3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

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3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration sentiment_very_dissatisfied 28

Discus 11 years ago 36,345 views

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Most popular comments
for 3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

COOPER'S CICHILDS - 7 years ago
Excel lent video
Gains - 7 years ago
Cloud9 are you still alive?
Susan Smo
Susan Smo - 7 years ago
don't give them places to hide and they won't. They don't need it.
kriangkrai rattanabat
kriangkrai rattanabat - 9 years ago
Are You Love your Betta ? You come to 2bymall in Ebay Store.
Mushy   IN The Middle
Mushy IN The Middle - 9 years ago
Thanks for helping me not having discus
Billy Zwiener
Billy Zwiener - 9 years ago
You mention that NOT to do this with buckets. I agree but I also would like to know how do you stage the water for putting INTO the tank? Clearly they sell a drain kit you can run from a siphon to your sinks plumbing for taking OUT... that's easy ;) , it's replacing 50 gallons of aquarium ready water that I'm brainstorming. Im interested in your technique. Please let me know how you do water prep. Thanks!
David Gritzuk
David Gritzuk - 9 years ago
Just a reminder. Discus are prone to air diseases. For instance. If you have a sickness in another tank in the same household. Your Discus can get that disease.
yoobetta recognize
yoobetta recognize - 9 years ago
Oh my gawd. The way they are hiding Is So Cute. I'm new to fish and am just realizing how adorable they act.
Luke's African Cichlids And Discus
Luke's African Cichlids And Discus - 9 years ago
Why r ur discus so stressed?

10. comment for 3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

JR Patilan Gaming
JR Patilan Gaming - 10 years ago
bro water in asia is different on city water and fish farm area
most breeders has aged or stored water
Moonlit Tanks
Moonlit Tanks - 10 years ago
Do you skateboard? For some reason I feel like you do.
Aquarium Fanatic
Aquarium Fanatic - 10 years ago
Actually red is natures warning system.
NoMoneyLife - 10 years ago
good vid man , and i enjoy doing water changes with buckets , mainly because i age them and let my chemicals mix for awhile , one day i may upgrade to a larger container to age the water and a pump , but i dont like the idea of the aqueon water changer lol
Naths Aquatics
Naths Aquatics - 10 years ago
Hi do u use liquid water condtioner?
Cosa Buena
Cosa Buena - 10 years ago
Bro. I'm not a plant guy. So which plants can thrive on bare bottom?? I'm assuming are non rooted plants. Any suggestions?
Umar Nasir
Umar Nasir - 10 years ago
Evan, can we get some updates on your tanks man? It's been quite a while since your last upload and I can't get enough of your videos. You and Dustin got me into planted tanks and I definitely want to see how the discus are doing
Andrew Salinas
Andrew Salinas - 10 years ago
nice video, i want to keep discus in my 55g, but my tap water ph is around 7.6 - 7.8 so what can i do for the frequent water changes? please respond.
john hoogs
john hoogs - 11 years ago
I have a 55 gal fresh water tank with 6 full sizes silver dollars, 4 medium sized angels 4 algae eaters, 2 African cat fish .
I run 2, 110 aqua clear ,filters Should I use both with carbon?
I change 10 gallons every week. 
George Glaros
George Glaros - 11 years ago
Just wanted to start off by saying that you are awesome and your videos are very informative! Also, while I was watching your guppy breeding video there was a suggested video on aquaponics. If you haven't heard of it you should check it out. I remembr you saying that you like the plants just as much as the fish. I am the same way. It's really cool how it all works and the best thing is you never have to change the water! The plants filter out the water so well that there's no mercury in the fish. They are even safe to eat! You should totally check it out and get a video up about it so all your followers can learn about this awesome addition to fish tanks. Simple to make. I'm just waiting on delivery to start mine!

20. comment for 3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

Justin Andracsek
Justin Andracsek - 11 years ago
Do you have an email or a number I could contact you at and talk to you about some tank questions I have
j03yYunG Aquariums
j03yYunG Aquariums - 11 years ago
Good info.
Bao Nguyen
Bao Nguyen - 11 years ago
i dont believe you need 75% water changes. 30% changes weekly or every 3 days is fine. your water bill is prob pretty high lol just something a breeder told me and he never had a fish died
MeatRocket99 - 11 years ago
Changing that much water week after week is a pain in the butt, this is why i won't keep Discus..
Amber Courtney
Amber Courtney - 11 years ago
Very informative! Thanks for sharing your information with us. I'm always wanting to learn more about the hobby, and discus keeping. :)
Ricardo Chavez
Ricardo Chavez - 11 years ago
Tytus Young
Tytus Young - 11 years ago
How many gallons are you filtering a hour
cloud9aquariums - 11 years ago
The combination of both HOB filters, probably 500. Something completely unnecessary. But I like the extra for aeration when you're running a tank so warm 
madcypress L.L.
madcypress L.L. - 11 years ago
Great video ;)
Barrier Island Aquatics
Barrier Island Aquatics - 11 years ago
even great video and amazing  channel don't own any discus but im interested and im like a intermediate could u dirt your 90 gallon please or make a update that would be sick but either way keep it up
Barrier Island Aquatics
Barrier Island Aquatics - 11 years ago
cool stuff man best of luck
cloud9aquariums - 11 years ago
In three weeks im going to be moving. Once i'm in the new home im going to be making a dirted show tank!
Ttoeknee01 - 11 years ago
Hey bro great video keep up the good work.

