10 Gallon Discus Tank

Here is my 10 gallon discus tank. Please keep in mind that this is their temporary home. I will be getting a bigger tank to move them into as the discus do get quite large. I got these two discus and angel fish from a friend who had recently gotten them from someone. He did not want them so he gave them to me. They were living in some rather horrible condition so I brought them home. I had a spare 10 gallon tank already setup so I put them in here. The discus fish are doing quite well. I have had them in there for a few months now. They are still very small at around 2 inches. I feed them a combination of flake food and bloodworms. I also routinely change the water and treat it with API pH Down to keep the ph level at around 6.4 as the discus and angel fish prefer softer water. The gravel is natural river rock. I am using an LED strip for lighting. Filter is an Aqueon Powerfilter. I keep the temperature at around 84 degrees. I also have one silver dollar in there before I added the angels and discus.

10 Gallon Discus Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 66

Discus 14 years ago 30,496 views

Here is my 10 gallon discus tank. Please keep in mind that this is their temporary home. I will be getting a bigger tank to move them into as the discus do get quite large. I got these two discus and angel fish from a friend who had recently gotten them from someone. He did not want them so he gave them to me. They were living in some rather horrible condition so I brought them home. I had a spare 10 gallon tank already setup so I put them in here. The discus fish are doing quite well. I have had them in there for a few months now. They are still very small at around 2 inches. I feed them a combination of flake food and bloodworms. I also routinely change the water and treat it with API pH Down to keep the ph level at around 6.4 as the discus and angel fish prefer softer water. The gravel is natural river rock. I am using an LED strip for lighting. Filter is an Aqueon Powerfilter. I keep the temperature at around 84 degrees. I also have one silver dollar in there before I added the angels and discus.

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Most popular comments
for 10 Gallon Discus Tank

jeri Hulme
jeri Hulme - 7 years ago
Good person for giving these fish a better environment to live !!
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
nice beta tank
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
nobody read the description? ? this is a temporary tank
Adney Keverne
Adney Keverne - 9 years ago
Has anyone read that this was a temporary home.. and seeming as it was 5 years ago i dont think any of these would have been kept in there for too long
Ankit Patel
Ankit Patel - 9 years ago
This is animal cruelty
Ro Jo
Ro Jo - 7 years ago
Gregory Marrero it's still not cruelty. Can't you see that they are thriving?
Luka Mirkovic
Luka Mirkovic - 8 years ago
read the description... and how he got them...
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
Yeap i know about fish keeping. ..but i dont see the problem with a temporary 10 gal tank for discus...probably the other tank is cycling so he moved them soon...in petshops they are in worse conditionso a 10 gallon looks good just for a SHORT time...
Ankit Patel
Ankit Patel - 8 years ago
+mysister&i show

even a 10 gallon is too small for a temporary tank for discus......if you knew anything about these fish you would know that
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
read description please he said it is a temporary tank
Gregory Marrero
Gregory Marrero - 9 years ago
this is not reading the description
brian kulak
brian kulak - 10 years ago
Wow. And I feel bad with one in my 32g
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Trevor Clubine yeap there is a vid called discus aquarium HD-1080p
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
+Trevor Clubine well he said he practically rescued them from someone that didn't want them so this tank was already cycled so at that point it is not cruel but u ar right about we don't know if he really got a bigger tank...i will look at his other vid and see if he said the truth
Trevor Clubine
Trevor Clubine - 8 years ago
+mysister&i show its still cruel and it dosnt mean hell upgrade to a proper tank and this tank is to small to house them at this size.
mysister&i show
mysister&i show - 8 years ago
read description he said it is a temporary tank
fish tank people
fish tank people - 10 years ago
Matt Richison
Matt Richison - 11 years ago
And I thought 6 in my 90 was cramped.
CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
i have two discus about 1.5 or 2 inches and they dont eat food about 3 days, i trying to feed them with "tetra proqolour" special discus food (granules) and beef heart but they ignore food my tank is 300L temperature is 31 32C no plants no gravel just a tank they are alone in tank and they breath fast. can you help me?

