2006 discus fish breeding part 2

Best recommand not touching the fish too much, think my video lead ppl to touch there fish like touching a dog or cat, that's something we shouldn't do. It will harm the fish, cos it will remove some of the protection skim on the fish body. This pair of discuss has 3 attempts with all eggs eaten up, 1 times with few fry coming out but still eaten up at the end. this video is their 5th attempt. some things that I think it may help: - young pairs are less experienced, sometimes looks like they are not in harmony after laying eggs or frightened, then they eat up all eggs, if your pair only has 1 or 2 attempts, you can looking forward to their next attempt. - water change. I keep a 80% water change everyday when they are in a small 2 feet tank. (water is coming from the top-roof water reserve, which is kept for sometime, and singapore tap water is quite soft). but after they lay eggs, i keep 20% water change everyday. - I put 7 disuss with a clearer fish in the small 2 feet tank, with only on-top filters, not decorations at all(during the time I just moved to my new flat) tank is small but really clean. after the 2 lay eggs, I only remove the sucker fish out and the rest discuss is still in, so the competition is still on in the tank. the pair is still the king. but I remove the rest after the fry came out. just to release the stress level of the pair. - food: I feed them frozen blood worms, washed before feeding and some dry flaker food. they have enough food and looks healthy and strong. - no extra lighting, I put the tank near my rear balcony, there is no direct sun light on the tank, so the fish enjoy the nature day-night cycle. - a heater to keep the temp 28'C at night - some luck ;) My 40+ young discus only has 3 survive now.(1 big male, 2 females) and I am waiting for their 1 attempt...

2006 discus fish breeding part 2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 10

Discus 18 years ago 111,909 views

Best recommand not touching the fish too much, think my video lead ppl to touch there fish like touching a dog or cat, that's something we shouldn't do. It will harm the fish, cos it will remove some of the protection skim on the fish body. This pair of discuss has 3 attempts with all eggs eaten up, 1 times with few fry coming out but still eaten up at the end. this video is their 5th attempt. some things that I think it may help: - young pairs are less experienced, sometimes looks like they are not in harmony after laying eggs or frightened, then they eat up all eggs, if your pair only has 1 or 2 attempts, you can looking forward to their next attempt. - water change. I keep a 80% water change everyday when they are in a small 2 feet tank. (water is coming from the top-roof water reserve, which is kept for sometime, and singapore tap water is quite soft). but after they lay eggs, i keep 20% water change everyday. - I put 7 disuss with a clearer fish in the small 2 feet tank, with only on-top filters, not decorations at all(during the time I just moved to my new flat) tank is small but really clean. after the 2 lay eggs, I only remove the sucker fish out and the rest discuss is still in, so the competition is still on in the tank. the pair is still the king. but I remove the rest after the fry came out. just to release the stress level of the pair. - food: I feed them frozen blood worms, washed before feeding and some dry flaker food. they have enough food and looks healthy and strong. - no extra lighting, I put the tank near my rear balcony, there is no direct sun light on the tank, so the fish enjoy the nature day-night cycle. - a heater to keep the temp 28'C at night - some luck ;) My 40+ young discus only has 3 survive now.(1 big male, 2 females) and I am waiting for their 1 attempt...

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Most popular comments
for 2006 discus fish breeding part 2

Ryan Johnston
Ryan Johnston - 14 years ago
to tell how to know feamle and male is that males have long and slim in the inside anal fin and female has wide anal fin if use all want to get a pair take the information and stick 1 male in a tank with 2 females worked for me
Ryan Johnston
Ryan Johnston - 14 years ago
to tell how to know feamle and male is that males have long and slim in the inside anal fin and female has wide anal fin if use all want to get a pair take the information and stick 1 male in a tank with 2 females worked for me
Soulmixx - 14 years ago
How old are the babies in this picture?
meowey55 - 15 years ago
when you breed them are they like angel fish?
KBH1976BOY - 15 years ago
Those fish a way nice :)
CasterTroy2004 - 17 years ago
Tonyxq2006, hat off to you my friend. I am a very exper. Fish hobbiest and have bred and cared for some of the hardest fish there are in freshwater. I have yet to tackle discus(mostly havent had the time since Ive been on deployment) But to be able to "pet" a breeding pair watching over thier fry is a true feat. Especially a fish as easy to stress out as a Discus. I enjoyed your video very much.
Marcello Branca
Marcello Branca - 17 years ago
woooow what are these wild tefe discus or what???? thy look like wild to me ;)
aqua mono
aqua mono - 17 years ago
i advised you to jump from rawche rock
Josh McCullough
Josh McCullough - 17 years ago
Discus need to be kept in groups of 6. 10 gallons per fish. This is a particular fish - you should have researched before buying!

10. comment for 2006 discus fish breeding part 2

Dàve Guerrero
Dàve Guerrero - 17 years ago
so cool. i have two and i'm waiting for...
Peter Suk Sin Chan
Peter Suk Sin Chan - 17 years ago
love it
Dannie Jensen
Dannie Jensen - 17 years ago
NO! No soap!!! For the love of gaaaaawd NO SOAP!! ;) Seriously though, no soap ... absolutely none. There can be no soap. Just rinse your hands in warm water before you stick them in the water. Another great tip with discus is to taste their water. If you can't drink it, change it ... immediately.
Dannie Jensen
Dannie Jensen - 17 years ago
Looks interesting, how is it working out? With the goldfish I mean :) Anyways, just wanted to say that I've had two fairly large suckerfish in my display tank for a week now and it seems to be working out fine and I've got a wonderfully clean tank :)
Dannie Jensen
Dannie Jensen - 17 years ago
That was amazing. What a parent! I notice you have a suckermouthed cleaner-fish in you tank, I was told this is a definite no-no? What species is it, will any of the same type, but darker in color, suffice and be accepted?
Fishfreedom 888
Fishfreedom 888 - 18 years ago
After seeing your discus, I will have another of my tank with this breed.
angelfishlover - 18 years ago
wow i'm interested in breeding discus too.Oh ya ur discus fry develop into so many colours???
suzannelove - 18 years ago
lol so cute they are ganging up on the poor fish
myworksuckz - 18 years ago
if i do that to my discus,,my baby discus is gone by tmrw
nicjas - 18 years ago
wow! i can´t belive they let u touch them, i wish i could do that with my discus they are prety shy...

20. comment for 2006 discus fish breeding part 2

Urso Raivoso
Urso Raivoso - 18 years ago
have you succesfully breeded this fish? we've managed to breed Angel Fish, guppy, Betta, gold fish, but not this one, so any pointers on where to start will be appreciated, btw your tank has the style i'm planning for my 200 L new tank, thanx for sharing this video.

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