12 days of Fishmas
Discus 7 years ago 2,368 views
unpacking new fish you say? Who doesn't love that? ******************************************************************** Subscribe here: https://goo.gl/4OO1ml ******************************************************************* Got some new African Cichlids for that tank I keep at the office. I previously set this up as an all male Mbuna tank. This time around I visited the local fish store and picked up some good looking, colorful fish! I honestly dont even know if they are all mbunas (but I think most of them are). They're definitely not all males this time around and the guy at the LFS is of the impression that ALL cichlids of this size are "female" and suggested I buy a "pair" of each type that I wanted which he claims should result in 1 of each pair turning into a male and the other remaining a female. Not sure how accurate that is, but I decided to grab two of each as he suggested . This tank setup was one of the more intricate ones I've ever done. Lots of electric work to make all the float switches work properly for safety to ensure I never overflow the display tank or the sump. Also had to wire everything correctly to ensure the automatic top off system works on its own and wont fail. I'm very happy with how all of that works. Now if I could just take better care of the tank in general! Check out that overflow I bought from www.glassholes.com ! The Best of Rich's Fishes Playlist: https://goo.gl/6KFPPn Unboxing videos!: https://goo.gl/EbV6fq Discus videos: https://goo.gl/iCvB2f German Blue Ram videos: https://goo.gl/JI5Ce3 Fish Room Updates: https://goo.gl/agxkzY Fish Room Projects: https://goo.gl/1Js1eL ******************************************************************** Follow Rich's Fishes! Instagram: https://instagram.com/richsfishes/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/richsfishes Facebook: https://facebook.com/richsfishes ******************************************************************** _ WANT TO USE SOME OF THE THINGS I DO? THEN CHECK THESE AMAZON AFFILIATE LINKS OUT AND I MIGHT EARN A FEW PENNIES! Are you an Amazon Prime member? I am and its awesome if you buy things from Amazon often. Click this link here and you can try Prime FOR FREE!!: https://goo.gl/kgE9Tr *API Test Kits* -Freshwater Master Test Kit: https://goo.gl/ZLDlDm -Ammonia Test Kit: https://goo.gl/Bw6qlz -Nitrate Test Kit: https://goo.gl/998n9C -Nitrite Test Kit: https://goo.gl/0JZtxp -GH and KH Test Kit: https://goo.gl/UAzNAE -5 in 1 test strips: https://goo.gl/K6gJZI *Tetra 6 in 1 test strips: https://goo.gl/8yilMX *Water bed filler ("python"): https://goo.gl/A9CcB4 *AquaClear HOB Filters*: -AQ 20: https://goo.gl/aOW88c -AQ 30: https://goo.gl/Z5N1eM -AQ 50: https://goo.gl/By0bUr -AQ 70: https://goo.gl/ROzmTg -AQ110: https://goo.gl/MddKml *Bio Mechanical Sponge Filters*: -2" mini sponge: https://goo.gl/S4K00O -4 1/2": https://goo.gl/AZWN5s -Dual Sponge (good for 10 gallon tanks) :https://goo.gl/Go7wtK -corner sponge: https://goo.gl/Wg8Kcn *Seachem Safe*: - 8.8 oz: https://goo.gl/IJcJ4q -50 g: https://goo.gl/jHYXNn - 1 Kilo: https://goo.gl/MrMnLs -4 kg: https://goo.gl/dT9gHp *Measuring Spoons for Safe: -Smidge, Pinch, Dash etc: https://goo.gl/Rbxaqb *Seachem Prime*: -500 ml: https://goo.gl/w7cES0 *Sun Sun Canister Filters* -Sun Sun 302 (264 GPH): https://goo.gl/o7s3Jm -Sun Sun 303B (370 GPH): https://goo.gl/DBOVSn -Sun Sun 304B (525 GPH and 9w UV sterilizer) https://goo.gl/YiKBa1
10. comment for 12 days of Fishmas
fake castle at the corner is something i would do for the heck of it though