4. Discus Aquarium - Set Up & Info!
Discus 11 years ago 18,648 views
Hey everyone! Coming at you with another video! This time it's a look at my Discus set up! I so realise the intro says about this being my second video (obviously it isn't, but YouTube decided to delete videos and I haven;t uploaded them in the same order). But yeah this is my Discus tank! Hoping to add a shoal of 6 red line torpedo barbs over the next couple of weeks if I've got time! Hope you enjoy! Thanks for watching! Please subscribe! Aquarium stocklist: 7 Various Discus (one breeding pair)(I'll do a detailed video on Discus at a later date) 4 Skunk Corydoras 1 Peppered Corydoras 1 Royal Pleco 2 Adult Bristlenose Pleco (M/F)
Amazing video, And very helpful indeed :)
I want to find a happy medium for Cory's and the discus. Great vids. Thanks