2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank

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2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Discus 11 years ago 26,043 views

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Most popular comments
for 2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank

COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
Thumb up brother great talk excellent information
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
lots of water changes means u have garbage cans always full bubbling away like growing plants 420 ;-)
Spance Man
Spance Man - 8 years ago
bare bottom tanks have aditional sponge filters to replace the gravel etc,,,or a songe on 1 wall of the bare bottom,,easy fix
Sotdot - 10 years ago
How do you keep the PH down?
Olivia Beth
Olivia Beth - 7 years ago
you can buy products called PH-up or PH-down, in powdered or liquid form, I use powdered, its about $10 from petstock (Australia)
DariuSlambert7 - 10 years ago
how many gallons in ur tank?
Travis Kibel
Travis Kibel - 10 years ago
I always hear people say that "if you are a beginner these are not the fish for you". The reality is that anybody can keep Discus. Even people who have 30-40 years experience with them had to start somewhere. The first time aquarium owner can keep them as long as they do some serious research and fully understand what exactly it takes to keep them. People try to put a scare into people with Discus and I am not sure why. One of the biggest fish stores in the United States has a display tank that has about 13-6 to 7 inch Discus in a planted 120 gallon aquarium with a sump and the guy has done 10-12 water changes in 6 year's. He is averaging something like 2 water changes a year. He has some of the most beautiful Discus I have seen. His set-up allows for that. As long as your water is testing out right, you are fine. Many people, even those that have experience with Discus, simply have poor setups (usually for lack of money) and a basic general knowledge of everything regarding aquariums rather than an advanced set-up with an advanced knowledge of everything regarding aquariums. I can't tell you how many so called experts miss on things such as plumbing alone. If you study everything, you can get an advanced knowledge of everything before you have even bought your first tank.
muddyriverdogz - 6 years ago
I had discus in a 60 gallon tank with plants and substrate. Rarely did water changes they did fine along with the cardinal tetras.
Mark Roe
Mark Roe - 8 years ago
Some people with a lack of experience often make the mistake of buying a singular discus or feed it too little food. I've found that discus can be very hard to please at feeding time too which may stretch the patience of a beginner. So there are reasons why beginners should not race to go and buy a discus.
eric lasalle
eric lasalle - 10 years ago
weird question  but  i got a 10 gallon fry tank and do 30% WC everyday  but i have a 55 gallon tank ,and  i have 1- 55G filter and a 1- 75G uv sterilizer in it i use a hose to pump water from the main tank to the smaller one , so long story short is this fine > ? all bare bottom tanks btw 
Rafi Ahmed
Rafi Ahmed - 10 years ago
Awesome video ..
What kind of plants did you use in there ?
Ni quito Ni pongo
Ni quito Ni pongo - 10 years ago
You had 5 blue discus left right? 2 more died? Well hopefully the 3 you have left won't fight, I heard or read somewhere that usually fights or bullying happens.
Anyway as usual great video, very informative and to the point.

10. comment for 2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank

fewferfev - 11 years ago
I love your videos.:)  Just want to warn that bristlenoses love to attach themselves to slimy sides of discus.  They should not be kept in Discus tanks at all. 
AbstractXD - 10 years ago
+fewferfev Age has nothing to do with intelligence or wisdom. It's honestly cringe worthy how people have the audacity to give criticism but freak out when they're given a counter statement. 

Honestly, I don't know anything about the two of you but it's clear who's more mature. pls learn the internet ur KILLIN me bud
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
+fewferfev sorry for the late comment i fell asleep after my last as i thought you where done ranting. Anyways if you have proof of a well fed BN Pleco actually sucking on a discus then i will gladly take back my accusations. I am the most not ignorant man you will find. i work off of data and as it seems you cant produce nothing except by word of mouth its literally means nothing to me. i feel like you are one of those people contempt with following the words written on a book thousands of years ago. 
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
+fewferfev if you say a statement like "They should not be kept in Discus tanks at all. " and you have no basis from which you are reffereing to and have zero evidence then you need to follow it up by "in my opinion" if you are actually older than me im sorry to inform you, you had a poor education. BTW im 6,4". go crawl back under your rock where you belong. 
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
+fewferfev now you are saying plecos in general, there are over 500+ species of plecos. BN plecos are the most passive and usually do not have this behavior. Why does a pleco do this in the first place? well its not because of taste, the slime coat on a discus is very rich in nutrients and this is why their fry will eat off of them. any algae eater that is malnourished will seek out larger fish to eat their slime coat. It is actually safer to have a large 8in+ pleco with smaller discus as even if they are being malnourished they wont see the small discus as a potential meal, they will just live a less than optimal life (stunted growth, decreased life span). Im being rude because you spew out garbage without looking up any info you just agree with what any person says in a video on youtube.
Marcos Vazquez
Marcos Vazquez - 10 years ago
All algae scrapper fish will show this behavior unless you feed them a proper diet like algae tabs, cucumber, along with the scraps your fish leave behind. The bristle-nose pleco are probably the least likely to attach themselves making them a popular addition to discus tanks along with flying fox, siamese algae eaters. Do some research b4 you let diarrhea run out of your mouth people like you are why every1 hates sharks.
Ryan Rootes
Ryan Rootes - 11 years ago
50-80% water changes daily? lol i think not.
alien13ufo - 11 years ago
Any chance we can get a discus tank update soon?
BaggioItal - 11 years ago
Great job on your videos.  You have a lot of great info to share.  Thank You!
ahmad izuan
ahmad izuan - 11 years ago
i have a bare bottom tank with plants too, just use tupperware or any other small container as pots, add gravel in them small containers and plant. place them on the bare tank, you get to have the best of both method.
Alma Castro
Alma Castro - 10 years ago
good idea
Homer Disk 0123
Homer Disk 0123 - 11 years ago

Pleasantly presentable full of information video you have here.  
Carl Busby
Carl Busby - 11 years ago
do u ship any of ur plant clippings?
Michael Kvidahl
Michael Kvidahl - 11 years ago
Any updates on the java moss mats?! How are they doing?
James Conrey
James Conrey - 11 years ago
nice vid man
TM Aquatics
TM Aquatics - 11 years ago
A good alternative to traditional substrate is to simply use sand.  It does not allow the waste and excess food to get trapped and foul the water.  Easy to clean and the discus can still find leftover food and pick at it.  Still not as clean as a bare bottom though.  Thanks for the update. 

20. comment for 2. Discus Bare Bottom Tank

NEWSEVERYWHERE - 11 years ago
Good vid
Harlem Bad Dunkers
Harlem Bad Dunkers - 11 years ago
How are you finding the aggression split between the fish, only having 3? I've read that having too few can cause one to victimised too much and get overly stressed
Andys Aquatics Inkbull
Andys Aquatics Inkbull - 11 years ago
sure look like the discus blew up nice keep em going at that rate and youll have dinner plates soon enough 

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