Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013

I thought it would be fun to share how I raise my cories from egg, fry to adult. I have done this successfully before with Bronze Cories. I will show you my method for doing it with peppered cories. It is not a hard process if you follow the events in the video. Some tips are: 1. Maintain excellent water quality. Replace fry container water with 40% treated tap water / main tank mix DAILY. You can also use sponge filters but for my method I do not. 2. Bare bottom tanks are easier to keep clean. Use snails to clean up left over food. Vacuum up debris. 3. Use a air-stone to keep the water aerated and circulating. Eggs can fungus if left in stagnant still waters. 4. Temperature can decrease or increase speed of fry development. Hot tempertures will increase growth. I run my tanks at 76. 5. First 48 hours do NOT feed the fry. They will use up their egg sac first. When you no longer see sac and fry are moving around on plants, feed a live food. Brine shrimp are easy and work awesome. 6. After the first week, mix brine shrimp feeding with powder flake. At around 2-3 weeks, you can switch over from brine to strictly crushed flake and pellets crushed. 7. Any sickly or diseased fry should be removed to reduce chances of illness or fowling of water. 8. It is safe to add juveniles to tank when they are 1/4 to 3/4" in length. Depending on what else is in the main tank. Baby cories are juicy targets for hungry or nippy fish. 9. Have lots of LIVE plants in your aquarium. This will not only help water quality but will offer food and safe places for your fish. Any questions, please feel free to comment or message and I will share my opinion or advice.

Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 1

Coridoras 11 years ago 26,159 views

I thought it would be fun to share how I raise my cories from egg, fry to adult. I have done this successfully before with Bronze Cories. I will show you my method for doing it with peppered cories. It is not a hard process if you follow the events in the video. Some tips are: 1. Maintain excellent water quality. Replace fry container water with 40% treated tap water / main tank mix DAILY. You can also use sponge filters but for my method I do not. 2. Bare bottom tanks are easier to keep clean. Use snails to clean up left over food. Vacuum up debris. 3. Use a air-stone to keep the water aerated and circulating. Eggs can fungus if left in stagnant still waters. 4. Temperature can decrease or increase speed of fry development. Hot tempertures will increase growth. I run my tanks at 76. 5. First 48 hours do NOT feed the fry. They will use up their egg sac first. When you no longer see sac and fry are moving around on plants, feed a live food. Brine shrimp are easy and work awesome. 6. After the first week, mix brine shrimp feeding with powder flake. At around 2-3 weeks, you can switch over from brine to strictly crushed flake and pellets crushed. 7. Any sickly or diseased fry should be removed to reduce chances of illness or fowling of water. 8. It is safe to add juveniles to tank when they are 1/4 to 3/4" in length. Depending on what else is in the main tank. Baby cories are juicy targets for hungry or nippy fish. 9. Have lots of LIVE plants in your aquarium. This will not only help water quality but will offer food and safe places for your fish. Any questions, please feel free to comment or message and I will share my opinion or advice.

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Most popular comments
for Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013

RC Dean
RC Dean - 7 years ago
Very helpful thank you :-)
RC Dean
RC Dean - 7 years ago
wonderboy2402 yep spot on :-) I have about 22 Cory fry out of 100 eggs I’d say, I used Meth blue to help with fungus, but man the stuffs a nightmare won’t use that again lol. First feeding will be tomorrow :-)
wonderboy2402 - 7 years ago
Glad to have helped! I tried to cover all the basic but keep in entertaining.
River Rockhound
River Rockhound - 7 years ago
Your video helped me quite a bit, I'm a newbie and I bought 2 corys from the mall pet store and 2 months later I had eggs everywhere, the eggs that were brown I think the dad ate them I didn't even know they laid eggs all over my 10 gallon and not knowing what to do I left them there thinking behind the heater they would be safe but when I looked again they were all gone, I'm very sad, but loved the video
wonderboy2402 - 7 years ago
Yea, sadly as my fish would lay eggs there was always a few fish just following around the breeding pair snapping up the freshly laid eggs.
K - 7 years ago
peppered can produce albinos?
wonderboy2402 - 7 years ago
Yes, I suspect they hatch them out at commercial fisheries and just separate them for sale.
Zane Rianom
Zane Rianom - 7 years ago
If I may ask, do all plants have microorganisms, so Im not limited to java moss and other floating plants? I currently have 60 fry.... out of an approximate 70-80 eggs.
wonderboy2402 - 7 years ago
Probably late to reply, but Java moss is the most commonly used with juventile fish as they can pick at anything exisiting between the moss. I think smoother leaves plants might harbor less organisms but there could be algae... Any live plant is great, just cram alot in there and they should find stuff.

