125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K

125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K Store - http://www.PurelyAquatic.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/j03yyung Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/PurelyAquatic Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Purely-Aquatic-554503064710922/?ref=hl Saltwater Aquariums - http://bit.ly/1VaRNnC #DiscusFish #PlantedTank #L183

125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K sentiment_very_dissatisfied 12

Discus 8 years ago 11,275 views

125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K Store - http://www.PurelyAquatic.com Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/j03yyung Channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/PurelyAquatic Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Purely-Aquatic-554503064710922/?ref=hl Saltwater Aquariums - http://bit.ly/1VaRNnC #DiscusFish #PlantedTank #L183

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Most popular comments
for 125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K

A.C. Aquatics
A.C. Aquatics - 6 years ago
Very nice video and tank. I really love the new 183 Starlight Plecos. We've talked further about breeding the 183s and I really hope they breed for you. Thanks for sharing and as always do what you do if it works for you.
lakai2305 - 6 years ago
Can someone tell me if i have l183? ... i just bought 3 ancistrus dolichopterus at least they sold em like that and they have nearly white marks on top and bottom of their tail fins... they are quiet small still maybe 1 inch at max and not very black more like a really dark brown way darker then you may see on other ancistrus... i wonder if its l183 cuz of the white parts on the tail fins will they become more black?

edit: i just spectaded the smallest one exactly and i have to say hes the blackest of em all pretty much no brown in there
Random Girl
Random Girl - 7 years ago
How long is he? :) I got a baby one and its only 3,5cms long.
lakai2305 - 6 years ago
I think i may have gotten 3 of the l183 too but can u maybe tell me my biggest one is also like yours maybe but they are still a little brown but a really dark brown ... the smallest one is nearly pitch black and they have white marks on the tail is it l183? they sold em as ancistrus dolichopterus
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 7 years ago
I do miss the Roselines. Maybe one day I'll keep them again.
Nilüfer Gercek
Nilüfer Gercek - 7 years ago
you need wood in your tank for the pleco
TLC BULLIES - 7 years ago
Do U still have l183 for sell email me at rickyv@mail.fresnostate.edu
Joey Cutajar
Joey Cutajar - 8 years ago
hi how you do the acclimisation of pleco ? when i drop royal and starlight pleco they keep on dying
Joey Cutajar
Joey Cutajar - 8 years ago
no bought them small from a fish shop they exported from other country cause we don have rivers and swamps here the only one that is like 2 months still alive is common and yellow spotted pleco till now cause i am afraid that i wake up 2morow and will find themm death
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Temp is fine for these plecos. Are these wild or tank raise ?
Joey Cutajar
Joey Cutajar - 8 years ago
right now the temperature is 86 cause got some angelfish with white spots
Joey Cutajar
Joey Cutajar - 8 years ago
well i have live plant and the artificial rocks have hols so they can go inside and got stripped raphael catfish and african featherfin catfish. they are in a 4f tank but this summer i have in mind a 7ft tank. dont have driftwood in it.and rain water from my roof.got some angelfish too
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
I use the drop and pop method. Actually these adult starlight didn't make it for me due to the fact I didn't adjust them to high CO2 conditions. My current starlights plecos are doing very well in non CO2 conditions. What kind of setup do you have for your plecos?
Kaempfer M
Kaempfer M - 8 years ago
Those are beautiful discus.
Adam Parker
Adam Parker - 8 years ago
How do you keep your yellow discus yellow? I stopped red foods but yours look amazing
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
When I still had the yellow diamond, I just fed it Cobalt discus Flakes and dried black worms from time to time.

10. comment for 125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K

YÜKSEL AKSU - 8 years ago
What is the name of this plant ?
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+YÜKSEL AKSU Which one?
Prathamesh Bhalerao
Prathamesh Bhalerao - 8 years ago
tiger barb will generally harm discus?
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Prathamesh Bhalerao It depends. I had 4 at one point with no issues. Of course my Discus were x10 larger than the Barbs.
mcartus - 8 years ago
could i put the l183 in a 30 gallon?
mcartus - 8 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums thank you so much I real love this fish and every website says something different but I finally have a answer thanks to you
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+mcartus Yup you can. It only grows to ~5-6"
Antonio de Luca
Antonio de Luca - 8 years ago
Ammonia spikes cause this behavior. I actually caught a jumper early this week.
DMAN D - 8 years ago
What a cool thing to have on a filter,so easy and you don't have to mess up your scape!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+DMAN D I love that feature on the FX5/6. It saves so much time on the water changes.
DMAN D - 8 years ago
Awww poor Discus.My cat has pulled out a few fish in my tanks!
coolwater411 - 8 years ago
I thought green tiger barb was aggregated
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 8 years ago
Looking good! Do you know what strain the big one with the grey face and orange body is? I have one very similar would like to know what it is
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 8 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums Thanks! I was thinking that's what it was. Now I know what I have
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
Ah, you said orange.. and I was like I don't have any orange ones. lol. That one is a San Merah
T Holz Aquariums
T Holz Aquariums - 8 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums Thanks for the reply but I was asking about the large one with the grey face and reddish body. He looks a lot like one I have.
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+T Holz The yellow one is Golden Diamond.
Royal Crab
Royal Crab - 8 years ago
Nice robust Roseline Sharks (aka Denison's Barb, Sahyadria denisonii)! You know, if they're not past their prime you could always send them to me so I could try to breed them when I get my river manifold set up :-P Lol, just kidding unless you really wanted to. It'd be more rewarding to buy them at a small size and watch them gradually grow in though IMO if I had the money and time to wait for them to grow in until they got to breeding size

Do plan to get back into YouTubing, btw. Lots planned, but didn't have a means to film until recently and now finals are first week of May. Def expect an update vid on my channel!
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Jacob “GreenGo” Green I've had these barbs for about 2 years now. They've grown a lot since than. Its definitely more rewarding to raise them from a small size. But if I ever do plan on selling them, I'll let you know.
Michael Eugenio
Michael Eugenio - 8 years ago
Got to love easy water changes .

20. comment for 125 Gallon | Planted Discus Tank | 2016 April | L183 Starlight Pleco 4K

DebTim A CANADIAN Girl - 8 years ago
Great video.. awesome tank Joey!
So Soo
So Soo - 8 years ago
Clam fins.
The discus don't look healthy.
Some looks alright but not All.
Eating well isn't really a sign to prove that they are healthy.
Add medicine or salt and do at least 2 water change a week especially a planted tank.
cowboysBrent - 8 years ago
is it safe the tap water with water conditioner to do the water change? Or strictly RO water?
cowboysBrent - 8 years ago
+j03yYunG Aquariums
thanks for quick response now I have a peace of mind to get a discus
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+cowboysBrent I've used tap water since day one for my Discus tank. Just add prime when you refill it.
J B - 8 years ago
I liked the wabi kusa plug at the end. very tasteful
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+Jef B (808fishkeeper) lol, yeah trying to get the company name out there. :)
coolwater411 - 8 years ago
Green tiger barb?
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 8 years ago
+coolwater411 Yeah, last one. Started with 5 and they got really old and died off.

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