50 Gallon Nature Planted Tank Setup with Seiryu Stone

Welcome to Aquascape TV. This time we will share to you, our 50 Gallon Nature Planted Tank Setup with Seiryu Stone. In this video, we will share to you about step by step to make this beautiful planted tank layout. First, add about 1 centimeter of substrate below the gravel to give long term nutrient storage for the growth of plants. The gravel is distributed with the slope upwards towards the rear wall of the aquarium. This way, you can achieve depth and perspective. Then make a hardscape of rocks, wood or other decoration material of your taste. A nice hardscape creates room and perspective for both fish and plants. The easiest way to plant in the aquarium is at a water level just a few centimeters from the bottom. Large pieces of Seiryu Stone were used in the Aquascape to provide a rocky outcrop view in the tank. These were supported upon polystyrene sheets in order not to stress the glass at the base of the tank. Once these rocks were positioned several pieces of Manzanita Wood were used to run through the cracks in the rock to provide a harmonious balance of rock/wood in nature. Various mosses and Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" were used to disguise the edges where the rock met the wood where the wood had been tied to secure it from floating. Around this, several rocky hill stem plants were used alongside detail plants like hairgrass, crypts and Rotala 'Bonsai' to provide colour and diversity in the aquascape. Pencilfish were used as a shoal in the tank alongside Red Cherry Barbs and Red Cherry shrimp. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy the video. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more aquascape videos. ---------------------------------------------------------- Like and subscribe for more aquascaping videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutNYiw-_WOeW-s2flRQ9mg?sub_confirmation=1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: Aquascape TV, planted tank, aquarium, aquascaping, planted aquarium, aquascape, seiryu stone, tank, nature aquarium, fish, seiryu, planted, hardscape, ada, fish tank, plants, nature, freshwater, aquarium (project focus), rock, eheim, takashi amano, aquatic, iwagumi, anubias -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Easy Moss Wall Aquarium for Beginners | Aquascape TV" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jk5mkzo1Z0 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

50 Gallon Nature Planted Tank Setup with Seiryu Stone sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 7 years ago 948 views

Welcome to Aquascape TV. This time we will share to you, our 50 Gallon Nature Planted Tank Setup with Seiryu Stone. In this video, we will share to you about step by step to make this beautiful planted tank layout. First, add about 1 centimeter of substrate below the gravel to give long term nutrient storage for the growth of plants. The gravel is distributed with the slope upwards towards the rear wall of the aquarium. This way, you can achieve depth and perspective. Then make a hardscape of rocks, wood or other decoration material of your taste. A nice hardscape creates room and perspective for both fish and plants. The easiest way to plant in the aquarium is at a water level just a few centimeters from the bottom. Large pieces of Seiryu Stone were used in the Aquascape to provide a rocky outcrop view in the tank. These were supported upon polystyrene sheets in order not to stress the glass at the base of the tank. Once these rocks were positioned several pieces of Manzanita Wood were used to run through the cracks in the rock to provide a harmonious balance of rock/wood in nature. Various mosses and Hemianthus callitrichoides "Cuba" were used to disguise the edges where the rock met the wood where the wood had been tied to secure it from floating. Around this, several rocky hill stem plants were used alongside detail plants like hairgrass, crypts and Rotala 'Bonsai' to provide colour and diversity in the aquascape. Pencilfish were used as a shoal in the tank alongside Red Cherry Barbs and Red Cherry shrimp. Thanks for watching. Hope you enjoy the video. Don’t forget to like and subscribe for more aquascape videos. ---------------------------------------------------------- Like and subscribe for more aquascaping videos : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutNYiw-_WOeW-s2flRQ9mg?sub_confirmation=1 ---------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: Aquascape TV, planted tank, aquarium, aquascaping, planted aquarium, aquascape, seiryu stone, tank, nature aquarium, fish, seiryu, planted, hardscape, ada, fish tank, plants, nature, freshwater, aquarium (project focus), rock, eheim, takashi amano, aquatic, iwagumi, anubias -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Please watch: "Easy Moss Wall Aquarium for Beginners | Aquascape TV" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jk5mkzo1Z0 -~-~~-~~~-~~-~-

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