55 Gallon Community Fish Tank | Discus | Plants | DIY co2
Discus 6 years ago 1,607 views
So i get a lot of questions about my 55 gallon discus community tank and how i manage to keep fish and plants all in an equilibrium. As you can see from the video, there is no algae. This is due to the brilliant plant growth...even though i keep my lights on for 16 hours a day. I feed the discus once a day. A big portion and all the other fish fish off whatever the discus don't eat. If you have never tried DIY co2, then give it a go. It's easy and fast to do and the plants are 10x better than no co2.
...or you could just buy this kit which is what i did: https://tropica.com/en/plant-care/co2/system-60/
once the gas canister is empty, you can attach your diy system to the tropica reservoir as seen in the video.
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