The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

I had such a great time hanging out with Eric Bodrock of Alloddballaquatics. Eric has a lot of experience breeding rare plecos and corydoras. As you can see in the video, he seems to be able to spawn almost anything he touches! A true master breeder with tons of good tips. He is breeding Zebra Plecos, Leopard Frog Plecos, Queen Arabesque Plecos, L333 Plecos, Wormline Plecos, CW species Corydoras, Lucipinnis Catfish etc. Lots of rainbow fish etc.

The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour. sentiment_very_dissatisfied 52

Coridoras 7 years ago 131,880 views

I had such a great time hanging out with Eric Bodrock of Alloddballaquatics. Eric has a lot of experience breeding rare plecos and corydoras. As you can see in the video, he seems to be able to spawn almost anything he touches! A true master breeder with tons of good tips. He is breeding Zebra Plecos, Leopard Frog Plecos, Queen Arabesque Plecos, L333 Plecos, Wormline Plecos, CW species Corydoras, Lucipinnis Catfish etc. Lots of rainbow fish etc.

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Most popular comments
for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

Djc20 - 7 years ago
I am trying to build Pleco Caves out of tile, and would love your opinion. Could i send a pic ?
LogosMaximus - 7 years ago
hi guys, great video, I have a catfish and wondering what type it is as it original was outside in a outdoor pond here in Nova Scotia Canada and was brought in and put in a tank and I now have it in my tank for over 2 years now I would like to post it for you to see. at least 6 inches long
cyberheiden - 7 years ago
So he uses the rainbow and the tetras like "CENTINELS SPECIES"! Woooow! He's the pleco pops! Excellent work!
M0uztach3 M0uztach3
M0uztach3 M0uztach3 - 7 years ago
Really like breeder videos and their tips. Hugs from Argentina
Kalish Elloie
Kalish Elloie - 7 years ago
Were you got the white alge water from
Paige - 7 years ago
My dad is a huge fish hobbyist and so I’ve picked up everything from him and have had several small aquariums and owned just about every fresh water fish possible but plecos are still my favorite I just love them so much. My dad has a BEAUTIFUL long fin albino bristlenose that he got as a fry and then a black pleco of some kind I can’t remember the type and then I have a regular albino bristlenose and his nose is sooo bushy. I got him as a tiny tiny fry and got to watch him grow.
Cory Summers
Cory Summers - 7 years ago
Haaaaaaa. I live just 30 mins away from Pittsburgh, and I have  a slight fog, now I know!
Ashley Applebottom
Ashley Applebottom - 7 years ago
I have discovered that the Zebra stripe Plecos are like $300-$400 from all the sites I’ve looked at! Why is this?
Hannelore Rack
Hannelore Rack - 7 years ago
it is a pity the sound is so poor. Had a lot of trouble hearing what was said.

10. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

sawman88 - 7 years ago
man that is one of the cleanest fish rooms ive ever seen
The Fishy Life !
The Fishy Life ! - 7 years ago
amazing! so many full grown plecos! shocking pleco collection!
Mitchell McCreath
Mitchell McCreath - 7 years ago
Mitchell McCreath
Mitchell McCreath - 7 years ago
VERY interesting...
Sean Ford
Sean Ford - 7 years ago
I was planning on getting fish to help with the algae problem what fish should I get. I already have a zebra nerite snail and a rainbow shark and I was planning on getting an otocinclus.
Richard James
Richard James - 7 years ago
The beard algae looks kinda cool, plus it sucks nitrates. I would keep it.
rich andy
rich andy - 7 years ago
Cory, great video. I have watched it several times.
Stacey Overton
Stacey Overton - 7 years ago
Ok.. love the ninja wood cat!
Stacey Overton
Stacey Overton - 7 years ago
I'd like a brochure... interested in purchasing...
Stacey Overton
Stacey Overton - 7 years ago
Please contact me... I've got tons of questions.

20. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

Bob Saget
Bob Saget - 7 years ago
Peroxide does work on BBA, but be careful too high concentration burns their gills, I lost 1 out of 3 bristlenose to that, u could see the gills red and burnt died a few days later... remove plant or rocks it out of the tank to spray and rinse after... BBA is hard to get rid of, dosing ferts help keeps it at bay... I like the peroxide props... so many uses people, use it as mouth wash(secret ingredient to whitening teeth products), cleaner, wound sterilizer, even works on plantar warts, or athletes foot... if people realized the uses it would put a lot of companies out of business. I go through 1\2 gallon a month, u start to like the smell lol.
CapJM - 7 years ago
Geez learned some really useful facts. Never knew about that bacteria but always wondered what those white those bubble like spec was. Need to check my water for it.
AquaWoman - 7 years ago
Wow! So much info GOLD!! I'm subbing and loving. Thanks!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+AquaWoman welcome to the channel ;)
xM3THODx - 7 years ago
Cory...just be the fish.
AnimalsLife TV
AnimalsLife TV - 7 years ago
Which H2o2 I need, also how % I need? Thanks
AnimalsLife TV
AnimalsLife TV - 7 years ago
also 20ml for my 30l
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
3% solution from any drug store.
Bosco Hemi
Bosco Hemi - 7 years ago
Grab a Beer and be the fish! So true.
Ali Khan
Ali Khan - 7 years ago
Deborah Libby
Deborah Libby - 7 years ago
VERY COOL VIDEO!!!! I learned some Great tips! :)
Midnight - 7 years ago
To breed the fish One must first become the fish. All we need now is for him to be an old japanese man with a long white beard :D
Deacon Erin Kirk
Deacon Erin Kirk - 7 years ago
what fish group is that he belongs to I'm in Pittsburgh

30. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

Dungeons Heroes
Dungeons Heroes - 7 years ago
i see all these tanks and no algae... id like to know how T.T i have to clean every month the glass if i want it to be perfect
The Fish Life
The Fish Life - 7 years ago
great video cory, i learned alot
AquariumCop - 7 years ago
excellent editing, I want a Norway pleco! #FishFam
samuel bloch
samuel bloch - 7 years ago
What are those jars supposed to be at 0:22.
J.L. Herington
J.L. Herington - 7 years ago
This fishkeeper(breeder) knows exactly what he is talking about! Great video!
Exotic Fancy Plecos generally sell very well. If you want to sell a lot of them? You have to avoid giving them hiding places. Exposure is the key to selling them to the average walkin customer. If they're kept with a lot of other compatible fish, stress is usually not a problem. Before and after the purchase I offer the customer advice on maintaining and succeeding with their chosen livestock acquisition.
hafnia alvei bacteria Are not normally pathogenic, but it may cause disease in immunocompromised patients. Very little information is known about this gram negative anaerobic bacteria, but generally speaking anaerobic bacteria are bacteria that can't use oxygen in their metabolism, but are poisoned and quickly killed by the molecule.
Black Beard Algae Best ways to get rid of it are Siamese Algae Eaters, Black Mollies, and Swordtails. The trick is you've got to keep them hungry. If you feed them they won't eat it. You can nuke it with hydrogen peroxide as well. Take the objects covered in the algae and soak in a solution of diluted, but relatively strong hydrogen peroxide solution for 20 minutes then rinse. Make sure all the nets and aqua decor are routinely kept disinfected as the spores are easily spread from tank to tank this way.
Big Buck
Big Buck - 7 years ago
I'm 45, but when I grow up, I wanna be this guy. lol. Awesome video
turbo 6
turbo 6 - 7 years ago
l239 do anybody sale them
Michael Orme
Michael Orme - 7 years ago
I like the way he credits other breeders. I learned a lot thank you.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I hope to go back and do a longer tour :)
Profesor459 - 7 years ago
What to tell you more than : ,,Congratulations !"
Tyler powell
Tyler powell - 7 years ago
dose this guy have a website he sales on?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Tyler powell
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
I do that for my aquariums...I get my sand and wood at the Elwha River.
beth98362 R
beth98362 R - 7 years ago
You need to up your algae count...they are the food of the food that would be the first meal of their fri.

If they can't see it or taste it in the water they won't spawn!
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam
Greetje Buijert-Nijdam - 7 years ago
wow what a many pleco's
Tom Chiplick
Tom Chiplick - 7 years ago
The difference between a hobbyist that says "hey I know my stuff" and a guy that actually KNOWS HIS STUFF!!! I have been keeping fish for over 20 years and have kept a lot of different plecos and Corys!! I learned more in the hour of watching this video that I learned in the last 20 years on my own!!!

