Coridoras 7 years ago 54,674 views
A requested video. Top 5 Nano Fish. Our list includes Pea puffers, Gold White clouds, Exclamation point rasboras, pygmy corydoras and brigittae rasboras. Nano aquarium fish have become very popular. Everyone needs a nano fish tank. Our Website: Facebook: Instagram: http://www.instagram/aquariumcoop Podcast: Advertising Inquiries:
10. comment for TOP 5 NANO AQUARIUM FISH
4. Silver dollars
3. Pea puffer
2. Rosie barbs
1. Zebra danios
20. comment for TOP 5 NANO AQUARIUM FISH
30. comment for TOP 5 NANO AQUARIUM FISH
Vietnamese white cloud
More color and different from regular white cloud and not much more in pricing
Thank you for making these videos
Wish I lived closer to your store. To see it in person and shop there
If i ever can make my own store learned things that you do not see on YouTube and no other store does in my area and there is a lot of store in my area
I have been in retail 14 years
50. comment for TOP 5 NANO AQUARIUM FISH
Don't put anything else in therr tough except shrimp
1 puffer - 5 gallon
2 puffers - 7 gallons
3 puffers - 9 gallons
4 puffers 11 gallons
etc etc.
But bigger is allways better
Since you, Cory has made loaches popular, are you going to make videos about them?
Love the brigittae rasboras. Well chosen.
We have a super fish home 8 (8 litres) and We are wondering what to put in it now we have a pair of dwarf gourami's and a albino corydora (I now to many fish to small aquarium, but they are doing great they are very colourful and very active) (the aquarium is not heated) (sorry for bad English I never speak/write it).
and 8 liter is perfect for shrimp tough
I can't deny after getting into this hobby I shelled out allot of money cause i watch channels like you and king of diy
100. comment for TOP 5 NANO AQUARIUM FISH
it is infected by velvet disease......sometime it float on water like dead fish i am totally confuse what i have to save my betta .....please cory give me some suggestions or treatment tips
5-pea puffer
3-dwerf gourami
2-harliqun rasbora
1-pigmy sunfish.