10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!

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10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE! sentiment_very_dissatisfied 17

Discus 7 years ago 3,441 views

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Most popular comments
for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!

JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Support Jacob's Aquarium by visiting our online store http://JacobsAquarium.com, we have lots to choose from!
Sherry Swinney
Sherry Swinney - 7 years ago
I have never used co2. But all my tanks are planted. Your 10 gallon is looking good. Thanks
Megan Ness
Megan Ness - 7 years ago
Do you have Patreon?
Guilherme Martins
Guilherme Martins - 7 years ago
Jacob isn't that substrate completly inert?
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Not at all, it contains nutrients beneficial to plants. Thanks for watching.
Jody Morrison
Jody Morrison - 7 years ago
Great 2 videos Jacob keep us updated want to see how this one progresses.
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
AccountTake3 - 7 years ago
I have noticed the same thing with Columbian Bluegreen Tetras, some plants I just cannot keep.
PalmTree - 7 years ago
What kind of gravel is that? it looks awesome!
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Flourite, thanks for watching.
david w
david w - 7 years ago
amano shrimp? sensitive? wut?
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Someone else has already mentioned amano shrimp are tuff inverts. I was told for years ghost shrimp were very hardy inverts, my mistake for listening to them I guess. Thanks for watching.
John Bear's Fish Room
John Bear's Fish Room - 7 years ago
Very cool! I'm saving up to order from you! I want to scape my 40b real thick with plants. Suggestions?
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
John Bear's Fish Room Awesome! Try Wisteria, it’ll take over your tank! Thanks for watching!

10. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!

Alan Reid
Alan Reid - 7 years ago
After watching your videos over the last few years and learning loads about how to grow plants using lights, co2, nutrients etc I was amazed to see this set up you've done. Don't take this to heart but it's the saddest set up I've seen in a long time. An overkill light supplying a tank without co2 is asking for trouble. You should look back to remind yourself of the lovely aquarium you had on the post dated 19th March 2014 using co2 to feed the plants. You say they are thriving, really? Come on, wakey wakey, I am a big fan Jacob but it's time to wake up and get real. Co2 need not be expensive, a cheap fire extinguisher, Chinese regulator and diffuser can be had for well under $100. Rule number 1. Plant heavy. I could prattle on but you know more about the hobby than me or at least you used to. The plants are clinging onto to life, not thriving as you say . Either get some co2 in there or rip out these sad sights before they melt to nothing and get plastic ones and be done with it.
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Alan Reid You have your opinion. I have mine. Have a great day and thanks for watching.
Shawn Hineidi
Shawn Hineidi - 7 years ago
loving the journey with your 10gal tank and cant wait for your plants to grow. I hope you will add some Rotala at the background. May I suggest adding a pre-filter sponge to your HOB Fluval intake for the sake of the fish and shrimp! also, I think the tank will look awesome if you had the back in black! many thanks for sharing the update and keep on inspiring us Jacob!
shawna visser
shawna visser - 7 years ago
Beautiful! Cant wait to watch you learn and grow ;)
Gore - 7 years ago
Jacob, what kind of co2 diffuser is that?
yaoming yen
yaoming yen - 7 years ago
You should do a hardscape with your new products!
james galeana
james galeana - 7 years ago
What is the substrate...
MELODY MUNRO - 7 years ago
Seachem Flourite
Erik J
Erik J - 7 years ago
Non CO2 are all about balance. The the threshold for maximum plant growth is diminished due to the lack of available carbon, but with enough time, research, and understanding of the mechanisms behind plant growth you can have a stable planted tank, that in many ways, is superior to a CO2 dosed tank. This is largely due to the fact that you are simplifying the chemistry of the water by eliminating intermittent rises in dissolved CO2, which can adversely effect the fish if not monitored carefully. Ideally, you can have the best of both worlds if you only dose a small amount of CO2 with 50-60 PAR , thus ensuring that even shaded plants are able to maximize growth, all while maintaining the health of the fish.
Dan D
Dan D - 7 years ago
Nice video, excited to see the growth progress of the plants
25Aditya25 - 7 years ago
Where's sunny?
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
25Aditya25 Sunny was given to my ex roommate. Thanks for watching.
Bronson Read
Bronson Read - 7 years ago
I’ve got a super nice 10 gallon

20. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!