You sir are ridiculously knowledgeable with your fish keeping!!!! AMAZING VIDEO!!!!!!! So much knowledge and information!!
wolfdrag Dutch angel dragon
wolfdrag Dutch angel dragon - 7 years ago
there soooooo smallll aaaaa
reptilegames games and more
reptilegames games and more - 7 years ago
be the fish
Ash Warden
Ash Warden - 7 years ago
<3 plecos
Finally a video that meets my fishy needs xD
Charlie Bright
Charlie Bright - 7 years ago
I think this is my favorite video. Great man great fish room. Do more like this.
Best Regards
Melleefrase - 7 years ago
Sorry videos a bit too long with not enough action
Michele Romeo
Michele Romeo - 7 years ago
Eric, where do you sell your fish to?? absolutely stunning selection

50. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

SamanthaR - 7 years ago
Great fishroom tour! I will be re-watching this one for sure.
SamanthaR - 7 years ago
I bet. So many cool fish and just a wealth of information from Mr. Bodrock. Thanks for putting it together for folks to see.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+SamanthaR yeah I want Togo back already
DuneDemon8 - 7 years ago
Its the light. The Sun has to hit the aquarium early in the morning and then light goes down and is low during the rest of the day. Try to have a bright light in the morning, low it down and you will see the results fast. I found this out by chance in one of the aquariums that would be hit by the rising Sun each day so much that there was a big algae growth on a strip of glass. Anyway as soon as a put plecos in that aquarium, 20 days later, spawning. Also bearded algae will die with this light regime.
Kate B
Kate B - 7 years ago
Thank you sooo much!! Such a great wealth of knowledge in such a short video. I'm eager for more
Neil Munro
Neil Munro - 7 years ago
Loved this video, fantastic fish and loads of cories, my favourite species
Sean Leddy
Sean Leddy - 7 years ago
what type of rainbow fish are they
Melanie Davis
Melanie Davis - 7 years ago
I have two zebra pleco hybrids and common plecos 1 medium two small one massive and one tiger pleco
Matt Cali
Matt Cali - 7 years ago
This is by far my one of my favorites.I would love to pick this man's brain for a day!
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Now thats a fish room tour .... Awesome !!!! I would love to be in the room to talk pleco's with him.. Awesome
Bengal Ghost
Bengal Ghost - 7 years ago
Simply amazing. And my wife is bugging me about three aquariums.(55g, 40 breeder, 33L). Thanks for sharing and showing us all the different corys I've never seen.
Miguel Ayuyu
Miguel Ayuyu - 7 years ago
Did you ever do a video with Regina? Seems like she's the queen of stuff
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Miguel Ayuyu I didn't get a chance too on this trip but I think rob and Lucas did
Rico Suave
Rico Suave - 7 years ago
Omg let me tell you eating 4gs of shroooms and remember seeing this yellow shirt and face before I went off a cliff of a trip is crazy ... both of you guys are the man high fives all the way around and his wife big props to her
The Fish Closet
The Fish Closet - 7 years ago
Cory, you are not lazy dude! lol
PJ yegorov
PJ yegorov - 7 years ago
any saltwaters?
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Awesome video! Saw quite a few corys I've never seen before.
nike12000 - 7 years ago
When you do your hydrogen peroxide on the wood and plants do you dilute it or just spray it straight?
cj18 - 7 years ago
@Aquarium Co-Op hey, can hydrogen peroxide 3% (oxigenated water) be applied with fish in the tank? i hears it also decomposes organic matter fast and nitrate levels rise.. so am i safe if i have plants, wood and substrate in there while using H2O2?
nike12000 - 7 years ago
awesome thanks for the fast follow up!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+nike12000 I just spray it.
David Jackel
David Jackel - 7 years ago
cory when do you livestream??
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+David Jackel Sunday's at 5pm pst/8pm est
Charlie Yang
Charlie Yang - 7 years ago
Common Plecos look like a whale shark and a sea robin had a child that decided to live in freshwater
Aqua Akita
Aqua Akita - 7 years ago
When will there be another live stream missed the last one :(
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Aqua • Passionate possibly tonight if my plane lands on time.
Tropical MN
Tropical MN - 7 years ago
Love the fish room tours. Cory does a great interview with these serious fish guys.
Wilson Miranda
Wilson Miranda - 7 years ago
Great video. tons of info.
makes me remember when I captured those fish here in Brazil, 20 years ago. not the most colorfull like the zebra plecos. but many diferent species. There was tons of tiger corydoras in my uncles place.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Wilson Miranda sounds like a lot of fun.
Dank Tanks
Dank Tanks - 7 years ago
Hey Cory. Any way you could do a video/livestream on clean up crews for freshwater tanks?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Dank Tanks I may do that one tonight if my plane lands on time.
ShadowPhienexGaming - 7 years ago
Hey Cory you should make a video about fish sicknesses or diseases and how to spot them.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Nick Harrington its such a complex subject and is best if I can show the illness on different types of fish. It is a project I want to start working on eventually.
frosty1 - 7 years ago
