My Corydoras Tank

3ft, mainly corydoras with a few dither fish. The small container contains a few sterbai and metae fry :)

My Corydoras Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 6

Coridoras 16 years ago 49,084 views

3ft, mainly corydoras with a few dither fish. The small container contains a few sterbai and metae fry :)

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Most popular comments
for My Corydoras Tank

Sean - 8 years ago
this is cool i just setup a new 29 gallon and i plan on doing corydoras species only tank maybe some shrimp too love those fish cool to watch
DiscusTV - 8 years ago
TheGamerBro157 - 9 years ago
very healthy fish and a beautiful tank.
John Cochell
John Cochell - 9 years ago
Cory's rock
Little Big Horn
Little Big Horn - 9 years ago
What is the size of the auquarium
Ranio - 10 years ago
Nice sterbas corydoras
Aquatic Vlog
Aquatic Vlog - 10 years ago
What temperature do you keep your tank at?
Faillynerduniverse - 11 years ago
You must have a very clean tank
Squatchmen Cole
Squatchmen Cole - 11 years ago
How did you set up your tank like that? I need one of those tree vine things with stuff growing on it - is it only driftwood?

10. comment for My Corydoras Tank

Xan Beerboy
Xan Beerboy - 11 years ago
is it feeding time? :)
tamonettX500 - 12 years ago
Ok Seven seconds in and I'm "WOW" haha I love it! The clarity, the groupings, the stock...ok back to the rest of the vid Lol
Karrdeh - 12 years ago
I had put cories in my tank to clear out the worms I was having constantly. Now I have a new tank and I still have the cories I started with. They are quite interesting fish.. I never thought I'd like them so much as I do. I really feel tempted to breed them in the future since mine keep on breeding like crazy :P
sxmxxl - 12 years ago
Thank you, sir, for putting this up. I've been wondering if Harlequin Rasboras are good tankmates for Corydoras and this was the best answer! Lovely tank! Would you recommend a Jumbo Cory though?
SavesTheDay - 12 years ago
Corydoras are one of my fav fish :)
DebraKittaycatz - 12 years ago
Cory Love ^^
microiguana - 12 years ago
thankgod pygmaeus X3 fav sp of cory there. by far.
kountatalk - 12 years ago
That's an amazing setup! Nice one
angelfishlover - 13 years ago
My cories always hide under the rock :( At first I thought they're all dead till when I cleaned up my tank all of them suddenly came out from their rock homes... I should get plant covers like yours...
Aquascaping the World by BM
Aquascaping the World by BM - 13 years ago
great vid. love the Corys

20. comment for My Corydoras Tank

hmglis - 13 years ago
C. weitzmani!! did you get them to breed for you?
TurtlesDominate - 13 years ago
I have a 20 g I am going to change to sand tomorrow. I am also thinking of getting cories and i already have mountain minnows ( had for a few months) great tank!
3sajc3 - 13 years ago
Very entertaining! Certainly never a dull moment in that tank. I love it! Great setup....your swimmers are happy and content. Simply Beautiful!
mohamed al-ameen
mohamed al-ameen - 13 years ago
What gravel are you using ?
GrossoEscobar - 13 years ago
Hi, just curious. What kind of sand is that you are using. Also what store did you get it from?
Corydorasmania - 13 years ago
@lauraholmes4545 Those little ones are Corydoras pygmaeus or commonly called pygmy corys. They are really great little corys. Unlike the majority of corys these are mid level swimmers.
Bruce Lee
Bruce Lee - 13 years ago
thanks for sharing such a great tank
Ben Donoghue
Ben Donoghue - 13 years ago
Awesome tank, they must think it's their natural habitat.
Corydorasmania - 13 years ago
@MrAquaMagic you mean albinos? no i don't have any albinos
dasPhaen0MEN - 13 years ago
@Corydorasmania Great specimen :)

