55 Gallon Community Fish Tank | Discus | Plants | DIY co2

So i get a lot of questions about my 55 gallon discus community tank and how i manage to keep fish and plants all in an equilibrium. As you can see from the video, there is no algae. This is due to the brilliant plant growth...even though i keep my lights on for 16 hours a day. I feed the discus once a day. A big portion and all the other fish fish off whatever the discus don't eat. If you have never tried DIY co2, then give it a go. It's easy and fast to do and the plants are 10x better than no co2.

55 Gallon Community Fish Tank | Discus | Plants | DIY co2 sentiment_very_dissatisfied 0

Discus 6 years ago 1,607 views

So i get a lot of questions about my 55 gallon discus community tank and how i manage to keep fish and plants all in an equilibrium. As you can see from the video, there is no algae. This is due to the brilliant plant growth...even though i keep my lights on for 16 hours a day. I feed the discus once a day. A big portion and all the other fish fish off whatever the discus don't eat. If you have never tried DIY co2, then give it a go. It's easy and fast to do and the plants are 10x better than no co2.

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Most popular comments
for 55 Gallon Community Fish Tank | Discus | Plants | DIY co2

321 tms
321 tms - 5 years ago
Looks good, but isn't the size of aquarium too small for discus?
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 5 years ago
No not at all. stendker recommends 6 adult discus for a 55...mine are no where near even adults yet.
jazzicloud321 - 6 years ago
This tank is so gorgeous
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Thank you
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Apology accepted
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
+Growing Interest haha
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Yeah thats the one. After seeing that, i did not see the point in spending a ton of money on injectable co2!
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
I also saw that video and did use bottles hanging in the tank initially, then i found i could hide the bottles at the back and just hook the airline to them and hide the bottle behind all the amazing plants i now had growing!
Trenten Bonanno
Trenten Bonanno - 6 years ago
if you could help with some more explanation of the diy co2 i would be so happy. I am wanting to set it up for my tank but am to scared to harm the fish
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
2 litre bottle. airline hose check valve. airline hose goes through the lid of the bottle and is sealed with a glue gun. mix 400ml sugar in some tank water in a jug and pour into the bottle. then mix a sachet of dried instant yeast into some warm tapwater and pour into the sugar water. top up with tankwater to 3/4 full. then attach the lid with the hose, run the hose around the back of the aquarium and into the tank. You can just leave the airline to drip bubbles into the aquarium and this works well on smaller tanks. For bigger tanks, its best to use a cut of bottle of something and let the bubbles feed into the reservoir.

...or you could just buy this kit which is what i did: https://tropica.com/en/plant-care/co2/system-60/

once the gas canister is empty, you can attach your diy system to the tropica reservoir as seen in the video.
Trenten Bonanno
Trenten Bonanno - 6 years ago
What exactly parts I need and supplies and how to set the flow
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
yeah sure. What else would you like to know?
elvisaquarium - 6 years ago
Crazy plant growth. Another Beautiful tank. Discus are stunning and love the aquascape too!
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Thanks again Elvis
Elias Wansch
Elias Wansch - 6 years ago
Can you bring an update about the beta "flame" in the nano tank without filter?
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
That tank was broken down months ago, i gave flame to my brother but have set up the tank again with a new betta. You can see the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJSNk850mDs&t=16s

10. comment for 55 Gallon Community Fish Tank | Discus | Plants | DIY co2

MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
Thanks George
WarSpiritUK - 6 years ago
whats the name of the filter?
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
the canister filter is a Aquamanta EFX 1000 and the internal filter is a Betta Internal 1800.
WarSpiritUK - 6 years ago
gorgeous tank. I never understand how people get crystal clear water like that.... my water is always milky and get steadily worse until next water change day. tried everything, 90% water chages, new filter media, less feeding, less light, phosguard, no clues man.
MD Fish Tanks
MD Fish Tanks - 6 years ago
ok, first of all, 90% is too much imo. 30% per week is more than enough. make sure you layer your filter pads correctly. course to fine, with a thin final fine layer, this gets rid of the merkyness. The plants also clear the water. It can sometimes take a few weeks for the tank to settle and finally get completely clear....it all takes time remember.

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