Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140

There are dozens of known species of Corydoras or Cory catfish. these beloved little scavengers seem to find a home in our aquariums, whether they are huge hobbyist tanks or the 10 gallon set-up in the grandkids' bedroom. In this Fincast, John explores our need as humans to collect things including rare fish like the veil finned Cory cats he discovered at a trade show. Watch along and see this rare fish while we explore the human need to have what no one else has. More on the Cory Catfish:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corydoras I dentify the species! http://www.fishbase.org/identification/SpeciesList.php?genus=Corydoras

Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 14

Coridoras 8 years ago 25,458 views

There are dozens of known species of Corydoras or Cory catfish. these beloved little scavengers seem to find a home in our aquariums, whether they are huge hobbyist tanks or the 10 gallon set-up in the grandkids' bedroom. In this Fincast, John explores our need as humans to collect things including rare fish like the veil finned Cory cats he discovered at a trade show. Watch along and see this rare fish while we explore the human need to have what no one else has. More on the Cory Catfish:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corydoras I dentify the species! http://www.fishbase.org/identification/SpeciesList.php?genus=Corydoras

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Most popular comments
for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140

xisotopex - 7 years ago
at 1:23 what fish is that...
Unknown User
Unknown User - 7 years ago
I have a freshwater cory fish they are well worth getting I have one on my -7 gal it's a risk getting a rare cory cause people like me I just got into the hobby
Murg Trollen
Murg Trollen - 7 years ago
what's the gray tetra name at 4:00?
fincasters - 7 years ago
Murg Trollen hmmm. I think you are seeing a black neon tetra
Rev Doe
Rev Doe - 7 years ago
people love to see themselves in their own video little too much.
Sh3lby - 7 years ago
I have a cory cat and I'm not completely sure what kind it is? Is there any way you could help me out?
fincasters - 7 years ago
Try Planet Catfish on line. Great source for info on various species!
k9feces - 7 years ago
Has anyone told you that you look like the Handyman on Newhart?
fincasters - 7 years ago
um, no. But thanks?
SilverFlame819 - 7 years ago
They're chill, they're adorable, they're friendly, they help keep your tanks clean, they're easy to breed, they come in a ton of varieties, THEY WINK AT YOU... What's not to love?

I <3 Corys! :)
Chris Leyba
Chris Leyba - 7 years ago
Cristal Buckner
Cristal Buckner - 7 years ago
got my 2 albinos $4.99 @ petsmart

10. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140

Damien Wallace
Damien Wallace - 7 years ago
there not saltwater fish,bruh
Brett Hale
Brett Hale - 7 years ago
i git one for 15$
Mac's Fishroom
Mac's Fishroom - 7 years ago
Thank you for this video.
this is one speices in which i also enjoy collecting corydaoras. They are a wonderfull species to keep, breed, and enjoy for their sheer amazing personality.
fincasters - 7 years ago
Agreed. I like to keep a variety of them myself. Have always been a favorite.
alex smith
alex smith - 8 years ago
I thought this was going to be about a real rare specie, not some man made freak fish))) come on.
airplane george
airplane george - 8 years ago
I would like to breed some stickleback fish. was wonder if you knew where to find them and maybe if they would be fun to breed.
love those long fin coreys, my regular coreys are laying eggs, so far I haven't hatched any, trying methylene blue on the present 2 day old batch of eggs.
Casey Jones
Casey Jones - 8 years ago
Corydoras are my favorite fish sp. I have 7 C. Plateaus, 5 C. Aenus, 4 False Juhlis, 1 C. Sterbia"sp?" and 1 C. Nanus.
NDijos - 8 years ago
is he stoned? I thought Cory is fw fish
SeahawksFan - 8 years ago
Aren't Cory catfish freshwater?
Boxing/Wrestling/Fights - 7 years ago
Ae.Supreme try putting one in saltwater, see how long that lasts
Channidae - 7 years ago
They are freshwater only
Ae.Supreme - 7 years ago
SeahawksFan both
Coxoul - 8 years ago
absolutely love Corey's. i had 2 bronze Corey's for 6 years living in an american cichlid tank. their names were the zoidburgs. one of the best fish ever. and they really do get along with anything. my texas cichlid, oscar, jack Dempsey, and long fin pleco (who grew a foot long) never touched them.
fincasters - 8 years ago
I totally agree. They are the freshwater version of the Saltwater Clean up crew. They add so much to the tank.
TheBlackLotusKing - 8 years ago
So I would prefer you talk about rare fish that are actually cool. The ones I have in mind are wild bettas, killifish, altum angelfish, wild discus, etc the stuff that actually takes skill to keep and money to own.
fincasters - 8 years ago
Good point. I would like to do that as well. Stay tuned.

20. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140

newerafrican - 8 years ago
He said "salt-water aquarium" at 1:09. I'm pretty sure they're only freshwater.
Amanda Collins
Amanda Collins - 7 years ago
newerafrican iffg
iCST - 7 years ago
ThatOtherGuy Nah. Loaches, geophagus, bristlenose, otos, sae, bamboo shrimp, amano shrimp, vampire shrimp, clams, mollies, some synodontis, darters, dwarf suckers, etc... are good for a community cleanup crew. I do agree that corries are some of the best though.
fincasters - 8 years ago
Thanks for having my back!
ThatOtherGuy - 8 years ago
He knows they're only freshwater -- and it wasn't a mistake. He is comparing Cory catfish to a saltwater aquarium's cleanup crew. There aren't many good species that work as cleanup crews in freshwater tanks: shrimp often get eaten, freshwater crabs don't work in most tanks, which just leaves snails... and Cory catfish, which can take care of cleaning up and are compatible with many community fish.
Laurie Paquin
Laurie Paquin - 8 years ago
newerafrican they are...
Mercy - 8 years ago
Wow! I just went to Segrest Farms a couple months ago. They have EVERYTHING you'd want from those corries to peacock bass and everything in between!
Ashley Arvidsson
Ashley Arvidsson - 8 years ago
I'm not kidding, but you can get those long-finned albino, and non-albino cory cats in Hawaii all the time and they are cheap too. If you don't believe me just call a random local pet store here and they'll tell you they sell them a lot. I remember a store here called Petland that had tons of em for under $7 from as far back as 2008.
fincasters - 8 years ago
+Ashley Arvidsson hi Ashley. I heard that from several people. I'm wondering if the cories in my video are rare because they have slightly longer fins or because they come from Eastern Europe ? At any rate,happy fish keeping.
AmyCummingsIrishDanceMom - 8 years ago
hahaha I love them, they look like Dr. Seuss characters
krisma12234 - 8 years ago
Just got introduced to your videos and currently trying to watch all of them. Thank you!!
John Machen
John Machen - 8 years ago
Cool fish, always nice to learn something about rare varieties, even if I probably wouldn't buy one at $30.
Sky's Fishroom
Sky's Fishroom - 8 years ago
I see longfin panda cory catfish at my local fish store for 5 dollars.
Robert Hanbury
Robert Hanbury - 8 years ago
loved the vid and the info. my spotted cory is one of my favs. he used to get bullied around by the albino brichardi but now hes outgrowing all the bullies.
fincasters - 8 years ago
+Robert Hanbury Cories are tough!
Deep Blue
Deep Blue - 8 years ago
Love me some Fincast! Great show as always.
Damion Markham
Damion Markham - 8 years ago
neat thanks

30. comment for Rare Cory Catfish Fincasters Episode 140

ron foerster
ron foerster - 8 years ago
Always enjoy the videos keep them coming.Thanks Ron
fincasters - 8 years ago
+ron foerster Thanks!
Dee From Brooklyn
Dee From Brooklyn - 8 years ago
Rare is awesome if stores actually acquire them. Like hybrids..
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
I was interested in getting a couple CoryCats in my African Cichlid tank. I was told they don't do well with cichids. Do you have a suggestion as to a cleaning crew other than Plecos?
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 8 years ago
+DebTim A CANADIAN Girl the featherfin synodontis/ featherfin catfish can grow 8 inches from lip to tail tip. i think smaller species like nigriventris are also OK. they're tough. they can hold they're own against african cichlids.
DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Alright sounds interesting.. cichids are far too bossy..having competition I'm not worried about. I just don't want my cichlids to be mean to them.
Sebastian Stormborn
Sebastian Stormborn - 8 years ago
synodontis catfish. altho they compete as well as clean up with cichlids
Gianni _
Gianni _ - 8 years ago
I really enjoy the rare fish, even the common fish for you guys in the USA, because I'm in Australia and some of the fish you guy call common we call super rare and extremely expensive. So I like to come on YouTube and see what you guys have.
fincasters - 8 years ago
+Gianni Ciuffetelli huh. And we think you have all the cool stuff. Like Rainbow fish and corals

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