10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

My Top 10 tips for a planted aquarium based on my own experiences. Follow these and have a great chance of success. Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - http://bit.ly/2j5OwuY Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram http://bit.ly/2AkOVDp Facebook http://bit.ly/2kgg1po Twitter http://bit.ly/2iCujjx UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) http://bit.ly/2kgmwbA KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!! http://bit.ly/2zWyiz5

10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes sentiment_very_dissatisfied 4

Discus 7 years ago 7,136 views

My Top 10 tips for a planted aquarium based on my own experiences. Follow these and have a great chance of success. Where I get most of my aquascaping stuff - http://bit.ly/2j5OwuY Follow my aquascaping journey... Instagram http://bit.ly/2AkOVDp Facebook http://bit.ly/2kgg1po Twitter http://bit.ly/2iCujjx UKAPS (superb resource for hobbyists) http://bit.ly/2kgmwbA KEEP ON SCAPING T SHIRTS NOW AVAILABLE!! http://bit.ly/2zWyiz5

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Most popular comments
for 10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

Steve Killingback
Steve Killingback - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George, fantastic, informative channel for aquascapers. Anyone who hasnt, it's well worth a sub!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Thanks so much
tamalin.tv - 7 years ago
Just subs thanks
cyesi23 - 7 years ago
Hi George, Merry Xmas. As you are keeping cherry shrimp, are you using RO water in the tank, or treated tap water? I understand cherry shrimp like tds lower than 200. Thanks
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Hard tap water. TDS 400
Agustin nava rodriguez
Agustin nava rodriguez - 7 years ago
don't forced your daughter to be there she just looks so bored !!! its really uncomfortable to watch her. she is not passionate about this stuff. just my opinion mate.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Not forced. Volunteered. We all look uncomfortable on camera when we start. We had great fun. Watch the outtakes at the end. Thanks for sharing your opinion and allowing me to share my insight.
Andrey Butko
Andrey Butko - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George! Thx a lot for channel, like it. Warm hello from Russia)
Paul Mace
Paul Mace - 7 years ago
fun video very informative and a big LOL
H.C. Aqua
H.C. Aqua - 7 years ago
Great tips! Great having your daughter help you with the video!
Nigel Aquascaping
Nigel Aquascaping - 7 years ago
Hope you had a Nice Christmas George. Nice video. Knew everything already but it is good to repeat this kind of information.
BR5491Z1Z - 7 years ago
i watched your hardscape vids and my question is how do you support the bottom of the tank when using large heavy rocks
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
I usually just use a thin layer of substrate.

10. comment for 10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

Sam Melyanets
Sam Melyanets - 7 years ago
All great tips! Lol "I am your father."
Dewi Sant
Dewi Sant - 7 years ago
Happy Christmas George,love your channel BTW,great tips,bookmarked this video,keep up the great work bro.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Ross - 7 years ago
Great info. Thank you!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
You’re welcome
John Zimm
John Zimm - 7 years ago
That was great. Does your daughter do any scaping?
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Thanks! Yes, a little
rick rodriguez
rick rodriguez - 7 years ago
Very informative video. Merry Christmas to you & family
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Grognak - 7 years ago
Video request - Planted tank with garden soil experiment :D
BR5491Z1Z - 7 years ago
great vid guys .. if u hav fish in the tank do u need to add co2...peace out
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Yes, the CO2 from the fish is negligible compared with injecting
Joyce Wolan
Joyce Wolan - 7 years ago
she has a aqua girls shirt on so kewl
Joyce Wolan
Joyce Wolan - 7 years ago
how do i get rid of blackbeard algae
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Check out my videos on it...
United Tanks of America
United Tanks of America - 7 years ago
A Very Merry Christmas and Happen New Year To You and Yours George
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Cheers mate, you too