30. comment for 3. Discus Water Quality and Filtration

alfanathan1 - 11 years ago
No offence buddy but you are very misinformed about discus,If you are ever in Australia Sydney area give me a shout out you seem like an alright guy  I will show you how me and other breeders around here raise their discus to jumbo sizes.Discus are one of the easiest fish to keep all the talk about discus are difficult and hard to raise is only to drive up prices 
Lachlan Ross
Lachlan Ross - 7 years ago
alfanathan1 hey I’m from Sydney Australia and I really want to start breeding discus maybe we can meet up and talk one day
Hendi Lim
Hendi Lim - 8 years ago
my dad used to breed discus 20 years ago back in indonesia. after a few years, he got too busy and the fish got neglected. well, my dad never really followed any rule when breeding discus. they just happened to like the acidic water in our house and started breed like crazy. sometimes the tank got so dirty, i couldn't see the discus inside. then, my dad would clean the tank and the fish were still healthy and eating as much as ever. so, i have seen discus thrived in very poor water conditions. i don't know why experts say discus is hard to raise. i think fish can adapt and that's including discus.
Ask Me
Ask Me - 9 years ago
+alfanathan1 I have kept discus for years. I do a 50% water change once every two weeks and my discus get full size. I also use hang over the back filters. Discus not liking current is simply not true. I think the biggest thing with discus is to have them in with the right other fish or alone and make sure they have enough space. I'd say at least 15 gallons per fish and a 55 gallon minimum if you are going to keep a small group. I have kept a single discus in my 30 hex by himself successfully with some tertras, cories and a flying fox. Hex is also planted. That discus is about 6 inches long. Was grown out in my 75 gallon. He was a huge bully so I had to give him his own space.
alfanathan1 - 11 years ago
+Andrea Giuffrida I'll make a detailed video on that  but here are some things you can try live food for 3 to 4 days 3 to 4 times a day ,50% water change every day with cooler water one thing you have too much water flow your eggs are not going to get fertilized I breed discus in 7.3 PH so don't worry about adjusting just keep it stable
Andrea Giuffrida
Andrea Giuffrida - 11 years ago
+alfanathan1 Hey alfanathan, Im from Sydney Australia and I got a red turq discus pair. Man I was just wondering, my discus have been cleaning a spawning site for 2 weeks now. I'm trying to keep the ph around 6.5 (goes up and down to 6.9 and down to 6.3 when I do WC's), I use RO water, and daily WC of about 15%... in a 4x2ft tank. My nitrates are about 30ppm(used to be 60). Im just wondering how do you get them to lay eggs? I got a planted sump and a pump turning water over about 10 times an hour (4000L)...
cloud9aquariums - 11 years ago
This is why I chose to get mine from local breeders. I know the parent fish and the genetic history. And while your recommendations will keep them alive, this will not remove the hormones from the water which means mine will never reach their potential size. Once they are fully grown I will treat their tank like any other planted tank I run. But until then I will follow suit with my breeders as it seems to work great for them and I trust their knowledge and experience. 
alfanathan1 - 11 years ago
+cloud9aquariums The problems with discus are all to do with inbreeding there immune system is not all there weak sickly more prone to disease for breeders pet shop owners this is a good thing they get repeat customers that's why wild discus are more sort after and with a big price tag Asians do 99% daily water changes because it is cheaper than  running a filter system,   with your setup I would just siphon out daily poop and food and top up water only if you have a good bio filter and your parameters stay in check no need for 80% daily                                                                                               
cloud9aquariums - 11 years ago
I'd love to come visit and see how you guys do it down under! I'm following suit with what my local breeders are doing and they have nothing but success. As I've stated, this is my first time with discus and I'm still on a learning curve especially with the fact that i've been raising them from quarter size. Any and all help is immensely appreciated!
Ember Shannon
Ember Shannon - 11 years ago
you are like the smartest fish person ever i got a 55 tropical freshwater and 2 10 gallons and a 5 gallon betta tank one of my 10 gallons have 100 baby 2-12 day old baby guppies pure blood yellow cobra
Dan Barlow
Dan Barlow - 11 years ago
Awesome man, learn something new every day. Looking forward to updates.

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