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Well, Today I went up a remote creek In the middle of No-Where trying to spot some eels... The only thing was, I...
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Paul Powis demonstrates the two standard filleting techniques and walks you through the steps while filleting walleye...
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Tropical fish are generally those fish found in aquatic tropical environments around the world. In this video you...
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Practical Fishkeeping magazine online shows you how to set up a large tropical freshwater aquarium.
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MY opinion and some of these are waaaayyyy cooler when you see them in real life.
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MONSTER FISHES!!! You knew that the snakehead can live out of water for 4 days. You knew that the arowana can jump...
The "Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish" video is part of the coridoras, catfish, freshwater aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
10. comment for Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish
20. comment for Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish
Which are the ones I have ;-;
30. comment for Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish
Oh, btw, the Corydoras you called julii are actually trilineatus.
50. comment for Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish
what the problem?
Some nice cheap fish:
- Guppy
- Swordtail
- Molly
In the tank with the blue shrimp and the dwarf anchor cats... what species are the striped fish?
100. comment for Top 5 Bottom Dweller Freshwater Fish
If Loaches ( Which types )
Corydoras ?
I do like those JavaFerns on the wood, My JavaFerns are still the same 5 leaves, no growth yet, little help there please ?
Thanks !
Corydoras are incompatible is it ?
I love the Top 5 series Cory!
And I love Corydoras!!
WOW you even have a Aquarium Co-Op decoration in a tank at the store! haha!
I went to a LFS today and bought new fish, Ameca Splendens and some other.
When I came home I saw that the Ameca Splendens died and all the other fish were doing great! So I called the store and next time I get new ones.
Do you have Ameca Splendens too? What do you think of them? Easy to breed?
I would like to here other peoples experience too!
Keep up the good work and thumbs up!
#FishFam #TacoUnion
You are back! Haven't heard anything from you for a long time!