Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140
Coridoras 8 years ago 25,457 views
There are dozens of known species of Corydoras or Cory catfish. these beloved little scavengers seem to find a home in our aquariums, whether they are huge hobbyist tanks or the 10 gallon set-up in the grandkids' bedroom. In this Fincast, John explores our need as humans to collect things including rare fish like the veil finned Cory cats he discovered at a trade show. Watch along and see this rare fish while we explore the human need to have what no one else has. More on the Cory Catfish:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corydoras I dentify the species! http://www.fishbase.org/identification/SpeciesList.php?genus=Corydoras
I <3 Corys! :)
10. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140
this is one speices in which i also enjoy collecting corydaoras. They are a wonderfull species to keep, breed, and enjoy for their sheer amazing personality.
love those long fin coreys, my regular coreys are laying eggs, so far I haven't hatched any, trying methylene blue on the present 2 day old batch of eggs.
20. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140
30. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140