55g Discus Tank
Discus 10 years ago 91,760 views
My Discus Tank: 2x Altum Flora Cross 5.5+", 2x Red Scribbles 5+", 1x Penang Eruption 5.5+" There are 2 breeding pairs in this planted Discus biotope (more or less) display tank that paired up on their own (the two Red Scribbles, Penang Eruption and an Altum Flora Cross). These are Forrest Discus purchased at Canadian Aqua Farm. Tank Specs: 55 gallon (48 X 13 X 20 inches), Fluval G6 filtration system, Fluval E300 heater, Hydor Koralia 240 power head, Current USA RGB Satellite LED Flexible Strip Light 44" + Fluval LED Strip light, Seneye Reef + SWS + Wifi aquarium monitoring system.
10. comment for 55g Discus Tank
Good luck