20. comment for 10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

Hinckleberry Toadlipper
Hinckleberry Toadlipper - 7 years ago
Great video George, Merry Christmas from Colorado!
Jürgen Kraus
Jürgen Kraus - 7 years ago
Thanks for the great tips and Happy Christmas from Germany!
colinbarsby - 7 years ago
******MERRY CHRISTMAS******* Great tips.
Lunmee - 7 years ago
Thanks for the video.
Awesome shirts!
Ben Brevis
Ben Brevis - 7 years ago
What a nice vid. Merry Xmas
Martin Welters
Martin Welters - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Morpheus852 - 7 years ago
Good useful quick tips, Darth Vader, eeeh George! ;-)
jon james
jon james - 7 years ago
Season's Greeting to you George and you're family
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
WaterForest • Aquatics
WaterForest • Aquatics - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Sacred Wisp
Sacred Wisp - 7 years ago
How do I properly choose a light? How do I know if I have too much or too little? Especially for LED's
I have a finnex fugeray planted+ (48in) on a 55 gallon. Is this too much or too little?

30. comment for 10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

kara loft
kara loft - 7 years ago
Mary Christmas Georgie porgy! HOW MANY PLANTED TANKS do ya have in your home? Cheers..
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Three. Merry Christmas
Rickard Rocks
Rickard Rocks - 7 years ago
Merry chrismas George and family!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Makeila's Aqua
Makeila's Aqua - 7 years ago
Love the tips and the bloopers ;D Wondering where Florence got her shirt? I'd love to have one like it for my videos!
Adam Johnson
Adam Johnson - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George to you and your family. Thanks for all the advice.
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Galaxy Aquatics
Galaxy Aquatics - 7 years ago
Happy Christmas from India
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Edwin Kroeze
Edwin Kroeze - 7 years ago
merry christmas and I am already looking forward to the video's in 2018!
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
paul schofield
paul schofield - 7 years ago
Happy Christmas mate.. All the best hope you have a good one..
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
Tedlasman - 7 years ago
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
ROY SHAW - 7 years ago
Kamil Olczak
Kamil Olczak - 7 years ago
My amano shrimp eat my fish. They like to catch them, especially in night time...
z3ro7o - 7 years ago
Kamil Olczak they are hungry then feed them more
Alan Reid
Alan Reid - 7 years ago
George can you answer this please, why do you dose nitrates and phosphates if the aquarium is naturally producing these nutriants? Only to dilute them back down by big water changes. Is there not enough of these being produced naturally without adding more? Dr Kevin Novak, you'll no doubt have seen his channel says basically the aquarium has enough of these and it's an out dated practice that only benefits the manufacturer of these products in selling them. In the last few weeks I have stopping dosing nitrates and phosphate and only dose trace, potassium and iron and my plants have never looked better, also my algae has virtually disappeared. The little amount that the plants require surely have enough already in the tank without adding more. What's you're view on this please. Anyway loved your video and the end outtakes. Keep them coming. Thanks.
Jørn Ullits
Jørn Ullits - 7 years ago
By 50% waterchanges you don't remove 50% of the leftovers from fertilizing etc. ... probably about 40% and it depends on your local water parameters ... Some regions in this country have up to 55 ppm of Nitrates directly from the tap... so... when you change water you will remove some fertz, but you will add some by filling new water on the tank...

