10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!
Discus 7 years ago 3,441 views
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10. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!
20. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!
I think most Petcos sell amanos and cherry shrimps now. Not trying to critique at all just wanted to offer some (hopefully) helpful advice. Can’t wait to see how this tank fills in over time!
nice start to planted tank.. ghost shrimp are ok.. but dont mix them with cherry shrimps. something about being territorial against other shrimp types. black or blue shrimps will look great against the substrate.
since you live in the states, FlipAquatics for shrimps?
i stopped using CO2 as well. i hear shrimps arent recommended in a CO2 injected tank coz it does swing the PH. i am planning on either Red or Blue shrimps.
but my DIY light upgrade is failing.. downside of using cheap LED strips(a 10USD for a 15ft roll, 1 year usage) .
using a clip on with spotlight in mean time while i figure out how to replace the LED strips.
but i found warm white 5050 SMDs work great on riccia.. they grow nice and dense in a 1feet deep water. and i'm not even dosing.
i know you like Kessils but cheap options seem to work for me.
Keep on tanking/planting
30. comment for 10 Gallon Planted Tank UPDATE!