Great info- lots of tips I'll use for my Plecos!
tank9er michael
tank9er michael - 7 years ago
what size air pump would be strong enough for 3 sponge filters in 3 20 longs?...I'm gunna have them stacked above one another to save space if that matters bc of the height.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'd probably run any dual outlet airpump and just split one of them. Something like this should handle it.
Fishing The Cape
Fishing The Cape - 7 years ago
All those fish seem to put mine to shame lol I made a video on it, thought it looked good but I'm trying to learn how to film better. Also Gucci video
Fishing The Cape
Fishing The Cape - 7 years ago
I love these hour long videos
Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
Great tour
Official Rustic
Official Rustic - 7 years ago
ID on the plecos around 6:51
Catherine Kennedy
Catherine Kennedy - 7 years ago
One fish I still haven't seen that no one has....I half expected him to have some are the twig catfish. Almost thought he had them with the one you showed with the brissel mouth and long thin tail, but no wasn't them. Trying find out some info for care of them.
Fish Tropic
Fish Tropic - 7 years ago
Pretty cool !!!!
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
cory, yesterday when I got home my shrimp was laying in the sand under yhe coconut hut and it had every body part , I was just wondering if it's molting or dead , and how long does it take to molt. Thanm you
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ghost shrimp
Fish Nation
Fish Nation - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op they are gjost shrimp and I seperated him/her into another tank but I doesn't seem like it's alive , it doesn't move
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Jason Silva typically molting doesn't take long and you don't see it. What type of shrimp?
Anthony Ragan
Anthony Ragan - 7 years ago
One of the best fish room tours I've ever seen. I'm not big into plecos, but I love corydoras, and Eric has become my new hero. I need some of those two-line corydoras in my life.
chris revels
chris revels - 7 years ago
Whats up Cory. just placed an order for your easy green for the plants. I love watching your videos. Great tips and like always, awesome fish. Thanks for all you do. Best wishes to you and all your crew. Take care.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+chris revels thanks for the order!
Redneck Fishguy
Redneck Fishguy - 7 years ago
What a great video! Thanks.
ShadowPhienexGaming - 7 years ago
Hey Cory how big should a quarantine tank be?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Most of our QT tanks are 20gs.
ShadowPhienexGaming - 7 years ago
Thanks Cory! Also what size tanks do you use for all of your fish?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Nick Harrington I think that depends on the type of fish you keep. For a lot of people a 10 or 20 gallon would work just fine
steven Banalez
steven Banalez - 7 years ago
hi I'm 13 I have 2 ten gallon tanks and one five gallon tank I'm about to buy a 55 gallon from my local Petco I'm just looking for some advice on what kind of fish I should get I'm thinking about either cichlids or a silver arrowana I like both but if you think something else would be better please recommend something
Don Munn
Don Munn - 7 years ago
Excellent! Every once in awhile I find a video like this. It's why I keep searching. Thanks for sharing Cory.
neeraj singh
neeraj singh - 7 years ago
Never seen anything like this before... Superb Video ! ❤
The Angry Fish Guy
The Angry Fish Guy - 7 years ago
Eric is one of those guys I would like to pick his brain!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+The Angry Fish Guy indeed I already am trying to plan a way to back and have more than 6 hours there.
ACH Aquatics
ACH Aquatics - 7 years ago
Did you happen to film Regina's fish room as well? I love seeing fish rooms like these, especially people who are spawning and raising rare hard to find species. Lots of great tips in there!
ACH Aquatics
ACH Aquatics - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op I'll have to keep an eye out on their channels.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+ACH Aquatics I didn't get to this trip. I believe flip aquatics and Lucas did
alexis rux
alexis rux - 7 years ago
Wouldn't hydrogen peroxide kill an aquascape
alexis rux
alexis rux - 7 years ago
Wouldn't hydrogen peroxide kill an aquascape
Cameraz Eye
Cameraz Eye - 7 years ago
Thanks Cory. Love seeing peoples setups to get my fish room setup going.
MaxAnts - 7 years ago
John John
John John - 7 years ago
The hydrogen peroxide he's using, is it the regular 3% we get from the pharmacy, or is it a stronger concentration?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+John John 3%
EmoneycichlidsNYC - 7 years ago
cool video #SqUadUP LoVE is LoVE always BROs
remoza - 7 years ago
What an amazing tour!! i watched it glued to the screen, learned alot. would have been nice to see more from the fishrooms :)
thx for all your work cory and safe travels
burningfyra - 7 years ago
shame we didn't see all of his rainbows seems like he had more than was shown. Great fishroom!
Sean S-S
Sean S-S - 7 years ago
I'm pretty sure we had the beginnings of beard algae in one of the tanks at my work, so I put 6 oto's in it and it was gone in a few days.
Michael Stevens
Michael Stevens - 7 years ago
Great video, did I miss the L128 Blue Phantom plecos?