How did you do with your hatching?
K - 7 years ago
they hatch in 2 days?
MeMiri O
MeMiri O - 8 years ago
Thanks for your info. My supposedly 3 Male Pepper Cories spawned a baby in the last 2 months. 1st discovery was when it was large enough to come out of hiding in my 36 Gal Community Tank. Never saw any eggs but was happy to have a new member now called Baby Peppy. 6 days ago found about 45 eggs stuck to the front of the tank. Carefully removed them and put them into a Nursery/Fry tank with narrow slits on the bottom. Next morning one of the filters had pulled the tank under the fall. Egg count now down to about 35. Anchored the smaller tank to the side of the larger tank and 5 days later they started to hatch. Saw one squeezing through the slit in the bottom. Never saw any hatchlings in the large tank ever, but who knows until they get larger if they have actually survived. Found another container and gradually transferred anything left in the small Nursery/Fry tank into this container, added the Anubis and an air hose. Egg count down to 35. Had a pump shelf which is now supporting this container inside my 10 Gal tank which I will use to keep the Fry separate until they are large enough to integrate back into the 36 Gal tank. Purchased some Frozen Baby Brine Shrimp in prep for the after egg sac days. According to your video it will be about 2-3 wks before they are large enough for Adult food. I have also crushed some Shrimp Pellets which I feed to my loaches and Cories in the 36 G tank. Hoping that and the Baby Brine Shrimp will be enough to get them to adolescence. Also have some powdered egg which may be OK for them, or will try to find something else. Not sure whether I can boil eggs and break down the hard boiled yolk for them to feed on or not, what say you?
wonderboy2402 - 8 years ago
Boiled eggs can work, but it seemed like they were most eager for live brine shrimp when I watched them.

But be careful about dumping to much food it and allowing it to dirty the water.
MeMiri O
MeMiri O - 8 years ago
Newbie here, I purchased a 36 Gal Tank a year ago and bought 3 Pepper Cory to go with my Clown loach, Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasbora and Cherry Barbs. Low and behold 3 days ago I saw a small Pepper Cory and counted to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Yup. We have a baby in our midst. I thought they were all male, but apparently there were originally 2 female and 1 male. In the last couple of days I have watched the male go through the courting and what looks like egg laying routines with one of the females. There are lots of plants (mostly artificial) in the tank which gives them lots of cover. Recently added a driftwood with Anubis on it. Lots of Anubis floating on top. The tank has developed what looks like angel hair which apparently they love to nibble on. I also do about 2 small (4 Gal) water changes a week to keep it down using cold water. Apparently this stimulated the mating ritual. I never saw any fry, but perhaps it was the first time and there may not have been a lot of eggs. It will be interesting to see how many get established after the next mating. I noticed the top fin of the male is longer than that of the female and the baby has one that is the same proportion as the males so I'm guessing it is also a male. Do I need to get another male to ensure the gene pool doesn't get static. I don't really want to breed them, but they are really neat fish and apparently I need more than 3 for them to be comfortable. The size of the tank is really what is limiting what I can do since my clown loach is the largest fish and I recently acquired another one for companionship so can't have too many other fish until I am able to get a larger tank. I have been fascinated by the Pepper Cories ever since I discovered the baby (ok fry or adolescent?). P.S. I called the pet store (PetSmart) where I purchased them to let them know what happened. They also thought that all their stock was male.
Andrew Bainton
Andrew Bainton - 8 years ago
Great vid! One question, what is the safest method to move eggs into a container like this? My corys are laying on the glass.
Destiny Cedano
Destiny Cedano - 8 years ago
does anyone have tips about feeding them? do the brine shrimp need to be alive or can i crush up some dried ones or bloodworms?
MeMiri O
MeMiri O - 8 years ago
Big Al's has frozen Baby Brine Shrimp. I take the foil off one of the cubes and hold it in the tank until it thaws a bit and you can see them come off and float down. Keep the food in the container and re freeze what isn't used for next time. I think the hatchlings may need to be feed frequently throughout the day, but only my first time with this so will have to see what happens.

10. comment for Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013

Pancho planet
Pancho planet - 9 years ago
Great video with excellent explanation. Thank you.

