10 Gallon Discus Tank
Discus 14 years ago 30,496 views
Here is my 10 gallon discus tank. Please keep in mind that this is their temporary home. I will be getting a bigger tank to move them into as the discus do get quite large. I got these two discus and angel fish from a friend who had recently gotten them from someone. He did not want them so he gave them to me. They were living in some rather horrible condition so I brought them home. I had a spare 10 gallon tank already setup so I put them in here. The discus fish are doing quite well. I have had them in there for a few months now. They are still very small at around 2 inches. I feed them a combination of flake food and bloodworms. I also routinely change the water and treat it with API pH Down to keep the ph level at around 6.4 as the discus and angel fish prefer softer water. The gravel is natural river rock. I am using an LED strip for lighting. Filter is an Aqueon Powerfilter. I keep the temperature at around 84 degrees. I also have one silver dollar in there before I added the angels and discus.
even a 10 gallon is too small for a temporary tank for discus......if you knew anything about these fish you would know that
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