Triple 10 Tanks
Triple 10 Tanks - 7 years ago
i cant wait to see this tank grow
Kolton D
Kolton D - 7 years ago
Omg my lamp eye tetras ate a good chunk of my plants. Some plants did fine some were demolished. My Val didn’t grow because they kept eating it down. I started with 2 little plants now the tank is taken over by them when I removed them
Jeffrey Donaldson
Jeffrey Donaldson - 7 years ago
I have had aquariums off and on since I was 11 years old and i had never heard of using co2 for plants till i started back up with 2 20 gallon tanks. then i saw people saying you cant have plants without c02. When did this start? I turned 11 in 1961.
Erik J
Erik J - 7 years ago
Thus catapulting the use of CO2 even when it is not required /:
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Jeffrey Donaldson I believe it was back in the early 90s. Takashi Amano. Known as the father of planted tanks, discovered co2 was beneficial for planted tanks when he poured soda water in one of his own aquariums. Thanks for watching!
Edwin Brown
Edwin Brown - 7 years ago
I think less opinions and more admiring is due for Jacobs beautiful aquatic ventures! (If he wanted advice he’d ask)
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Edwin Brown Thank you my friend!
nakedreptiles - 7 years ago
Hey Jacob! Great video as always! I would like to say that the ghost shrimps are usually not as hardy as the cherries or amanos. I find that the ghost shrimp are mainly mass-bred as feeders and are more of a brackish water shrimp. Also, I’ve heard that the ghost shrimp can be a little nippy towards fish but I have never experienced that myself.
I think most Petcos sell amanos and cherry shrimps now. Not trying to critique at all just wanted to offer some (hopefully) helpful advice. Can’t wait to see how this tank fills in over time!
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Thanks my friend!
Jeff Cachero
Jeff Cachero - 7 years ago
Good update. How many hours do you have your lights on?
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
The lights are on from 10am to 8pm. Thanks for watching!
the lazy fish keeper
the lazy fish keeper - 7 years ago
here's a shout out for mystic cake yaaaaa!!!!!! hooooooo!!!!!!! no plans for some hard scape? or your doing dutchman style
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
lol! I might add some rocks but still thinking. Thanks for watching my friend!
gary davies
gary davies - 7 years ago
Wow I bet you are hoping the lamp eyes don't breed in the pond Jacob .
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago
Actually I'm not bothered by them, as I said, the lamp eyes I have in there now don't bother the plants. I thinks its because the pond is so big, I feel like when fish are in a small tank they get bored and mess around with everything. But in a large system and being well fed, they have so much space to swim and find food, they don't bother the plants around them. Haven't had a problem yet and its been more then a year they've been in there. They got big too! The biggest lamp eyes I have ever seen, again, I think that's because all the free space they have. Thanks for watching my friend :)
Baby Tear Gardens
Baby Tear Gardens - 7 years ago
Thanks for the update
eisenklad - 7 years ago
yay for 360p LOL #UnrelatedComment
eisenklad - 7 years ago
ok back.. 1hr later and its full 1080p60fps .
nice start to planted tank.. ghost shrimp are ok.. but dont mix them with cherry shrimps. something about being territorial against other shrimp types. black or blue shrimps will look great against the substrate.
since you live in the states, FlipAquatics for shrimps?

i stopped using CO2 as well. i hear shrimps arent recommended in a CO2 injected tank coz it does swing the PH. i am planning on either Red or Blue shrimps.

but my DIY light upgrade is failing.. downside of using cheap LED strips(a 10USD for a 15ft roll, 1 year usage) .
using a clip on with spotlight in mean time while i figure out how to replace the LED strips.

but i found warm white 5050 SMDs work great on riccia.. they grow nice and dense in a 1feet deep water. and i'm not even dosing.

i know you like Kessils but cheap options seem to work for me.
Keep on tanking/planting
JacobsAquarium - 7 years ago

30. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!

Mystic Cake
Mystic Cake - 7 years ago
Please jacob
Mystic Cake
Mystic Cake - 7 years ago
Can I get a shoutout please

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