300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank

The song is: The Gold Lining - Broke For Free I take no credit for the song, all credit belongs to The Gold Lining Just a video of my 300

300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank sentiment_very_dissatisfied 15

Discus 9 years ago 43,518 views

The song is: The Gold Lining - Broke For Free I take no credit for the song, all credit belongs to The Gold Lining Just a video of my 300

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Most popular comments
for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank

vhdvhd12 - 7 years ago
but let me answer a lot questions real quick.

- No the Arowana never ate any of my fish (or at least while I was around, but I never had any fish populations drastically decrease)
- The Arowana was fed crickets and any bugs I could find in my backyard
- I kept the crickets above the tank so the Arowana was kind of constantly teased by them
- I raised the arowana from when IT was 4 inches long
- The Arowana never messed with the Discus
- The tank no longer looks like this, it went under a huge overhaul recently

To those of you who think Arowanas are vicious killers and eat only feeders, sometimes that is true, but those Arowanas are fed on ONLY feeders and are usually kept with other aggressive fish. And yes you can possibly get a naturally aggressive Arowana, I got lucky. You will also notice that my fish are horrible schoolers. This is due to that fish school pretty much because they are terrified. The schooling is an adaption, a solidarity act even, to ward of predators and such. Nearly none of my fish were schooling, showing that they were indeed comfortable in the tank and near the Arowana.
D A - 7 years ago
We’re the video at
Something Fishy Juno
Something Fishy Juno - 7 years ago
vhdvhd12 awesome. I'm planning this on my tank as well.
Taahirify - 7 years ago
D A i just posted a video about my tank. ^_^ check it out if you want
D A - 7 years ago
Make the video please
Taahirify - 7 years ago
Tank dimensions please. Im planning to get a 3inch baby silver arowana and put it in my planted community, do you think he will eat the small fish in the next year before I move him?
Liau Pin Hou
Liau Pin Hou - 7 years ago
What will happen if I put a betta in the tank??
Rohit Saf
Rohit Saf - 7 years ago
Awesome . What amazes me most how arowana is kept with neons. Really you changed the thinking. Waiting for updates
Slow Runner
Slow Runner - 7 years ago
I have a Jack Dempsey with my discus, neon tetras, swordtails. She completely leaves everyone alone. Good girl
Ricist - 7 years ago
Majestic, Risky, but I'll have to give it a try.
Random Facts
Random Facts - 7 years ago
I love the idea
D A - 7 years ago
Ben Hodges
Ben Hodges - 7 years ago
very strange tank mates but hey if it works it works good job man beautiful tank
Kaltrina Demiri
Kaltrina Demiri - 8 years ago
Wow very interesting tank can u do an updated video

10. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank

Jam-Art .Music
Jam-Art .Music - 8 years ago
Really great. Shows how proper natural set up allows the animals to not act like dogs kept on short leases.
dudelobe - 8 years ago
vegiterian arowana
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
I love it, I'm still wondering how the arowana's not eating the tetras and what your going to do when the fish grows?
S Mdykrazy
S Mdykrazy - 8 years ago
how do you keep your arowana from ratting ur fish? lol..but beautiful setup
finalout99 - 8 years ago
Very, very nice tank man. I can't begin to imagine the labor of love you put into this. Beautiful tank.
zFitness_ - 8 years ago
so many feeder fish
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 7 years ago
+Angel M. Yea I know, but I just said what type of fish are used as feeder fish, thanks​ anyway
Angel M.
Angel M. - 7 years ago
For the Arowana all those small fishes, are feeder fish. That is what he/she meant.
Angel Carreño
Angel Carreño - 8 years ago
zFitness_ those are tetras, feeder fish are minnows and goldfish
Mr Shrimp
Mr Shrimp - 8 years ago
arowana and rummy noses and neons ?????????? How ???
James King
James King - 8 years ago
Small fish as a last resort or just a snack. Little fish better not feed at the top where the arowana hunts insects.
Lunar - 8 years ago
Sr Multigames Arowana are actually insect eaters. they eat smaller fish only as a last resort
Marty Lynchian
Marty Lynchian - 8 years ago
WTF, how do you keep the Arowana from eating all those small fish? Also, did you make that Aquarium yourself. ????????
ArowanaMan85 A
ArowanaMan85 A - 8 years ago
lots of hiding places, and kept well fed, kept lots of small fish with my last silver, was 2-3x bigger than the one in this video. Recently lost the silver, but still have all the smaller fish. Only fish my silver ever ate, was the other arowana he out grew :(
James King
James King - 8 years ago
monckey wrench
monckey wrench - 8 years ago
i think the one did this knows about aquaphonics..i saw a video on how they do these aquariums,, they put some chemicals in it and the result is zero algae,,watch james findleys' work. dunno know bout these stuffs but damn! they're good!!!
James King
James King - 8 years ago
The smaller fish I suspect were just more expensive fish food for the Arowana eventually. It is a very well video done video with little reflection. How would this tank look in one year, 3 years, or 10 years. This is a different sort of community aquarium from what I do. It is beautiful... however artificial its creation was.
- - 8 years ago
That is one tank done right.
Enough space and enough large plants for the smaller fish to hide in.
Finally someone who understands the species he's keeping.
big boy 626xl
big boy 626xl - 8 years ago
that's a amazing set up and community I cold look at this all day VERY relaxing

20. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank

Edgar Vale
Edgar Vale - 8 years ago
Awesome tank!
Baryonx 97
Baryonx 97 - 8 years ago
amazinggg!!! Your tank is #Goals!!!! Like, Srsly! you should add a nice group of angels to complete this wonderful Amazonian River scene! You must tell me how you keep the arowana from eating the little ones!
cool dude 1234
cool dude 1234 - 8 years ago
are u freakin serious won't the arowana eat all the tiny fishes
mrajczyk - 8 years ago
how about a list of your plants I see Aponogeton madagascar (sp ?), many crypts, is that red plant a Hygrophila ? How long did all this take ?
Link From hyrule
Link From hyrule - 8 years ago
mrajczyk u mean how long did it TANK HAHAHAHHAHA PUNS!
Sveinn Sigurður
Sveinn Sigurður - 8 years ago
About the Arowana. Notice how its keeping near the surface...constantly scanning the surface, not the other fish. That is because the arowana is a hunter of insects. He´s looking for insects that fell or landed on the water or anyone flying low enough to jump and catch. Arowana´s can eat other fish. But it will only do that , if it has to..
Kingdom1 - 8 years ago
Awesome tank man!! what kind of lighting are you using??
Pierre Antoine Louise Bordeaux
Pierre Antoine Louise Bordeaux - 8 years ago
Wow! Awesome fish tank!
E. K
E. K - 8 years ago
dosen't the arowana eat the smaller fishes?
JR Galore
JR Galore - 8 years ago
How do you feed all of those fish/what do you feed them? Also for the people whose jaws are dropping because of the outstandingness of the and absurd but amazing compatibility. In the wild, Arowanas naturally eat insects and will not bother other fish if the arowana was the last fish introduced, has lived with other fish during its lifetime, has never been fed live fish (nonliving fish foods), and is not hungry meaning it is well fed. Outstanding fish tank, hope I can accomplish that.
Sveinn Sigurður
Sveinn Sigurður - 8 years ago
Keep it well fed in insects and then why should a insect eating fish , trouble other fish?
Fatih Güler
Fatih Güler - 8 years ago
I saw them eating rabbits. Of course they are much bigger but nonetheless.
JR Galore
JR Galore - 8 years ago
but this is still a rare accomplishment.
JR Galore
JR Galore - 8 years ago
+ my jaws were dropping to so I did some research.
Pablo Vial
Pablo Vial - 8 years ago
wow amazing (Y)

30. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank

Dillon Tan
Dillon Tan - 8 years ago
This is my tank goal xD
Dillon Tan
Dillon Tan - 8 years ago
Really need an update on this tank and see if all the small fishes are gone yet
Radino Romualdo
Radino Romualdo - 8 years ago
vegetarian arowana haha nice!
Think Alpha TV
Think Alpha TV - 8 years ago
how the hell in the world did u just do that? amaizing
Subin Chacko
Subin Chacko - 8 years ago
rohitb3 - 8 years ago
Thats one well behaved Arowana :P
eminaz84 - 8 years ago
who the hell would put arowana and tetras in the same tank?! big mistake..
Jay's Aquariums
Jay's Aquariums - 8 years ago
Well they seem fine
eminaz84 - 8 years ago
who the hell would put arowana and tetras in the same tank?! big mistake..
eminaz84 - 8 years ago
who the hell would put arowana and tetras in the same tank?! big mistake..
Joseph Simms
Joseph Simms - 9 years ago
Great tank. Love the way you you give the smaller fish enough hidden space so that they can live with the larger fish like the arrowana in peace.
soham ghosh
soham ghosh - 9 years ago
Take that Arowana out of the tank.
Ravi Raval
Ravi Raval - 9 years ago
just aussum
Scott S
Scott S - 9 years ago
I watched both your tank videos...  Your tanks must be the envy of all freshwater fish keepers.  More please...
Cichlid City
Cichlid City - 9 years ago
Awesome Video! I am soo jealous! I subbed :P
wierdale24 - 9 years ago
my arrowana eats everything in his path
Evan Jonathan
Evan Jonathan - 9 years ago
does not the aro eat fish that fit to its mouth? what do you feed to the aro?
lumpy1space2princess - 8 years ago
Its too small. Once it grows he'll need to move it.

He probably bought it as a baby and raised it.
Aman Goyal
Aman Goyal - 9 years ago
Scott Templin
Scott Templin - 9 years ago
Just beautiful! Any issues with the arowana going after some of the small tank mates?

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