100. comment for The KING of PLECOS and CORYDORAS! Fish Room Tour.

okiinu - 7 years ago
Outstanding! Learned a lot.
k2In1 - 7 years ago
I leave a comment here to receive any advice for my tiger oscars. 1 of them is having pop eye desease. Please help me what to buy.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+k2In1 reduce stress with clean water and no aggression from tank mates then treat with erythromycin.
ExtraSteps - 7 years ago
Dude, creepy spider on the left at 12:28. I think it was hunting Corey.
Braiden Saville
Braiden Saville - 7 years ago
cory do you think this is ok for a 140 gallon tank?
Royal whiptail
2x upside down cats
Featherfin catfish
Gold spot plec
1x Bristlenose (peppermint)
12x corydoras (4x peppered,albino, brochis splendens)
14x khuli loach (10x Normal, 4xblack)
14x Danios (Zebra)
12x tetra (6xBlackPhantom & RummyNose)
2x rams (electric blue, german blue)
10x Angels
6x Marble hatchetfish
1x Flame dwarf gourami
Braiden Saville
Braiden Saville - 7 years ago
Would it be overcrowded if i got a couple woodcats?
Braiden Saville
Braiden Saville - 7 years ago
Okay thankyou!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Braiden Saville seems ok space wise
j white
j white - 7 years ago
Wow great video lots of information hope their is more to come, always interesting even if I will never keep most of those fish
Anxious Aquatics
Anxious Aquatics - 7 years ago
Great vid!
Nick & Emily
Nick & Emily - 7 years ago
Haven't gotten my plecos to spawn yet and not having anything in the tank finds me thinking that they're doing what he said with the predatory awareness so I'm gonna try and put a small school of fish in there and see what happens! Thanks for sharing the video and thanks for doing what you do
FlipNation23 - 7 years ago
Cory, as I was watching this awesome vid. you mentioned that you have a thing with live-bearers. I have a breeding group of Tequila Goodeids that I've been breeding for the past year. They are a lot slower to reproduce unlike guppies, swords and platys but they are pretty cool fish! the male has an orange band on its caudal fin and it turns from regular gray to purplish/black color when he's trying to mate. :D
Michael Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Hey Cory I was wondering if I would be able to carpet Monte Carlo in my 10 gallon tank with a finnex planted plus clip on? Or would I be better off buying a finnex stingray instead?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Michael Rodriguez med to high
Michael Rodriguez
Michael Rodriguez - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op Thanks for the advice! Would that be low/med light on a standard 10 gallon tank?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Michael Rodriguez I feel a stingray would be better
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium
dbachelor's Planted Aquarium - 7 years ago
Stunning! amazed!
Tropical Fish Success
Tropical Fish Success - 7 years ago
Thank you! I love videos like this. I love seeing how others keep their fish rooms. Awesome tanks and fish!
Michelle Scheer
Michelle Scheer - 7 years ago
Anyone know what the plant is around 17:00?
Michelle Scheer
Michelle Scheer - 7 years ago
ExtraSteps thanks!!
ExtraSteps - 7 years ago
Looks like regular Anubias nana to me.
luis aldapa
luis aldapa - 7 years ago
Hey how can I get a green platinum placo?
Aiden Meredith
Aiden Meredith - 7 years ago
loved the video!