10. comment for 10 Gallon Discus Tank

CartoonsZ Channel
CartoonsZ Channel - 11 years ago
i have same problem and i have two discus about 1.5 or 2 inches and they don't eat food about 3 days, i trying to feed them with "tetra proqolour" special discus food (granules) and beef heart but they ignore food my tank is 300L temperature is 31 32C no plants no gravel just a tank they are alone in tank and they breath fast. can you help how's your going?
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
Out of all the overstock vids I seem this is the best of all XD
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
Out of all
Patsplattheredstonisist - 11 years ago
rpmjr65 - 11 years ago
Looks great to me...I keep discus fish and yours look just fine. If not they would of shown signs of something by now.
rpmjr65 - 11 years ago
People just have to be negative. They stated "Temporary set up" so relax. Looks way better than some permanent set ups I seen.
Chitown Cichlids
Chitown Cichlids - 12 years ago
Nice Temporary tank setup. The fish looking good!
Diego Montoya
Diego Montoya - 12 years ago
Hey really cool little tank, i have a 38 gallon and have an angelfish, ram cichlid, kribenses cichlid, and some tetras, would one discus be fine or should i do two or any at all? Help?
himekp - 12 years ago
I wonder, does anyone ever reads the description?
WolleytheMonster - 12 years ago
i hope that is just temporary housing

20. comment for 10 Gallon Discus Tank

alonfire000 - 12 years ago
at least 30 gallon man !!
Mark discus
Mark discus - 12 years ago
how are your discus with your angel fish
Joshua Jurgens
Joshua Jurgens - 12 years ago
overstock 10 gallon tank
footballrocks1216 - 13 years ago
how are the angels are they still alive
MrAceFab - 13 years ago
tooooooooooooo little
FishFirst - 13 years ago
You need more!! Looks really empty. UNDERSTOCK!!
ScarletLetter86 - 13 years ago
@IKILLU720 ur an idiot, learn to READ troll.
himekp - 13 years ago
Attention all trolls, READ THE DESCRIPTION!!!
IKILLU720 - 13 years ago
u r an idiot thy need a 55gallon
iPODtouchUSER1995 - 13 years ago
OMG poor fish.....you absolutely CAN´T keep Discus in a 40l Tank!!!!! That is just irresponsible.

30. comment for 10 Gallon Discus Tank

diezeled - 13 years ago
I would get them to a bigger tank asap, you are risking stunting them keeping them in a tank that small!
Toan Duong
Toan Duong - 13 years ago
There are going to be a ton of people who say they need more room but it depends on ur fish so don't listen to them
0aquariumguy0 - 14 years ago
@MyHattisBlue Discus should be kept at around 80-85 degrees. They prefer much warmer water as opposed to other tropical fish.
Daniel Gamboa
Daniel Gamboa - 14 years ago
@0aquariumguy0 Well I have one male and one female. The female is definitely harmless, the male messes with her once in a while. The discus would be like 5x bigger though ha ha. We'll see. Those fish are too pretty to buy and have them die on you....
0aquariumguy0 - 14 years ago
@deeshizzlee The platties would be fine. The danios are fast swimming fish that may startle the discus. As for the mollies. I've had them before with other fish and they were pretty aggressive. They would constantly nip at the other fishes. I don't think mollies would work with the discus.
0aquariumguy0 - 14 years ago
@YadiyThomas I had the same problem with mine as well. They are very jittery fish. That is why you don't want to keep fast moving fish with them as they get startled easily. How big is your tank? Mine still get startled whenever I walk up to my tank every now and then, As for food. Have you tried giving them frozen bloodworms? I tried that and thats how I got them to start eating. Also, give them time and they eventually will eat the food.
Daniel Gamboa
Daniel Gamboa - 14 years ago
@0aquariumguy0 yeah that's what I figured. I have a couple mollies, platties, and a school of danios, they would all get along right? The water color is definitely from the driftwood, and I love it, looks all natural. Would you advise investing in discus? They are expensive fish...I know they are beautiful but are they a hassle?
0aquariumguy0 - 14 years ago
@deeshizzlee You could probably get away with keeping them at 7 but their colors show much better at a lower ph. Also, the natural driftwood you got in there can help in keeping the ph low. So your water is black? That may be due to the tannis that is released by the driftwood which is normal and will not harm the fish. The color will go away after you do your water changes.
Daniel Gamboa
Daniel Gamboa - 14 years ago
I want a discus for my 40 gallon so bad! my pH is like 7 I think? I use jungle test strips and I have trouble with colors. My local fish store says 6, but I don't want to use chemicals and I'm afraid if I work really hard to make it go down....it will be a pain to keep it there, constant maintenance. Can they live at 7? I have a natural piece of driftwood in there, so my water is "black water."

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