5,275 likes 2,984,365 views 14 years ago
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FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com/DefiniteAquascapeTV PAGE:...
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The "300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank" video is part of the discous aquarium category, which contains similar videos like this one.
but let me answer a lot questions real quick.
- No the Arowana never ate any of my fish (or at least while I was around, but I never had any fish populations drastically decrease)
- The Arowana was fed crickets and any bugs I could find in my backyard
- I kept the crickets above the tank so the Arowana was kind of constantly teased by them
- I raised the arowana from when IT was 4 inches long
- The Arowana never messed with the Discus
- The tank no longer looks like this, it went under a huge overhaul recently
To those of you who think Arowanas are vicious killers and eat only feeders, sometimes that is true, but those Arowanas are fed on ONLY feeders and are usually kept with other aggressive fish. And yes you can possibly get a naturally aggressive Arowana, I got lucky. You will also notice that my fish are horrible schoolers. This is due to that fish school pretty much because they are terrified. The schooling is an adaption, a solidarity act even, to ward of predators and such. Nearly none of my fish were schooling, showing that they were indeed comfortable in the tank and near the Arowana.
10. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank
Enough space and enough large plants for the smaller fish to hide in.
Finally someone who understands the species he's keeping.
20. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank
30. comment for 300 Gallon Planted Discus Arowana Community Tank
He probably bought it as a baby and raised it.