and to Eric for providing a great talk on the Corydoras...can't wait for the next one.

20. comment for How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

chuck - 7 years ago
I could listen to Eric talk for days I think. Thanks for the opportunity.
jason vallance
jason vallance - 7 years ago
thank you Cory for bringing good info from ppl who have done it properly , this is a very valuable resource..awesome
Martin k
Martin k - 7 years ago
My corys devour tubifex cubes , great fish to keep
A.C. Aquatics
A.C. Aquatics - 7 years ago
Wow that was by far the most educational video I've ever seen. What a wealth of knowledge and experience. Thank you so much for sharing.
Backyard Aquatics
Backyard Aquatics - 7 years ago
Just make me wish we could've made it even more...
OrandaChildren - 7 years ago
Great presentation!
GIBSONDEE - 7 years ago
My cory's breed constantly with no special care, found baby's in my filter even that have survived! I've got a 800l community at the min but upgraded from a 200l that they bred in even more prolifically though completely by accident. On a side note I have pandas and albino corys but only the pandas breed constantly the albinos much more rarely and there fry do dot survive
Aussie Fish Keeper
Aussie Fish Keeper - 7 years ago
Very informative video
Goran Paunovic
Goran Paunovic - 7 years ago
Guppies whatever?! Haters gonna hate. Delete this video this instant ;)
Lots of info! Thanks for sharing
jane tanked
jane tanked - 7 years ago
Thank you so much for sharing this great presentation with us.

30. comment for How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

Issac Fruiton
Issac Fruiton - 7 years ago
Is the mop he using just from a regular mop?
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome vid! Awesome info! Awesome guy!
marcus telepneff
marcus telepneff - 7 years ago
Awesome vid dude! Totally awsome man.
Allison Behringer
Allison Behringer - 7 years ago
This was SO great! Thank you, thank you!!
mike wall
mike wall - 7 years ago
So much info it's like drinking from a water hose. It will take a few listens to Download for sure.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
One of the reasons we love to film, cause you can't take it all in, in one go in person either.
Quentin Fogal
Quentin Fogal - 7 years ago
Thanks for filming Cory. What a great talk. Direct accurate experienced info can be hard to come by. I sure do appreciate all your hard work.
Matt Cali
Matt Cali - 7 years ago
Wow! This is so awesome! Thank you to Eric and aquarium coop for this!
Asnl45 - 7 years ago
Amazing Knowledge, thank you for sharing.
Fernando Fonseca
Fernando Fonseca - 7 years ago
This is extremely helpful! Thanks
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
I wish when I was a kid all I was fed was pepperoni pizza! this guy is a living legend all jokes aside!
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
So much great info I watched it twice Thanks so much for sharing this with everyone
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Thanks, lots of good info for anyone wanting to start playing with corydoras ;)
Kristian Aasen
Kristian Aasen - 7 years ago
Rookie here, can you keep different types of Corys together? Or is it better to keep a group of one kind?
Kristian Aasen
Kristian Aasen - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
It's better to keep one kind until you have at least 8 or 10 or so, then mixing can happen. Be careful though if you're breeding as they can cross breed.
Jason Langdon
Jason Langdon - 7 years ago
My battle is always the fungus that gets on the eggs day 3.
Jason Langdon
Jason Langdon - 7 years ago
I havent watched the video yet. Im at work. Will watch later.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
As Eric was saying, sounds like changing pH might help.
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
I swear I could listen to Eric talk all day. He's so entertaining, knowledgeable and you can tell he really really loves this hobby.
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Awesome! I'm looking forward to it. I watched this whole thing and learned a lot to try and breed my corys. Thanks for all the great videos and knowledge as well Cory
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
You're in luck, there is another talk by him we were able to record. We'll release that down the road at some point.
Stephen FitzGerald
Stephen FitzGerald - 7 years ago
Thanks for posting this great presentation.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Thanks for watching ;)
Thomas Fishing
Thomas Fishing - 7 years ago
Thanks a lot Eric, you've been a great source of information for me. Not only the corydoras, but also the pleco's you breed are incredible. I'll set up some more tanks and might contact you later. Cheers!
Fish For Thought
Fish For Thought - 7 years ago
Awesome. Really considering breeding these guys in my neon tank.
Naicly Media
Naicly Media - 7 years ago
I must be the only unsuccessful cory breeder
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
What Awesome info Thanks for sharing this with us
mark frain
mark frain - 7 years ago
great talk loads of good info good vid cory thanks fear the beard
Shelley G.
Shelley G. - 7 years ago
That was priceless!!!

50. comment for How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017

David Ingram
David Ingram - 7 years ago
I just wanted to say thank you to Eric.
Unfortunately too many breeders and keepers are not as free with their expertise.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
So much awesome info!! And now I just want to set up a rack of tanks and buy a school of adolfoi cories!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Me too!
Matthew Gootman
Matthew Gootman - 7 years ago
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
there are fish folk and then there are fish masters, Eric is a fish master, thx so much for this fantastic knowledge download!!!
Tanner Moore
Tanner Moore - 7 years ago
kinda like my father in law and I are master Bee keepers lol
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
He has definitely done a lot in his fish career.
Dila Keller
Dila Keller - 7 years ago
Is this the guy who has the confederate flag hanging up in his fish room! ?
David Cliff
David Cliff - 7 years ago
Let's try to focus on the hobby and keep your political views out of this.
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
Dila Keller nope
OG`s Fishroom
OG`s Fishroom - 7 years ago
Dila Keller No that's big Joe's
Iryniepoo - 7 years ago
Does anyone know the guy he mentioned, Mark Silverman? I heard aquarium store and new york so I was curious.
MsInchworm - 7 years ago
I don't know Mark Soberman's  email, but you could probably find out from the people at the Long Island Aquarium Society :   I've attended several of his presentations there. Please tell them that Inchworm said, "Hi!"
Mike Simmons
Mike Simmons - 7 years ago
Yes! Awesome timing, thanks for this!!!
Ganod Gantushig
Ganod Gantushig - 7 years ago
How to attain my tank to be like(maintenance free) of the Ocean Aquariums in San Francisco?
The Turtle Girl
The Turtle Girl - 7 years ago
Y'all better go grab some tacos and sit down, relax, and watch this whole hour of awesomeness!
Cichlids 5 Aquatics
Cichlids 5 Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Turtle Girl yes
Everything Betta
Everything Betta - 7 years ago
PsychedelicBabe - 7 years ago
When I bred my sterbai corys I used to do a cold water change and then I’d higher the interior filter so it looked like it was raining ☔️ worked a treat for me
Taylor Hight
Taylor Hight - 7 years ago
PsychedelicBabe i
Jules B
Jules B - 7 years ago
That's exactly how mine spawned. Every water changed the temperature enough to simulate rainfall.
CaptainFish NL
CaptainFish NL - 7 years ago
They are cool! You have to take in mind that pandas only lay 6 to 10 eggs where most others lay way more at once. But breed them if you enjoy them its a cool fish
VINCE Mirenda
VINCE Mirenda - 7 years ago
PsychedelicBabe how did you enjoy breeding cories and why did you stop? Were you able to sell them to your LFS? I was thinking of breeding panda cories. What are your thoughts?
Outdoor Survival
Outdoor Survival - 7 years ago
Outdoor Survival
Outdoor Survival - 7 years ago
Tijmen Lemuel lol
Tijmen Lemuel
Tijmen Lemuel - 7 years ago
Outdoor Survival just too late
Tijmen Lemuel
Tijmen Lemuel - 7 years ago
Outdoor Survival haha

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The "How to Breed Corydoras! by Eric Bodrock at Cataclysm 2017" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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