Planted tank 60l (specially Corydoras)

English version Dwarf corydoras: - Panda Corydoras - Pygmy Corydoras Betta: - Betta splendens "Siamese fighting fish" Tetra: - Hyphessobrycon amandae "Ember tetra" Plants: - Mayaca fluviatilis - Cabomba Caroliniana - Ceratophyllum Demersum - Vallisneria - Limnobium laevigatum - Microsorum pteropus - Vesicularia Dubyana - Anubia barteri - Blyxa Japonica Ground: - Sandy Loire - Manado - Scapers soil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Française Corydoras nain: - Corydoras Panda - Corydoras Pygmaeus Betta: - Betta splendens "Poisson Combattant" Tetra: - Hyphessobrycon amandae "Tétra Amande" Plantes: - Mousse des marais - Cabomba Caroliniana - Ceratophyllum Demersum - Vallisneria - Limnobium laevigatum - Fougère de java - Mousse de java - Anubia barteri - Blyxa Japonica Sol: - Sable de Loire - Manado - Scapers soil

Planted tank 60l (specially Corydoras) sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Coridoras 8 years ago 1,548 views

English version Dwarf corydoras: - Panda Corydoras - Pygmy Corydoras Betta: - Betta splendens "Siamese fighting fish" Tetra: - Hyphessobrycon amandae "Ember tetra" Plants: - Mayaca fluviatilis - Cabomba Caroliniana - Ceratophyllum Demersum - Vallisneria - Limnobium laevigatum - Microsorum pteropus - Vesicularia Dubyana - Anubia barteri - Blyxa Japonica Ground: - Sandy Loire - Manado - Scapers soil -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version Française Corydoras nain: - Corydoras Panda - Corydoras Pygmaeus Betta: - Betta splendens "Poisson Combattant" Tetra: - Hyphessobrycon amandae "Tétra Amande" Plantes: - Mousse des marais - Cabomba Caroliniana - Ceratophyllum Demersum - Vallisneria - Limnobium laevigatum - Fougère de java - Mousse de java - Anubia barteri - Blyxa Japonica Sol: - Sable de Loire - Manado - Scapers soil

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for Planted tank 60l (specially Corydoras)

Allyson Chains
Allyson Chains - 8 years ago
Awesome setup! I have a heavily planted 20gal with a betta. Getting ready to add panda corydoras. Any problems with them uprooting plants?

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