Basically there is 5 Parameters to fullfill for good plantgrowth and for very little algae issues...
1. Light intensity(light periode, is not of interest in relation to algae, but how many Pars, PPFD, Lumens and whatever you use is... )
2. Temperature...
These 2 first parameters is the demanding ones, Raise the light, or raise the temperature will make the need for the next 3 parameters raise to fullfill the plants metabolism...
So the next 3 parameters is the part which fullfill the demands ..
3. Fertilizer / Nutrients
4. CO2 (Not any falsh liquid CO2, which do not exist on this planet)
5. Circulation...
That's it, find the balance between these parameters and you are done...
You can't throw fertilizer into the tank alone you have too to have a good circulation to send both nutrients and CO2 round to the plants .. If you don't there will come defiencies and it's basically this part which makes trouble with algae, because lack of nutrients make the plants to move on the movable part, which result in chlorosis and necrosis by the plants and they will leak carbohydrates and sugar alcohol from the leaves both Staghorn and BBA has is specialised to get use of this, and will establish directly on the source, they don't say "No Thanks" to free energy ... they can do the same thing on a lot of other things in the aquarium eg. roots which contains and will release carbohydrates .. 45% of roots is a form for Carbon which is bulild up of the CO2, Potasium, Phosphors and more ... and it has to get free in some matter because as well as there are a nitrifying and a denitiifying proces running in the aquarium, there also is a Carbon cycle as well as in nature...
Scientist have developed an algae which don't need any form for light at all, it thrives in totally darkness and got the energy from sugars, it's the only thing needed for it to growth...
There will be some regulations during the time, because if you have succes with finding the correst balance between these parameters, plant will grow and make a lot of biomass which tend to raise and in that way there will be a risc for this mass to make hints for circulation etc....
In my opinion it's a bad idea to cut out som nutrients from the fertilizer because the nutrients have a influence on it's other and if one is missing it can be the reason for the plants uptake of other nutrients, which often happens... so you are better of with a slight over/excess fertilizing than you are with too little... more fertilizer will give no algae issues, but if it is high enougt the plants will get poisoned and die... and the other way round, will for sure give trouble with algae...
Here is a network of nutrient influence on each other http://akvariegoedning.dk/index.php/om-planteakvariet-alger-godning-lys/81-godning/1976-interaktion-mellem-de-enkelte-naeringsstoffer-og-tilgaengeligheden-af-disse-for-planten
The article is in Danish, some parts is in English though ... I hope these articles will be translated to english next year... but until it happens, you have to use google.translate with it's benefits :-) for unnessary translation etc....

I agree with George about fertilizing daily is the best solution for the plants and will reduce the risc for defiencis.

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
May the plants be with you !
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Hi Alan. In CO2 injected aquariums with high lighting extra N and P is required. This is especially the case in tanks with large plant biomass and relatively low fish load.

The dilution through water changes is more to do with diluting waste organics. Although it also has the benefit of resetting our nutrient levels from dosing.

Also consider the difference between inorganic and organic nitrates and phosphates. We can safely dose the former with no issues.

If you want to know more I suggest checking out Dennis Wong’s YouTube and Tom Barr’s many articles on the web.

I haven’t seen Kevin Novak’s channel but will do so.

My recommendations are based on 15 years of planted tank and aquascaping experience. I know what works for me and the tanks I set up and run. This doesn’t mean it’s the best way for everyone.
Bert Shackleford
Bert Shackleford - 7 years ago
Great info - Love the outtakes at the end too. Happy Holidays to you and your family George!

Keep up the great work my friend.
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show
Ultimate Fishkeeping Show - 7 years ago
Excellent video. I thoroughly enjoyed watching that. Really nice to see you doing that with your daughter. Absolutely fantastic video.

Thank you for sharing.
Olly Amy
Olly Amy - 7 years ago
Have a good Christmas mate glad I found your channel helped me with my tank a lot in the last few months! Thanks for the tips too.
Escapist - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George!
White Knight
White Knight - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George!!
Carlos Ortega H
Carlos Ortega H - 7 years ago
Thanks George for all your tips and videos, happy Christmas and prosperous new year ..... Greetings.
Medicus Piscis
Medicus Piscis - 7 years ago
I have made what seems like every mistake in the book when it comes to planted tanks. I almost never planted heavily and that always killed the tank from the start. So now I go way hard on plant load and it always outcompetes for the nutrients as long as I keep up with the water changes.

