[HD] Wild Discus / Diskus @ Zierfische & Aquarium 2010 [23/53]
Discus 13 years ago 12,337 views
Homepage: http://www.fischbottich.de/Zierfische-Aquarium.288.0.html Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Fischbottich Twitter: https://twitter.com/n03lz +++ This is none of my own tanks. In this video you can see a fish tank of a fishkeeping fair near my hometown (in Duisburg) called: "13. Zierfische & Aquarium - 8. Internationales Diskus Championat - Duisburg 2010". We have videos of many tanks of this fair. 30th of September 2010 (30.09.2010) +++ The population of this tank: - Blue Discus / Blauer Diskus (Symphysodon aequifasciatus haraldi) (If you are intrested in helping me classifying the other species in this tank, post your suggestions) +++ Intro: 5xLMusic Weitere Informationen unter http://www.youtube.com/user/5xlmusic +++ Veröffentlichung des Videomaterials mit der freundlichen Genehmigung der Zoo Zajac GmbH. Weitere Informationen unter http://www.zajac.de/
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