and, I got really sad when i saw frogbit wasn't on the website :( found out it was perfect for my CA biotope
gamer64 - 7 years ago
what type of heater would you use for a 10 gallon Fish tank
Kevin Mara
Kevin Mara - 7 years ago
Excellent video! Keep the great content coming!
Kory's Aquatics & H2O
Kory's Aquatics & H2O - 7 years ago
I love catfish man awesome video Cory!
Anthony Vaccaro
Anthony Vaccaro - 7 years ago
I love his passion
Fish in the Corner
Fish in the Corner - 7 years ago
So does he come by with like a turkey Bastor and suck up the Corey eggs- then depositing them into another tank? Or is he moving the parents after they spawn? Thank you- Fish in the Corner
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Fish in the Corner he moves them by hand.
John Knopp
John Knopp - 7 years ago
I have a 300 gallon tank with large catfish and a stingray Iam having the cloudy water and have been changing water everyday. Would the hydragenporxide harm these fish
Prime Time Aquatics
Prime Time Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi John - Some times my water clouds up the day after a water change. Once the water ages a few days the cloudiness goes away. H2O2 in high enough concentrations to kill bacteria in the water column may wind up hurting your fish too. In the video Eric uses the H2O2 to kill the bacteria without fish in the tank. Hydrogen does not have long term stability in an aqueous solution being converted to water and oxygen gas, but I don't think I would chance it given the fish you have.
A.D. Aquatics
A.D. Aquatics - 7 years ago
did he say Pittsburgh? that's my neck of the woods lol how did I not know about this amazing fishroom
PineTreeLooms - 7 years ago
Cory, can you do a video on how to tell between a male and a female Cory cat and how to breed them.
Lifewithpets - 7 years ago
Amazing fish room and such great information!
Russ B.
Russ B. - 7 years ago
use flourish Excel to get rid of the beard algae it works great
tank9er michael
tank9er michael - 7 years ago
awesome video!...don't 4 get to do a video on that moss pad for fry
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
OMG this is the best video EVER....
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Vicki K I'm glad it is that enjoyable. I hope to do more videos like this going forward.
Vicki K
Vicki K - 7 years ago
I just watched it again! Fanboy!
Stevesteve 72
Stevesteve 72 - 7 years ago
Wow great video!
Thomas Fonseca
Thomas Fonseca - 7 years ago
What wattage heater should I use for a 20 gallon aquarium? Plan to keep it at 75 degrees
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Thomas Fonseca 100 watt works for most people
Tommy Christensen
Tommy Christensen - 7 years ago
wow nice fish :-)
miss Dovii
miss Dovii - 7 years ago
very good vid cory lov it
Johnny Marin
Johnny Marin - 7 years ago
This video was great very interesting and informative. Cory also wanted to say thank you for going the extra mile on the order. Also you are the only one that takes time to answer everyones needs. unfortunately your store is EXTREMELY far from my location. otherwise I would be there once a week lol.
Inglorious Bettas
Inglorious Bettas - 7 years ago
Wowwwwwwwwwwww amazing O_O I loved the corydoras spawning in the sand story! Makes so much sense!
kurt schnepf
kurt schnepf - 7 years ago
that beard algae I would use a wire brush to get as much off as you can then use h.p.
Fragglerocken Life
Fragglerocken Life - 7 years ago
Love these in depth videos. It's always amazing to see a serious hobbyists fish room! Thanks for the tour and you info!
NiX aKi
NiX aKi - 7 years ago
Wisdom and knowledge from a seasoned fish keeper
stuart brown
stuart brown - 7 years ago
Great video Eric and Regina. I'll have to come look around you fish room seeing as you've been in mine.
Tina Cuppernell
Tina Cuppernell - 7 years ago
This has to be the best fish room tour ever.! Thank you.! Eric is great.
Canadian Fish N Shrimp
Canadian Fish N Shrimp - 7 years ago
Absolutely amazing one of the pest pleco vids I have ever seen. THUMBS UP!
Airhawk360 - 7 years ago
Wow, that fish room was amazing! And I hadn't heard of most of the Corydoras species either (Well, or the plecos).