As far as a dirted tank, they're a tough sell. I used to use it all the time because it was so much cheaper. But, it brrinngs along so much variation and hard work to keep up with a specialized supstrate. For example, its recommended you mineralize the dirt by soaking it and then letting it dry over the course of weeks. Then you have to run it through window screen or another mesh to remove the more organic things like wood chips or rocks. Even then, its basically peat and releases tons and tons of organic compounds into the tank and tannins plus its bound to have some hitchikers on it (I haad a tank where I used as little dirt as possible because of previously poor experiences and eventually the tank was overrun with both dragonfly nymphs and bladder snails and I had to redo it) Finally it seems like there are some plants that thrive in it and others that cannot take the compaction properties it has. After a few years of trying it in a handful of tanks, it turns out to not be worth it and i dont think iill go back anytime soon.

Merry Christmas to you and yours! Thanks for allt he videos and help!
javamoss - 7 years ago
Happy holidays to you and your family, George! Awesome video. I was wondering, will you ever do a 3D realistic background/fake wood etc type aquascape like Joey King of DIY? Or are you against that? And also, which football club do you support in England, if any? Thanks!
Hamad Abdulla
Hamad Abdulla - 7 years ago
Thanks for tips

50. comment for 10 Pro Planted Tank Tips in 10 Minutes

David Brue
David Brue - 7 years ago
Happy Holidays from Florence Arizona
Colin Hollywood
Colin Hollywood - 7 years ago
Another great video George and a question I had regarding the size of Oase filter you use was answered too! Loved the outakes at the end :-P - Happy Christmas and Very Best Wishes to you and your family. Looking forward to catching up with you in 2018.
Rommel R
Rommel R - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Mr. Farmer.
sayak gupta
sayak gupta - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas
TANK masters
TANK masters - 7 years ago
Hey George from where do you get money for this costly aquariums ?
Is there any other business behind your aquascaping journey ?
Please tell me how can I be like you
I wanna learn aquascaping
TANK masters
TANK masters - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas geroge good information
cicco - 7 years ago
and family cheers
Bevon Baptiste
Bevon Baptiste - 7 years ago
Lol nice have a good one goood and nice info
Ama Teur
Ama Teur - 7 years ago
A Christmas present from George! As always, great tips. Best for the season from Atlantic Canada.
Juan Carlos JC
Juan Carlos JC - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas from Barcelona Spain.
Robert Fletcher
Robert Fletcher - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas George and your family. Your No. 1 tip on having a heavy plant load is something I wish I had done in the first place. I do have a heavy plant load now and I put it down to that and water change when I had CO2 problems leading to algae outbreak. Once stable I got things under control.
cicco - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas Giorgio and thank you for awesome video info....
david fieldman
david fieldman - 7 years ago
Hi George great tips merry xmas to you and your family
WanObi1972 - 7 years ago
Merry Christmas and greetz from Belgium on the nice tips
Sebastiaan Van Kamp
Sebastiaan Van Kamp - 7 years ago
Thanks George,
Maybe change te filter inlet from metal to glass, its a bit distracting to the beautiful scape.
Natural Caridina
Natural Caridina - 7 years ago
Hey George Merry Christmas , Im setting up a 50l scapers tank , I've done my 5 stone iwagum hard scape , should I use 5 plant species too ? What do you think ? Great vid once again
z3ro7o - 7 years ago
Monte carlo
Natural Caridina
Natural Caridina - 7 years ago
George Farmer alright thanks
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Depends on the look you’re after. Most Iwagumi look best with just one or two species of you want a minimalist look.

Merry Christmas
Natural Caridina
Natural Caridina - 7 years ago
Loved tbs ending
RedL0G - 7 years ago
Thanks for the tips! Do you have any experience with otocinclus and or corydoras pygmaeus (or habrosus, hastatus)? Want to get some in my planted shrimp tank, and I don't know if the Cory's will est the shrimp, or if the Otos won't get enough food..
RedL0G - 7 years ago
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you
George Farmer
George Farmer - 7 years ago
Shrimp should be ok but you’ll get less offspring from them breeding with any fish present

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