30. comment for My Corydoras Tank

Corydorasmania - 13 years ago
@dasPhaen0MEN you're talking about the big white one? That's my 10+ yr old trillineatus :)
Corydorasmania - 13 years ago
@dasPhaen0MEN I connected an airline tube to the spray bar of my canister filter. I DIY a mini spray bar by drilling small holes in a hard plastic tube.
dasPhaen0MEN - 13 years ago
i really like your "birth construction". what did you use for the water change system in the box?
dasPhaen0MEN - 13 years ago
what's the cory at 1:06 called? the brighter one in front of the sterbai
Walter Klockers
Walter Klockers - 14 years ago
Your tank looks wonderful! How often do you make partial water changes and how much? Also, what is your filtration? (I think I spotted a sponge filter?)
Tang526 - 14 years ago
imressive plants, do you co2? and what is your moss attached to, i really like the clump look. also where did you get your branchy wood?
Corydorasmania - 14 years ago
@Steelzuk nope, they don't really spawn in this mixed tank. If I want to breed them I move a group of the same type to their own breeding tank. Hybrids are not desired...
Steelzuk - 14 years ago
have they produced any hybrids?
Roosterboii - 14 years ago
@Corydorasmania oh, thank you man! will check ^^
Corydorasmania - 14 years ago
@Roosterboii Corydoras weitzmani, if you check out my other videos, I was able to breed them recently :)
InvisieMoto - 14 years ago
Roosterboii - 14 years ago
what are those three-stripe corys? Look like little clown loaches ^^
Wade Wilson
Wade Wilson - 14 years ago
Ive heard they can live past 18 years
thatonekidperson123 - 14 years ago
@Corydorasmania o cool
Corydorasmania - 14 years ago
@thatonekidperson123 nope, corydoras can live over 10 years, I have one that is over 10 years!
thatonekidperson123 - 14 years ago
ive heard that corys only live about 9 months but i had my few for over a year :)
Tang526 - 14 years ago
you love bottom feedings :)
Corydorasmania - 14 years ago
@emailsforaza Patience ...;) Anubias isn't difficult but it grows slow
Corydorasmania - 14 years ago
@boongg Thanks it's very fine gravel, like sand but a bit bigger and heavier
Zander van Zweel
Zander van Zweel - 14 years ago
awesome tank! 2 species of corys i dont recognize! good job!

50. comment for My Corydoras Tank

Corydorasmania - 15 years ago
It's manzanita, it grows in California, I ordered it from someone there.
Corydorasmania - 15 years ago
thanks, the anubias are mainly nana, with a few bateri
scharliess - 15 years ago
drkingslend - 15 years ago
Beautiful, whered you get the wood?
syncoke - 15 years ago
all corys should have a home like this, they all look so healthy . good work
jordski123 - 15 years ago
well nice tank, did you get those plants from pets at home by any chance?
Beckie Boo
Beckie Boo - 15 years ago
wow love your tank :)
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 15 years ago
Nice corydoras. The Corydoras sterbia is my favourite fish.
Sander Bauwens
Sander Bauwens - 15 years ago
Corydorasmania - 15 years ago
when the eggs are ready to hatch, they are a creamy brown colour with black spots. I move these eggs into the container with a pipette. You can also transport fry with a pipette or a turkey baster.
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
Thanks, I think you're talking about the Taiwan moss. I only have 3 types of plants, the anubias (spade shaped leaves), java ferns and the Taiwan moss.
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
yeah that's fine as long as you don't overload the 10 gal with other fish.
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
no idea, but it was one of youtube's songs that you can choose for your vids, so look there
historian111z - 16 years ago
anyone know the music of this vid? help. thanks.
Rhys Davies
Rhys Davies - 16 years ago
could u put 3 or 4 in a smaller community aquarium about 10 gallons (48 lt)
historian111z - 16 years ago
hi, nice cory. im keeping them too, i got like 8. hey, you know the name of the song you upload? thanks.
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
Thanks, It's Taiwan moss, IMO it's more attractive then javamoss and it's actually easier to grow :)
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
thank you :)
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
thank you, yes I use 2x T5 lighting but I don't run C02. I dose flourish once or twice a week to keep the algae down.
Corydorasmania - 16 years ago
thank you very much. The tank is already overstocked with all the corydoras that I can only keep a few whitecloud mountain minnows.
callumk5 - 16 years ago
Wonderful planting. Do you run Co2 and T5s etc? Think i'm falling for Corys...!

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