That was an interesting take he had on substrate with fry though. Well for one, I didn't know some cory's spawned in sand, and also with the gut bacteria idea. I have a group of Paleatus Cory's that I've spawned multiple times, and what I do is I take the breeder net and put substrate in it before the eggs. I used to do it to keep other fish from looking in and getting ideas, but that and infusoria/other bacteria are other good reasons for that too that I've found.
Catfish Cave
Catfish Cave - 7 years ago
Am I the only one that likes the look of beard algae? Are those Gladiator racks? Never thought I'd see so many of those cories except in a book. Wow!!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Catfish Cave yeah he was using the gladiator racks.
Aqua Apprentice
Aqua Apprentice - 7 years ago
Kevin b
Kevin b - 7 years ago
lots of information in this video :) I am starting with a rack with tanks. i am going to keep a variaty of corydoras mostly sterbai and panda sized. i can go with 2 rows of 3 x 15 gallon or with 2 rows of 2 x 23.7 gallon. what would be better in your opinion? probably going to keep schools of 6-12 corydoras per tank.
20quid - 7 years ago
Such an awesome fish room. So many rare fish. I'm incredibly envious, although nobody seems to keep my holy grail pleco, L095.
Nick K
Nick K - 7 years ago
Very cool video and interview Cory!
Conrad Frani
Conrad Frani - 7 years ago
One of the greatest video! Very informative!
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Wow Cory! That fishroom looks so nice!
I love that room and he's Algae eaters are looking so nice!! Wow!
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
Danny's Aquariums
Danny's Aquariums - 7 years ago
Congratz on 46,000 subscribers Cory!
keaton gerdes
keaton gerdes - 7 years ago
I could listen to Eric talk all day, he has so much knowledge
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Yeah, I hope to go back with more time next time :)
Buckethead Aquatics
Buckethead Aquatics - 7 years ago
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
This is seriously one of the best fish room tours I've ever seen. Eric seems like such an awesome guy, too.
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
Oh I was looking forward to seeing how the hydrogen Peroxide worked on the bacteria bloom.
Victor Baker
Victor Baker - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op It's okay I'm not mad about it. It's more important that the tank was treated for the problem. I'm sure it worked. I see no reason why it wouldn't.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
We actually never went back to that tank as we ran out of time. We were there for 6 hours filming and still didn't even get to film it all.
LittleLargeMouth - 7 years ago
That intro was incredible
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
This is another video I'm going to end up watching several times over. Bodrock is such a wellspring of information.
Dwain Kitchel
Dwain Kitchel - 7 years ago
every once in awhile a game changing video comes along...this is one of those thx for doing this Cory, i know you went without sleep and flew way too many miles...but i hope you understand how worth it, it was!!!!!!! an actual expert on his home turf
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
I'm glad that is how it came out for you :) Makes it worth the trip :)
V. Stag
V. Stag - 7 years ago
wow that was great I could listen to Cory interview other fish people all day 
59 minutes it went by to fast  
Thanks to all involved in making this video it was awesome
Mtown bound93
Mtown bound93 - 7 years ago
my water purifier can change ph. can i do a small water change of ph6.0 to soften my water or would that disrupt things?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
If you're doing small water changes it'll alter the pH slowly and should be ok.
Scott Special
Scott Special - 7 years ago
Amazing fishroom, thanks for sharing!
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 7 years ago
he said ph isn't super important, I'm getting told pH is paramount for wild bettas is it true?
Tamara Simpson
Tamara Simpson - 7 years ago
Hendra are the ones I'm looking into :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Which bettas? I've never found pH important for the wild type bettas I've bred. That being said I've never bred macrostoma and I hear they need lower pH.
Matthew B
Matthew B - 7 years ago
45:17 fish in bottem right of screen, what is it called looks majestic! :) please/thank you
Matthew B
Matthew B - 7 years ago
Thank you, your very active in replying to our comments. :)
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Chocolate Australe Killifish
The Fish Nerd
The Fish Nerd - 7 years ago
The fishroom envy is REAL!!!!
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
what a amazing aquatics shop.... Cory. ... why aren't you guy like this in England as him can I work for him or
just b aquatics
just b aquatics - 7 years ago
Really wow he has some stunning pleco's you get to see some cool stuff.......
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Justin Brazill it's not even a shop, it's in his basement.
Brian's aquatics
Brian's aquatics - 7 years ago
amazing video as always, I've seen several videos of Eric's tanks, and it never gets old. so much to learn.
HeavyGamerTV - 7 years ago
Pure viewing pleasure, a long form fish room tour video filled with rare species and great tips... thoroughly enjoyed, thank you sir!
JWA79 - 7 years ago