skyy blue
skyy blue - 9 years ago
What type of snails were in the video?
wonderboy2402 - 9 years ago
+skyy blue Ramshorn snails I believe.
rhys young
rhys young - 9 years ago
What's the name of the song
rhys young
rhys young - 9 years ago
+wonderboy2402 thx
wonderboy2402 - 9 years ago
+rhys young (Gaming Rhys) New Beginnings - Future world Music
MartinJG100 - 9 years ago
wonderboy. Great video but what is that music? Really good.
Kim - 10 years ago
Great video. When you have the air pump on, does it have to actively move/affect the eggs or can they stay stationary as shown at the start of the video? I've hatched half of my eggs but I had my pump on maximum and worried that the current would affect the hatched fry. Should I turn it down? 
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
You can tear a section if a coffee filter and then careful drop,the shrimp in. Let it drain seperately from the fry container. Then rinse with tank water or tap water. Then swish the material in the fry tank to disperse the brine shrimp.
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
One thing you can do is use coffee filters and drop the shrimp into them. You can rinse them a bit and then wash them into the fry container. Should remove most of the salt or baking soda.
Kim - 10 years ago
Thanks, I tried your suggestion and it worked! When you feed them the brine shrimp, do you try and dilute the solution they're in or do you pipette it directly into the tank/container? I'm just worried because I am using a small ice cream container and the brine shrimp solution has some baking soda and aquarium salt in it. 
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
Yea, keep th pump rumning. What you can do is put the pump in a cardboard box or in some foam to helm isolate the noise. I had a pump that was loud and stuck sime old packaging foam from a tv set that fit around the pump. Helped cut the noise.
Kim - 10 years ago
+wonderboy2402 Thanks for the advice. I think the rest are infertile and got rid of them. Is it necessary to have the airpump on now that they've hatched? It's just a bit noisy as its in my bedroom. If it is, I can probably move them downstairs.
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
The current shouldnt bother the cory fry much. You can aleays elevate it off the bottom if you think it is knocking them around. You can also you a chop stick cut to Bout an inch and use it to mKe finer bubbles.
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
The idea is the air moves the water and also provides oxyegen.
dogglet1234 - 10 years ago
Just watched ur videos and love ur content..check out my vids and leave feedback bro..love ur point of view and sub if u like my content
Alessandro Busetti
Alessandro Busetti - 10 years ago
*** fantastic ; )
austin marshall
austin marshall - 10 years ago
Where did you get the container you put the eggs and java moss in?
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
The plastic container is from an old aquariummset. I drilled holes on either side and installed suction cups to keep it in place.
OnlineBackupServices - 10 years ago
how what plec is that? is it a bulldog? I have a bulldog and it doesnt really look like mine - I'm interested in more plecs that are comfortable in peppered cory temp range 18-20 degress celcius.
wonderboy2402 - 10 years ago
It is a long fin albino Pleco. Also have a dwarf clown Pleco in same tank
Udo Lindenberg
Udo Lindenberg - 10 years ago
Vera helpful, thanks

20. comment for Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013

Igor Kanshyn
Igor Kanshyn - 11 years ago
Great video. Thank you for sharing!
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Well they are white bodied and red eyes with no spots. I have two that are doing fine. I imagine they get seperated on the fish farms and sold as albino. The parents probably carried the genes even though they were bought as peppered. I wouldn't call it a line since i doubt i will breed the albinos further.
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
I have alot of these juveniles including the two albino forms that survived. Some are nearly the size of the parents but some remained a bit small and everything in between. I am assuming different rates of growth lime my bronze cories. Some remained small but seem healthy.
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Direct light might also be bad for eggs. I tend to just have something overshawoing them like plants or tin foil on top. They can get some ambient light.
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
I also think to much treated chlorinated water can effect fish development. So be careful with water changes. Rotten food i believe can be a problem along with fish waste. I used a 1.5 plastic tank for eggs and hatching, then upgraded to a floating five gallon to grow out.
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Hi stephanie. If it is your time raising them so be sad that you lost some or nearly all. Alot of different things can happen that mess up hatch rates. Eggs can be infertile, eggs can fungus over, there could be water quality problems. My view is if the fish are spawning you probably have fine water quality, which is one reason i mix my tank water with fresh clean water. You are using a breeder net? I have never tried those. My technique has been using float containers inside the main tank.
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
what container do you have them in?
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
I change the mains water 1-2 times a week since the fry are floating in the main tank. they only were put in the breeders pin less then a week ago. before that they had a in closed specimen container with an air stone. should i just get a tank just for them i have 3 but none are short i have a 40g 1 year old main. just started 30g and a 10g 2 weeks old.
fish lover
fish lover - 11 years ago
ok I had my first trial run of Cory eggs =30. 20 hatched. with some mishaps with them I have 5 left. is that usual. I have the remanding ones in a breeders pin I do daily cleaning of. it has plenty of circulation what am I doing wrong. they are almost 1 month and 1 week old. I gave them baby brine shrimp the first week with algae wafers. then switched to finely chopped tubafix worms and algae wafers. I clean the pin 2 times daily. I check the main tanks water daily.
xxmvpmanxx - 11 years ago
Omg they're adorable!!

30. comment for Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013

wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Yes, four so far. There seems to be standard pepper, fancy long finned and then the albino forms... Really cool!
wonderboy2402 - 11 years ago
Yes, two are sub adults now and definitely have red eyes and white albino ism. I have two more that are another generation but very small still. They probably seperate the regular pepper cory, long fin cory and albino before they are shipped to stores.
Loveoffish1 - 11 years ago
Your Peppered Cories produced Albino?
aquaticpimp - 11 years ago
Best Cory breeding video I've seen, good job just subed.
almcloud - 11 years ago
Awesome video, the little guy in the end didn't really get spooked by the Pleco lol
akalegs - 11 years ago
Great video......never saw them so small.
TheAquarianMaster97 - 11 years ago
yay welcome back! lol
tisforgary - 11 years ago
The music is so dramatic

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The "Raising Peppered Corydoras Fry - 2013" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.

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