240 Gallon Planted Discus Tank January 2016 part 1
Discus 8 years ago 4,472 views
My tank is 2 years old in this video. Blue Turquoise discus have spawned in the corner. They have spawned several times already but other fish always eat them as soon as the fry are free swimming. I also have a blackbeard algae infestation on many of the anubias plants which I've tried to remedy with H2O2, but the best remedy was buying Siamese algae eaters. Related Videos: Building my 240 Gallon Fish Tank - https://youtu.be/px-AIHdy4vs
GE, Cree?
Are they mixed types & mixed kelvin & wattages or all identical?
I had to get the GU10 to E26 socket adapter:
My basement has 8 foot ceilings, but right above my tank is the house ventilation ducts which hangs about a foot from the ceiling.
Add another foot of the gooseneck plus 6 inches for the bulb and we are down to 5.5 ft at the base of the lights.
The stand is 3 ft tall and the tank is 2 feet high which leaves a 6 inch gap between the top of the tank and light bulbs....no illusion, just math...haha.
I guess you can add a canopy-like box and attach to your ceiling...or use longer pendants instead of the gooseneck.
Are you using GU10 bulbs or standard bulbs?
Question- the Goose necks state they are 12" long.
Your lights come down to just a few inches of your tank, how high is your tank off the ground or how low is your ceiling height to make this work?
Is this an optical illusion? Lol
Track: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Commercial-Electric-8-ft-White-Linear-Track-Lighting-Section-EC751WH/204958304
Gooseneck Pendant: http://www.homedepot.com/p/Hampton-Bay-Gooseneck-White-Linear-Track-Lighting-EC1150WH/100117483
Could you provide a link where I can buy the same track lighting- couldn't find it anywhere online.
You may like to try these new bulbs put out by GE called "Bright Stik" they're LED, 5000k at 100 watt equivalent.
Coolest thing is you pull off or cut the plastic covering & expose the 25 LED in each bulb directly & each bulb is rated for 1520 lumens triples to 3000 lumens each when you remove plastic tips, and best of all it has a similar effect that the $350 Kessil lights give off- your tank would looks awesome.
GE bulbs sell 2 bulbs per package for $14.00
Better than $350+ for one Kessil, right?
My most recent setup has all 5000K color mostly because it look brighter...the plants are doing fine with with it.