Another amazing video loaded with information , you spoke about sterilizing rocks and sand and using different methods of doing tanks as well , i have a load of Ocean rock / holy rock what ever you want to call it that ive got from differnt people and places and its just been stored outside for months on end , we also have dogs among the neighbourhood cats so good only knows what on it at the moment , i now want to use it to aquascape a marine tank how you suggest i sterilize the rock to kill off any nastys that have gathered on it so its safe to use ??
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
For a marine tank, just soak it in your old saltwater water change water, the salt will kill anything off that was living on it.
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics
L.R.Bretz's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Be the fish!! <3 Learned some great tips from this!! Awesome video guys!!
Rich's Fishes
Rich's Fishes - 7 years ago
very cool Cory. Are my ears playing tricks on me or is the audio recorded in stereo somehow? Sounded like I heard your voice out of one speaker and Eric out of the other.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+Rich's Fishes I'm not sure as I didn't edit the video there is a chance different audios are spliced in. With 5 people in the room talking and filming it got loud sometimes. My main camera isn't in stereo
mad3arber - 7 years ago
what % peroxide 60 vol 18%. 40 vol 12% .20 v6%..?
mad3arber - 7 years ago
Aquarium Co-Op ha. That's barely peroxide at all lol .thanks
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Here in the USA, 3% is the standard that you'd buy at any grocery store etc.
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 7 years ago
Great work cory, love this video on so many levels.
tilapiastew - 7 years ago
So cool, hope there is more to come.
Russell Beach
Russell Beach - 7 years ago
Absolutely awesome !!!
KG cichlids
KG cichlids - 7 years ago
That's a lot of money
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 7 years ago
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 7 years ago
hey Cory , how much is one months light bill at your fish store?
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+wichid cichlid in the winter $200 a month. In the summer about $125
Ryan Duminiet
Ryan Duminiet - 7 years ago
This guy know what he is doing, full of knowledge!
skoskur - 7 years ago
wichid cichlid
wichid cichlid - 7 years ago
isn't this guy the owner of oddball aquatics or something similar I can't think of the name??
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+wichid cichlid yes, this is his personal fish room
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 7 years ago
Chaz ́s Fish Channel
Chaz ́s Fish Channel - 7 years ago
Those Rainbow fish in the intro look huge!!
Goodwin's Aquatics
Goodwin's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Chaz ́s Fish Channel, me too
SWhiskey Vision
SWhiskey Vision - 7 years ago
Chaz ́s Fish Channel it's the biggest rainbows I've ever seen.
guppy Friend
guppy Friend - 7 years ago
what reinbow fish can live 20 gallon tank with guppys
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
Possibly Threadfin rainbows, but slow moving guppies and quick rainbows might lead to some issues.
Nik Marren
Nik Marren - 7 years ago
Very informative. Really enjoyed this video.
Sharps big toe
Sharps big toe - 7 years ago
Wow, what a collection
Tyler - 7 years ago
man i know i keep saying this but man cory and shishimi that intro was oozing professional work
Steenfott Aquatics
Steenfott Aquatics - 7 years ago
looking forward to watching this one.
Luke Reynolds
Luke Reynolds - 7 years ago
hey cory I'm going to my local fish shop tomorrow and there are some huge tanks there one with giant gouramis these things are huge and there are massive plecos and all different types of large fish was gona do a little video on it if you want il send I to you so you can watch I like in Australia so you mit be interested to see an Australian fish store gona film the video tomorrow and ifnot il just put it in for the next home show
Sub-zero 6
Sub-zero 6 - 7 years ago
Lukes aquariumsNgaming what a mess
Luke Reynolds
Luke Reynolds - 7 years ago
yeah soon I'm starting to now going to do a small fish store tour just of there 2 main show tanks in these tanks are some awesome giant gouramis they are if I would have to say at least 26 to 27 inches long youl see il send it to cory he mit do a vid on it or put it in the next home show
Luke Reynolds
Luke Reynolds - 7 years ago
ok awesome whenever you get the time is fine :)
SininStyle - 7 years ago
do you record your talks at all? Would be interesting to watch I think.
Aquarium Co-Op
Aquarium Co-Op - 7 years ago
+EvacX GamesNvlogs sure, I'll try and watch it when I get some time. I fly out again tomorrow morning to give a talk so it might take me a bit to watch it
Aussie Soarer
Aussie Soarer - 7 years ago
sounds awesome, hope i get to see it sometime.
Luke Reynolds
Luke Reynolds - 7 years ago
I want some rose line sharks but they are so expensive in Australia you get a very small one for 70 dollars each crazy right
Rely Flores
Rely Flores - 7 years ago
Very informative....nice to know...Thank you for sharing Cory!
Flynn's Fish Forum
Flynn's Fish Forum - 7 years ago
Hey Cory! This video looks awesome! Gonna watch it when I get home from school! I can't wait!
Bookshelf Aquatics
Bookshelf Aquatics - 7 years ago
Woohoo! So excited for this!
Vaan's Aquatics
Vaan's Aquatics - 7 years ago
Hi Cory , do u have experience in breeding discus? If yes plz give me some tips like what water what food and etc .... I feed beef hart mix , and using ro presently ... anyother ideas ? a for breeding ?

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