Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013
Coridoras 11 years ago 26,158 views
I thought it would be fun to share how I raise my cories from egg, fry to adult. I have done this successfully before with Bronze Cories. I will show you my method for doing it with peppered cories. It is not a hard process if you follow the events in the video. Some tips are: 1. Maintain excellent water quality. Replace fry container water with 40% treated tap water / main tank mix DAILY. You can also use sponge filters but for my method I do not. 2. Bare bottom tanks are easier to keep clean. Use snails to clean up left over food. Vacuum up debris. 3. Use a air-stone to keep the water aerated and circulating. Eggs can fungus if left in stagnant still waters. 4. Temperature can decrease or increase speed of fry development. Hot tempertures will increase growth. I run my tanks at 76. 5. First 48 hours do NOT feed the fry. They will use up their egg sac first. When you no longer see sac and fry are moving around on plants, feed a live food. Brine shrimp are easy and work awesome. 6. After the first week, mix brine shrimp feeding with powder flake. At around 2-3 weeks, you can switch over from brine to strictly crushed flake and pellets crushed. 7. Any sickly or diseased fry should be removed to reduce chances of illness or fowling of water. 8. It is safe to add juveniles to tank when they are 1/4 to 3/4" in length. Depending on what else is in the main tank. Baby cories are juicy targets for hungry or nippy fish. 9. Have lots of LIVE plants in your aquarium. This will not only help water quality but will offer food and safe places for your fish. Any questions, please feel free to comment or message and I will share my opinion or advice.
How did you do with your hatching?
But be careful about dumping to much food it and allowing it to dirty the water.
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