The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
Coridoras 7 years ago 131,880 views
I had such a great time hanging out with Eric Bodrock of Alloddballaquatics. Eric has a lot of experience breeding rare plecos and corydoras. As you can see in the video, he seems to be able to spawn almost anything he touches! A true master breeder with tons of good tips. He is breeding Zebra Plecos, Leopard Frog Plecos, Queen Arabesque Plecos, L333 Plecos, Wormline Plecos, CW species Corydoras, Lucipinnis Catfish etc. Lots of rainbow fish etc.
10. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
20. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
30. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
Exotic Fancy Plecos generally sell very well. If you want to sell a lot of them? You have to avoid giving them hiding places. Exposure is the key to selling them to the average walkin customer. If they're kept with a lot of other compatible fish, stress is usually not a problem. Before and after the purchase I offer the customer advice on maintaining and succeeding with their chosen livestock acquisition.
hafnia alvei bacteria Are not normally pathogenic, but it may cause disease in immunocompromised patients. Very little information is known about this gram negative anaerobic bacteria, but generally speaking anaerobic bacteria are bacteria that can't use oxygen in their metabolism, but are poisoned and quickly killed by the molecule.
Black Beard Algae Best ways to get rid of it are Siamese Algae Eaters, Black Mollies, and Swordtails. The trick is you've got to keep them hungry. If you feed them they won't eat it. You can nuke it with hydrogen peroxide as well. Take the objects covered in the algae and soak in a solution of diluted, but relatively strong hydrogen peroxide solution for 20 minutes then rinse. Make sure all the nets and aqua decor are routinely kept disinfected as the spores are easily spread from tank to tank this way.
If they can't see it or taste it in the water they won't spawn!
You sir are ridiculously knowledgeable with your fish keeping!!!! AMAZING VIDEO!!!!!!! So much knowledge and information!!
Finally a video that meets my fishy needs xD
Best Regards
50. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
makes me remember when I captured those fish here in Brazil, 20 years ago. not the most colorfull like the zebra plecos. but many diferent species. There was tons of tiger corydoras in my uncles place.
thx for all your work cory and safe travels
100. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.
Royal whiptail
2x upside down cats
Featherfin catfish
Gold spot plec
1x Bristlenose (peppermint)
12x corydoras (4x peppered,albino, brochis splendens)
14x khuli loach (10x Normal, 4xblack)
14x Danios (Zebra)
12x tetra (6xBlackPhantom & RummyNose)
2x rams (electric blue, german blue)
10x Angels
6x Marble hatchetfish
1x Flame dwarf gourami
and, I got really sad when i saw frogbit wasn't on the website :( found out it was perfect for my CA biotope
That was an interesting take he had on substrate with fry though. Well for one, I didn't know some cory's spawned in sand, and also with the gut bacteria idea. I have a group of Paleatus Cory's that I've spawned multiple times, and what I do is I take the breeder net and put substrate in it before the eggs. I used to do it to keep other fish from looking in and getting ideas, but that and infusoria/other bacteria are other good reasons for that too that I've found.
I love that room and he's Algae eaters are looking so nice!! Wow!
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
59 minutes it went by to fast
Thanks to all involved in making this video it was awesome